Alameda County











            One of the foremost citizens of Oakland, and a representative business man, Edward C. Bridgman, a junior member of the firm of McCully & Bridgman, is identified with one of the leading industries of the city, being one of the proprietors of the Pioneer Planing mill. (sic) He was born June 14, 1858, in Cornwall, England, a son of Caleb B. Bridgman.

            Born in Cornwall, England, August 25, 1838, Caleb B. Bridgman learned and worked at the cabinet maker’s trade in his native land. Immigrating to the United States in 1864, he spent a short time in New York City, after which he lived for awhile in Pennsylvania. Coming from there to California, he was employed in various occupations in San Francisco, Oakland and the mining districts. Locating permanently in Oakland in 1870, he established himself in business on Filbert street, erecting a cabinet shop, which he is still carrying on successfully.

            Beginning life as a wage-earner when but ten years of age, Edward C. Bridgman worked first on a farm, and then in a grist mill. Joining his parents in Oakland in 1874, he began learning the trade of manufacturing sashes and doors, and in the years that followed acquired a thorough knowledge of his chosen occupation. After working as a journeyman, Mr. Bridgman was for a few years foreman in a planing mill in Placer county. Returning then to Oakland he established the Oakland Sash & Door Manufactory, of which J. McCully was a director, the factory being located in the old Pioneer Planing Mill, remaining there until the burning of the mill on the evening of March 30, 1896. This mill was established by Mr. Barnes, who was in turn succeeded by Blethen & Terry. They were succeeded by Mr. Hierliely and later by the Oakland Sash & Door Company. Prior to this Mr. Bridgman formed a partnership with Mr. Favor, the firm name being Favor & Bridgman, and opened a sash and door factory on Second street, between Castro and Brush streets, which, eight months later, was destroyed by fire. McCully & Bridgman then opened a planing mill on the corner of Second and Castro streets. These men of enterprise and energy enlarged the original plant, put in new machinery, renamed it the Pioneer Planing Mill, and are carrying on an extensive business, employing twenty-five men, and manufacturing mouldings, brackets, doors, sashes and window frames, and doing planing, sawing, turning and scroll work of all kinds.

            Mr. Bridgman married Margaret Gilmore, who was born and bred in Indiana, and of their union seven children have been born namely: Henry; Etta; a son who died in infancy; Alline, deceased; Edward; and Florence and Lillian, twins. Fraternally Mr. Bridgman is a member of Durant Lodge No. 268, F. & A. M., of which he is past master; of Oakland Chapter, R. A. M.; of Oakland Commandery, K. T.; and of the Oakland Consistory, which has conferred upon him the thirty-second degree of Masonry. He is likewise a member, and past master, of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 367-368. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Cecelia M. Setty.











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