Alameda County











            Noteworthy among the early settlers of Alameda county was the late Capt. Frederick William Meyer, who spent the larger part of his active life in that section of California, and as an able business man, and an enterprising and valued citizen contributed his full share toward its development and prosperous growth.  Independent in spirit, energetic and ambitious, he was a typical representative of the self-made men of the nineteenth century, by his own strenuous efforts and steadiness of purpose achieving success from a financial point of view, and graining in an eminent degree the respect and esteem of his fellowmen.  The son of wealthy parents, he was born in Bremen, Germany, September 28, 1827, and died at his late home in Niles, Washington township, Alameda county, Cal., November, 1881.

            Brought up in his native city, Frederick William Meyer received excellent educational advantages, and at the solicitation of his father, who was private secretary to a government official, and a man of influence; he began to fit himself for an architect.  Not finding the employment congenial to his tastes, he soon abandoned the profession, and, following his natural inclinations, shipped before the mast as a common sailor.  From this humble position he worked his way up through the various ranks, and at the age of twenty-one years was sailing the high seas as master of a vessel.   Coming to California in 1849, Captain Meyer turned over the care of his vessel to another captain, and went to the gold fields, where he soon succeeded in losing all the money that he had accumulated.  Locating then in Alameda county, he embarked in mercantile pursuits in Alvarado, and later built the first store established at Mt. Eden, where he resided several years.  While there he exerted a great influence in the management of local affairs, and served many terms as justice of the peace.  In addition to his other business interests the Captain dealt extensively in grain, owning large warehouses.  Successful in his undertakings, he accumulated a good deal of property, becoming owner of two hundred and fifty acre of land near Decoto, and also of the valuable ranch of two hundred and forty acres, now occupied by his widow, and where he spent his last years.

            October 28, 1856, Captain Meyer married Helen Riecke, who was born in Bremen, Germany, and was one of his schoolmates in that city.  Of their union six children were born:  Alvena, wife of Carlton C. Crane, general passenger agent for the Vanderbilt Railway Company, and proprietor of a large hotel at San Jose; William died in infancy; Amala, living at home, is a talented artist, skillful with brush and pencil; William, living near Decoto; and Alfred, managing the ranch on which his mother resides, in Niles.  A public-spirited citizen, Captain Meyer always had the interest of town and county at heart, and was a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party.  He was a valued member of the Lutheran Church, to which Mrs. Meyer also belongs.





Transcribed Joyce Rugeroni.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 802-805. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Joyce Rugeroni.











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