Alameda County












            PETER C. FREDERICKSON. Conspicuous among the prosperous business men of Alameda county is Peter C. Frederickson, the pioneer coal and grain merchant of Fruitvale. Enterprising and industrious, possessing energy and good executive ability, he is giving close attention to the management of his affairs, and by his honorable dealings has won the confidence and respect of the community. The son of a farmer, he was born June 4,1859, in Denmark, where his parents, Frederick and Dorothy Frederickson, spent their entire lives, the father dying in his native land in 1861.

            The youngest of a family consisting of five sons and two daughters, Peter C. Frederickson lived with his widowed mother until fifteen years of age, obtaining his education in the common schools. Emigrating to the United States in 1874, he lived for three years in Plainfield, N. J., working at any honorable employment. In 1877 he came to California, locating immediately in Fruitvale, which has since been his home. Energetic and thrifty, he had no trouble in securing employment, and being prudent and economical he saved money. When ready to establish himself in business on his own account, Mr. Frederickson opened the first coal and wood yard in Fruitvale, starting on a modest scale in 1890. Successful from the first in his operations, he has built up an extensive business, being now the leading dealer in coal, wood, hay, grain and feed of that section of the county, having a large wholesale and retail trade. His yard and office are located on the old county road, at the corner of King avenue, a favorable location both for receiving and delivering any of his commodities. He is also agent for a fire insurance company, representing a well-known and reliable firm.

            Mr. Frederickson was married in Fruitvale October 7, 1884, to Mettie C. Frost, a native of Denmark, and they are the parents of five children: Neil A., Dorothy S., Catherine M., Alice G., and Chester C. Politically Mr. Frederickson cordially supports the principles of the Republican party, and, though not an office seeker, is now serving as a member of the sanitary board of the Fruitvale district. He is also a member and one of the directors of the Fruitvale Board of Trade. Fraternally he belongs to Orion Lodge No. 189, I. O. O. F.; to Ah Wah Nee Tribe No. 86, I. O. R. M., of Fruitvale, in which he has passed all the chairs; to Oakland Lodge No. 171, B. P. O. E.; and to Fruitvale Camp No. 431, W. O. W.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 21 April 2015.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 470-475. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marie Hassard.











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