Alameda County










     An honored citizen of San Leandro, Alameda county, Col. Frank S. Hastings is now retired from the active cares of life, since 1878 having made his home upon property which he then purchased, consisting of six acres in orchard fruits.  He was born in the latter part of 1829 in Boston, Mass., the elder of two children in the family of his parents, the other, C.C., being a clothier in San Francisco.  His father, Frank T. Hastings, was born in England.  After his emigration to the United States he settled in Boston, Mass., where he engaged in the manufacture of grates and mantels.  He was a fine tenor singer and gave his services in many of the churches in his adopted city, where his death occurred.  His wife, Mary Hastings, was a native of Massachusetts, where she died at the age of fifty-one years.

     A limited education was all that Colonel Hastings was able to obtain, early in young manhood securing a position as a clothing clerk in New York City with Captain Jennings.  Deciding to emigrate to the Pacific slope he came to California via the Isthmus of Panama in 1854 and engaged in the clothing business with his brother, C.C. Hastings, the firm being known as Huston, Hastings & Co.  He returned to New York City and enlisted in the Seventh New York Volunteer Infantry.  In 1861 he enlisted in the Fifth New York Regiment of Zouaves and acted as colonel in the recruiting service.  For three years he experienced the hardships and dangers of war, but at the battle of Great Bethel, under Butler, he was shot in the head and leg and was thus incapacitated for further service.  After his honorable discharge he returned to California and continued his business in San Francisco until 1878, when he came to San Leandro and bought six acres of land, which he planted to orchard.   Since that time he has made that place his home and proved himself a desirable citizen and one upon whom the honor of the community may safely rest.  A distinctly loyal and patriotic citizen, his love for the American flag is so great and his desire so intense that the youth of the county be taught to know and also love it, that at considerable expense to himself he has donated a number of flag poles to the public.  One was given to San Leandro in commemoration of the election of McKinley, the town having been Democratic up to that time; one to Washington Park, which will be dedicated on Washington's birthday in 1905; and one brought from Bath, Me., to Lyon Post No. 8, G.A.R., which is erected at Evergreen cemetery, near San Leandro.

     The marriage of Colonel Hastings occurred in 1873, in Tuolumne county, Cal. and united him with Elizabeth Henderson, a native of Rockland, Me.  Two children were born of the union, namely:  Frank and Elizabeth, of whom the latter is now deceased.  In his political convictions a stanch Republican, Colonel Hastings has always been active in his efforts to promote the principles he endorses, although he has never desired official recognition.





Transcribed 7-15-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1258-1259. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.