Alameda County










     Although advanced in years, Andrew Kerr is still hale and hearty and well preserved, and enjoys to the full measure, in the evening of his days, the peace and prosperity which are the result of his early effort.  He is the owner of a valuable ranch located in Washington township, one and a half miles from Alvarado, Alameda county, and upon which he now makes his home, renting a part of the land while the remainder is farmed by James Logan, who married Mr. Kerr's niece.

     Born in County Tyrone, Ireland, October 29, 1827, Mr. Kerr was reared to young manhood upon a farm, where he learned the practical duties and methodical habits which have since figured so prominently in his successful career in the agricultural line in California.  Deciding to emigrate to the western world, he crossed the ocean and landed in Philadelphia, Pa., May 18, 1850, where he secured employment as a clerk in an extensive hardware house.  He remained five and one-half years in that occupation, when, in November, 1855, he left New York City on the steamer George Law, and arrived in San Francisco on the 24th of that month.  He secured employment as a clerk in a hardware store, where he remained ten years.  In 1865 he came to this section of Alameda county and purchased the ranch which has since been his home, paying $12,000 for one hundred acres, which were almost entirely unimproved.  He was compelled to go in debt $5,000 on the purchase of the ranch, but at once set about the improvement and cultivation of his property, and to-day it is valued at $350 per acre.  Every acre is under cultivation, principally in vegetables and sugar beets.

     January 15, 1857, Mr. Kerr married Jane Dennison, at South Park Block, San Francisco, the ceremony being performed by Dr. Scott.  She was a native of County Derry, Ireland, where she was reared, coming to San Francisco in 1854.  While a resident of his native land Mr. Kerr worked for his parents, being there during the famine of 1846-48.  Mrs. Kerr died June 21, 1903 at the age of seventy-five years.  No childred (sic) were born of this union, but they adopted five of their niece's family, who were all born on this ranch, bringing them up to useful maturity, educating them and training them to the practical duties of the life by which they were surrounded.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Kerr were members of the Presbyterian Church.  Politically Mr. Kerr is a Republican, but as he prefers the quiet of home life has never desired official recognition.  In addition to the five children adopted and reared by these worthy people, Mr. Kerr brought a nephew from Ireland and educated him.  He is a citizen whose intelligence and trustworthiness have given him an honored place among the men who uphold the standard of a country's honor.





Transcribed 10-24-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 847-848. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.