Alameda County










            For many years Mr. Husted has been a resident of Oakland and San Francisco, where he has won prestige both as a lawyer and in his later work of directory publisher. Born July 30, 1850, in Addison county, Vt., he was the youngest child in a family of eight children, three of whom are now living. He is the representative of an old New York family, his father and grandfather (both named Ezekiel, a name handed down from English ancestry) having been born in Dutchess county, the first American settlers of the family having lived on Long Island. The family came originally from Denmark, where the name was spelled Hustedt. The grandfather of F. M. Husted, a farmer by occupation and a patriot, having served in the Revolutionary war, removed to Addison county, Vt., about 1828, taking with him his family, of whom the younger Ezekiel was then a member, his birth having occurred in 1815, being the youngest of thirteen children. In manhood he became a farmer in Vermont, which occupation he continued in Galva, Henry county, Ill., after his removal there in 1852. He came to California in 1885 with his son, and here his death occurred. His wife was Amanda Salisbury, born in Vermont of English ancestry. One of their sons, Leonard, served in the Two Hundred and Thirty-second Illinois Regiment during the Civil war, and he now makes his home near Los
Gatos, Cal. Gen. James W. Husted, deceased, of Westchester county, N. Y., for many terms speaker of the New York State Assembly and known throughout the Empire state as the “Bald Eagle of Westchester,” was a cousin of Mr. Husted.

            But two years old when he was brought to Illinois, Mr. Husted remembers nothing of his home in the Green Mountain state, the recollections of his childhood centering around the prairie lands of the middle west. He was reared upon his father’s farm near Galva, where he attended the public schools. In 1869 he entered Northwestern University, from which he was graduated in 1873 with the degree of A. B., later taking the degree of A. M. In 1875 he was graduated from the Union College of Law, a department of Northwestern University, with the degree of LL.B. Coming at once to California he located in San Francisco, the year following making his home in Oakland, although he continued the practice of his profession in the former city for about fifteen years. On account of defective hearing he then abandoned the practice of the law, and in the meantime having become interested in the directory business he took up this line of work in 1888, and has risen to a position of prominence among publishers, now publishing directories for the following cities: Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley, San Jose, Stockton, Sacramento, Honolulu, Fresno and Eureka. His offices are in the Macdonough building, Oakland, where he has built a comfortable residence at Linda Vista. Upon his ranch in Santa Clara county he set out a thirty-five acre orchard, but sold this property upon the death of his father.

            The marriage of Mr. Husted occurred in Oakland and united him with Angie L. Holcomb, who was born in Wisconsin, the daughter of W. B. Holcomb, who came to California via the Horn in the early fifties and engaged in mining. The birth of two daughters has blessed this union, Edith and Winifred. In his political reference Mr. Husted is a Republican in national issues, but locally casts his ballot for the man whom he considers to be best fitted to discharge the duties of public office. He is a member of the National Association of Directory Publishers.    




Transcribed by: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1008. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Cecelia M. Setty.









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