Alameda County










     Surrounded with the comforts of life which have come as the result of his own effort, a beautiful home and a happy family, Henry Koerber is passing the evening of his days in perfect contentment, his active career having been passed in the commercial circles of both the eastern and western states.  From 1876 to 1901 he was active in the coal, hay and grain business in Alameda, in the last named year turning over the business to his son, August, while he himself sought rest and relaxation in retirement.  A native of Hanover, Germany, he was born February 29, 1836, remaining in the paternal home until attaining his majority, and in the meantime learning the baker's trade.  Taking the freedom that the twenty-one years brought him, Mr. Koerber came at once to America, landing in New York City in 1857, remaining, however, only a short time until he went to Philadelphia, Pa., where he joined an uncle and engaged in the grocery and wine business.  He remained in the east until 1861, when he came to California by way of the Isthmus of Panama, landing at San Francisco from the ship Sonora October 5 of that year.  Through the practice of economy he had been enabled to save sufficient to justify him in entering upon the grocery business on the coast, establishing this business in San Francisco.  After a few years he found more profitable returns in the coal business in the same city, in which he remained for about thirteen years, when he sold to his brother in 1878 and came to Alameda.  In 1879 he established the coal, hay and grain business which he found profitable and congenial for twenty-two years, retiring then to the home at No. 2115 Santa Clara avenue.

     In 1868 in San Francisco, Mr. Koerber was united in marriage with Dorothy Thogode, also a native of Hanover, Germany, and she is still living to enjoy their present prosperity.  Their union has been blessed with four children, named in order of birth as follows:  August H. W., Dorothy R.C., Louisa and Henry H.W.  Politically Mr. Koerber is a Republican and fraternally affiliates with the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Druids and Knights of Honor.





Transcribed 6-30-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1220-1221. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.