Alameda County










Past Grand Master.



            Ex-Governor Perkins is one of California’s favorite sons. Through an arduous life commencing as a cabin boy, he has steadily advanced in wealth, honor, position, and the esteem of his countrymen. He has filled with credit the office of Governor of this State, and is now one of the firm of Goodall, Perkins & Co., owners of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company.

            Mr. Perkins was raised a Master Mason in Oroville Lodge, No. 103, December 15, 1859, and after holding nearly all the offices in his Lodge, including that of Worshipful Master, he was elected Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of California in 1871, Grand Senior Warden in 1872, Deputy Grand Master in 1873, and Grand Master in 1874, by an almost unanimous vote. He was knighted October 23, 1861,  in Oroville Commandery, No. 5, in which he held the positions of Junior and Senior Warden, Captain of the Guard, Recorder and Commander. In 1868 he was elected Grand Senior Warden of the Grand Commandery of California, Grand Standard-bearer in 1871, and Grand Commander in April, 1883, and Chairman of the Triennial Conclave Committee. He has always been a great favorite with the Order, warmly attached to the principles of Masonry, and always finding time in the midst of his extensive business to visit the Lodge.

            Bro. Perkins is a fluent, eloquent, and forcible speaker, courteous and affable to all classes, a steadfast friend, given to large hospitality, and generous in his liberality to the poor. In the Senate, in the Grand Lodge, in the Grand Commandery, in the Merchants’ Exchange, in political conventions, he has always evinced the talents of a leader, and commanded respect.   




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 25, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1890.

© 2013  Cecelia M. Setty.








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