Alameda County










      An encouraging example of self-made success is found in John H. Peterson, one of the prosperous ranchers of Washington township, and the owner of a fifty-acre ranch a mile south of Decoto post-office.  Mr. Peterson comes from Denmark, where he was born on a small island in the Baltic sea, July 15, 1845, and where he stepped from the farming occupation of his ancestors to a mastery of the miller's trade.  At the age of twenty-one Mr. Peterson yielded to ambitious promptings and came to the United States, arriving in New York harbor in April 1866.  He was obliged to borrow the money to pay for his passage, and landed in New York City with $200 in gold, and returned the loan one year afterward with interest.  He stayed in New York City about three weeks then came to California by way of Nicaragua, reaching San Francisco in June, 1866.  His search for information regarding prospects for the industrious in different parts of the state resulted in his going to Haywards, near which town he worked in the harvest fields until 1870.  He then went to Humboldt county and purchased a ranch on the Van Duzn river.  His partner in this enterprise was Louis Hansen, and together they tilled the soil, raising general produce and stock on the two hundred and sixty acres.  In the meantime Mr. Peterson had invested his earnings in forty acres on the Eel river, and one hundred and sixty acres of redwood timber land on the Mad river.  In 1902 he sold the timber land, but still owns the Eel river ranch which he has placed in care of a tenant.

     In 1883 Mr. Peterson bought his present ranch of fifty acres paying $200 per acre, but which is at present worth at least $400 per acre.  At the time of purchase it was not improved, but under his able management has been converted into a fertile and useful property.  Eighteen acres are under apricots, peaches, plums, prunes and cherries, and the balance is under sugar beets and grain.  Mr. Peterson has introduced modern machinery and improvements on his place, has a pleasant and comfortable home, and his barns and outhouses show a tendency to give his stock and products the best possible protection.  In 1872 he was united in marriage with Clara T. Bradford, a native of California, and of which union five children have been born:  George A., William B., Mary Grace, Gertrude T. and Ellen J.  Mr. Peterson is a thorough-going methodical farmer, practical in his thought and sure in his action.  His standing in the community is of the best, the popular estimate of his character being influenced by his unswerving integrity, his ability and his public spirit.




Transcribed 10-21-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1357-1358. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.