Alameda County










     Numbered among the many worthy and capable agriculturists of Alameda county is John Brennan, who has been a resident of Fruitvale for more than forty years, and during that time, by persevering industry and prudent management has acquired a competency.  He holds high rank among the successful business men of this part of the county, and is everywhere respected as a man of sterling worth.  A native of the Emerald Isle, he was born in 1832 in County Tipperary, where his earlier years were spent.  His parents, Patrick and Ellen (Bow) Brennan, were born, lived and died in County Tipperary, Ireland, their four children, two boys and two girls, all being born on the home farm.

     The youngest child of the parental household, John Brennan received a limited education in the common schools, and at the age of seventeen years came with his brother Michael to the United States.  Locating on Long Island, N.Y., he remained there several years, working by the day or month.  Coming by way of the Isthmus to California in 1859, he found employment as a gardener in San Francisco.  A short time later Mr. Brennan engaged in business on his own account, establishing a vegetable garden in one of the suburbs of San Francisco and managing it successfully for three years.  Looking about for a favorable place in which to invest the capital that he had thus accumulated, he came to Alameda county in 1862, and on High street, Fruitvale, bought fifty-nine and three-fourths acres of land, in which was included his present home estate of nine acres.  Foreseeing the future growth of the town, Mr. Brennan divided his farm into small lots, and has since sold off forty-eight acres of his original purchase, realizing a good profit from the sales.

     In New York city, Mr. Brennan married Bridget Flannary, who was born in Ireland, and they have two children:  William, living at home; and Mary, wife of Benjamin James, of East Oakland.  Mr. and Mrs. Brennan have also reared a granddaughter, Jessie Brennan, who has lived with them since her childhood.  Politically Mr. Brennan was formerly an adherent of the Democratic party, but is now a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party.





Transcribed 10-8-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1349. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.