Alameda County










     In the neighborhood of Mount Eden, Eden township, Alameda county, is located the home of Frank Dennis, an enterprising agriculturist, whose chief interests since taking up an independent line of work have been as an orchardist.  Born in Mayfield, Santa Clara county, November 14, 1861, he is a son of Orin Dennis.  The latter was born in Liberty, Waldo county, Me., in 1828, and reared to manhood as a farmer.  He came to California via Cape Horn in 1850 and began his life as a citizen of this state as a boatman on San Francisco bay, afterward conducting a boat to and from Mare Island.  He became captain of a small boat and was employed by the government in hauling rock in partnership with his brother, who conducted the sloop Martha Elizabeth.  Upon quitting the sea service he went to Mayfield, Santa Clara county, where he erected the first school house in that place, and made that locality his home for several years, after which he came to the ranch now operated by his son.  This was in 1871, when he purchased two hundred acres of land, absolutely unimproved and uncultivated.  With the energy and perseverance inherited from his sturdy New England ancestors, he engaged in the laborious work which has transformed his property into one of the finest ranches of that community.  He remained in this location until his death in 1893, at the age of sixty-eight years.  His death occurred suddenly, as he had been in perfect health up to that time.  He was a prominent man of the community, as a stanch Republican taking an active part in all local affairs and discharging the duties of various minor offices.  He was a member of Eucalyptus Lodge No. 243, F.& A.M., of Haywards.  While at Mayfield, in 1855, he was married to Miss Robertson, and in 1871 was married to Susan E. Blood, also a native of Maine, who is at present living in San Francisco at the ripe age of seventy-one years.

     Frank Dennis was about ten years old when he came with his parents to the ranch where he now lives.  While assisting in the home duties which fell to his lot as a farmer's son, he attended the public schools.  Deciding to continue in the work to which he had been reared, he ended his school days without college training, and shortly after rented land and engaged in independent farming.  Some time previous to his father's death he managed the home place, and since then has rented the land from his mother.  The ranch now numbers thirty acres, of which twenty acres are given over entirely to fruits of various kinds.  He has made a success of his work and is numbered among the progressive and enterprising ranchers of Eden township.

     The marriage of Mr. Dennis united him with Harriet Obermuller, who was born at Mount Eden, a daughter of George Obermuller, who came to California in 1856.   They are the parents of five children, namely:  Orin, a clerk in a mercantile establishment in Mount Eden; Eva S., at home; Reuben Winfield; Ruth H.; and Hazen A.  In his political convictions Mr. Dennis is a stanch Republican and has been school trustee and clerk of the board for six years.   Fraternally he is a member of Eucalyptus Lodge No. 243, F.& A.M. of Haywards, and Woodmen of the World.




Transcribed 8-26-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1283. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.