Alameda County











     Industry, frugality and perseverance have been leading traits in the career of James H. Gray, junior member of the firm of Gray Brothers, conducting a livery, feed and sale stable in Haywards, and also interested in farming and stock raising in Alameda county.  Mr. Gray is a long way from the scene of his youth, for he was born in Ontario, Canada, February 14, 1857, and gained his present strong constitution and perfect health from outdoor work, simple living and good hours.  His educational advantages were those of the average farm-reared boy of the north, and his family and constitution and perfect health from outdoor work, simple living and good hours.  His educational advantages were those of the average farm-reared boy of the north, and his family and connections, mentioned in the sketch of his brother, George, were of a kind to develop strong and self-reliant traits of character.

     Mr. Gray left the farm in Ontario in December, 1883, coming to California by way of the Isthmus, and settling in Haywards, where his brother George had already become established in business.  As a clerk in a general store he acquired his first business experience, and before he discontinued this occupation he had gained a fair knowledge of merchandising.  At the end of seven years he joined his brother in the purchase of their present business, of which Mr. Gray has had the chief responsibility for some time, and the entire management of the barn.  His brother is public administrator of Alameda county, and besides that responsibility, is superintendent of a large ranch.  Together the brothers lease land and carry on general farming and stock raising, many of the horses used in the livery, as well as a high grade of cattle, being reared by them.  Mr. Gray is connected with the Woodmen of the World.  He has a comfortable and pleasant home in Haywards, erected by him-self several years ago, and presided over by his wife, who is a native of California, and before her marriage was Eleanore, daughter of Daniel Culp , one of the pioneers of California.  Mr. Gray is popular with his business associates, and has the good will of all who know him.  He is honorable in all his dealings, and is entitled to the patronage and success which have come his way.




Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker April 25th 2015.     

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 528. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Louise E. Shoemaker.












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