Alameda County












William Dresser Huntington, M. D., of Oakland, a physician and surgeon of the regular school, was born in San Bernardino county, March 29, 1862, a son of Heber and Emma M. (Goddard) Huntington.  The father, born in New York State about 1839, and the mother in Illinois about 1835, have three sons and one daughter:  W. D., the subject of this sketch; Lloyd, born in 1866, now a druggist in this city; Ursula and Oscar, living with their parents in San Bernardino county.  Grandfather W. D. Huntington died a few years ago at the age of sixty-five; grandmother Caroline (Clark) Huntington, born about 1825, is living San Bernardino county.  Grandfather Stephen Hezekiah Goddard, born in 1811, is still living, apparently in full vigor of health and strength, and actively interested in the labors and duties of life.


Mr. Heber Huntington is joint proprietor with his son Lloyd and his father-in-law, S. H. Goddard, in the Bluff Lake Summer Resort, established by them in 1889, in the Bear Valley mountains, near the Bear Valley reservoir, the largest artificial body of water on this coast.


W. D. Huntington received his early education in his native county and in Heald’s Business College in San Francisco.  He then began to prepare for his professional career by a two years’ course in Cooper’s Medical College, and one year in Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, where he had superior advantages in clinical and hospital lectures and practice.  He was graduated from the latter institution April 2, 1886.  Returning home he received the regular certificate of the Medical Society of the State of California, September 18, 1886.  He began practice in Julian and Oceanside, San Diego county, where he spent over two years.  After six months in San Bernardino city he came to Oakland, in November, 1889, where he has built of a lucrative and growing practice.  Dr. Huntington is a member of the Alameda County Medical Society, and of Oakland Parlor, No. 50, N. S. G. W.


Dr. Huntington was married in San Bernardino, June 1, 1886, to Miss Evelyn V. Aplin, born December 16, 1862, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Aplin, born respectively about 1827 and 1832, and now residing near Little York, Nevada county, where Mr. Aplin is interested in mining and fruit raising.  Dr. and Mrs. Huntington have one boy, Robert Dresser, born April 22, 1887.

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 630, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© Donna L. Becker.