Alameda County






HOWELL V. ARMISTEAD, one of the successful medical practitioners of Alameda county, was born in Bedford county, near Lynchburg, Virginia, February 26, 1859, the fourth in a family of nine children born to James H. and Sarah Armistead, both also natives of Virginia.  The Armisteads are of the old and influential Virginia families, and their advent into that State antedates the Revolution, and members of the family also participated in the war of 1812.  The father of our subject entered the military service during the rebellion, and served with distinction until the close of the war, but a short time afterward lost his wife by accident.

            Howell V.  was reared and educated in his native county, and graduated at the Lynchburg High School in the class of 1879, after which he taught school two years in order to meet the expenses of his collegiate course, and at the same time also read medicine.  He came to California in 1881, locating in Stanislaus county, where he became steward of the county hospital, and also continued the study of medicine with Dr. C.W. Evans.  Mr. Armistead took his lectures in the medical department of the University of California, and also gained clinical experience in the hospital of San Francisco.  He graduated in the fall of 1885, after which he returned to Stanislaus county, locating at Hill’s Ferry, and devoted himself energetically to the practice and further study of medicine.  Three years later he removed to Newman, same county, where he remained until 1890, and in that year located at Golden Gate, where he has since become the partner of Dr. Collins, an able practitioner.  They have a lucrative and growing practice, and Dr. Armistead is also interested in stock-raising and the breeding of blooded horses in Stanislaus county.

            During his residence in the latter county, the Doctor was a member of the Board of School Trustees, and was active in the councils of the Democratic party.  Socially he affiliates with the K. of P., Newman Lodge, No. 139, of which order he has passed all the chairs, and also in the A.O.F. of A., Shelmanuel Court, No. 7,261, Golden Gate.


Transcribed by Terry Smith. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 13, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Terry Smith.