Alameda County











            The subject of our sketch is descended from an ancestry of sterling worth and notoriety. He is one of the leading citizens of Oakland, and it may be truly said he is a citizen of unblemished reputation and high standing in his community.

            He is a man of warm and ardent friendships, generous impulses and decided opinions. Having been trained in a rigid school of rectitude, he admits of no compromise with wrong, and is always ready to champion the right and assist the weak whenever he can, regardless of aspersion or personal discomfort. His life has been one of continued usefulness, and his record has been one that has been that of a faithful frater.

            Bro. Carothers has been elected Councilman for the City of Oakland for three consecutive terms, and held the responsible position of Chief Baggage-master for the Central Pacific Railroad for sixteen years.

            Although he is one of the active business men of our community, he has given a large portion of his time and intelligent labor in promoting and enlarging our leading fraternal and beneficiary organizations. He is a charter member and P. M. W. of Occidental, No. 6, Past Commander of Upchurch Legion, No. 9, S. K.; served as Grand Vice-Commander two terms, and at their last Convention was unanimously elected Grand Commander.

            In his official duties he has shown tact and good judgment, and has gained the highest respect and esteem of his comrades. He is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F. and Oakland Encampment.

            Bro. Carothers is a fine type of manhood, a born leader, unblemished character, and a man of sterling worth. Modest and unassuming, his acceptance of high official positions has been taken reluctantly, and at the solicitation of his neighbors and associates.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 204, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.








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