Alameda County










     A deservedly popular man in Alameda county is the present county tax collector, James Burton Barber, now serving his third term in this capacity.  A native son of the state, he was born in Marysville, Yuba county, Cal., November 9, 1850, the first white male child in this part of the state.  He was a son of Arthur S. Barber, a native of England, who came to the United States with an uncle when only thirteen years of age.  After landing at New York City he became a resident of various of the states of the middle west, for many years making his home in Illinois and Iowa.  In the latter state he married Elmira Burton, and shortly afterward they left their home in Clinton county, Iowa, and crossed the plains with ox teams, the journey being made in 1849.  Mr. Barber located in Yuba county and engaged in a general merchandise business and also taught school, being one of the first school teachers in northern California.  Later he engaged in business in Marysville and in 1853 removed to Alameda, Alameda county, where he established a store and made that town his home until his death, when almost eighty years of age.  As a Republican in politics he was active in the promotion of the principles which he endorsed and was always a man upon whom the community could depend for substantial support in all public affairs.  He served as postmaster of Alameda from 1856 until 1885, his popularity increasing with the passing years.

     The only child of his parents, James Burton Barber lost his mother when he was only a year old, and was thus left entirely to the care and attention of his father.  In his boyhood years he attended the Alameda school, receiving a common school education, after which he began work in his father's store.  Upon attaining his majority he learned telegraphy and found employment from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, remaining so engaged from 1871 to 1873.  Possessing much latent business ability, and being of an energetic and ambitious turn of mind, he could not be satisfied with the necessarily restricted opportunities which were his as an employe of the railroad, so engaged in business for himself as a dealer in coal and wood, for seven years following being interested as a factor in the business life of Alameda.  Having built up for himself a reputation among the business men of the community---town and county---and winning a popularity through the many fine characteristics which became manifest in his career, he was appointed deputy tax collector and deputy county assessor.  Following the expiration of his term as such he was nominated and elected county tax collector, after which he was elected treasurer of the city of Alameda for a term of four years.  Upon the expiration of this term he was again elected county tax collector, his re-election following the expiration of the term, and he is now serving in an efficient manner his third term in this capacity.  Mr. Barber has been notably successful in the discharge of the duties which have become his thorough acceptance of public office and has won the esteem and good will of all who have witnessed his work, as well as of those who honored him with their votes.

     On Christmas day, 1878, Mr. Barber was united in marriage with Anna M. Cook, a native of Philadelphia, Pa., and to them has been born one son, William B., who received his education at Stanford University.  Politically Mr. Barber is a stanch Republican and fraternally is associated with the Masonic order, being past master of Oak Grove Lodge, and is present past chancellor of Alameda Lodge No. 49, K.P.  He is also a charter past president of Halcyon Parlor, N.S.G.W.





Transcribed 6-20-15  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 660-661. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marilyn R. Pankey.