Alameda County










     An able representative of the industrial interests of Oakland, and a young man of exceptional energy, perseverance and mechanical ingenuity, F. A. Muller is especially worthy of honorable mention in a work of this character.  He is a self-made man in every sense implied by the term, having gained his present assured position in the business world by steady application, persistent industry and strenuous effort.  As junior member of the firm of Eber & Muller, he is actively associated with the manufacturing and building prosperity of Alameda county.  A son of the late Othmar Muller, he was born February 6, 1875, in Millgrove, Mo.

     In his earlier life Othmar Muller was connected with the establishment and management of flour mills in different parts of the Central States, and was afterward extensively engaged in the manufacture of pickles in California.  Coming with his family to California in 1883, he worked in Sacramento seven months, and then removed to Oakland, where he resided until his death, in 1895, at the age of sixty-three years.

     As a lad of nine years, F. A. Muller came to Oakland to live, and here acquired his early education.  Beginning work at his trade at the age of fourteen years, he worked his way upward from one position to another, and at the end of five years was head mechanic in the planing mill owned by Towle & Broadwell.  In May, 1901, Mr. Muller formed a copartnership with George Eber, one of the leading builders and contractors of Oakland, the firm name being Eber & Muller.  Renting a building at No. 511 Third street, the firm fitted it up for a planing mill, putting in modern machinery suitable for all kinds of general building work, and was soon carrying on a substantial business.  More room being required for their extensive operations, these gentlemen erected their present plant at the corner of Second and Grove streets, and in it installed a sixty-horse power boiler, a seventy-five-horse power engine, and the latest approved machinery used in the manufacture of builders' material, either plain or fancy.  The building department of this large business is under the immediate supervision of Mr. Eber, while Mr. Muller has the entire charge of the planing mill.

     Mr. Muller is popular in social circles, and is a member of the Independent Order of Foresters.  Throughout the community he is widely known, and few young men have a larger circle of warm friends then he.  He was married July 20, 1904, to Miss Alice Fagan of San Francisco.





Transcribed 12-14-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1417-1418. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.