Alameda County










     The property which has been owned and occupied by Mr. Athenour since 1898 lies in the San Jose Mission district, Alameda county, six miles southwest of Pleasanton, and near the postoffice of Sunolglen.  On coming to this location he purchased twenty acres and has since added to the tract by the purchase of additional properties until now the homestead comprises one hundred and sixty acres.  The land is operated by renters, for Mr. Athenour's health has been injured by overwork and exposure to weather while herding sheep, and it is no longer possible for him to engage in manual labor.  However, he still superintends the farm, makes needed improvements from time to time, and directs the work of planting and harvesting, buying and selling.

     As his name indicates Mr. Athenour is of French lineage.  He was born in Bonnet, France, June 21, 1847, and came of an honorable and prosperous family.  In 1872 he came to California and settled on a farm.  His first effort at earning a livelihood was through the occupation of a sheep-herder.  After working for others some time he bought a flock of sheep, which he herded through this section of the state, traveling from one place to another in search of the necessary range.  With varying success he continued in the business.  At times he had large flocks, while at other times through sale he disposed of all but a small lot.  The work was congenial but proved too trying upon his health, and being exposed to the inclemencies(sic) of the weather at all seasons of the year he soon found himself unable to continue at the occupation.   For that reason he disposed of his sheep and bought the first twenty acres of his present ranch.  Two years after making the first purchase he bought forty acres and later by purchase completed the acquisition of the quarter section, the most of which lies in the Alameda creek valley.

     Since becoming a citizen of the United States Mr. Athenour has voted the Republican ticket in national elections, but locally votes for the men he deems best qualified to represent the people.  While the larger part of his property came from his unaided efforts, he is indebted for a portion to an inheritance from the estate of his parents in France.  To a large degree, however, all that he has may be attributed to his persevering application and well-directed efforts.  His success is deserving of special mention when it is remembered that he came to this county a stranger, without any knowledge of the English language, and has labored under that disadvantage during his subsequent career.  His marriage was solemnized October 3, 1889,and united him with Miss Pellegrin, who was born in Bonnet,  France, October 18, 1864, and came in 1889 to the United States, settling in California, where she soon afterward married.  Of their union four children were born, one of whom died at the age of three years and ten months.  The two sons, Marius, Jr., and Joseph, are fourteen and eleven years of age respectively, while the daughter, Frances R., is the youngest of the family.





Transcribed 12-8-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1409. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.