Alameda County












            We have a just pride in our Native Sons. Climate and opportunity have developed a class of young men and women who have become an honor to our State. The subject of our sketch was born in San Francisco, and is a fair representative of a people who have push, enterprise and generosity. At an early age he was placed at school in Dresden, Germany, and subsequently completed his education in France. At the age of twenty years he commenced the study of his chosen profession, the law, at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., but after completing his course there was compelled to seek other fields on account of disability of his eyesight, since which time he has been engaged in mercantile iife. (sic)

            Mr. Delger has taken a deep interest in political affairs, and is now Chairman of the Republican County Committee of his county and member of the Executive Committee of State Central Committee. He has recently been honored with the appointment of Trustee of the new Insane Asylum at Agnews, in Santa Clara county, and the Board did him the further honor of electing him their Chairman. In society life he holds membership in Pacific Lodge, A. O. U. W., of which he is a Past Master Workman, and also is a member of Oakland Legion No. 3, Select Knights, A. O. U. W. He is also a member of Oakland Lodge, No. 188, F. and A. M., and is at present Marshal of the Lodge. In 1886 he advanced to the Royal Arch Degree in Oakland, Chapter, No. 36, R. A. M., and has taken the Fourteenth degree in Scottish Rite Masonry in Oakland Lodge of Perfection, No. 12. In the I. O. O. F. he is a member of Oakland Lodge, No. 118, Golden Rule Encampment, No. 34, and Canton No. 11, Patriarchs Militant.  

            In addition to the above he is a member of Oakland Parlor, No. 50, Native Sons of the Golden West. Surrounded by an interesting family, scholastic attainments, honored and highly respected, he is indeed a valuable member of the various fraternities to which he belongs.  




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 45, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1890.

© 2013  Cecelia M. Setty.








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