Alameda County






JOSEPH B. LANKTREE, cashier of the Oakland Home Insurance Company, was born in Grass Valley, Nevada county, California, December 25, 1859, the only child of Joseph B. and Susanna (nee Lanktree) Lanktree, both natives of Canada, who came to California in 1857.  The father died in 1861, but the mother still survives, a resident of Alameda.


            Mr. Lanktree was reared in Seattle, Washington.  In 1880 he returned to his native State.  Shortly afterward he was employed by the above named company, and in 1884 he took his present position.  He is also a member of the Alameda Board of Education, to which position he was elected first in 1887 and re-elected in 1891.  Politically he is a zealous Republican, and as an organizer has been of much service to his party, having been treasurer and member of the County Central Committee and a delegate to the county and State conventions for several years.  He is also associated with the International Transit Line, -- an incorporation of Oakland,-- for the purchase and shipment of all kinds of fruit and vegetables to the East.  Of this company Mr. Lanktree is secretary and treasurer.


            In society he affiliates with Encinal Lodge, No. 165, I.O.O.F., and is an active, influential member of Alameda Parlor, No. 47. N. S. G. W., both of Alameda.  He is a progressive, worthy citizen, respected by a large circle of acquaintances throughout county and State.


            In Alameda, February 17, 1881, he married Miss Harriet Cooper, a native of Olympia, Washington, and they have three interesting children, Susanna, Joseph B., Jr., and Elizabeth F.


Transcribed by Paul R. Montrose.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 247-248, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Paul R. Montrose.