Alameda County











            CHRISTOPHER GRESEL. Among those venerable farmers who belong rather to the past than the present, and whose conservative, cautious lives have added strength and stability to the community which they have called home, mention is due Christopher Gresel, the owner of a valuable farm of nearly three hundred acres in the vicinity of Decoto. Mr. Gresel is one of the many German-Americans who landed in America with their possessions done up in a small package, and their finances much depleted by the expense of crossing the ocean. He had energy and courage, however, and prudence and patience, traits which have won their owner his present competence, and given him his standing as a man and farmer among his fellow workers. He is now eighty-four years old, and his eyes are dimmed by much usage, and the beautiful country by which he is surrounded is indistinct to his vision, yet he carries around with him a happy heart, a clear mind, and memories as fresh as yesterday of the experiences through which he has passed.

            Born in Hanover, Germany, April 27, 1820, Mr. Gresel was reared on a farm, and when twenty-two years old bade adieu to the land of his forefathers and came to the United States. He had neither trade nor resources, and after a few months in New York City made his way west to Buffalo via the canal, and from there by vessel to Chicago, whence he traveled to Naperville, Ill., and found employment on a farm. The country was new and opportunity prolific, yet he saw far better chances in the far west and journeyed hither in the spring of 1852. By way of the Isthmus he reached San Francisco, and at once went to the mines of Nevada and Grass Valley, but not meeting with expected success went to Alvarado, Alameda county, and secured work on a ranch. Afterward he worked on land where the California Nursery is now located. In 1858 he bought his present ranch, all of which is in the valley, and of remarkable fertility. He has improved it beyond the average, giving to it the care and thought of a careful and painstaking mind.

            In his declining years Mr. Gresel is surrounded by a happy family, consisting of his devoted wife and two youngest children, Christophena and Minnie. His eldest daughter, Amelia, is the wife of Adam Becker, of San Francisco. Mrs. Gresel was formerly Mary May, a native of Hesse-Cassel, Germany, and an immigrant to this country in 1859. In politics Mr. Gresel is an Independent, and in religion he is a Lutheran. He is respected for his industrious and well directed life, his unquestioned integrity, and his devotion to his family and friends.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 07 May 2015.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 577-578. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marie Hassard.











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