Alameda County










    A mile and a half southwest of San Leandro, Alameda county, is located the large ranch which Mr. Bettencourt rents, and upon which he is engaged in the raising of hay and tomatoes, fifty acres of the property being devoted to this vegetable.  A native of the Azores Islands, he was born March 2, 1851, a son of Adam Bettencourt, who was born and bred in that locality and engaged in farming until his death.  His wife, Maria Madelaine Bettencourt, was also a native of the same place, and there she still makes her home.

     Of the three sons and five daughters born to his parents, Abel Maria Bettencourt is the second in order of birth. He received his education in the common schools of the islands, and at the same time received a thorough training in the practical duties of a farmer's life.  Deciding to immigrate to the western world, he came to the United States in 1874 and located in California, where, in the vicinity of San Leandro, he engaged with various farmers in his efforts to earn a livelihood.  Four years later he located near San Ramon, Contra Costa county, and conducted a farm, remaining in that locality until 1897 and meeting with success in his agricultural operations.  In the last-named year he returned to San Leandro and rented the property upon which he has since been located.

     In San Leandro in 1877, Mr. Bettencourt was united in marriage with Annie Leanore, who was also born in the Azores Islands.  She died in 1901, leaving a family of four children, namely:  Mary, who is married and resides in San Leandro; Joseph, at home; Emily, Mrs. Silva, of Warm Springs, Cal.; and Johnnie.  In his fraternal relations Mr. Bettencourt is associated with the U.P.E.C. and the Knights of Pythias of San Leandro.  He belongs to the Catholic Church, and in his political convictions casts his ballot with the Republican party.





Transcribed 10-31-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1365. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.