Alameda County










     The spiritual teacher, adviser and counsellor(sic) of the members of the Livermore Catholic Society, Father P. Power, who is a man of great ability and energy, sincerely devout in his religious convictions, is a worthy and faithful laborer in his Master's vineyard.  During his pastorate in this city he has exerted a beneficial influence in the community, and will long be remembered and revered for the encouragement and material assistance he rendered in building the edifice now used by his congregation as a place of worship.

     In July, 1890, through the strenuous efforts of Father Power, a sufficient sum of money had been raised to warrant the letting of the contract for the erection of the present church building of the society over which he presided.  The contract called for a temple that should cost between $10,000 and $12,000, and which would, it was believed, meet all the demands of the society for at least forty years.  Subsequent changes, however, were made, bringing the total cost of the edifice up to $18,000.  The collection of this extra sum became the self-imposed task of the devoted pastor, Father Power, whose untiring zeal was an important factor in raising the desired fund.  The church building was designed by T. J. Welch, a well-known architect of San Francisco, and is one of the finest structures of the kind in Alameda county.  Its whole length is one hundred and nine feet, the auditorium being ninety-two feet eight inches by fifty feet, while the nave is fifty-six feet high in the clear.  The rose window over the principal entrance is in design a fine specimen of art, and besides this there are four stained windows, which add much to the solemn beauty of the church.  These four memorial windows were gifts to the church, presented by devoted parishioners.





Transcribed 12-5-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1405. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.