Alameda County












Edgar B. Jessup, president and general manager of Marchant Calculators, Inc., was born in Monterey County, California, on March 29, 1892; the son of Dr. Harry C. and Sarah Jane (Densore) Jessup. Attended the public schools and Commercial College.

            Mr. Jessup was a salesman for the Monroe Calculating Machine Company at Orange, New Jersey, from 1916 to 1921; sales agent for Sundstrand Adding Machine Company from 1921 to 1926; then division sales manager for Underwood Elliott Fisher Company, a successor associate until 1933; also president and general manager of Marchant Calculators, Ltd., Toronto, Canada; chairman of the Board of Marchant Research, Inc.; president of Marchant Inter-American Co.; and director of Soule Steele Company of San Francisco, California; trustee of the Philatelic Foundation in New York City, president of American Ordnance Association (S.F. Post); director of Office Equipment Manufacturers Institute, Washington, D. C.; director of United States Chamber of Commerce; director of United Employers (Oakland, California); vice president and director of Oakland Chamber of Commerce; vice president and director of California Manufacturers Association; governor of Bay Area Council; director of World Affairs Council; president of Emeryville Industries Association; honorary member of Sales Executives Association; member of National Association of Manufacturers; member of California State Chamber of Commerce; member of Commonwealth Club. Fellow of Royal Philatelic Society of London (England); Collectors Club of New York. Republican and Mason. Member and vice president of Athens Athletic Club, Oakland; and member of Metropolitan Club of Oakland.

            Mr. Jessup married Mildred Farley on December 13, 1915. They have three children: Virginia Hawthorne, Marian Densmore and Beverly Sara.

            Offices:  Marchant Calculators, Inc., 1475 Powell Street, Oakland 8, California.





Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Page 225, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Cecelia M. Setty.











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