Alameda County











OTTO RAMKE.  After inspecting various portions of California Otto Ramke decided none offered greater inducements to settlers than Alameda county, hence he established his home in the Livermore valley and has given his attention to the cultivation of his ranch, situated in the town of Livermore.  On coming to the United States and California he was not entirely destitute of means, for his father had given him sufficient funds to defray the expenses of the voyage and give him a start in the new world.  By birth he is of German nationality, and was born near Hamburg April 2, 1846.  On his father’s farm he early learned every detail connected with agriculture, hence became qualified to superintend farm property of his own.  Following the usual German custom, he served in the army, and during that period he saw considerable fighting as a member of the cavalry in the Franco-German war.


The year 1874 found Mr. Ramke in California, where he joined his brother Max in Alameda county.  Seeking a suitable location, he worked on farms in this section of the state and in southern California, also was employed for a year in Colusa county.  No place suited him as well as Alameda county.  Accordingly he returned to this neighborhood and resumed work as a farm hand.  His earnings were carefully hoarded until he had sufficient to aid in purchasing land.  With his brother George he bought two hundred and sixty-six acres at $75 an acre.  The two lacked the necessary money for the purchase, so incurred a debt, but after a time they were able to meet this in its entirety.  In early days wheat was the main crop and their farm was one large wheat field, but later other crops were also raised successfully.  In 1900 Otto purchased his brother’s interest and now owns the entire tract, which is well improved.  To aid in the cultivation of the land he has an adequate assortment of modern machinery.  The property represents years of toil and carefully directed energy, not only on the part of Mr. Ramke, but also that of his wife, who has been his efficient counselor and assistant.


After having accumulated sufficient to justify the establishment of a home, in 1885 Mr. Ramke returned to Germany and there married Miss Mattie Hinreich, a native of Hamburg, and one of his schoolmates during his boyhood days.  Two children comprise their family, Rebecca and Henry, who are students in the schools of Alameda county.  The family adhere to the Lutheran faith, but there being no church of that denomination in the vicinity of their home they attend the Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal churches.  Among the people of the valley their social standing is the highest, and everywhere they are respected as desirable acquisitions to the farming community of the Livermore valley.





Transcribed by Donna Toole.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 462-463. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Donna Toole.