Alameda County










            An able representative of the agricultural interests of Alameda county, and a citizen of prominence and influence, Matthias C. Petersen has been identified with the development and growth of Hayward since the days of its infancy, having assisted in the surveying and laying out of some of its early streets.  A farmer from choice, and a man of more than ordinary business capacity, he has met with most satisfactory success in his operations, his well-cultivated and well-appointed ranch bearing visible evidence of the thrift, skill and excellent management of the owner.  He was born May 22, 1850, in Schleswig, which was then a part of Denmark, but is now included within the limits of Germany, and was there reared to farming pursuits.

            Leaving his native land when eighteen years old, Mr. Petersen emigrated to California, arriving at Haywards in June, 1868.  At once entering the employ of C. T. Ward, who managed about thirty thousand acres of land owned by his uncle, F. D. Atherton, in which was included the present site of Haywards, he worked as an assistant for two years, and was afterward foreman for him for ten years.  This position he retained until the large ranch had been subdivided into small tracts and sold.  Mr. Petersen in the meantime engaged in farming on his own account to some extent, renting land at first, but subsequently buying thirty-five acres in the town of Haywards.  Ten acres of this purchase he sold in lots, at an advanced price, while on the remaining portion of his ranch he set out fruit trees, becoming an extensive orchardist.  He has subsequently made wise investments in real estate, having now a cattle ranch of one hundred acres located two miles east of Haywards, sixteen acres of rich and productive land near San Lorenzo, and twenty acres of valuable land at Los Gatos.

            Mr. Petersen married Theresa Frank, who was born in Germany, and came to California in 1869.  Six children have blessed their union:  Martin, engaged in the laundry business in Fresno; Katchie, wife of William Schafer, of Haywards; Arthur, a hardware merchant at Haywards; Matthias C., Jr., who served as a teamster in the Philippine Islands during the Spanish-American war, and now assists his father in the care of the home ranch; Atluff and Eugene, both living at home.  In his political views Mr. Petersen is a stanch advocate of the principles of the Republican party.  Public spirited and progressive, he takes a keen interest in the welfare of town and county, and for seventeen years served as town trustee, holding the office for a longer term than any other one man.  He was also school trustee one term, when he resigned the office.





Transcribed Joyce Rugeroni.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 974-975. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Joyce Rugeroni.











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