Alameda County











            HERMANN JASPER MOHR. A large landowner of Alameda county is Hermann Jasper Mohr, who was born on a part of the ranch which is now in his possession November 7, 1869, a son of Cornelius Mohr, whose sketch is given in that of his son, Henry P., which appears on another page. His boyhood years were spent upon the paternal ranch and when about eleven years of age he lost his father by death. On attaining the age of twenty-four years he took charge of the estate, which consisted of eleven hundred acres in the valley and three hundred and sixty acres near Pleasanton. About four years later the property was divided and Mr. Mohr received for his share one hundred and seventy-eight acres embodied in the home place, where he has since built a beautiful residence and substantial outbuildings; another ranch of one hundred and seventy-nine acres at San Lorenzo, thirty of which is devoted to orchard, and one hundred and forty acres at Decoto, a part of which is valley land. Since his possession of the property it has been leased with the exception of one year. Mr. Mohr is a student; in 1898 he went to New York City and entered Walworth Institute, where he was graduated the following year, when he attended the Berkeley University School for one year. Following this he spent one year in the Lyceum, in San Francisco, then a year in Cooper Medical College. He pursued his medical studies no farther on account of trouble with his eyes. For the past eighteen months he has been reading law, and with the splendid knowledge and experience which his other studies have given him, bids fair to be a light in the legal profession. He is a thorough business man, both practical and theoretical, having taken a banking course in New York City.

            September 23, 1898, Mr. Mohr married Louise Behrens, a native of Shasta county, Cal., who had been a teacher in this state for ten years and now holds a life diploma. In his political affiliations Mr. Mohr votes according to the dictates of his own conscience. Fraternally he is a charter member of Mount Eden Camp No. 346, W. O. W. He was one of the organizers and a stockholder in the Eden Creamery at Mount Eden, and also a stockholder of the Abalona Packing Company of San Luis Obispo county, Cal.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 25 October 2015.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 814-817. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marie Hassard.











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