Alameda County




Abijah Pond Everett, a business man of San Francisco, residing in Alameda, was born in Foxborough, Norfolk county, Massachusetts, August 10, 1820, of an old Massachusetts family.  His father, Daniel Everett, was also born in that State, in 1776, and died in May, 1855, in the same State. He was Captain in the war of 1812, stationed at South Boston, and was a farmer by occupation.  Mr. Everett's mother's maiden name was Clarissa Pond, and she also was a native of Massachusetts.  In that family were six children, of whom one died young and three are now living.

     The youngest of these, our subject, was brought up on his father's farm until he was fifteen years old.  He then served a seven years' apprenticeship in a Boston grocery.  Next he was at Para, Brazil, on the Amazon river, in charge of the business of a gentleman who was absent two years in the United States.  Then Mr. Everett returned home on account of ill health.  Within two months he embarked as supercargo on board a trading expedition to the northwest portion of Africa, visiting Gambia, Cathaw, Basaw and Gore -- the latter point being the most western on the coast of Africa.  In six months he was back at Boston. Four months afterward he left for Honolulu, arriving there in March, 1846, and resided there about fifteen years, engaged in auctioneering and commission.

     In the meantime, in 1850, he visited San Francisco, being in this city four months.  In 1851 he was appointed Chilian (sic) Consul at Honolulu, which position he filled as long as he resided there.  During his residence there he was under the reigns of Kings Kamehameha III and IV, and Kamehameha V came into power about the time he left there.  Also, while he was a resident of Honolulu, he married in 1851, Carmen Escainilla de Rodreigus Vide, a native of Santiago, Chili (sic).  Rodreigus Vide, her father, was then Chilian (sic) Consul at Honolulu.  He died in 1851 leaving two daughters. The other daughter married Robert C. Janion, an Englishman, who succeeded Vide to the consular office; finally Mr. Everett succeeded Mr. Janion to the same position.

     In 1861 Mr. Everett disposed of his business in Honolulu, resigned the consulship and moved to San Francisco.  His first business association here was with the house of McRuer & Merrill, commission merchants, on California street.  He was next salesman and auctioneer for another party nearly eight years.  For the past seventeen years he has been in business for himself at 405 Front street.  He moved to Alameda in 1881.  Politically he is an ardent Republican.  His first presidential vote was cast for Abraham Lincoln for his second term.  April 11, 1887, he was elected a member of the Board of Trustees of Alameda.

     His first wife died in October, 1864, the mother of four sons, living.  His present wife he married in 1877.


Transcribed 4-29-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 66-67, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.