Alameda County










     An old pioneer family of Alameda county is that of which Lewis Knox was the founder, and which is still located upon a part of the ranch which he bought in 1860.  This was originally a purchase of one hundred and thirteen acres located one mile east of San Leandro and which he devoted to fruit and general farming until his death; since which time all but thirty-five acres have been sold, twenty acres of the remaining tract being vegetable land, while the balance is in fruit.

     Although a number of years have passed since the death of Mr. Knox he is still remembered as a citizen of sterling worth and integrity.  He was born in Licking county, Ohio, August 20, 1829, a son of Titus Knox, who emigrated from his birthplace, Blandford, Mass., to the Buckeye state, a member of a colony to settle Licking county, where he was engaged as a farmer until his death.  His wife, formerly Peggy Ann Sennett, was born in Massachusetts and died in Ohio.  They were the parents of five sons and five daughters, of which Lewis Knox was the seventh in order of birth.  He received his education in the common schools of his native state and upon attaining years of maturity engaged in agricultural pursuits.  Deciding to become a pioneer as his father had done, he came to California in 1852 by way of the Isthmus of Panama, and upon his arrival located in San Jose where he remained five years, at which time he returned to Ohio and was married and on his return settled in Alameda county, near Haywards, where he engaged in farming.  In 1860 he purchased one hundred and thirteen acres one mile east of San Leandro and planted a large proportion of the place to fruit, while he also engaged in general farming.  He was an honored and respected citizen, and though not a member of the Presbyterian Church was one of its most active supporters.  He was a Republican in his political convictions, and fraternally affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.  His death occurred July 7, 1887.

     In Delaware county, Ohio, June 23, 1857, Mr. Knox married Mary Allen, who was born in Blendon, Franklin county, Ohio, June 7, 1838.  She was a daughter of Aaron Allen, who was born in Buffalo, N.Y., and came to Ohio in an early day and pre-empted land in Franklin county, where he died in 1846.  His wife, formerly Oril L. Brown, was born in New York and died in Delaware county, Ohio.  On     July 1, following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Knox started for their western destination, leaving New York City on July 6 and arriving in San Francisco August 1.  Since the death of her husband Mrs. Knox has managed the affairs of the ranch, and has continued to make her home in the old residence built in 1863, a comfortable and substantial house built in the durable style of the early days.  Of the five sons and five daughters born to her, four sons and one daughter are now living, named in order of birth as follows:  Elizabeth M., deceased; Orin, of San Francisco; Etta L., the wife of O.J. Lynch, of San Leandro; Harry, at home; Clara, Laura, Minnie and Charles, deceased; George and Lewis Allen, at home.





Transcribed 6-14-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1215. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.