Alameda County










     In Thomas Cushing the Irvington district has a much traveled and thoroughly experienced cattle man, as well as successful and extensive general farmer.  His business trend is an inherited one, for his father, William Cushing, was a buyer, shipper and raiser of cattle in Ireland, and reared his son to a knowledge of the same line of business.  His mother, Catherine (Dee) Cushing, came from County Tipperary, and represented an old and well-known family of that historic county.  Thomas Cushing, who was one of a large family of children, was born on the Tipperary farm about sixty-six years ago, and when seventeen years old sailed to Australia, where he put his knowledge of stock to good account, raising and selling cattle in the vicinity of Sidney(sic).  Eight months later he went to the opening up of Queensland, engaging in the cattle business around Brisbane, then a small town, but the center of activity in that part of Australia.

     In 1858 Mr. Cushing came to California, located in Oakland, and after a year and a half of various employment became the manager of the ranch of Mr. Mayhew near Irvington.   Making himself useful to the wealthy land owner, he remained in his service for five or six years, and by that time had accumulated quite a competence, and was able to purchase his present ranch of one hundred and ninety-four acres.  At that time he engaged in a general farming and cattle business, but now confines himself to cattle and grain, having a dairy which supplies a considerable portion of the milk for Irvington.  He has made many fine improvements on his land, and is considered one of the most progressive and practical of the ranchers of his district.

     In Sidney, Australia, Mr. Cushing married Margaret Madden, who also was born in Ireland, and who is the mother of two sons and one daughter.  Mr. Cushing's oldest son, Henry, is a farmer near Irvington, and his second son, W. B., is his able assistant on the home ranch.  His daughter, Maggie, is the wife of T. Powers, of Irvington.  Mr. Cushing has the geniality and sociability of his race, and is popular and well liked by his many friends and neighbors.  Fraternally he is connected with Mission Lodge, A.O.U.W., of Mission San Jose.  In politics he is a Democrat, and in religion is a devoted member of the Catholic Church.





Transcribed 11-17-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1402-1403. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.