Alameda County










     Prominent among the active and enterprising business men of the younger generation is Ralph Roland Clarke, of Fruitvale, a successful florist, and manager of the branch house of the firm of Clarke Brothers, of Portland, Ore., of which he is a member.  A man of great energy, ability and tract, he has been exceedingly prosperous in his ventures, and during his six years residence in this state he has built up a very large and lucrative business as a floriculturist, supplying the near-by markets with choice flowers of all kings, and also shipping roses and carnations to the firm's house in Portland.  A son of James Clarke, he was born March 12, 1874, in Springfield, Ohio, of English ancestry on both the paternal and maternal sides.


     A native of England, James Clarke was born, bred and educated in Macclesfield, Chester county.  In early life he emigrated to America, becoming first a resident of Montreal, Canada.  Removing to Ohio in 1861, he engaged in railroad work, and for twenty-five years was an engineer on the Big Four Railway.  In July, 1898 he came to California, and now resides in Fruitvale, making his home with his son, Ralph R.  His wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Clarke, was born in Manchester, England, and now resides in Portland, Ore.  Of the children born of their union six are living, namely:  Albert and Frank, florists in Portland, Ore.; George, a plumber by trade; Ralph Roland, the special subject of this sketch; Mrs. Bessie Duke, of Portland, Ore.; and Edythe, an actress.


     After his graduation from the high school in Springfield, Ohio, Ralph Roland Clarke joined his brothers in Portland, Ore., going there in 1890.  Subsequently leasing land, the Clarke brothers erected greenhouses in that city, and have since built up an extensive business in floriculture, taking the lead in that line of industry.  As their patronage has increased these enterprising gentlemen have enlarged their operations, and now have eleven greenhouses at Mount Tabor, near Portland, and a large florist's store on Morrison street, where they daily fill numerous orders for their many customers.  In 1898 Mr. Clarke, representing the firm to which he belongs, located at Fruitvale, where he has established a thriving business, having now eleven hothouses in which he raises plants, five of them being 165 x 22 feet, and the others 125 x 22 feet.  Three of these houses he devotes to the culture of  roses, seven to the growing of carnations, and the remaining one to the raising of plants and flowers of various kinds.  He finds a ready market for many of his flowers in California cities, but for eight months of the year he ships a large part of his productions to the main house in Portland.  Mr. Clarke has sole management of the business in Fruitvale, where, on High street, he has three acres of land to care for. These brothers are noted for their ability, sagacity and business talent, having begun the battle of life with no other assets than their own strong hands and courageous hearts, and having successfully combated all obstacles, winning a notable position in the industrial world and the confidence and esteem of their fellow-men.


     Politically Mr. Clarke earnestly supports the principles of the Republican party, and fraternally he belongs to the Fruitvale Lodge No. 341`, W.O.W., and to Ah Wah Nee Tribe No. 86, I.O.R.M.





Transcribed 5-6-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 564. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.