Alameda County










            GUILLAUME PELADEAU. Numbered among the noticeably successful men of Alameda county is Guillaume Peladeau, who, though now in his seventieth year, is still active in the business life of Oakland, with which he has been connected for many years. He is a member of the undertaking firm of Beaudry & McAvoy, located at No. 873 Washington street, but makes his home in Emeryville, where he is widely known and enjoys to an unusual degree the esteem of his fellow townsmen. A native of St. Johns, Canada, he was born October 25, 1834, a son of Theodore Peladeau, also a native of that country, but the representative of a family which came originally from France. The elder man was a farmer by occupation and remained in Canada until his death at the age of eighty-nine years.

            Reared to the practical duties incident to the life of a farmer, Guillaume Peladeau early became familiar with an agricultural life, in which occupation he built up his now substantial fortune. He remained at home until reaching his majority, in March of the following year, 1856, leaving home to become a pioneer of California. He came by way of the Isthmus of Panama, and after landing at San Francisco went at once to the mines, having but the sum of $10 left on his arrival in the west; but undaunted, he put forth the energy and determination characteristic of the true pioneer, and in time his efforts were rewarded by success. Until 1864 he made his home in Contra Costa county, at which date he came to Alameda county, and with his accumulated earnings invested in a hundred-acre tract, located where Golden Gate now stands. Upon this land he engaged in farming until 1876, when, with the encroachment of an advancing civilization, his land was taken in the boundary of the city and he found it profitable to cut his broad acres up into lots and thus dispose of it. This is now known as the Beaudry-Peladeau tract and is incorporated in Golden Gate, Emeryville and Oakland.

            The marriage of Mr. Peladeau occurred in California and united him with Mary McAvoy, and of this union were born two children, Mary and Matilda. In his political convictions Mr. Peladeau is a Republican. He has served for nine years as school trustee of Golden Gate. No greater encomium can be passed upon the life and work of Mr. Peladeau than to say that he is best appreciated where best known.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 03 April 2016.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1068-1069. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016 Marie Hassard.











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