Alameda County











     A retired resident of San Leandro, John Hillman Morehouse recalls a varied experience in the long life which he has lived in an upright and honorable manner.  He was born on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, Mass., in 1823, a son of John H. Morehouse, who was likewise a native of Massachusetts.  The elder man took his family to Connecticut and located at New Bedford, from which place his son went to sea at the age of seventeen years as cabin boy on a whaler, when he made a voyage around the world.  He continued in a seafaring life from that time on, some time afterward being promoted to the position of fourth mate at the beginning of the voyage and returning as master of the ship. For some time he plied between New York City and Liverpool, England, but in 1848 he left his ship and crossed the plains to Oregon.  In 1850 he came to California and engaged in mining on the north fork of the Salmon river.  He also conducted a pack train from Shasta to the mines for a time.  About 1856 he located in San Francisco, having then $700 with which he bought an interest in the ship Santiago.  He took charge of the same and conducted their interests on the bay and coast.  He met with a most gratifying success and finally bought an interest in a ship plying between this country and the Orient, having charge of a ship on this line for ten years.  He visited all ports of the world and continued to meet with a financial success which enabled him to retire to his present quiet life in San Leandro.

     Mr. Morehouse is the father of two children, John H., Jr., and Dora G., the former a graduate of the University of the Pacific and the latter of the University of California.  John H. Morehouse, Jr., who was born in San Francisco, is a young man of many talents, being especially prominent in musical circles, where his fine baritone voice is well known and appreciated.  He resides in San Leandro and acts as private secretary for his father.  In his political convictions Mr. Morehouse is a Republican, and is a broad-minded citizen.  He takes great interest in the progress of San Leandro and also of San Francisco, where many years ago he bought considerable property, a part of which he still owns.





Transcribed 11-10-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1376-1377. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.