Alameda County











     A pioneer business man of Alvarado, Alameda county, Philip Hellwig is remembered as a factor in the upbuilding of the place, and a prominent and enterprising citizen who gave his best efforts toward the development of natural resources in this locality.  He established a large wholesale and retail butcher business on the foundation laid by a butcher whom he first worked for, out of which has grown the concern known as the Hellwig Meat Company, incorporated in 1903 by his sons, and carrying on to-day one of the largest interests of the county outside of Oakland.

     Born on the Rhine, Germany August 15, 1830, Philip Hellwig spent his boyhood years in the Fatherland, at the age of fourteen years learning the baker's trade.  He then went to London, England, and followed his trade for eight years, when he immigrated to the United States, in May, 1856, landing in San Francisco, Cal.  He went to the mines for a time, but not meeting with the desired success he came to Alvarado, where he had a cousin in the butcher business, and securing employment from him, remained in this occupation for about eight years.  Thoroughly versed in the business, he then purchased the establishment and continued its management until May, 1874.  He then formed a partnership with F. D. Wiegman and William Jung, for several years thereafter the firm name being P. Hellwig & Co.  Mr. Wiegman eventually sold his interests to August May, with whom Mr. Hellwig continued in business until 1891.  His son Frederick, then purchased his interest and the partnership continued as it was until 1899.  Mr. Hellwig's son George then purchased Mr. Jung's interest, and two years later the brothers purchased Mr. May's interest, and in 1903 incorporated the business under the name of the Hellwig Meat Company.  Their business in Alvarado is located in the brick building which their father erected, while they also have a shop in Haywards and Pleasanton.  They have nine wagons and are doing a large and lucrative business.

     The marriage of Mr. Hellwig occurred April 19, 1869, and united him with Elizabeth Schweitzer, who was also a native of the same locality in Germany as was her husband.   She came to California when sixteen years old, landing at San Francisco in April, 1865.  She remained a resident of that city until her marriage, since which time she has made her home in Alvarado.  Of the four sons born of their union, two only survive, namely:  Frederick P., president and manager of the Hellwig Meat Company; and George P., secretary and treasurer of the corporation, and manager of the plant at Alvarado.  In addition to his commercial interests Mr. Hellwig owned seventy acres in this community which was used for pasture, and also owned six hundred and fifty acres in the hills, which his widow now rents.  Mr. Hellwig was well known in fraternal circles, being a member of thirty-two years standing in Crusade Lodge No. 92, I.O.O.F., of Alvarado.  He also belonged to the Rebekahs, and both himself and wife were members of the Lutheran Church.  The death of Mr. Hellwig, which occurred May 29, 1901, removed from the community one of the most prominent and successful business men, and an earnest and helpful citizen, one whose word was acknowledged as good as his bond, whose integrity was ever unquestioned.





Transcribed 7-6-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 671. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.