Alameda County











            An enterprise which stands among the leaders of its kind in Oakland is the planing mill at the corner of Clay and Fourth streets, owned and operated by B. McManus, a practical mechanic and manufacturer. Mr. McManus has long been one of the enterprising men of town, and his reputation has grown with his prospects and ambitions, for all acknowledge his sincerity and ability. Beginning with 1875, he entered upon his present business in partnership with Philip Hanavan, under the firm name of McManus & Hanavan, the mill at that time being located on the corner opposite its present site. In time Mr. Hanavan was succeeded by Fred Gartner, an association which continued until 1901, since which time Mr. McManus has been sole owner and manager of the property. His mill is one of the most complete in Alameda county, having the latest in modern machinery, as well as the most expert of workmen. Moldings, doors, window frames, brackets, sawing of all kinds, planing and shaping, as well as everything in the line of building materials which come out of a mill, are perfected according to modern ideas.

            Mr. McManus was born in County Roscommon, Ireland, in 1842, as was also his father, Charles McManus, who spent his entire life on a farm. Mr. McManus was an earnest student in his youth, entertaining partiality for mathematics, especially the higher branches. He became proficient in geometry and trigonometry, and before his sixteenth year had practically mastered the draftsman’s art. Thus equipped for the future, he left Ireland for Australia at the age of seventeen, and in the English colony found employment and good wages. Landing in San Francisco May 13, 1869, he was equally fortunate in meeting a demand for his services, and spent two years as a journeyman carpenter and builder. Thereafter he became a contracting draftsman, and in 1875 arrived in Oakland, having investigated the prospects of the then small town. His advancement has been steady, and has permitted of no particular discouragements or elations. His mechanical and business ability have been handed down to his sons, all of whom are pursuing a similar line of occupation, and are experts in their line. Two of the sons, Charles, the second, and Bernard, the fourth, are in the mill with him. Edward, the eldest, is an architect under civil service in the government employ: Thomas, and Frederick and Joseph, twins, are students. Bessie died at the age of eleven years.   





Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1173-1174. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Cecelia M. Setty.











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