Alameda County











     Since beginning his career in 1960 as a laborer on ranches, packing his own blanket and enduring the loneliness and hardships incident to such a life, Edward C. Dozier has become owner of valuable lands devoted to grain and vineyards; owns an oil well and is a stockholder in various mines, and in his beautiful home in Oakland is rounding out a well-spent life, not the least of whose success has been the rearing of a family of children of whom any aren’t could well take pride.  His life is an exemplification of Emerson’s truism: “What man has done man can do.”

     A native of South Carolina, Mr. Dozier was born in Williamsburg August 17, 1843, a son of Anthony W. and Mary C. (Cuttino) Dozier.  His father, an attorney of note in his native state, reared a family of nine sons and one daughter, and became owner of a large plantation.  He brought his family to California in 1869 and located at old Rio Vista, Solano county, there living retired from active duties until his death at the age of seventy-two years, his wife passing away when sixty-five years old.

    In his home in South Carolina Edward C. Dozier was reared to manhood, remaining home until the breaking out of the Civil war, when he enlisted in Company F, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry, serving until the siege of Petersburg in 1864, when he was so severely wounded that he was compelled to return home.  Some time elapsed before his complete recovery to health.  With his parents he came to California in 1869, easily finding employment on the various ranches.  After spending two years thus he rented land of Dr. Toland, and began stock-raising, in October, 1872, becoming manager of the vast Toland ranch of twelve thousand acres and remained as such for many years.  In the meantime he reclaimed eighteen hundred acres of the land by building levees, turning a great marsh into the most fertile land of which the ranch could boast.  During this work he often employed as many as six hundred Chinese, the labor that is now done by means of dredges and pumps being then performed entirely by hand.  In 1900 in company with W.B. Presley, he purchased one-third of the Toland ranch, since which time they have devoted the land to grain and stock-raising, keeping over one thousand sheep.  He established and built his home in Rio Vista, where he lived until 1895, becoming prominent in local affairs and a citizen upon whom the interests of the community could safely rest.  For sixteen years he served a school trustee and town trustee, as well as taking a lively interest in all matters pertaining to the general welfare.  In 1895 he purchased the home built by Dr. Ayala, and moved into the same in order that his children could have the superior training from the schools of Oakland.  In 1888, in partnership with Mr. Presley, he purchased three hundred and twenty-five acres of land near Windsor, Sonoma county, of which are devoted to wine grapes and thirty acres to prunes.  In the meantime he became associated financially with the Tuolumne Mining & Development Company, now serving as president of the same, and is also connected with the Saw Pit Mining Company of Plumas county, as well as the quicksilver mines of Sonoma county.  Nine years ago he purchased an oil well in the city of Los Angeles, which has brought him in substantial returns for the investment.  His far-seeing judgment and business sagacity, as well as a decision of character which enables him to profit by an opportunity as well as discern it, have proven exceptional even among the many men who have attained a position of prominence through successful business ventures, the returns from his labor speaking more eloquently than words could do of his personal success.  He is widely known and honored throughout the county.

    Mr. Dozier married Jeannette Presley, a native of the same county and state as himself, and a daughter of John and Sarah (Gotea) Presley, who were farmers in South Carolina, the father dying at the age of fifty-three years, while the mother lived to be sixty-two.  The following children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Dozier:  Anthony W., a civil engineer, who married Edna Gates and is the father of one son, Anthony W., Jr.; Sarah Gotea, a trained nurse, who has charge of the St. Thomas Hospital of San Francisco; Mary Catherine; Presley, deceased; Lydia Lee, a graduate of the Oakland high school and the University of California; Jeannette D.; Edward C., Jr.; Linwood; George P.; and Wade H.   Fraternally Mr. Dozier is identified with the Masonic order, being a member and past master of Rio Vista Lodge No. 208, F. & A.M.  He was also active in the Pomona Grange while in existence.





Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker, MA.,RD   March 21, 2015.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 444-445. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Louise E. Shoemaker.












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