Alameda County










     Among the foreign-born citizens of California who achieved a noteworthy success, mention must be made of the late Timm Hauschildt, a well-known pioneer settler of Alameda county.  He was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, December 15, 1828, one of a large family of children, and at an early age he found it necessary to seek his own livelihood.  When still a boy he went to sea and followed a seafaring life until 1852, when he came to California.  His first employment in the state was on a ranch near Mount Eden, Alameda county, and with the proceeds of his labor he went to the Fraser river during the gold excitement in that location.  He was not successful and met with the misfortune of both losing his money and being in a shipwreck.  Upon his safe arrival in Alameda county he again sought and found employment on a ranch near San Lorenzo and later rented land in that vicinity in partnership with his brother, raising grain and potatoes for several years.  In 1864 he rented several hundred acres near Haywards, and two years later bought one hundred and thirty-eight acres located two miles south of that city.  At that time the land was absolutely unimproved and uncultivated, but with the perseverance characteristic of his nation, he set to work and put up buildings of all kinds, and set out groves of trees, and at his death owned one of the most beautiful ranches in this community.

     February 8, 1864, Mr. Hauschildt married Lisetta Klapper, who was born in Nassau, Germany, May 13, 1844.  She was reared in her native land and came to California in 1862, making the voyage of forty-eight days by sailing vessel.  She landed in San Francisco July 26, 1862, and following her arrival made her home with the family with whom she had crossed the ocean.  Born of her union with Mr. Hauschildt were four children, namely:  Augusta, wife of James A. Collins, who is station agent for the Southern Pacific Railroad Company at Haywards; Carl Ludwig, who conducts the old homestead for his mother; John George, who owns a steam laundry in Haywards; and Henry, who conducts a jewelry store in Haywards.  The home occupied by Mrs. Hauschildt was purchased by her husband a few months before his death, as he had contemplated retiring from active cares and settling in this city but he did not live to occupy his new home.  He also owned a ranch of one hundred and thirty-two acres which Mrs. Hauschildt has since sold.  Mr. Hauschildt died June 12, 1895, after an illness of but a few hours.  He was a Democrat in his political convictions.  Though not a church member, he was a Christian and a charitable man in every way, giving liberally to the needs of those about him, and until the death of his parents in Germany he sent them money every year.  He belonged to the Patrons of Husbandry and Society of California Pioneers, and was an honored and esteemed citizen.





Transcribed 10-10-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1354. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.