Alameda County












Arthur Elwell Connick, chairman of Pacific National Fire Insurance company of San Francisco, was born in Eureka, California, on April 4, 1882; son of Washington and Matilda (Campbell) Connick. His education was received from the public schools of Garberville, California.

            From 1898 to 1906 Mr. Connick was an accountant for G. M. Connick & Company at Eureka, California; then accountant and manager for Z. Russ & Sons Company, Eureka, 1906-15; president of First National Bank of Eureka, 1915-29; president of First Savings Bank of Eureka, 1917-21; president of Home Savings Bank of Eureka, 1921-28. In 1929 he moved to Oakland, California, where he was vice president of the Bank of Italy from 1929 to 1930; vice president of Oakland Bank of Savings, 1930-31. Then moved to San Francisco, where he was vice president of the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association from 1931 to 1942. Appointed president of Pacific National Fire Insurance Company of San Francisco, 1943-46. Since has been chairman of Board of Directors. Chairman of the Board of Bank of Pinole (Crockett, California); Director of Berkeley Y.M.C.A. and Redwood Empire Association.

            Mr. Connick is a member of the Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco and Chamber of Commerce of California State; president and director of Save-the-Redwoods League; director of State Park Commission under Governors Young and Rolfe; Republican; Presbyterian; Mason (Knight Templar, Shriner); member of Commonwealth Club of San Francisco and San Francisco Commercial Club.

            Mr. Connick married Florence Robertson on June 17, 1913, and has four children: Katherine, Robert, Jeanette and Margaret.

            Home:  18 Tanglewood Road, Berkeley, California.

            Offices:  460 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Page 127, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2013  Cecelia M. Setty.











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