Alameda County



A. F. Blanchard, Oakland, is a native of sunny France, born in November, 1853.  His father came to the Pacific coast during the early '50s, and afterward engaged in mercantile business here in the city.  His son, our subject, came during his early boyhood, and after attending school entered his father's hardware store, where he remained until 1884, when he established his present business on Thirteenth street; there he remained until 1888, when he was obliged to secure more commodious quarters to meet the demands of his increasing business, and removed to his present location.  Here he is engaged in manufacturing all kinds of trunks, valises, traveling bags and sample cases of different varieties.  The light tourist trunk, manufactured by him, has become very popular, and there is a large demand for it.  All of his custom work is manufactured under his own supervision.  He has had a large practical experience, and has taken a leading position in the trade.  Mr. Blanchard has not only made a success of his own business, but is interested in other (sic)busiess investments, the result of his energy and ability and capable business management, his success in life being the result of his own efforts.


Transcribed 1-10-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 686-687, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.