Alameda County











     A pioneer settler and manufacturer of salt of the San Lorenzo district, is now retired from the active cares of life but still lives upon his ranch a mile and three-quarters from Haywards, Alameda county.  A native of Germany he was born in Holstein October 11, 1837, and spent his boyhood upon a farm.  At the age of sixteen years he went to sea.  He was employed on a sailing vessel which went to various ports, in Brazil, Africa, etc.  In 1856 he made a trip to San Francisco with a load of salt, landing in August of that year after having made the voyage from Peru.  He then left the ship and a couple of months later was employed by a farmer from Mount Eden to work on a ranch.  He came down to Alameda county and worked by the month for some time, the following year purchasing a squatter's claim to a piece of salt marsh land that adjoins his present ranch.  He there made levees and a deep pond and began the manufacture of salt, in which work he met with a splendid success, making from $3,000 to $4,000 worth of salt a year.  He remained so occupied until 1884, in the meantime purchasing land which to-day makes up his fine ranch.  His first purchase was made in 1866 and consisted of three hundred acres, the second in 1870 consisting of one hundred and thirty acres adjoining.   Of the one hundred and eight acres adjoining he has sold several lots and a sixty-acre tract for the Russell station.  In 1868 he became interested in ranching, which occupation he followed in connection with his manufacture of salt.  He continued the same successfully until last year, when he rented his entire property with the exception of thirty acres of orchard, devoted to apricots, pears and prunes.

     May 26, 1862, Mr. Pestdorf married Annie Lange, also a native of Holstein, Germany, and they are the parents of the following children:  Christina, wife of Claus Korke, who is located on a part of Mr. Pestdorf's ranch; Tillie, the wife of Carl Nissen, a rancher of Mount Eden township; Carrie, at home; Annie, the widow of John Haar, late of Haywards; George, located on a part of his father' ranch; and Rosie, at home.  Although advanced in years Mr. Pestdorf is still active and retains the energy and ability which have distinguished his character.





Transcribed 9-6-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 759-760. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.