Alameda County












Henry J. Kaiser, industrialist was born on May 9, 1882, in Sprout Brook, New York; son of Francis J and Mary (Yopps). His formal schooling stopped just before the eighth grade (received honorary degrees from Washington State University, Montana School of Mines and Hobart College) and he went to work at the age of thirteen. His first job was as a cash boy in a dry goods store in Utica, New York, and subsequently promoted to salesman; worked for two Utica photographic supply dealers and also for other companies as clerk and salesman, resigning to enter photography business, and became proprietor of a photographic firm in Lake Placid, New York, with company branches in Florida. He sold the firm in 1905 and removed to the West.

            Mr. Kaiser was a salesman for a hardware firm in Spokane, Washington, in 1906, then salesman for a fuel company. His first construction experience came when he took a job as salesman and manager of paving jobs for the A. J. Hill Company, Spokane contractors.

            In 1914 he launched into the road building business with his own company, continuing in highway construction until 1930; when he turned his attention to the heavy construction industry, alone or in association with other contractors. From 1930 to 1939 he was president or chairman of executive committees of various corporations which constructed Boulder Dam, the East Bay piers of San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, the main spillway dam at Bonneville, Oregon, the Corpus Christie, Texas, Naval Air Station, and Grand Coulee Dam.

            During World War II, Mr. Kaiser entered into ships and steel and is best known for his shipbuilding achievements; initiated program for mass-production of small escort carriers; built a total of 1,490 ships. Besides ships, he sent aircraft, aircraft parts, magnesium, incendiary material, artillery shells, iron and steel, ferroalloys, cement, chemicals and other products to World War II battles on land, sea and air.

            Since 1939, Mr. Kaiser has served as chairman of the board of Kaiser-Frazer Corporation; also as president and active head of the following corporation: Henry J. Kaiser Company, Permanente Cement Company, Permanente Metals Corporation (now Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation), which was organized in 1940, Kaiser Steel Corporation, Richmond Shipbuilding Corporation, Kaiser Company, Inc., Kaiser Cargo, Inc. (now Kaiser Metal Products, Inc.), Kaiser Industries, and Henry J. Kaiser Motors which is the San Francisco area distributor of Kaiser and Frazer automobiles. He acted as chairman of the board of Brewster Aeronautical Corporation, 1943-1944, and president of same, October, 1943 to May, 1944.

            Mr. Kaiser married Bessie Hannah Fosburgh (deceased) on April 8, 1907; children: Edgar F. and Henry J., Jr.

            He is a member of Committee of Trustees, Northwestern University; member of faculty, Northwestern Institute of Technology, 75th Anniversary Committee of Metropolitan Museum of Art; National chairman of Victory Clothing Collection, 1945-46; belongs to the Episcopal Church; member of the following clubs: Celestials, Metropolitan, Rockefeller Center, Luncheon, Athens Athletic, Automobile Old Timers, Claremont Country; and is founder (with Mrs. Kaiser) of Permanente Foundation which sponsor thirteen hospitals and clinics, and a pre-paid health plan on the West Coast.

            Offices:  Kaiser Building, Oakland, California; Kaiser-Frazer Corporation, Willow Run, Michigan.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Pages 417-418, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Cecelia M. Setty.











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