Alameda County










     A distinguishing feature in the career of J. C. Linderman, an esteemed and honored resident of Alameda, where he has made his home for more than a quarter of a century, has been an unswerving integrity and uprightness, which have won for him the confidence of all who have had business dealings with him.  He has made a success financially, being possessed of much business ability, both in regard to planning and execution, a sound judgment and conservative methods standing as his guide throughout his entire career.  He is as well an early settler of this city and in the course of passing years has done much to promote the general welfare and develop the natural resources of the community.

     A native of New York, Mr. Linderman was born in Hinsdale, Cattaraugus county, June 19, 1836, a son of Jacob Linderman.  At the age of nineteen he went to Plainwell, Mich., and soon afterward to Chester, Ohio, where he learned the trade of engineer, being so engaged at the breaking out of the Civil war, when he enlisted in the Nineteenth Ohio Infantry, serving for the following four months.   At the expiration of that period he re-enlisted in the First Ohio Artillery, continuing in active service through the whole war.  He was chiefly with the army of the Cumberland, in Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia, participating in many important battles.  In 1864 he re-enlisted with Sherman and was with his army in the famous march from Atlanta to the sea and the following campaign up to Washington.

     Returning to Ohio in 1865, Mr. Linderman remained there until 1866, when he married and removed to Audrain county, Mo., where he engaged in stock-raising and farming for nine years, meeting with much success.  Disposing of his interests, he removed to California in 1875 and engaged in the broker business in San Francisco, making his home in Oakland.  In 1878 he located permanently in Alameda, soon afterward becoming chief engineer of the Alameda waterworks, remaining with the company nine years.  In 1887 he purchased the Hawley tract of ten acres, laid it out in lots and sold it, realizing considerable profit from the transaction.  He reserved a portion for his own residence, which is a handsome and modern dwelling and a credit to the community.  In addition he has built and sold twelve houses.  In 1892 he built the Linderman opera house, with a seating capacity of one thousand.  He has bought and sold a large amount of property in Alameda and Oakland, also a large tract of timber  land at Gray's Harbor, Wash., and besides has been largely associated with various mining ventures, especially at the Wonder Mine, near Big Oak Flat, Tuolumne county.

      Mr. Linderman married Martha Wilder of Chester, Ohio, and they are the parents of four children, Isabel, Hubert, Fred and Gertrude.  Fred, who married Mary Thornton, has four children, Martha, Marion, Fred Thornton and Mabel.

     As a Republican, Mr. Linderman has served as city assessor and has always taken an active interest in the advancement of the principles which he endorses.  In memory of his days in the service of his country, he is a member of the Joe Hooker Post No. 11, G.A.R., and is a past commander.  Fraternally he belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen and has served officially in the same.





Transcribed 9-9-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1317-1318. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.