Alameda County











               Prominent among the solid capitalists of California is Joseph F. Forderer, one of the most active and honored citizens of Alameda, in whose welfare he takes a deep interest and which he is now acceptably serving as mayor. A man of keen judgment and foresight, possessing great business acumen and tact, he is a fine representative of the self-made men of our times, having by his own efforts made steady progress along the pathway of success, winning wealth and fame. Beginning life with no other capital than an active brain, a courageous heart and willing hands, he has labored unceasingly from his youth up to the present.

               A native of Germany, Joseph F. Forderer was born June 3, 1850, in Baden, a son of Stephen and Mary A. (Hippler) Forderer, who immigrated to the United States in the ‘50s, taking up their residence in Ohio. He received his early education in Cincinnati, Ohio, and in boyhood became self supporting. Entering the employ of Henry Beekman, in Cincinnati, he became familiar with the manufacturing of galvanized iron, iron roofing and cornice work, attaining great skill in his trade. Subsequently, in company with W. G. Berriman of that city, he embarked in business as a manufacturer of cornices of all kinds, and met with excellent success in his enterprise, filling contracts in various places. Coming to Napa, Cal., at the time of the building of the Napa state asylum, Mr. Forderer secured the contract for manufacturing and putting up all the cornice work of the institution His work was highly satisfactory in every respect, and its seven great towers now stand as monuments to his artistic skill and ability. When he came to California Mr. Forderer had not expected to remain here permanently, but during the eighteen months that he was employed on the asylum he was so charmed with the climate and so impressed with the brilliant promises of the state’s future progress that he decided to transfer his business interests and his residence to California.

               In 1875, therefore, he located in San Francisco. In company with Mr. Hunter he opened a roofing and cornice factory, and subsequently added to his manufactures those of tin, copper, slate and tile. In his operations he was very successful, and soon bought out the interests of his partner in the plant. In 1888, having greatly enlarged the business, he incorporated the Forderer Cornice works, of which he has since been president and manager. He employs about one hundred men, taking contract of importance in this and adjoining states, all of the prominent buildings of the coast being more or less represented by his work. His manufactures are noted for their artistic beauty and durability, and he has taken medals from the state for all kinds of plain and fancy cornices and for metallic statuary. On coming to Alameda, Mr. Forderer purchased, at No. 1212 Regent street, his present home, which he has rebuilt, making it one of the most beautiful residences of the city. He also owns property of value in San Francisco. For the past thirteen years he has been city trustee, nine years of the time serving as president of the board, and is now, as mayor of the city, performing the duties of his office with credit to himself and to the honor of his constituents.

                In 1873, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr.Forderer married Carrie Heidt, a native of that city, and they have the following children: Carrie, wife of Arthur Harmner Smith; George, engaged with his father in business, as is also Joseph, who married Hattie Kingsbury; Wesley, with his father in business; Emma, Edith, Ruby and Arthur. Fraternally Mr. Forderer is actively identified with the Masonic fraternity, being a member of the lodge, the chapter, the commandery and the Eastern Star.




Transcribed by: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 705. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Cecelia M. Setty.









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