Alameda County












            The young, level-headed and popular Ex-mayor of the city of Oakland has gained this highly honorable position as a representative of the business men and industrial classes of this municipality. Born in Erie, Pa., where he received a common school education, in 1877 he came to Oakland in company with his brother, W. Frank Pierce, engaged in the hardware business, his own exertions and close attention to business and his knowledge of its details aided greatly in placing his enterprise on a prosperous basis until to-day the firm of Pierce & Co is one of the most successful hardware houses this side of the Rockies. Mr. Pierce is not a politician, although a consistent and firm Democrat. He has never sought any public office and when the nomination of Mayor was tendered to him by his party declined it and only consented to become their candidate after he had been nominated by acclamation upon the earnest solicitation of friends, upon whom he knew he could depend for earnest support in an almost hopeless contest against overwhelming odds. He is the second Democrat elected on the Democrat ticket in the history of Oakland.

            He has always taken a deep interest in the welfare of his constituents, and his sterling integrity and reliability as a business man have given him a popularity among the sons of toil and an official position seldom gained by a man under 30 years of age. He has been a leading and active member of the Oakland Board of Trade, and was selected by the merchants of this city to act as one of the members of the Freeholders’ Commission to frame a city charter. His brilliant career forcibly illustrates the triumphs of peace. Official position has been given without asking and against expressed desire. He has been closely indentified with the growth and development of Oakland, a city of homes and manufactories; believes in her future greatness, and is never so happy as when he is advancing her interests. In the F. and A. M. he has been signally honored. He is a member of Oakland Commandery, No. 11, Knights Templar, 32 degree in Scottish Rite Masonry, member of the Grand Consistory of California, and promoted to the Court of Honor of Washington, D. C., from which body he holds an official patent.

            Surrounded by an interesting family, honored and esteemed by his neighbors, there seems to be a bright future for him in keeping with the success he has attained in the past.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 140, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.








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