Alameda County











            Since locating in California Joseph B. Mendonca has achieved a success which numbers him among the representative ranchers of Alameda county. He was born at Fayal, in the Azores Islands, February 14, 1848, a son of Joseph B. and Louisa (Gulart) Mendonca, natives of the same place, where they spent their entire lives. They were the parents of three children, one son and two daughters, of whom Joseph B. Mendonca was the oldest. During his boyhood days he attended school. His father being a farmer, he was trained to that occupation. In 1868, being favorably impressed by the opportunities presented by the western world, he came to California, sailing from his native land on the 5th of July and arriving in San Francisco on the 25th of August. He came at once to Alameda county and engaged on a farm, where he continued until 1873, when he had accumulated sufficient money to justify an independent venture along agricultural lines. About that time he rented and leased one thousand acres in the foothills, and for three years was located upon the same, when, in 1876, he bought his present property, the original purchase being but thirty acres. From time to time as his ability increased he made purchases of land, and today owns two hundred acres in his home ranch, several orchards in San Leandro and fifteen and a half acres in Castro valley. In addition to the two hundred acres which he devotes to grain and vegetables, he rents a like number of acres and carries on extensive farming operations. He has met with success and is accounted one of the progressive farmers of this section.

            In San Francisco, June 4, 1876, Mr. Mendonca married Elizabeth McLaughlin, who was born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., March 26, 1860. She came to California with her parents when a young girl. They are the parents of three children, of whom George and Richard are at home, and Mary is the wife of J. R. Lewis, a drug clerk of San Francisco. Fraternally he is associated with the U. P. E. C., and belongs to the Catholic church. He is a Republican politically, and in the interests of his party has served as school director for six years. Mr. Mendonca was one of the organizers of the San Leandro Bank, of which he is now a director, and is also a stockholder in the Alameda Realty Company of Oakland. All movements tending to develop his home county have the support and encouragement of Mr. Mendonca.




Transcribed by: Cecelia M. Setty.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 617-618. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Cecelia M. Setty.











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