Alameda County






WILLIAM   O’NEILL, deceased, one of the early pioneers of California, was prominently identified with the growth and prosperity of Alameda county, encountering many hardships and privations, but through all acting the part of a gentleman, and laying the foundation of comfort and competence for his family.  He was born in county Donegal, Ireland, and was fifty-nine years of age at the time of his death, which occurred March 14, 1891.


     He was reared and educated in the county of his birth, and in 1849 came to America, and later to California, landing in the city of San Francisco, where he was engaged in steamboating a few years.  About thirty-five years ago he made the acquaintance of his estimable wife, whose maiden name was Margaret Donagan, also a native of the Emerald Isle.  They were married in San Francisco, and immediately located on forty acres of land lying between the city of Oakland and Berkeley, and now known as Golden Gate.  Mr. O’Neill built a residence on his land, and carried on general farming until a few years ago, when the growth of the two cities advanced the value of his property, and, like other landowners in the neighborhood, he surveyed and sold building lots.  Much valuable land owned by his widow is located on San Pablo avenue, and besides the residence there is one large business block at the junction of San Pablo avenue and the Berkeley Local railroad. 


    Mr. O’Neill was an industrious and energetic man during his life, and was one of the leading citizens of this section of the county.  He was a consistent member of the Catholic Church, in which faith his family have all been reared.  Politically, he was a staunch Democrat, and took an active interest in political matters.  Mr. and Mrs. O’Neill have had six children, only two of whom survive - William and Mamie - who reside with their mother.



Transcribed by Walt Howe. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 26-27, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892.

© 2005 Walt Howe.