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San Mateo, Hillsborough Branch
Organized 1931
Incorporated 1951
Editor, Mrs. Charles P. Mabey
Assistant, Mrs. Ralph B. Bunje
Proofreaders, Mrs. John Eldridge, Mrs. H.S. Kelso
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To be eligible for national membership, women must have approved degrees from A.A.U.W. approved educational institutions.
Associate members are accepted, but must not exceed 20 per cent of this branch. Applicants must have completed 60 semester or 90 quarter units of academic work at approved colleges or universities. For further information, please contact the Membership Chairman.
Annual dues, $7.50
Delinquent fee (after Nov. 24, 1953), $2.50
Initiation fee, $5.00
Reinstatement Fee for members who have not resigned in good standing from a former branch, $3.00
Checks should be made payable to A.A.U.W. and mailed to the treasurer.
A national membership card for the current year is accepted as a basis for transfer to another branch.
To resign in good standing, a WRITTEN resignation must be sent to the Treasurer of the branch before December 1 of the first year that current dues are not paid. All members who are leaving this branch are urged to resign in good standing, even though they intend to continue their membership in another branch or return to this branch at a later date. A resignation in good standing eliminates the payment of a reinstatement fee upon rejoining.
Send any change of address, telephone, or name to Mailing and Change of Address Editor listed in the Bulletin.
General meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. Consult bulletins for notice of location of meetings.
Board of Directors' meetings are at 9:30 a.m. on the Thursday preceeding the general meeting.
Information on Committees, Study Groups, and Art and General Sections, as well as their meeting times will be found in the following pages. Changes and further details will be covered in the monthly bulletins.
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NATIONAL OFFICERS Headquarters: 1634 I Street, N.W., Washington 6, D.C. President, Dr. Susan B. Riley George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. Director, Dr. Helen D. Bragdon 1634 I Street, N.W., Washington 6, D.C. South Pacific Regional Vice-President, Mrs. Forster Rand Smith 1335 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, California |
DIVISION OFFICERS President, Mrs. Frank H. Marvin 501 Terrace Ave, Fresno 4 Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Walter Wagner 1402 Harrison Ave., Fresno 5 |
RESPRESENTATION Member of National By-Laws Committee, Mrs. E. Ransom Fox Member of State By-Laws Committee, Mrs. E. Ransom Fox Member of State Education Committee, Mrs. Carl D. Benninghoven |
MATEO-HILLBOROUGH BRANCH Board of Directors ELECTED OFFICERS President, Mrs. Murray Draper First Vice-President, Mrs. Ferris R. Farrington Second Vice-President, Mrs. James C. Hazlett Recording Secretary, Mrs. O. N. Lewis, Jr. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. David D. White Treasurer, Mrs. John P. Cruden Directors-at-Large, Mrs. Tindall E. Cashion Mrs. Emory L. Morris Mrs. Myles Smith APPOINTED OFFICERS Parliamentarian, Mrs. Carl D. Benninghoven Historian, Mrs. Carter B. Garland Housing Chairman, Mrs. Reuben A. White Year Book Editor, Mrs. Charles P. Mabey Membership Files, Mrs. Ralph B. Bunje ADMINISTRATIVE
COMMITTEES Arts Mrs. Joseph N. Mangin, Jr., Chm. Administration of the National Arts Program through the various Art Sections of the branch and representation of them on the Board. Bulletin Mrs. Emory L. Morris, Editor Publishing and mailing of the monthly bulletin. Choral Program Mrs. Benton S. Gaskell, Chm. Group singing and participation in branch programs. Director: Mrs. Wayne Hudson Meetings: See bulletin Place: 335 W. Santa Inez Ave, Hillsborough, (S.M.) Page 5 Courtesy Mrs. A. O. Skankey, Chm. Planning the monthly introductory parties for new members. Finance Mrs. John H. Eldridge, Chm. Preparation of the annual budget, assistance in collection of dues, study of financial aspects of the branch. General Sections Mrs. Laurence C. Armond, Chm. Integration of new members into branch activities, representation of general section chairmen on the Board. Hospitality Mrs. Richard P. Minor, Chm. Creating a friendly atmosphere; serving refreshments at meetings throughout the year; and arranging for the annual garden party in the Fall. Membership Mrs. Ferris R. Farrington, Chm. Contact of prospective members, examination of their credentials for eligibility, enrollment if they are acceptable, and introduction of them to the branch and its activities. Press Mrs. William J. O'Connell, Jr., Chm. Written reports of branch activities for local newspapers and State and National A.A.U.W. publications, as well as the clipping of news items. Program Mrs. James C. Hazlett, Chm. Planning programs for monthly general meetings. Recent Graduates Mrs. Kenneth P. Bogle, Chm. Varied programs keyed to membership interest; limited to members not more than ten years out of high school. Meetings: Third Wednesday at 8 p.m. Scholarship Mrs. Gaynor Langsdorf, Chm. Selects San Mateo Junior College students to be awarded college scholarships offered by the Branch; cooperates with the Fellowship Committee on program for one general meeting; and promotes magazine subscriptions, profits from which are applied to Scholarship Fund. Page 6 STUDY COMMITTEES Education Mrs. Myles Smith, Chm. Pre-school Education: Northern Group, Mrs. Thomas Banning, Chm. Speakers on psychological development of the pre-school child. Meetings: Fourth Tuesday at 8 p.m. Southern Group Mrs. R. D. Walker, Chm. Nature Study for the pre-school child. Meetings: Fourth Tuesday at 8 p.m. Elementary School Education: Northern Group, Chm. to be appointed Speakers on subjects of interest to parents of Elementary school students and general education concepts. Meetings: See bulletin Southern Group Mrs. Ernest Nelson, Chm. Education TV and speakers on subjects of general education interest. Meetings: Fourth Wednesday at 8 p.m. Fellowship Mrs. James Lyon, Chm. Introduction and entertainment of Fellowship grant holders and presentation of a program in conjunction with the Scholarship Committee. Garden Mrs. Edgar G. McLellan, Chm. Speakers and arranged tours in the study of garden problems. Meetings: Second Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. International
Relations Mrs. V. Webner Wiedemann, Chm. Speakers and discussion groups in the field of international affairs. Meetings: Second Thursday at 12 noon. Legislative Mrs. Tindall E. Cashion, Chm. Study of National and State A.A.U.W. legislative programs and national and local issues, with possible action. Meetings: Second Thursday at 10 a.m. Page 7 Social Studies
(Community Interests) Mrs. John C. Day, Chm. Discussion and speakers on Health, Welfare and Social agencies and conditions in San Mateo County; occasional field trips; study of California narcotics laws. Meetings: Fourth Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Status of Women Mrs. E. Ransom Fox, Chm. Women and Their Money will be the general theme for the year's program, based on a new kit just off the press. Well qualified speakers will highlight various aspects of the subject. Meetings: Third Tuesday at 10 a.m. SECTIONS ART SECTIONS General Director Mrs. Joseph N. Mangin, Jr. Antiques Mrs. David Spiegelman, Chm. Field trips, guest speakers and members' study of silver, china, furniture, etc. Meetings: Second Thursday morning. Ballroom Dancing, Chm. to be appointed Two groups-Beginners and Advanced. An hour of dancing (with husbands). Paid instructor. Meetings: Alternate Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Creative Writing, Chm. to be appointed. Weekly morning or evening classes with instructor. Meetings: Tuesday evening, Wednesday or Friday mornings. Current Drama Mrs. Hector Jimenez, Chm. Play reading by the group. Meetings: Fourth Wednesday at 8 p.m. Drawing and Painting, Chm. to be appointed. Bi-monthly classes with paid instructor. Meetings: First and third Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. |
Flower Arrangement, Chm. to be appointed. Weekly lectures by instructor. Meetings: Wednesday, afternoon or evening. Handwrought Silver Mrs. Ralph C. Shermund, Chm. Handcrafting of jewelry and flatware. Meetings: Every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Music Appreciation
(Afternoon) Mrs. Howard Steinbach, Chm. Study of the instruments of the orchestra. Meetings: First Thursday at 12:45 p.m. Page 8 Music Appreciation
(Evening) Mrs. Harold H. Hopper, Chm. Program same as afternoon group. Meetings: Third Monday at 8 p.m. Oriental Arts Mrs. E. P. Meyers, Chm. Lectures, discussion, occasional guest speakers, and field trips. Emphasis on Chinese art. Instructor: Mrs. Edward Colcord Meetings: First Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. GENERAL SECTIONS General Director Mrs. Laurence C. Armond Book Section II Mrs. Paul C. Wilmore, Chm. Reviews of books with political flavor and current world problems. Meetings: Second and fourth Mondays at 1:45 p.m. Book Section III Mrs. Roscoe Wyatt, Chm. The tentative outline of study for the coming year is a continuation of the reading of both fiction and non-fiction of the South Pacific. Meetings: First Monday at 12:45 p.m. Book Section IV Mrs. C. A. Wheeler, Chm. Discussion of modern books of current interest, one serious, one light. Meetings: Second Wednesday at 1 p.m. Modern Books I Miss Grace Marrett, Chm. Brief survey of recent books, and review of two- occasionally three-of them, usually one light and one more serious. Meetings: Fourth Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. Modern Books II Mrs. Henry Dickinson, Chm. Review of modern books. Meetings: Fourth Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. Evening Book Section
I Mrs. Philip Jones, Chm. Review and discussion of modern books, both fiction and non-fiction. Meetings: Third Tuesday at 8 p.m. Evening Book Section
II Miss Evelyn Tennis, Chm. Modern books are reviewed. New members are welcome. Meetings: First and third Mondays at 8 p.m. Page 9 Great Books I Mrs. Alan Norton Benner, Chm. Fourth year of study of course outlined by University of Chicago. Meetings: Second and fourth Thursday at 8 p.m. Great Books II Mrs. Victor J. Brucher, Chm. First year of study of course outlined by University of Chicago. Meetings: Third Thursday at 8 p.m. Recent Graduates
Book Section Miss Margaret Crowley, Chm. Program to be announced. Meetings: See bulletin. San Carlos Evening
Book Section Mrs. Aldabert Lane, Chm. Current fiction and non-fiction books reviewed, followed by discussion. Meetings: First Thursday at 8 p.m. Belmont Digest Mrs. Kenneth Tomlinson, Chm. Member participation in presenting each program, limited to residents of Belmont. Meetings: First Tuesday at 8 p.m. San Carlos Digest Mrs. T. P. MacDonald, Chm. The purpose of the San Carlos Digest is to get together and to discuss and report briefly on a variety of subjects. Meetings: First Wednesday at 8 p.m. California Fact and
Legend Mrs. John Millsap, Chm. Study of the Monterey Peninsula. Meetings: Third Thursday at 8 p.m. Spanish Mrs. Norman Indahl, Chm. Advanced study in Spanish with college background of at least one year necessary. Meetings: Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Beginning Spanish Mrs. A. R. Wall, Chm. Study of Spanish for new students under the direction of a paid instructor. Meetings: Tuesdays at 10 a.m. French Mrs. Richard Golden, Chm. Conversational French not requiring previous study-fee charged. Meetings: Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Page 10 Travel I Mrs. James E. Carroll, Chm. A Program of entertainment consisting of the showing of professional and amateur slides and films on domestic or foreign travel. Meetings: Third Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. Travel II Miss Jean Allen, Chm. An evening of travel for real or armchair travelers. Meetings: Third Wednesday at 8 p.m. SPORT SECTIONS Tennis Mrs. Arthur R. Wall, Chm. Tennis for the experienced or beginner at Beresford Courts, South San Mateo, with adjacent playground for children. Meetings: Fridays at 9:15 a.m. Swimming Mrs. F. Everett Emerson, Chm. Swimming at Young's Athletic Club in the winter. During spring, water ballet and precision swimming practiced. Once a year presents an aquacade. Meetings: Once a week throughout the year. Bridge Sections Mrs. John F. Hodgson, II, Chm. Afternoon or evening sections in duplicate or rubber bridge can be arranged. Phone the Chairman and tell her your favorite day and time. Baby-Sitters'
Cooperative Mrs. Wm. Van Bokkelen, Chm. Exchange of members' services as baby-sitters, day or evening. Design for Living Mrs. Peter Teige, Chm. A flexible program designed to meet the varied interests of the Group. Meetings: Fourth Thursday at 8 p.m. SPECIAL COMMITTEES Telephone Committee Mrs. Frank F. Burrows, Chm. Notifies membership of general meetings and special events. |
*Indicates Associate
(S.M.) or (Burl.) following Hillsborough addresses indicates the post office address to be used.
Page 11 Aaronson, Mrs. Michael (Frances Leviant) 116 Colton, San Carlos LY 3-4455 Wayne University, A.B. 1936 Abbott, Mrs. Charles (Beatrice Irene Pickett) 1616 Adeline Drive, Burlingame DI 4-1344 University of Nebraska, B.S. 1931 Abercrombie, Mrs. Roland K. (Lily Pauline Anderson) 717 Oregon Ave., San Mateo DI 4-1046 University of California, A.B. 1922 Abernethy, Mrs. Rodney E. (Elizabeth M. Naftzger) 236 Amhurst St, San Mateo DI 3-8798 University of California, A.B. 1945 *Abrahamsen, Mrs. Gunlek (Margaret P. Bannan) 1901 Adeline Drive, Burlingame DI 3-0747 Dominican College, Ex' 1927 Albert, Ruth 322 W. 25th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-0822 Stanford University, A.B. 1946 Alef, Mrs. A. R. (Maurine L. Casey) 1645 Westmoor Rd., Burlingame OX 7-8277 University of California, A.B. 1935 Alff, Mrs. William H. (Marion DeBerry) 2203 Semeria Ave., Belmont LY 3-5556 University of California, A.B. 1948 Allen, Mrs. Frank L. (Mary Caldwell) 2434 Hampton St., Redwood City EM 8-1914 Oregon State College, B.S. 1950 Allen, Jean 250 Elm Ave., San Mateo DI 3-6702 Occidental College, A.B. 1945 Altwein, Mrs. Donald (Marguerite Poore) 2085 Greenwood Ave., San Carlos LY 3-6262 University of Washington, A.B. 1944 Anderson, Mrs. Matt W. (Beverly Amery) 1307 Vista Grande, Millbrae OX 7-2282 William Jewel College, A.B. 1944 Page 12 *Anderson, Mrs. Robert (Judith Pope) 166 Fairmont Ave., San Carlos LY 3-7513 Stanford University, Ex' 1943 Anthony, Dolores M. 81 Park Plaza Dr., Daly City PL 5-7691 University of California, A. B. 1944 Antonacci, Mrs. Michael H. (Muriel Noakes) 1012 W. San Fernando Way, San Jose CY 2-4965 University of California, A. B. 1920 Anzini, Mrs. Daniel I. (Irma Curtis) 511 Parrott Drive, San Mateo DI 4-3123 Stanford University, A. B. 1935 Appling, Mrs. Richard, Jr. (Kathleen Armitage) 509 Madera Drive, San Mateo FI 5-2483 University of California, A.B. 1929 *Arata, Mrs. Winfield (Enid A. Rogers) 1 West Santa Inez Ave., Apt. F, San Mateo DI 4-8897 University of California at Los Angeles University of California, Ex' 1920 Arce, Mrs. William B. (Nancy Truitt) 137 Capuchino Dr., Millbrae JU 3-0585 Stanford University, A.B. 1951 Armond, Mrs. Laurence C. (Elizabeth Cameron) 300 41st Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5161 University of California at Los Angeles, A. B. 1926 Arnett, Mrs. Norman L. (Joanna Zipf) 647 Larchmont Drive, Colma 25 PL 5-4178 Margaret Morrison Carnegie College for Women, B. S. 1947 Arni, Mrs. Howard T. (Helen Beverly Odd) 1041 Quander Rd., Bucknell Manor, Alexandria, Virginia University of Utah, A. B. 1938 Arnold, Mrs. J. Dennis, Jr. (Lola Schlessman) 1615 Marlborough Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-4745 Colorado State College, B.S. 1923 Atherton, Mrs. Hilton B. (Ann Burger) 507 Dorchester Rd., San Mateo DI 3-5175 Butler University, B. S. 1939 Page 13 *Atkinson, Mrs. George H. (Mildred McKillican) 150 Sycamore Ave., San Mateo DI 3-1466 Willamette University, Ex' 1927 Atwater, Mrs. Donald K. (Anabelle Purtell) 932 University St., Menlo Park DA 5-7706 University of California at Los Angeles, A. B. 1948 *Atwater, Mrs. Kenneth R. (Doris Hemingway) 600 Oak Knoll Lane, Menlo Park DA 3-9532 Syracuse University, Ex' 1921 Aubry, Mrs. Lloyd (Margaret Anne Wade) 308 Almaden Way, San Mateo FI 5-5193 Stanford University, A. B. 1947 Austin, Helen H. 211 Humboldt Rd., Burlingame DI 3-1931 University of California, A. B. 1927; M.A. 1947 Austin, Mrs. J. J. (Jean B. Anderson) 2317 Howard Ave., San Carlos LY 3-5388 University of California, B.S. 1946 Bachman, Mrs. Landon H. (Esther Judlin) 1360 Millbrae Ave., Millbrae OX 7-4973 Tulane University, B.S. 1939 Baer, Mrs. A. B. (Leola Brandeis) 441 Roehampton Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-7410 Vassar College, A. B. 1916 *Bahrs, Mrs. George O. (Loretta L. Street) 2881 Canyon Rd., Burlingame DI 3-5943 University of California, Ex' 1923 Bailey, Mrs. D. W. (Mary Lawes) 2508 Hillside Dr., Burlingame DI 4-4631 University of Chicago, Ph.B. 1928 Baker, Mrs. Harris (Jane Grimmer) 2805 Sunset Ter., San Mateo FI 5-2128 Purdue University, B. S. 1944 Baker, Ruth Ellen 321 Dartmouth Rd. San Mateo DI 4-4808 University of California, A. B. 1926 Page 14 Baloun, Mrs. Edmund Keeler (Jeanette C. Van Druten) Rt. 2, Box 12670, Skyline Blvd., Woodside UL 1-6146 San Jose State College, A. B. 1927 Banning, Mrs. Thomas E. (Anita McKay) 707 Cedar Ave., San Bruno JU 8-4757 University of California, A. B. 1939 Bardet, Mrs. W. P. (Joan Selby) 1137 Cambridge Road, Burlingame DI 4-2081 University of California, A. B. 1944 Barshell, Mrs. Edwin (Margaret Hart) 1632 Coronado Way, Burlingame OX 7-3223 University of California, B.S. 1926 Bartel, Mrs. Gerson (Helene Bender) 656 W. Hillside Blvd., San Mateo FI 5-0115 Hood College, A.B. 1946 *Barthelmess, Mrs. D. F., Jr. (Alberta Virginia Benze) 105 Baywood Ave., San Mateo DI 3-5095 Wittenberg College, B.M. 1930 Bartlett, Mrs. E. I. (Anna Taylor) 281 El Bonito Way, Millbrae OX 7-2208 Washington State College, A. B. 1912 Bartlett, Mrs. Grace O. (Grace Ochenden) 912 Palm Ave., San Mateo DI 3-5411 University of California, A. B. 1922 Basye, Mrs. Paul E. (Margaret L. de Clercq) 471 Cumberland Road, Burlingame DI 3-0937 University of Illinois, A. B. 1926 Baumann, Mrs. Walter R. (Charlotte Raible) 525 Dorchester Road, San Mateo DI 3-7407 Mills College, A.B. 1931 Beaden, Mrs. Gene E. (Katherine Merritt) 3820 King Lane, San Mateo FI 5-7275 Santa Barbara State College, A. B. 1945 Beale, Mrs. Paul (Marion Allen) 717 Neuchatel Ave., Burlingame DI 4-4829 Vanderbilt University, A. B. 1943 Page 15 Beckenhauer, Mrs. William (Harriet Graf) 1910 Ray Drive, Burlingame OX 7-8734 Nebraska State Teachers College, B.S. 1936 Beeman, Mrs. Samuel W. (Alice Lee Turner) 1432 Montero Ave., Burlingame DI 4-0147 University of California, A. B. 1923; M.A. 1925 Bell, Mrs. Leo S. (Edith B. Lewis) 2622 Ensenada Way, San Mateo FI 5-2252 New York University, B.S. 1940 Bell, Mrs. Thomas L. (Ellen Wiggins) 119 Hance Rd., Fairhaven, N.J. Allegheny College, A.B. 1946; University of Colorado, M.A. 1947 Benner, Mrs. Alan Norton (Julia Ann Belknap) 136 Roblar Ave., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-2423 Rockford College, A.B. 1940; Mills College, M.A. 1943 Benninghoven, Mrs. Carl D. (Hazel Falconer) 816 Hayne Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-0874 University of California, A.B. 1925 Benson, Mrs. George E. (Charlotte Alice Johnson) 135 Clark Dr., San Mateo DI 3-1033 University of Illinois, A.B. 1928 Beraldo, Mrs. Dewey F. (Mary Protheroe) 932 Norton St., San Mateo D 4-9534 Stanford University, A.B. 1948 Bercaw, Mrs. Corliss A. (Flora H. Caten) 539 Edgewood Rd., San Mateo DI 3-6034 Wellesley College, A.B. 1923 Berman, Mrs. H. E. (Lillian Cooperman) 3022 Fernwood Ave., San Mateo FI 5-6394 University of Minnesota, B.S. 1929 Bernard, Mrs. Jack (Jeanette McCallister) 518 Anita Lane, Millbrae OX 7-2604 Fresno State College, A.B. 1942 Berry, Mrs. Albert T. (Gola Saunders) 624 Geraldine Dr., Millbrae OX 7-4922 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1930; M.A. 1952 Page 16 Berwick, Mrs. Andrew S. (Vivian Washburn) 977 Baileyana Rd., Hillsborough (Burl) DI 4-5193 University of North Dakota, B.S. 1931 Beveridge, Ada R. 218 Sonora Drive, San Mateo DI 3-0522 Mills College, A.B. 1921; Stanford University, M.A. 1929 Bill, Mrs. Nancy M. (Nancy Mitchell) 831 Laurel Ave., Burlingame DI 4-0539 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1935 Birchak, Mrs. Steven (Helen May Bryan) 10 Corlett Way, Carolands Park, Burlingame DI 2-0384 University of Washington, B.S. 1937 Bishop, Mrs. R. S. (Rosemary Reidy) 25 Hilltop, San Carlos LY 3-0875 University of California, A.B. 1940 *Black, Mrs. C. A. (Mary N. Phillips) R.D. No. 1, Box 58, Cloverdale, California Kalamazoo College Northwestern University, Ex' 1936 Blesch, Mrs. C.A. (Priscilla Allison) 2823 Hillside Drive, Burlingame DI 3-6861 Margaret Morrison Carnegie College for Women, B.S. 1923 Blink, Mrs. Robert (Kathryn Molgaard) 280 Woodside Dr., Woodside EM 8-3157 Mills College, A.B. 1943 Boaden, Mrs. Gene E. (Katharine Merritt) 3820 King Lane, San Mateo FI 5-7275 Santa Barbara State College, A.B. 1945 Bodie, Mrs. James (Anne T. Borgen) 708 Hudson St., Redwood City EM 8-0517 New York University, B.S. 1950 Boga, Mrs. Wm. J. (Barbara D. Berg) 3029 Del Ray St., San Mateo FI 5-5920 University of California, A.B. 1941 *Bogart, Mrs. Sewell B., Jr. (Geraldine Wilder) 606 Dorchester Rd., San Mateo DI 3-4488 Boston University, Ex' 1925 Page 17 Bogel, Mrs. Kenneth P. (Elizabeth Ann Ripley) 406 Nadina Ave., Millbrae OX 7-4297 Stanford University, A.B. 1950; M.A. 1951 Boggess, Mrs. W. F., Jr. (Louise Bradford) 4016 Martin Drive, San Mateo FI 5-5230 University of Texas, A.B. 1933; M.A. 1934 Bohannon, Mrs. David (Ophelia Kroeger) 115 Oakford Rd., Woodside EM 6-9253 University of California, A.B. 1921 Boldrey, Mrs. Edwin B. (Helen Burns Eastland) 924 Hayne Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-2131 Butler University, A.B. 1928 Bolton, Mrs. John T. (Marjorie McLaren) 1312 Alvarado Ave., Burlingame DI 3-3168 Mills College, A.B. 1935; Stanford University, M.A. 1939 Bonilla, Mrs. M. G. (Ruth Raleigh) General Delivery, Murrilla, Utah Iowa State Teachers College, A.B. 1941 Bonney, Mrs. Frederick (Phyllis Turner) 1124 Woodland Ave., San Carlos LY 3-5303 University of Washington, A.B. 1937 Boone, Mrs. Howard (Nancy Gowlet) 4 Corte Nueva, Millbrae OX 7-8084 Boston University, A.B. 1945 Bottemiller, Mrs. H. E. (Elizabeth P. Atkinson) 2403 Whipple Ave., Redwood City EM 6-2419 University of Nebraska, B.S. 1940 Boucher, Mrs. John (Mary L. Schindler) 51 Cambridge, San Carlos LY 3-4353 University of California, A.B. 1935 Boyajian, Dorothy G. 18 Stanley Rd., Burlingame DI 3-7216 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1951 Bradford, Mrs. Robert (Helen Lovejoy) 307 Ranelagh Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-6353 Grinnell College, A.B. 1931 Page 18 Bradley, Mrs. John R. (Jean Helen MacAllister) 210 Nimitz Ave., Redwood City EM 6-1385 University of Nebraska, B.S. 1942 Bradley, Mrs. Joseph A. (Grace Mildred Huntley) 1740 Belburn Drive, Belmont LY 3-5861 University of Nebraska, A.B. 1916 Branson, Mrs. J. A. (Bernice Bannan) 1401 Columbus Ave., Burlingame DI 4-0379 Dominican College, A.B. 1931; Catholic University, M.A. 1934 Braun, Mrs. D. Lee (Marion D. Speight) 208 30th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-0940 Southern Methodist University, A.B. 1932 Braun, Mrs. R. H. (Gene Bergman) 816 31st Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5041 University of California, A.B. 1948 Brem, Mrs. Frederic A. (Leonora Young) 212 Eaton Road, San Mateo DI 3-9102 Mills College, A.B. 1923; M.A. 1924 Breyman, Mrs. E. A. (Helen Morey) 925 Culebra Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-1627 Mills College, A.B. 1923 *Brindell, Mrs. Frank D. (Gwen Forster) 337 E. 39th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-4677 University of Tulsa, Ex' 1939 Brockhoff, Mrs. C. W. (Lucia E. Staib) 60 Pine Ave., San Carlos LY 3-3702 University of California, A.B. 1936 Brooke, Mrs. Henry L. (Madalaine Stetten) 765 Bromfield Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-2523 Reed College, A.B. 1923 Brose, Mrs. Eugene O. (Isabel Fenner) 2116 Hale Drive, Burlingame DI 3-6381 University of California, A.B. 1923 *Brown, Mrs. Alan (Carol R. Morgan) 411 Westmoreland, San Mateo DI 4-5855 State College of Washington, A.B. 1951 Page 19 *Brown, Mrs. Floyd (Dorothea Bechtel) 105 Manor Drive, San Carlos LY 3-6786 Mail Address: P.O. Box 669, San Mateo Whitman College University of Washington, Ex' 1938 Brown, Mrs. Henry A. (Vita Rauch) 121 Pepper Ave., Burlingame DI 3-2142 University of Iowa, A.B. 1937; Louisiana State University, M.S. 1939 Brown, Mrs. Lester (Lois Beuttler) 1958 Woodside Rd., Redwood City EM 6-8759 San Jose State College, A.B. 1948 Browning, Mrs. E. Granville (Gladys Maren Ruus) 151 Pepper Ave., Burlingame DI 3-5413 Mills College, A.B. 1929 Brucher, Mrs. Victor J. (Frances Libbee) 2852 Adeline Drive, Burlingame DI 3-5796 University of Washington, B.S. 1928 *Buckles, Mrs. Renick H. (Ethel Maxine Beach) 780 Ringwood Ave., Menlo Park DA 2-9705 University of Illinois, Ex' 1932 Buffalow, Mrs. O. T. (Jean Carolyn Hart) 332 42nd Ave., San Mateo FI 5-0289 University of Chattanooga, A.B. 1946 Bunje, Mrs. Ralph B. (Elizabeth Paull) 2135 Geri Lane, Hillsborough (Burl.) Scripps College, A.B. 1931 Burch, Mrs. Clyde (Exilda M. Fitch) 213 E. 40th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-4455 Stanford University, A.B. 1947 Burda, Mrs. Edward T. (Bettie Raye Jackson) 3901 Branson Dr., San Mateo FI 5-4705 Colorado State College of Education, A.B. 1949 Burklow, Mrs. J. C. (Mildred Kendall) 1108 Cambridge Road, Burlingame DI 3-2012 Washington University, St. Louis, A.B. 1925 Burmeister, Mrs. Robert N. (Jacqueline J. Morris) 1667 Parrott Dr., San Mateo FI 5-7224 University of California, A.B. 1947 Page 20 Burnam, Mrs. Helen B. (Helen Mae Byrd) 242 W. 36th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-9312 Stanford University, A.B. 1949 Burnett, Anne 131 Barriolhet Ave., San Mateo DI 3-6494 Stanford University, A.B. 1932 Burrill, Martha E. 5 Hayward Ave., San Mateo DI 3-2857 University of California, B.S. 1924; M.S. 1938 *Burrill, Mrs. Robert (Margaret Kathryn Hansen) 249 Louise Lane, San Mateo FI 5-6451 University of Southern California University of California at Los Angeles, Ex' 1939 *Burrows, Mrs. Frank F. (Alice E. Small) 120 Fallen Leaf Drive, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-8316 University of California at Los Angeles, Ex' 1925 Butler, Mrs. James S. (Aveline Grace Kent) 769 Tamarack Ave., San Carlos LY 3-4489 Oberlin College, A.B. 1919 Cabot, Mrs. Mathew A. (Dorothy Tanners) 3718 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo FI 5-5156 University of Kentucky, A.B. 1935 Caldwell, Mrs. James (Beverly Hine) 2695 Washington Ave., Redwood City EM 6-9067 Mills College, A.B. 1950 Calene, Mrs. John L. (Elisabeth Ray) 636 Birch Ave., San Mateo DI 4-9182 Stanford University, A.B. 1950 Callaghan, Mrs. W. C. (Eileen K. Grosjean) 635 Brewer Drive, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-2291 University of California, A.B. 1926 Callis, Mrs. Dale E. (Ester Johnsson) 2100 Howard Ave., San Carlos LY 3-9342 University of California, B.S. 1936 Callow, Mrs. W. Warren (Marjorie Sherman) 975 Newhall Rd., Hillsborough, (Burl.) DI 2-0585 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1934 Page 21 Caplan, Mrs. Julian (Sylvia Peterman) 3016 Fernwood St., San Mateo FI 5-9265 University of Michigan, A.B. 1939 Carlson, Mrs. Robert F. (Frances Lynn) 848 Chestnut, San Jose, Calif. San Francisco State College, A.B. 1938 Carlton, Mrs. Kirk (Jane M. March) 21 Powell Street, San Mateo DI 4-5168 Washington University, B.S. 1941; M.S. 1944 Carman, Mrs. M. W. (Sarah J. Dammasch) 1004 Woodland Ave., San Carlos LY 3-6637 University of Oregon, B.S. 1931 *Carmean, Mildred 8 Second Ave., San Mateo DI 3-0375 San Jose State College Stanford University, Ex' 1935 *Carpol, Mrs. Hugh (Lorraine Fracaro) 798 Walnut, San Carlos LY 3-4485 University of California, B.S. 1949 Carr, Mrs. Luther M. (Mildred Hutton) 112 Newton Dr., Burlingame DI 3-4035 Drake University, B.S. 1928 Carroll, Mrs. Frederick J. (Juanita S. Jones) 535 Cherry Ave., San Bruno JU 8-2670 State College of Washington, A.B. 1938 Carroll, Mrs. James E. (Helen Sheehan) 848 Walnut Ave., Burlingame DI 3-7739 Columbia University, Barnard College, A.B. 1922 Carter, Mrs. W. B. (Ruth Erickson Mohr) 1136 Elm St., San Carlos LY 3-3529 State College of Washington, A.B. 1945 Carter, Mrs. W. L. (Mary Elizabeth Briggs) 2419 Adeline Drive, Burlingame DI 3-5219 University of Wisconsin, A.B. 1924 Carwin, Mrs. Ellen (Ellen Ruebel) 859 N. Idaho St., San Mateo DI 3-2133 Iowa State College, B.S. 1930 Page 22 Cashion, Mrs. Tindall E. (Valerie V. Easterbrook) 248 Del Mar Ave., San Mateo FI -5-0193 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1934 Cashman, Mrs. Richard J. (Jane O'Connell) 2464 Palm Ave., Redwood City EM 6-7657 University of California, A.B. 1949 Castle, Mrs. Robert (Elizabeth Sahm) 2809 Sunset Ter., San Mateo FI 5-5383 University of California, A.B. 1949 Cavan, Mrs. Jack D. (Margaret Sibley) 237 Louise Lane, San Mateo FI 5-6150 University of Washington, B.S. 1938 Chadwick, Mrs. Robert S. (Betty M. Klinkam) 1033 San Raymundo Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-4234 University of Washington, A.B. 1942 Chalmers, Helen Patricia 415 Fairfax Ave., San Mateo DI 3-0696 San Jose State College, A.B. 1951 Chalmers, Mrs. John Morse (Anna Hann) 415 Fairfax Ave., San Mateo DI 3-0696 University of California, A.B. 1923 *Chambers, Mrs. Lee (Doris Firmage) 1809 Chestnut St., San Carlos LY 3-3994 Brigham Young University, Ex' 1935 Chappell, Mrs. J. R. (Janice McKenzie) 632 Trenton Way, Burlingame DI 3-7342 San Jose State College, A.B. 1933 Clark, Mrs. Donald L. (Helen Holmes) 1528 Howard Ave., Burlingame DI 4-4167 University of Colorado, A.B. 1923 Clark, Mrs. E. N. (Ruth Elizabeth Sturgeon) 122 43rd Ave., San Mateo FI 5-9747 San Jose State College, A.B. 1941 Clark, Mrs. Harry P., Jr. (Hannah Wearn) 3719 Kenwood Ave., San Mateo FI 5-9337 Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, A.B. 1928 Page 23 Clawson, Mrs. M. B. (Martha Barto) 1228 Cabrillo Ave., Burlingame DI 4-1933 Lake Erie College, B.S. 1914 Cleary, Mrs. Ernest Winton (Mary Edna Robinson) 146 Chapin Lane, Burlingame DI 4-1272 University of California, Ph.B. 1898 Cleave, Mrs. John H. (Jane McCollam) 1883 Parrott Drive, San Mateo FI 5-7144 University of California, A.B. 1943 Clifford, Mrs. H. C. (Katherine Bridges) 35 E. Carol Ave., Burlingame DI 3-5507 University of Oregon, A.B. 1916 Clifford, Mrs. Robert V. (Carol Courtright) 412 La Casa Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5935 Stanford University, A.B. 1946 Colby, Mrs. Harris (Dorothy Douglas) 638 Costa Rica Ave., San Mateo DI 3-5993 University of California at Los Angeles, B.E. 1936 Colcord, Mrs. Edward (Helen Musselwhite) 214 Chesterton Place, San Mateo DI 3-3741 University of Michigan, A.B. 1932 Cole, Mrs. Norman V. (Marian F. Cuneo) 1628 Lassen Way, Burlingame OX 7-8603 University of California, A.B. 1936 Coleman, Mrs. Earl S. (Pauline Mabel Hodgkinson) 97 McLellan Ave., San Mateo FI 5-9020 University of California, A.B. 1932 Coleman, Mrs. Mark M. (Helen Cochran) 350 El Portal Ave., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-9197 Dominican College, A.B. 1931 Collins, Mrs. Henry C. (Eleanor Freeman) 9 Aragon Blvd., San Mateo DI 3-6410 Stanford University, M.A. 1932 Collopy Lucy Marin 1401 Floribunda Ave., Burlingame DI 3-0665 University of California, A.B. 1915; M.A. 1934 Colwell, Mrs. Richard W. (Marie Fenech) P.O. Box 81, Half Moon Bay 4649 University of California, A.B. 1931 Page 24 *Compeau, Mrs. Wm. J. (Virginia Rupp) 715 Brewer Dr., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-5912 University of Washington, B.F.A. 1930 Condran, Mrs. J. J., Jr. (Cathryn A. Riseborough) 731 Winchester Drive, Burlingame DI 4-4313 Occidental College, A.B. 1938 Cone, Elizabeth F. 744 El Camino Real, Burlingame, DI 3-8059 University of Minnesota, B.S. 1936 Connolley, Mrs. Earl L. (Helen Kertell) 1106 El Camino Real, Burlingame DI 3-8983 San Jose State College, A.B. 1948 Cook, E. Gertrude 106 W. Third Ave., San Mateo DI 3-9325 University of California, B.L. 1903; Stanford University, M.A. 1922 Cornahrens, Margaret 5 Aragon Blvd., San Mateo DI 4-0420 University of California, A.B. 1930 Cornelius, Ruth A. 451 Cumberland Rd., Burlingame DI 4-7732 Hunter College, A.B. 1940 Corrigan, Mrs. John W. (Elizabeth McCool) 540 Fordham St., San Mateo DI 3-9072 University of Oklahoma, A.B. 1934; M.A. 1935 Corser, Mrs. C. E. (Hazel Ruddell) 2240 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo FI 5-1542 University of Washington, A.B. 1928; M.A. 1935 Corson, Mrs. Carlyle W. (Apha Hurd) 251 El Bonito Way, Millbrae OX7-2657 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1945 Corson, Mrs. E. C., Jr. (Elizabeth Oberndorfer) 521 Colgate Way, San Mateo DI 3-1651 Smith College, A.B. 1934 Corwin, Mrs. Dennis N. (Mildred Chappell) 600 W. Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo FI 5-1040 Texas Technological College, B.S. 1936 Coulter, Margo Elizabeth 1422 Bellevue Ave., Burlingame DI 4-0155 Connecticut College, A.B. 1937 Page 25 Covey, Mrs. Elwin H. (Ellen Rumsey) 411 Hill Way, San Carlos EM 6-6039 University of California, A.B. 1942 Covington, Mrs. Hilburn P. (Mary Ransom) 1712 Sanchez Ave., Burlingame DI 4-0983 Vanderbilt University, A.B. 1922 Coy, Mrs. Pearce (Rosalie Maiss) 328 W. Bellevue Ave., San Mateo DI 4-4222 University of Southern California, B.S. 1939 *Craig, Mrs. Wm. S. (Barbara Mathias) 262 Vine St., San Carlos LY 3-3791 University of Oregon, Ex' 1942 Creamer, Mrs. Edmund T. (Louise M. Jennings) 50 La Prenda, Millbrae OX 7-4772 Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia, B.S. 1936 Creedon, Mrs. Daniel J. (Gretchen Temple) 619 MacArthur Ave., San Mateo FI 5-9541 Stanford University, A.B. 1937 Crotchett, Mrs. Victor M. (Ruth Armstrong) 1104 Balboa Ave., Burlingame DI 3-5226 University of California, A.B. 1933 *Crowe, Mrs. Malcolm (Margaret Slauson) 1448 Drake Ave., Burlingame DI 3-5201 University of Washington, Ex' 1923 *Crowley, Mrs. Andrew G. (Irene Vanderman) 128 Elm Ave., Burlingame DI 3-1949 Simmons College, Ex' 1924 Crowley, Margaret 310 Clark Drive, San Mateo DI 4-0148 Mills College, A.B. 1947 Cruden, Mrs. John P. (Mary Patricia Bannan) 1216 Marlborough Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-0586 Dominican College, A.B. 1940 Crull, Mrs. Ford (Carol Whitney) 401 Iowa Drive, San Mateo DI 3-5751 University of Southern California, B.A. 1937 Crump, Mrs. Arthur W. (Mary McGrew) 1209 Cabrillo Ave., Burlingame DI 3-8442 Carnegie Institute of Technology, B.S. 1915 Page 26 Culbertson, Mrs. Al F. (Patricia Boner) 379 Ridge Road, San Carlos EM 8-4561 State University of Iowa, A.B. 1948 Cummings, Mrs. Keith M. (Florence Thompson) 1617 Cedar St., San Carlos LY 3-5104 Drake University, B.S. 1932 Cunningham, Mrs. Carl F. (Ruth Burnap) 1046 Parrott Dr., San Mateo DI 4-2870 Ohio Wesleyan University, A.B. 1935 Curry, Mrs. Forrest J. (Ruth L. Huebner) 580 El Cerrito Ave., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-5050 Washington State College, A.B. 1929 *Daland, Mrs. David (Carolyn Evans) 310 Ashton, Millbrae OX 7-2547 Simpson College, Ex' 1937 Daniels, Mrs. W. L. (Gladys Eustis) 723 West Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 4-4985 Stanford University, A.B. 1947 *Dannenfelser, Mrs. Frederick (Phyllis Waters) 20 Waverly Place, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-4064 University of Michigan, Ex' 1942 Davenport, Mrs. Roy M. (Jane Gorham) 2811 Isabelle Street, San Mateo FI 5-4114 University of Southern California, A.B. 1933 Davis, Mrs. George A. (Jessie Mygrants) Box 82, Pescadero 2851 San Jose State College, A.B. 1935 Davis, Mrs. L. M. (Dona Leigh Brugh) 4515 Whaley, Long Beach, Cal. University of Nebraska, B.S. 1947 Davis, Mrs. Nelson F. (Margaret E. Allen) 120 El Cerrito Ave., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-6728 Bucknell University, A.B. 1919 Davis, Mrs. Richard (Phoebe K. Anderson) 120 W. Third Ave., San Mateo DI 4-8894 Skidmore College, B.S. 1924 Davis, Mrs. Thomas E. (Ethel Hughes) 2323 Summit Drive, Hillsborough (Burl) DI 3-9417 University of Montana, A.B. 1911 Page 27 Davis, Mrs. Whitton P. (Helen Hughes) 1960 Oak Knoll Drive, Belmont LY 3-9417 Dominican College, A.B. 1927 Day, Mrs. Harry W. (Doris I. Wolfe) 510 Georgetown Ave., San Mateo DI 4-4312 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1927 Day, Mrs. John C. (Kathleen Evans) 1520 Bellevue Ave., Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 4-1315 Stanford University, A.B. 1924 DeLay, Mrs. Neal W. (Lois Jean Martin) 2618 Ponce St., Belmont LY 3-6171 University of California at Los Angeles, B.S. 1951 Delehanty, Mrs. R. P. (Anna Shick) 3969 Martin Dr., San Mateo FI 5-2978 Stanford University, A.B. 1948 *Dickinson, Mrs. Henry (Lucy E. Elden) 1544 Hoover, Burlingame DI 4-9520 Oregon State University University of Oregon, Ex' 1931 Dickman, Sally 413 22nd Ave., San Mateo FI 5-9146 San Jose State College, A.B. 1951 DiGiorgio, Mrs. J. S. (Josephine Jewett) 320 El Portal, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-8991 University of California, A.B. 1941 Dirstine, Mrs. Jean H. (Frances Wilhelm) 723 W. Capistrano Way, San Mateo DI 4-2843 Washington State College, A.B. 1929; M.A. 1929 Dixon, Nancy 120 Redwood Dr., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-0374 University of California, A.B. 1952 *Dixon, Mrs. W. Leroy, Jr. (Helen Bertha Shield) 120 Redwood Drive, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-0374 University of California at Los Angeles, Ex' 1926 Dohrmann, Mrs. Wm. M. (Louise Florence Newbold) 1224 Tilia St., San Mateo FI 5-4088 University of California at Los Angeles, B.E. 1931 Doll, Mrs. Robert (Emily Shott) 2415 Dolores St., San Mateo FI 5-0607 Elmira College, A.B. 1934; Cornell University, M.A. 1940 Page 28 Dolton, Mrs. Wm. E. (Carolyn Mitchell) 2200 Oakdale Road, Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-9420 University of California, A.B. 1924 *Donahoe, Mrs. F. Marion (Nan Saunders) 431 Hillcrest Rd., San Mateo DI 4-9142 University of Washington, Ex' 1930 Doney, Mrs. Carl S. (Virginia Boyd) 3023 Hillside Dr., Burlingame DI 3-2015 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1949 Dooher, Maureen E. 130 Baywood Ave., San Mateo DI 3-3421 University of California, A.B. 1952 Dougherty, Mrs. Alan A. (Irmgard F. Wolf) 101 Valley Road, San Carlos LY 3-4820 University of California, A.B. 1939 Downing, Mrs. Wm. L. (Lorraine Chase) 604 Cypress Ave., Millbrae JU 8-7533 Carleton College, A.B. 1941 Draeger, Mrs. Frank J. (Mary A. Diepenbrock) 2026 Geri Lane, Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 4-5501 University of California, A.B. 1947 Draewell, Mrs. Walter G. (Catherine E. Wells) 27 Nevada Street, Redwood City EM 6-7512 Kalamazoo College, A.B. 1927 Draper, Mrs. Murray (Alexia McCarty) 850 Longview Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-0803 Stanford University, A.B. 1929 Drees, Mrs. Albert E. (Marguerite Buford) 517 Barneson Ave., San Mateo FI 5-4109 University of California, B.S. 1933 Drucker, Mrs. Edgar F. (Charlotte Glasser) 7 De Sabla Road, San Mateo DI 4-3691 University of Colorado, B.A. 1952 Duncan, Ora A. 3435 Jefferson Ave., Redwood City EM 8-0866 San Jose State College, A.B. 1925 *Dunkak, Mrs. W. H. (Lois Oberlies) 1180 Vista Grande, Millbrae OX 7-8856 University of Nebraska, Ex' 1929 Page 29 Dunlap, Mrs. James (Isabell Hamilton) 2089 Arroyo Ave., San Carlos LY 3-2392 University of California, A.B. 1938 Dunn, Mrs. W. R. (Frances G. Latta) 1859 Broadway, Burlingame DI 3-2561 University of California, A.B. 1946 Durant, Mrs. Donald F. (Elinor McClosky) 741 Linden Ave., Burlingame DI 4-4402 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1939; Stanford University, M.A. 1952 Durfee, Mrs. Ralph B. (Mildred Jean Ruble) 624 Parrott Dr., San Mateo DI 4-6465 Stanford University, A.B. 1942 Eastland, Mrs. W. D. (Jeanne Burns) Apt. 606, 10 DeSabla Road, San Mateo DI 3-6440 Oklahoma University, A.B. 1918; Columbia University, M.A. 1919 Eastling, Mrs. Harvey V. (Hazel B. Hoffman) 1718 Easton Drive, Burlingame DI 3-8366 Mills College, A.B. 1931 Ebersold, Mrs. W. Robert (Elizabeth Rokosz) 1775 Parrott Drive, San Mateo FI 5-7228 Pennsylvania State College, B.S. 1946 Ebert, Mrs. Stephen (Marion Pfister) 223 Arroyo Dr., South San Francisco JU 8-8688 University of California at Los Angeles, B.E. 1937 Eckerson, Mrs. J. B. (Beatrice Rees) 220 Cypress Ave., San Bruno JU 8-7096 San Jose State College, A.B. 1939 Edwards, Mrs. R. H. (Kathryn Wilson) 925 Humboldt, San Mateo DI 3-1594 Bucknell University, A.B. 1947 Edwards, Mrs. Thomas R., Jr. (Mae Leichter) 500 Dorchester Road, San Mateo DI 3-1354 University of California, A.B. 1925 Elcan, Mrs. P. H. (Marie V. Williams) 231 W. Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 4-5659 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1939 Page 30 Eldridge, Mrs. John H. (Bonnie Jean Castle) 128 Pepper Ave., Burlingame DI 3-5776 University of California, A.B. 1934 Elliott, Mrs. David (Esther E. Sutton) 885 Black Mountain Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-6990 Columbia University, Barnard College, A.B. 1918 Elsner, Mrs. Paul A. (Lola Castlio Oliver) 2072 St. Francis Way, San Carlos LY 3-5920 University of Missouri, B.S. 1937 Emerson, Mrs. F. Everett (Erma E. World) 1961 Alden, Belmont LY 3-4131 University of California, A.B. 1933 Engelbrecht, Mrs. Howard H. (Margaret Johnston) 58 Otay Ave., San Mateo FI 5-0624 Santa Barbara College of the University of California, A.B. 1944 *English, Mrs. Douglas K. (Jane Anette Conrad) 3517 N. Potomac, Arlington 13, Virginia Pomona College University of California, Ex' 1944 Erickson, Mildred H. 1204 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame DI 3-4143 University of Washington, A.B. 1936 Ertresvaag, Mrs. Carl (Frances Collins) 152 Wildwood Ave., San Carlos LY 3-5230 University of North Dakota, A.B. 1922 Faraday, Mrs. James H. (Rosalind Greene) 1055 Laurel St., San Carlos LY 3-0451 New York University, B.S. 1942 Farrell, Mrs. Jerome (Julia Mosser) 2308 Easton Drive, Burlingame DI 3-2674 Mount Holyoke College, A.B. 1924 Farrington, Mrs. Ferris R. (Luella Urban) 162 Arbor Lane, San Mateo FI 5-1010 Cornell University, B.S. 1929 Faulkner, Mrs. Robert (Mary Louise Haugh) 1700 Sanchez Ave., Burlingame DI 4-5262 Butler University, B.F.A. 1929 Fears, Mrs. Charles L. (Anne Compton) 3016 Beverly, San Mateo FI 5-1474 Hood College, A.B. 1943 Page 31 Fennelly, Mrs. Louis T. (Audrey Boyken) 1950 Brittan Ave., San Carlos LY 3-4458 Mills College, A.B. 1945 Fermer, Mrs. Evelyn L. (Evelyn Lacey) 2690 40th Ave., San Francisco 16 LO 4-6571 San Jose State College, A.B. 1942 Files, Mrs. Sidney J., Jr. (Jennie Buttrill) 1328 Balboa Ave., Burlingame DI 4-9614 Texas State College for Women, B.S. 1939 Finley, Mrs. Roland W. (Patricia Parrish) 2833 Sunset Terrace, San Mateo FI 5-2442 University of Nebraska, B.A. 1945 Fischer, Charlotte 149A W. Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo FI 5-1242 Columbia University, B.S. 1939; University of Michigan, M.A. 1949 Fisher, Caroline E. 761 Tamarack Ave., San Carlos LY 3-9735 Stanford University, A.B. 1932; Columbia University, M.A. 1934 Fisher, Sarah Maria 245 Grand Blvd., San Mateo DI 3-0772 Boston University, A.B. 1895; Brown University, M.A. 1897 Foley, Mrs. Franklyn C. (Julia Sawtell) 445 26th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-0549 Kansas State College, B.S. 1938 Foster, Eleanor M. 144 Beverly Dr., San Carlos LY 3-2669 University of California, B.S. 1950 Fowler, Dorothy E. 829 Edgehill Drive, Burlingame DI 3-5110 University of California, A.B. 1928 Fox, Mrs. E. Ransom (Ruth Cushman) 374 Fairfax Ave., San Mateo DI 3-0575 University of California, A.B. 1922 Frank, Mrs. Harry W. (Helen M. Leonard) 811 Lombardi Lane, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-3922 Oregon State College, B.S. 1926 Page 32 *Frazer, Mrs. James A. (Mary Kathleen Wood) 1230 Cortez Ave., Burlingame DI 4-3807 University of Arizona, Ex' 1944 Freeman, Mrs. Ralph (Ruth Tredway) 778 Victory Ave., South San Francisco JU 8-2729 Kansas State College, B.S. 1932 Frey, Mrs. Frederick C., Jr. (Carolyn Cummings) 1325 Marlborough Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-1016 Smith College, A.B. 1929 Friedman, Mrs. Nathan J. (Virginia Hamerslag) 2309 Oakdale Rd., Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-1022 University of California, A.B. 1939 Frink, Avis Fern 60 West Lynnewood Drive, Daly City PL 5-8361 University of California, B.S. 1945 Frost, Mrs. E. V. (Elizabeth Simpson) 2031 Belle Ave., San Carlos LY 3-6507 University of Idaho, B.S. 1931 Fryer, Mrs. Stanley A. (Frances C. Jones) 2084 Alma St., San Carlos LY 3-6266 University of California, A.B. 1918; M.A. 1921 Fuller, Mrs. C. E. (Annis May Keener) 1785 Oak Ave., Menlo Park DA 3-2074 Colorado College, A.B. 1920 Galbraith, Mrs. Alexander (Rachel Van Pelt) 161 Fairmont Ave., San Carlos LY 3-9392 Temple University, B.S. 1934 Gallaway, Mrs. Howard M. (Marthine Solares) 140 Madera Dr., San Carlos LY 3-5191 University of Nevada, A.B. 1934 Gans, Dr. Clara Hompes (Mrs. Joseph) 518 Nevada Ave., San Mateo DI 3-7368 University of Groningen, The Netherlands, M.D. 1922 Garland, Mrs. Carter B. (Betty Jane Force) 227 Rockwood Drive, So. San Francisco JU 8-1276 University of California, A.B. 1941 Gaskell, Mrs. Benton S. (Julia Lewis) 435 Colgate Way, San Mateo DI 3-4483 Smith College, A.B. 1940 Page 33 Gay, Mrs. Hobart H. (Dorothy Inman) 1500 Sunnyslope Ave., Belmont LY 3-6023 Milwaukee-Downer College, B.S. 1934 Gayman, Ethel Louise 1840 Elmwood Rd., Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-4696 Occidental College, A.B. 1932 Geballe, Mrs. Harry (Alice Rose Kohlberg) 255 Louise Lane, San Mateo FI 5-3110 University of California, B.L. 1911 Geer, Mrs. Charles P. (Clarabell Farno) 2104 Carmelita Ave., Burlingame DI 3-2832 University of California, A.B. 1936 Gettins, Mrs. Harry D. (Lucile Morgan) 616 Lexington Way, Burlingame DI 3-0798 Stanford University, A.B. 1932 Ghirado, Mrs. E. T. (Nancy Willie Dawkins) 60 Cambon Dr., San Francisco JU 5-7337 Wayne University, A.B. 1938 Giberson, Mrs. A. Woods (Dorothy Dodds) 2714 Easton Drive, Burlingame DI 3-7711 University of Washington, A.B. 1933 *Gibson, Mrs. Blaine C. (Cleone LaMar) 800 Parrott Drive, San Mateo DI 3-1609 Oregon State College, Ex' 1924 Gibson, Mrs. James S. (Betty Clark) 604 MacArthur Ave., San Mateo FI 5-3687 Oregon State College, B.S. 1930 Gillis, Mrs. Lyman R. (Burris Bly) 447 Buena Vista Ave., San Mateo FI 5-1505 University of Calif., A.B. 1939 Gilmore, Mrs. Robert A. (Billie Ann Winter) 3005 Monterey St., San Mateo FI 5-1729 University of California, A.B. 1941 Gishe, Mrs. John L. (Auria Ron) 20 Bates Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-2289 University of California, A.B. 1937 Glasser, Mrs. Vernon W. (Dorothy Carson) 1309 Drake Ave., Burlingame DI 4-8685 Grinnell College, A.B. 1937 Page 34 Gleckler, Mrs. W. J. (Margaret J. Larkin) 3000 Monterey St., San Mateo FI 5-1935 Smith College, A.B. 1938 Glenn, Mrs. Albert V. (Katherine Wilson) 590 Chestnut St., San Carlos LY 3-5695 University of California, A.B. 1939 *Goecken, Mrs. N. V. (Ellen Gehrels) 20 Ridgeway Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-8453 Mills College, Ex' 1950 Goecken, Vera (Cherie) 50 Clark Drive, San Mateo DI 3-3866 Mills College, A.B. 1941 Golden, Mrs. Richard M. (Virginia Preston) 541 Roehampton Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-5839 Mills College, A.B. 1936 Goodwin, Mrs. Orton E. (Alvhild E. Ericksen) 2073 Eaton Ave., San Carlos LY 3-4972 University of Oregon, A.B. 1934; M.A. 1936 Gordon, Margaret Wilma Fairfield Union High School, Fairfield University of California, A.B. 1937 Goss, Mrs. William (Virginia Lyne Sebastian) 3716 Southwood Ave., San Mateo FI 5-0275 University of California at Los Angeles, B.E. 1934 Grant, Mrs. Donald K. (Evelyn Loreta High) 241 West Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 3-2315 Willamette University, A.B. 1931 Grant, Mrs. D. Roy (Anita Tiemroth) 821 Parrott Drive, San Mateo DI 4-3514 University of California, A.B. 1928 Gray, Berta A. 1555 Cypress Ave., Burlingame DI 3-0419 San Jose State College, A.B. 1932; Stanford University, M.A. 1945 Green, Mrs. H. B. (Mildred B. Bailey) 186 Westdale Ave., Daly City PL 5-6852 University of California, A.B. 1926 Griffin, Mrs. Gerald (Barbara Frances Painter) 2900 Monterey, San Mateo FI 5-2122 University of California, A.B. 1943 Page 35 Griggs, Mrs. Franklin H., Jr. (Doris A. Storer) 1210 Floribunda Ave., Burlingame DI 4-4683 University of Minnesota, A.B. 1925 Grinnell, Mrs. Lawrence Jr. (Marian Ryall) 620 Costa Rica Ave., San Mateo DI 3-4612 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1931 Haas, Mrs. Carl H. (Barbara Irgens) 2150 Redington Road, Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 4-3395 University of California, A.B. 1935 Haas, Mrs. Harold B. (Cecilia Feldlheym) 3021 Hacienda St., San Mateo FI 5-2138 University of California, A.B. 1927 Haberman, Mrs. William E. (Marjorie Donaca) 2900 Hillside Dr., Burlingame DI 3-9128 University of Oregon, B.S. 1937 Hahn, Mrs. Ethel (Ethel Mae Brown) 327 Willets St., Daly City PL 5-2420 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1937 Haight, Mrs. Wm. L. (Mary Brack) 1225 Cortez Ave., Burlingame DI 4-3153 Macalester College, A.B. 1937 Haile, Mrs. Elster M. (Pauline Shirley) 1800 Alden St., Belmont LY 3-9077 Texas Christian University, A.B. 1905; M.A. 1906 Hails, Mrs. Richard (Alice Ann Henderson) 317 Chapin Lane, Burlingame DI 4-5588 Stanford University, A.B. 1935 Hales, Mrs. Walter H. (Ophelia G. Moe) 2240 Oakdale Rd., Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 4-2850 Occidental College, A.B. 1922 Hall, Anne M. 19 Tenth Ave., San Mateo DI 4-0493 Stanford University, A.B. 1921 Hall, Mrs. Jack (Jimmie Lee Landrum) 116 Scenic Way, Redwood City EM 8-5385 University of Texas, A.B. 1945 Hall, Lucy 203 W. 36th Ave., San Mateo DI 5-7409 Stanford University, A.B. 1917; M.A. 1918 Page 36 Hamilton, Mrs. Frank Scott, Jr. (Charlaine Hedrick) 1058 Lupin Way, San Carlos LY 3-6389 University of Southern California, B.S. 1940 *Hamilton, Mrs. Lloyd L. (Dorothy Cochran) 159 Warren Road, San Mateo DI 3-5315 University of Kansas, Ex' 1922 *Hamilton, Mrs. Robert P. (Polly Pierce Wells) 60 Hilltop Drive, San Carlos LY 3-7431 Michigan State College, B.S. 1947 Hanna, Mrs. Ralph T. (Margaret V. Carlson) 550 Hazel Ave., Millbrae OX 7-2081 Whitman College, A.B. 1923; Columbia University, M.A. 1926 *Hansen, Betty 221 Warren Rd., San Mateo DI 3-8514 Stanford University, Ex' 1935 Hansen, Mrs. Walter H. (Esther Elizabeth Schwartz) 2825 Hillside Drive, Burlingame DI 3-3083 University of Iowa, A.B. 1921 *Hanson, Mrs. Elmer F. (Elizabeth Hatfield) 460 Cotton St., Menlo Park DA 5-2691 University of Washington, Ex' 1932 Hanson, Mrs. Raymond L. (Eleanor E. Quandt) 527 Edinburgh St., San Mateo DI 3-9414 University of California, A.B. 1934 Hanzlik, Mrs. Paul J. (Bertha Shimek) 212 Eaton Rd., San Mateo DI 4-3433 University of Iowa, A.B. 1909 Hardies, Mrs. J. K. (Katherine Woolner) 798 Acacia Ave., San Bruno JU 8-6148 University of California, A.B. 1936 Hardman, Mrs. Walter C. (Gertrude Raven) 2622 14th Ave., San Francisco MO 4-8179 University of California, A.B. 1919 *Harrington, Mrs. Scott L. (Kathleen Day) 3709 Edison St., San Mateo FI 5-2574 Stanford University, Ex' 1950 Harris, Marion 139 Duane St., Redwood City EM 6-4858 University of California, A.B. 1920 Page 37 Harris, Patricia 322 West Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 4-8463 Oregon State College, B.S. 1950 Harrison, Mrs. S. H. (Martha Laws) 552 Ravencourt, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-1598 University of California, A.B. 1927 Hart, Mrs. Harvey F. (Harriet Ehrenberg) 420 Clark Drive, San Mateo DI 3-5487 University of California, B.L. 1912 Hart, Mrs. Paul J. (Martha Alice Brown) 307 Hazelwood Dr., So. San Francisco JU 8-6497 James Millikin University, A.B. 1938 Hawes, Mrs. Wm. W. (Carolyn Griffin) 2001 Alden St., Belmont LY 3-5921 Brown University, Ph.B. 1926 Hayden, Mrs. Warren (Ellen Clardy) 119 Brook St., San Carlos LY 3-5939 Arizona State Teachers College, A.B. 1934: University of Chicago, M.A. 1936 Hayes, Mrs. Joseph A. (Marjorie Wood) 1361 Columbus Ave., Burlingame DI 3-1498 San Jose State College, A.B. 1930 Haynes, Mrs. G. B., Jr. (Ruth Wood) 137 Colton, San Carlos LY 3-4155 University of California, A.B. 1949 Haynes, Mrs. Owen J. (Florence Nelson) 225 West Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 3-1280 University of South Dakota, A.B. 1921 Hazlett, Mrs. James C. (Elizabeth M. Law) 3021 Flores St., San Mateo FI 5-1339 University of Texas, A.B. 1931; M.A. 1932; Stanford University, M.Ed. 1938 Heaton, Mrs. William Dean (Helen Kuhefuss) 2501 Hillside Dr., Burlingame DI 3-0462 University of Washington, B.S. 1928 Hedden, Mrs. Alan M. (Olga M. Wier) 2021 Geri Lane, Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-6864 Stanford University, A.B. 1945 Page 38 Heflin, Mrs. William H. (Jean K. Neilson) 1965 Greenwood Ave., San Carlos LY 3-9379 University of California, A.B. 1948 Helbush, Mrs. Donald A. (Doris Virginia McDonald) 1116 Hamilton Lane, Burlingame OX 7-4259 Stanford University, A.B. 1936 Helms, Mrs. W. A. (Barbara Zoph) 618 W. Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo FI 5-5000 University of California, A.B. 1936; Columbia University, M.A. 1938 Henderson, Mrs. George L. (Norma Carlisle) 4027 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo FI 5-7269 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1949 Herdes, Mrs. Leonard (Lenore Primack) 116 West 42nd Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5963 University of California at Los Angeles, B.E. 1938 *Herrell, Mrs. Myran (Evelyn May Browne) 1443 Howard Ave., Burlingame DI 4-6321 University of Chicago, Ex' 1942 Herzenstein, Ann 146 W. Third Ave., San Mateo DI 3-6637 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1952 Hettinger, Ruth 1429 Bellevue Ave., Burlingame DI 3-9288 Columbia University, M.A. 1931 *Heuer, Mrs. Philip C., Jr. (Maxine Elizabeth Kale) 11 Seville Way, San Mateo FI 5-6549 Grinnell College, B.M. 1934 *Hickox, Mrs. James V. (Marjorie Goff) 147 Wildwood Ave., San Carlos LY 3-9093 Colorado College, Ex' 1934 Hildreth, Mrs. Elon Earl (Ethel Mae Potter) Coyote Point, San Mateo DI 3-4496 San Diego State 1923; University of Southern California, A.B. 1951 Hillendahl, Mrs. Wesley (Deanne Hendrick) 126 Beverly Drive, San Carlos LY 3-3778 University of Redland, A.B. 1939 Hind, Alice Gertrude 904 Rosewood Drive, San Mateo DI 3-6030 Stanford University, A.B. 1939; M.A. 1949 Page 39 *Hirsch, Mrs. Benton M. (Freda Berger) 565 Chelmsford, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-6018 University of California, Ex' 1935 Hittenberger, Mrs. Herman (Janiece Turner) 2607 Easton Drive, Burlingame DI 3-7223 University of California, A.B. 1945 Hodgson, Mrs. John F. II (Norma Lyle Anzini) 612 31st Ave., San Mateo FI 5-0723 Stanford University, A.B. 1946 Hoehn, Mrs. Harry J., Jr. (Lois Lloyd) 713 Barneson Ave., San Mateo FI 5-3408 University of Southern California, B.S. 1934 *Hoffman, Mrs. Don E. (Agnes M. Nordness) 1350 Columbus Ave., Burlingame DI 3-4773 Columbia University, Ex' 1929 Hoffman, Mrs. Lyle J. (Marjorie Ley) 951 Parrott Dr., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-4161 Stanford University, A.B. 1930; M.A. 1931 Hofmann, Mrs. Ralph D. (Gretchen Hoornstra) 201 Anita Rd., Burlingame DI 3-5158 Oberlin College, A.B. 1934 Holden, Mrs. S. H. (Mabel Wales) 124 31st Ave., San Mateo FI 5-9550 Middlebury College, A.B. 1909 Holko, Mrs. John (Elizabeth Mittelstaedt) 35 Willard Lane, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-6862 Wayne University, A.B. 1933 *Holmes, Mrs. Olin M. (Lillian B. Garner) 111 W. Third Ave., Apt. 10, San Mateo DI 3-2064 Randolph-Macon Women's College; University of California, Ex' 1922 Holmes, Mrs. Robert O. (Alice Grace Brinkhoff) 2900 Sunset Terrace, San Mateo FI 5-3389 San Jose State College, A.B. 1938 Holt, Mrs. A. Earle (Wilma J. Atkinson) 335 W. Santa Inez Ave., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-8700 University of California, A.B. 1924 Homer, Mrs. Carl Norman (Marion Wiley) 705 Brewer Dr., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-3790 Wellesley College, A.B. 1918 Page 40 Homer, Mrs. C. W. (Bettie Lou Elwood) 516 Dorchester Rd., San Mateo DI 4-6076 Stanford University, A.B. 1950 *Honig, Mrs. Arthur Norman (Carol Gray Eschen) 1821 Alden St., Belmont LY 3-2830 University of Southern California, Ex' 1943 Honsberger, Helen V. 919 Woodland Ave., San Carlos LY 3-6249 College of the Pacific, A.B. 1936 Hopkins, Mrs Omar C. (Helen Hall) 147 Arundel Road, San Carlos LY 3-4444 Agnes Scott College, A.B. 1921 Hopper, Mrs. Harold H. (Jeanne Roberts) 2836 Sunset Terrace, San Mateo FI 5-9008 Colorado College, A.B. 1945 Howay, Mrs T. C. (Frances S. Martin) 435 Nevada Ave., San Mateo DI 3-2203 University of Washington, B.S. 1921 Howe, Marian E. 900 Norton St., San Mateo DI 3-4997 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1952 Howell, Mrs. James M. (Helen Elizabeth Taggart) 1424 Cabrillo Ave., Burlingame DI 3-0463 Northwestern University, B.S. 1940 Hughes, Mrs. M. T. (Dorothea A. Walsh) 1617 Howard Ave., Burlingame DI 4-2465 Hunter College, A.B. 1930; Columbia University, M.A. 1935 Hughey, Mrs. Robert W. (Joan Louise Crangle) 905 Fleetwood Dr., San Mateo DI 3-8228 Agnes Scott College, A.B. 1946 Hull, Mrs. Clarence W. (Mary Catherine Honan) 3108 Del Monte St., San Mateo FI 5-0816 Immaculate Heart College, A.B. 1943 Hull, Nina E. 149-A W. Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo FI 5-1968 Iowa State Teachers College, A.B. 1942; University of Michigan, M.A. 1948 Hurst, Mrs. Gordon F. (Elsa Laura Mack) 5 Cypress Ave., Los Gatos Los Gatos 1437 University of Michigan, A.B. 1929 Page 41 Hutcheon, Mrs. I. L. (Louise Hansen) 827 Bayview Way, Redwood City EM 6-9226 College of the Pacific, A.B. 1937 Indahl, Mrs. Norman A. (Eleanora Tyrrell) 1556 Cypress Ave., Burlingame DI 3-4052 University of California, A.B. 1920 Ingle, Mrs. Leonard F. (June M. Christiansen) 341 Landfair Ave., San Mateo FI 5-6279 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1949 Jacobs, Mrs. John (Carol Campbell) 1115 9th Ave., San Mateo DI 4-4537 University of New Mexico, A.B. 1950 Jacobs, Mrs. Justin M. (Lou Nita Worstell) 1050 High Road, Woodside Hills Mills College, A.B. 1927 Jacobsen, Mrs. Peter (Elise Hart) 430 Edgewood Rd., San Mateo DI 3-9383 University of California, A.B. 1940 *James, Mrs Robert (Ruth Hirt) 719 Sequoia Ave., San Mateo FI 5-2769 University of Wisconsin, Ex' 1940 *Jameson, Mrs. Fred W. (Elizabeth C. Shilkee) 821 Edinburgh St., San Mateo DI 3-8806 Washington University, St. Louis, Ex' 1932 Jaten, Mrs. Martin (Gladys Z. Ruddy) 15 El Cerrito Ave., San Mateo DI 4-9482 University of Washington, A.B. 1928; Columbia University, M.A. 1938 Jent, Mrs. John Thomas (Mabel Davis) 1851 Alden St., Belmont LY 3-9551 Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, B.S. 1935 Jimenez, Mrs. Hector (Kathleen Mills) 2825 Garfield St., San Mateo FI 5-0469 Stanford University, A.B. 1939 Johnson, Mrs. Alwin (Marjorie Hay) 351 Fairfax Ave., San Mateo DI 3-9157 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1930 Johnson, Mrs. Ernest E. (Elise Henderson) 2505 Hillside Dr., Burlingame DI 3-7187 University of California, A.B. 1917 Page 42 Johnson, Gertrude 2531 Poppy Dr., Burlingame DI 4-3455 Dominican College, A.B. 1946 Johnson, Mrs. J. I. (Lois Smith) 166 W. 37th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-4754 University of Chicago, A.B. 1936 Johnson, Mrs. Norman R. (Barbara Doyle) 5 Greenwood Pl., Menlo Park DA 2-1298 San Jose State College, A.B. 1948 Jones, Mrs. Donald (Paulamae Eder) 1128 Hamilton Lane, Burlingame OX 7-4342 San Jose State College, A.B. 1944 Jones, Mrs. Emmet (Marion Foster Dole) 1129 Drake Ave., Burlingame DI 3-6634 Stanford University, A.B. 1895 Jones, Gloria D. 1448 Balboa Ave., Burlingame DI 4-5024 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1950 *Jones, Mrs. Henry P. (Frances Kirkpatrick) 1017 El Camino Real, Burlingame DI 3-8817 University of California at Los Angeles, Ex' 1919 Jones, Mrs. Kenneth (Ada Havner) 371 Fairfax Ave., San Mateo DI 3-6050 Iowa State College, B.S. 1925 Jones, Mrs. Lyle L., Jr. (Mary Hope Smith) 1725 Pine Knoll Drive, Belmont LY 3-3672 Cornell University, A.B. 1937 *Jones, Mrs. Owen T. (Anne Holliday) 111 W. 3rd Ave., San Mateo DI 4-9168 Bradley University, Ex' 1927 Jones, Mrs. Phillip G. (Ellanor Victoria Seymour) 1106 El Camino Real, Burlingame DI 3-9087 University of Nebraska, A.B. 1920 Josselyn, Mrs. Paul R. (Jean Dudley) 2606 Newlands Ave., Belmont LY 3-6291 Beloit College, A.B. 1915 Kahn, Mrs. Allen (Gertrude B. Musler) 301 Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont LY 3-6058 Mail Address: P.O. Box 674, Belmont Hunter College, A.B. 1930 Page 43 Kahoun, Mrs. Jack (Janice Goode) 2837 Sunset Terrace, San Mateo FI 5-4903 University of Chicago, A.B. 1943 Kalenborn, Mrs. A. S. (Emma Hayward) 657 Knoll Drive, San Carlos LY 3-6337 Stanford University, A.B. 1906 *Kanady, Dollie 1414 Oak St., San Mateo FI 5-4113 University of California, Ex' 1927 Karmel, Mrs. Burress (Clara Steinsapir) 1440 Floribunda Ave., Burlingame DI 3-3242 University of California, L.L.B. 1936 *Kaufman, Mrs. Arthur (Kathryn Berman) 32 Bayview Court, Millbrae JU 8-0981 University of Nevada; San Jose State College, Ex' 1944 Keeler, Mrs. Horace T. (Lauretta Butler) 2830 Hacienda St., San Mateo FI 5-0696 University of California, A.B. 1920 Kellogg, Mrs. F. H. (Gladys Girton) 241 Arbor Lane, San Mateo FI 5-0683 Pomona College, A.B. 1918 Kelso, Mrs. H. S. (Helen Schock) 717 Vernon Way, Burlingame DI 3-2276 Beloit College, A.B. 1935 Kenkel, Mrs. Robert A. (Rosemary Cooper) 1622 Manzanita Ave., Belmont LY 3-2770 Arkansas State Teachers' College, B.S. 1942 Key, Mrs. William A. (Adelaide Davis Hovey) 1280 La Canada Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-7527 Mills College, A.B. 1920 Keyes, Mrs. Wallace M. (Thelma Adair) 717 Lexington Way, Burlingame DI 3-4894 University of California, A.B. 1929 Kilbourne, Mrs. E. L. (E. Genevieve Webster) 1208 Edgehill Drive, Burlingame DI 3-8683 Wellesley College, A.B. 1909 King, Barbara Jean 1481 Benito Ave., Burlingame DI 4-0422 University of California, A.B. 1952 Page 44 *King, Mrs. Harold W. (Barbara Blythe) 113 Alturas Dr., Burlingame DI 3-0183 University of Oregon, Ex' 1928 King, Mrs. LeRoy O., Jr. (Helen Laughlin) 2314 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo DI 5-9666 University of Washington, A.B. 1946 *King, Mrs. Richard G. (Virginia Keyes) 1921 Hillside Drive, Burlingame Ohio State University, Ex' 1937 Kirchner, Mrs. H. W. (Eula Baird) 39 Erickson Rd., San Mateo DI 4-4559 University of Oregon, A.B. 1943 Klassen, Mrs. H. W. (Dorothy Virginia Simpers) 1357 Vista Grande Ave., Millbrae OX 7-8186 University of California, A.B. 1935 Klein, Mrs. Louis H. (Elizabeth Mixsell) 1328 Vista Grande Ave., Millbrae OX 7-2509 Occidental College, A.B. 1933 Knapp, Mrs. F. W. (Winifred Hanna) 1035 Parrott Dr., San Mateo DI 3-0446 University of California, A.B. 1942 Knopf, Mrs. Keith M. (Lucille Claire Graham) 436 Edgewood Road, San Mateo DI 3-3119 University of California, A.B. 1924 Kondla, Mrs. Paul C. (Mary G. Laurenz) 663 Miller Ave., South San Francisco JU 8-5397 Fresno State College, A.B. 1947 *Korinek, Mrs. Charles J. (Thelma L. Blayden) 123 Clark Drive, San Mateo DI 3-8501 University of Idaho, Ex' 1932 Kossack, Mrs. William C. (Margaret Peterson) 753 Cordilleras, San Carlos LY 3-5361 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1948 Kreis, Mrs. C. Coolidge (Dorothea J. Beeby) 1128 Vancouver Ave., Burlingame DI 4-0844 University of Illinois, A.B. 1922 Kreis, Josephine 1128 Vancouver Ave., Burlingame DI 4-0844 Stanford University, A.B. 1951 Page 45 *Krider, Mrs. Paul E. (Helen J. Harvey) 212 Eaton Road, San Mateo DI 4-1934 De Pauw University, Ex' 1917 Krieger, Mrs. Charles H. (June Carolyn Tuska) 1790 Forest View, Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 4-4793 University of California, A.B. 1948 Krogh, Mrs. R. T. (Kathryn Rauh) 1338 Geneva Ave., San Carlos LY 3-5320 University of Vermont, A.B. 1932 Kuehn, Mrs. M. E. (Dorothy McClay) 890 Knoll Dr., San Carlos LY 3-9787 Mills College, A.B. 1927; Cornell University, M.A. 1928 *Kuhn, Mrs. Carl (Winifred Krapfel) 1245 La Canada Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-4668 University of Wisconsin; University of Missouri, Ex' 1927 Labadie, Mrs. Emile, Jr. (Evelyn Clow) 3929 O'Neill Dr., San Mateo FI 5-4009 University of California, A.B. 1939 Laird, Mrs. G. J. (Jane Porter) Spring Valley Lakes Road, Millbrae OX 7-4538 University of Washington, B.S. 1937 Lamont, Mrs. O. J. (Gertrude J. Wright) 2541 Poppy Drive, Burlingame DI 3-1648 University of Denver, A.B. 1921 Landis, Mrs. James (Lucile Nichols) 371 Georgetown Ave., San Mateo DI 3-3132 University of Michigan, A.B. 1922 Lane, Mrs. Aldabert (Virginia Lucille Kwiatt) 2360 Brittan Ave, San Carlos LY 3-0378 University of California, B.S. 1940 Lane, Lenora P. 3042 Broadway, Apt. B., Redwood City EM 6-4346 Western Reserve University, B.S. 1950 Lange, Mrs. C. Dan (Thelma Arlene Swenson) 215 Harvard Rd., San Mateo DI 4-7950 University of California, B.S. 1947 Page 46 Lange, Mrs. Kenneth (Mary Lois Driggs) 10 Corte Alegre, Millbrae OX 7-2246 Oregon State College, B.S. 1939 Langsdorf, Mrs. Gaynor (Ethel Middleton) 769 Crescent Ave., San Mateo DI 3-5869 University of Washington, A.B. 1930 Langsdorf, Mrs. Stanton (Bettye Crane) 3728 Southwood Ave., San Mateo FI 5-9086 Occidental College, A.B. 1939 Lanphier, Mrs. E. C. (Virginia Hall) 517 Crescent Ave., San Mateo DI 3-3073 Tulane University, A.B. 1924; University of California, M.A. 1925 |
Larsen, Mrs. Ira (Ruth Eubanks) 428 Roehampton Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-8135 Stanford University, A.B. 1920 *Laughlin, Mrs. Robert (Sybil Holmes March) 2314 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo FI 5-9666 Milwaukee-Downer College; Wellesley College; University of Washington, Ex' 1918 Lawrence, Barbara J. San Francisco Girl Scout Council, 465 Past St., San Francisco University of California, A.B. 1950 Lazzari, Mrs. Gilbert G. (Marian Hansen) 628 Hurlinghm Ave., San Mateo DI 3-9598 University of California, A.B. 1947 Leddy, Mrs. Thomas A. (Zillah Mileham) 1105 Rosefield Way, Menlo Park Kansas State Teachers' College, B.S. 1915 Letchfield, Nancy 431 Fulton Rd., San Mateo DI 3-3072 Stanford University, A.B. 1952 Lewis, Mrs. Elaine W. (Elaine L. Williamson) 510 Crescent Ave., San Mateo DI 3-5932 Hood College, A.B. 1933 Lewis, Mrs. J. R. (Harriet Kemp) 1220 Bellevue Ave., Burlingame DI 4-7434 Baker University, A.B. 1901; M.A. 1911 Page 47 Lewis, Mrs. O. N., Jr. (Winifred Heddy) 169 Arbor Lane, San Mateo FI 5-2212 St. Lawrence University, B.S. 1935 *Limpert, Mrs. Gene T. (Margaret Marshall) 982 Baileyana Rd., Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 4-2463 Pomona College, Ex' 1941 Lindsey, Mrs. Richard E. (Shirley Jones) 515 Sunset Way, Redwood City EM 8-1128 University of Oregon, B.S. 1949 Lobingier, Mrs George F. (Ruby Taulbee) 944 Ralston Ave., Belmont LY 3-4594 San Francisco State College, B.A. 1945 Lombardi, Mrs. Mario L. (Jane Stefani) 895 Knoll Dr., San Carlos LY 3-4416 Stanford University, A.B. 1944 Long, Mrs. Virgil (Ann-Marie Anderson) 1102 Hawthorne Drive, San Mateo DI 3-7585 University of California, A.B. 1935 Loomis, Mrs. Kenneth W. (Dorothy Burnap) 409 Georgetown Ave., San Mateo DI 3-3816 Ohio Wesleyan University, A.B. 1931 Loretz, Joan P. 105 Castilian Way, San Mateo DI 3-1795 San Jose State College, A.B. 1951 Losh, Mrs. L. A. (Louisette M. Aubert) 1148 Balboa Ave., Burlingame DI 3-8521 Stanford University, A.B. 1916 Louth, Mrs. John D. (Margaret L. Mitchell) 510 Castilian Way, San Mateo DI 3-1989 University of Chicago, B.S. 1942 Lowrie, Mrs. James W. (Barbara West) 1260 Drake Ave., Burlingame DI 4-6125 Stanford University, A.B. 1947 Lucas, Mrs. Winnie Jean (Winnie Jean McLaughlin) 1780 Woodside Rd., Redwood City EM 6-8787 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1951; M.A. 1952 Ludwig, Mrs. Morris S. (Ida Faye Sachs) 31 Belford Way, San Mateo DI 3-5215 San Jose State College, A.B. 1929 Page 48 Lumpkin, Betty Ann 43 Barneson Ave., San Mateo FI 5-9655 University of California, A.B. 1946 Lynch, Grace 140 Anza Way, San Bruno Iowa State Teachers' College, A.B. 1942 Lynn, Mrs Frank S. (Jean Alberta Moreggia) 1300 Southdown Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-4485 Mills College, A.B. 1944 *Lyon, Mrs. James H. (Arlene Ruth) 1249 Oak Grove Ave., Burlingame DI 4-6028 University of Colorado, Ex' 1935 *Mabey, Mrs. Charles P. (Marian Dawson) 753 Tamarack Ave., San Carlos LY 3-0960 University of Utah, Ex' 1932 MacDonald, Mrs. Charles R. (Elizabeth Brydon) 1760 Parrott Drive, San Mateo FI 5-6812 Occidental College, A.B. 1932 MacDonald, Mrs. T. P. (Olga Virginia Tefft) 120 Northam, San Carlos LY 3-0925 Albion College, A.B. 1934 *Macey, Mrs. Arthur (Miriam Sherman) 1739 Forest View Ave., Burlingame DI 3-8424 Stanford University, Ex' 1941 Mackin, Mrs. J. Gordon (Alyce Lynn Nantz) 1325 Cabrillo Ave., Burlingame DI 3-1222 Oregon State College, B.S. 1931 Macomber, Mrs. H. W. (Erma Browning) 1601 Willow Ave., Burlingame DI 3-4844 University of California, M.D. 1924 Madding, Mrs. George (Grace M. Wilde) 270 Bridge Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-7623 University of California, A.B. 1926 Maggini, Estella 943 B Street, San Mateo DI 3-7913 Oregon State College, B.S. 1925 Mangan, Mrs. Robert (Charlotte Luella Burridge) 707 West Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 3-4713 Stanford University, A.B. 1935 Page 49 *Mangin, Mrs. Joseph N., Jr. (Helen Roberts) 569 Hemlock Ave., Millbrae OX 7-2865 University of California, Ex' 1923 Manheim, Mrs. W. E. (Bernice Roche) 1636 Lassen Way, Burlingame OX 7-8641 Fresno State College, A.B. 1937 Mardon, Mrs. T. Allen (Grace Markusen) 711 Bowhill Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-3001 University of Washington, A.B. 1924 Markley, Mrs. Tom B. (Martha Hart) 224 Hazelwood Dr., So. San Francisco JU 8-5001 Stanford University, A.B. 1947 Marpole, Mrs. J. D. (Alma Louise Peden) 1615 Ralston Ave., Burlingame DI 3-0405 University of California, A.B. 1925 Marquis, Mrs. Frank M., Jr. (Ruth Marguerite Garvin) 3123 84th Ave., N.E., Bellevue, Wash. Mills College, A.B. 1941 Marrett, Grace E. 1333 Cabrillo Ave., Burlingame DI 4-4545 Vassar College, A.B. 1906; M.A. 1907 Marsh, Mrs. Richard P. (Margaret Jane McCaskill) 1734 Terrace Dr., Belmont University of Illinois, A.B. 1935 Marshall, Mrs. William D. (Leota Akers) 1823 Greenwood Ave., San Carlos LY 3-5982 University of Idaho, A.B. 1939 *Marshall, Mrs. William R. (Merle Maxwell) 747 Bromfield Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-7406 Indiana University, Ex' 1912 Martin, Mrs. W. M. (Iris Brough) 457 Virginia Ave., San Mateo DI 3-1716 University of Utah, A.B. 1926 Martinelli, Mrs. Jack A. (Harriet Warner) 610 Pico Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5257 Stanford University, A.B. 1947 *Mason, Mrs. M. A. (Helen Price) 2663 Hacienda St., San Mateo FI 5-5804 Antioch College, Ex' 1942 Page 50 Masters, Mrs. David Lewis (Marguerite Perrottet) 581 Ralston Ave., Belmont LY 3-0294 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1931 Masterson, Mrs. Terence (Martha Mottram) 70 El Cerrito Ave., San Mateo DI 4-1361 University of California, A.B. 1934; M.D. 1938 Mathews, Mrs. James R. (Mitzi Rembold) 1140 El Camino, Apt. 4, Burlingame DI 4-2054 College of the Pacific, A.B. 1949 Mattus, Mrs. J. J. (Nina Mae Coleman) 172 Alberta Ave., San Carlos LY 3-9281 Ohio State University, B.S. 1921 Maxwell, Mrs. Jean (Reginia McCauley) 29 El Cerrito Ave., San Mateo DI 3-1073 University of California, A.B. 1921 Mayne, Mrs. Leslie S. (Helen Sturdivant) 426 Dorchester Road, San Mateo DI 4-3860 Dominican College, A.B. 1924 McAuliffe, Grace Barron 407 Costa Rica Ave., San Mateo DI 3-7606 University of South Carolina, A.B. 1942 McAuliffe, Mrs. Jack J. (Alice Rich) 913 Haddon Dr., San Mateo DI 4-0555 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1931 McCain, Mrs. George L. (Kathryn Steuernol) 904 Avon St., Belmont LY 3-9770 University of Michigan, A.B. 1938 McCandless, Margaret S. 509 Highland Ave., San Mateo DI 3-4003 Grinnell College, A.B. 1911 McCargar, Mrs. J. A. (Eleanor Hayward Barker) 143 Loma Vista Dr., Burlingame DI 3-9418 Colby College, A.B. 1937 McCarthy, Mrs. Donnell (Georgene Fox) 1831 Alden St., Belmont LY 3-4474 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1939 *McClaran, Mrs. Edward (Roberta Steitz) 2723 Easton Dr., Burlingame DI 3-5756 San Francisco State College, Ex' 1939 Page 51 McClung, Mrs. Wm. J. (Dorothy Kavanaugh) 240 W. Santa Inez Ave., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-6883 University of Southern California, A.B. 1932 McCormick, Mrs. J. Graham (Elinor Martin) 492 Parrott Drive, San Mateo DI 3-6283 Dominican College, A.B. 1933; Stanford University, M.A. 1935 McCullah, Mrs. Ethel (Ethel McFadden) 1000 Patricia Ave., San Mateo DI 4-9467 San Jose State College, A.B. 1941; San Francisco State College, M.A. 1952 McCullough, Margery 212 D. West 37th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-1413 Mills College, A.B. 1923; Stanford University, M.A. 1945 McCully, Margaret 902 S. Fremont, San Mateo DI 3-7932 University of California, A.B. 1919; M.A. 1930 McCurdy, Mrs. Hilda (Hilda Palmer) 812 Paloma Ave., Burlingame Call Inf. Indiana University, A.B. 1909 McDermott, Catherine I. 3806 Villa Terrace, San Diego, Calif. San Diego State College, A.B. 1952 McDougall, Mrs. Harold (Muriel MacKenzie) 446 Cumberland Road, Burlingame DI 4-1663 Dalhousie University, A.B. 1924 McGee, Mrs. William R. (Alice V. Cooke) 275 Alameda de las Pulgas, Redwood City EM 6-1420 University of California, A.B. 1929 *McGrew, Mrs. John M. (Marilyn Peters) 48 W. 40th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-3845 University of California, Ex' 1948 McHenry, Mrs. R. O. (Antoinette Cost) 210 Chesterton Place, San Mateo DI 4-5973 College of the Pacific, A.B. 1934 McKenna, Mrs. John M. (Cynthia F. Draper) 229 Chesterton Pl., San Mateo DI 4-5973 Wellesley College, A.B. 1946 Page 52 McKeown, Mrs. Andrew (Adrienne R. Kneass) 105 Lomita Ave., South San Francisco JU 3-1990 Stanford University, A.B. 1932; M.A. 1934 *McKown, Mrs. Paul F. (Josephine L. Hurd) 524 El Cerrito Ave., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-8407 University of Minnesota, Ex' 1923 McLaren, Mrs. Scott (Violette Cinq-mars) 1721 Adeline Drive, Burlingame DI 3-1076 University of Michigan, A.B. 1944 McLellan, Mrs. A. D. (Louisa E. Hays) 19 Hayward Ave., San Mateo DI 4-1647 Hunter College, A.B. 1905 McLellan, Mrs. Edgar G. (Oneita Jantzen) 15 Arcadia Place, Hillsborough (S.M.) University of Oregon, A.B. 1932 McLeod, Mrs. W. G. (Arlene L. Sollie) 1328 Vancouver Ave., Burlingame DI 4-6113 University of California, A.B. 1933 McMann, Mrs. Robert H. (Ruth M. Parish) 539 W. Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 4-5594 University of California, A.B. 1929 McMillan, Mrs. Cyrus J. (Margaret A. Meader) 1633 Lassen Way, Burlingame OX 7-4906 Dominican College, B.S. 1944 McMurtry, Mrs. Charles H. (Laura Virginia Ruark) 830 Oregon Ave., San Mateo DI 4-0669 University of Missouri, B.J. 1926 McNaughton, Mrs. John D. (Adahruth Green) 2010 Belle Monti Ave., Belmont LY 3-7262 Occidental College, A.B. 1943 McNeill, Mrs. John H. (Mary E. Gleim) 174 Louise Lane, San Mateo FI 5-2915 University of California, B.S. 1933 McRoberts, Mrs. Lewis H. (Willie H. Harrison) 455 Marin Drive, Burlingame DI 3-1548 University of Denver, A.B. 1935 McWatters, Mrs. William B. (Virginia Anne Doty) 1917 Devereaux Dr., Burlingame OX 7-2216 San Francisco College for Women, A.B. 1943 Page 53 Mercer, Mrs. Glenn (Alice McCool) 450 Cumberland Road, Burlingame DI 4-5298 Oregon State College, B.S. 1925 Merrill, Mrs. Landell S. (Ione Harris) 425 Fairfax Ave., San Mateo DI 3-4297 Utah State College, B.S. 1926 Meyer, Mrs. B. R. (Kathryn Horrigan) 2708 Sunset Terrace, San Mateo FI 5-5660 University of Nebraska, B.S. 1939 Meyer, Mrs. John C. (Ruth Palmer) 445 Midway Ave., San Mateo DI 4-8393 University of California, A.B. 1947 Meyer, Mrs. Wallace H. (Lucy Burke Allen) 667 29th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-1187 Westhampton College, A.B. 1942 Meyers, Mrs. E. P. (Katharine E. Lindquist) 406 Aragon Blvd., San Mateo DI 4-3755 University of California, A.B. 1922 Michener, Mrs. J. R. (Lucille Spangler) 410 Seville Way, San Mateo DI 4-6067 Stanford University, A.B. 1943 Mielke, Mrs. F. W. Jr. (Lorraine Roberts) 813 Laurelwood Drive, San Mateo FI 5-2166 Stanford University, A.B. 1947 Miksch, Mrs. Russell S. (Helen Dawn Hollis) 305 Chestnut Street, San Carlos LY 3-0755 University of Redlands, A.B. 1942 Milestone, Mrs. William F. (Ruth C. Ganzert) 2033 Belle Monti Ave., Belmont LY 3-8352 University of California, B.A. 1946 *Miller, Mrs. Albert George (Bernice C. Dougherty) 432 Occidental Ave., San Mateo DI 4-6226 University of California, Ex' 1933 Miller, Mrs. Allen (Mary King) 316 Seville Way, San Mateo DI 3-1945 Dominican College, A.B. 1928 *Miller, Mrs. Donald J. (Mary Lee Porter) 722 Sequoia Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5981 University of Washington; San Francisco College for Women, Ex' 1946 Page 54 Miller, Mrs. E. Jay (Alice Aguirre) 108 Essex Lane, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-2823 University of Arizona, A.B. 1935 Miller, Mrs. R. I. (Dorothy Freund) 2345 Poppy Drive, Burlingame DI 3-6788 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1931 Mills, Mrs. John W. (Elizabeth L. McCook) 2027 Belle Monti Ave., Belmont LY 3-2331 Pennsylvania College for Women, A.B. 1936 Millsap, Mrs. John (Mariam Wilma Boyden) 8 Corte Balboa, Millbrae OX 7-3823 University of California, A.B. 1930 Mink, Mrs. Charles W. (Margaret Pitts) 1541 Los Montes Dr., Burlingame OX 7-2095 University of California, A.B. 1948 Minor, Mrs. Richard P. (Ruth Grimm) 231 W. Bellevue Ave., San Mateo DI 4-1211 University of California, B.S. 1921 Misselwitz, Mrs. Henry (Carolyn Converse) 311 Primrose Road, Burlingame DI 4-1378 Stanford University, A.B. 1928 *Mitchell, Mrs. James H. (Gladys Ritchie) 816 Fairfield Road, Burlingame DI 3-2443 University of California, Ex' 1914 Mitchell, Mrs. John Robert (Lorraine C. Tyson) 226 Amherst Ave., San Mateo DI 3-7831 University of California, B.S. 1920 Mitchell, Mrs. Robert K. (Laura L. DeVoss) 219 Edgehill Dr., San Carlos LY 3-0967 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1945 Moar, Mrs. G. H. (Dorothy Zoller) 129 Braak St., San Carlos LY 3-7570 State University of Iowa, B.S. 1947 *Moen, Mrs. James O. (Dorothy Olive Singer) 204 37th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5101 University of Washington, Ex' 1923 Molloy, Mrs. Ernest L. (Julia Anna Wall) 418 El Arroyo Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-0502 Smith College, A.B. 1929 Page 55 Mondo, Clarice 507 Sylvan Ave., San Mateo FI 5-0656 San Jose State College, A.B. 1944 Monroe, Mrs. Charles (Jane Wilson) 2815 Adeline Drive, Burlingame DI 3-4238 University of California at Los Angeles, B.E. 1933 Montgomery, Mrs. Edward S. (Helen L. PerLee) 150 Loma Vista Dr., Burlingame DI 3-6351 University of Nevada, B.S. 1935 Moorman, Mrs. Albert J. (Bette Davis) 750 Columbia Dr., San Mateo DI 3-3842 Vassar College, A.B. 1945 Moose, Evelyn J. 1548 Newlands Ave., Burlingame DI 4-2373 University of California, A.B. 1945 Morris, Mrs. Elbert G. (Vera Elizabeth Friedlander) 5408 21st Ave., N.E., Seattle 5, Wash. University of Chicago, Ph.B. 1922 Morris, Mrs. Emory L. (Edith Johnson) 134 W. Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 4-7882 Whittier College, A.B. 1928 *Morris, Mrs. Raymond E. (Marjorie Ginsburg) 630 Parrott Drive, San Mateo DI 3-1791 University of California, Ex' 1939 Morrison, Mrs. Norman D., Jr. (Allison E. Petrie) 245 W. Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 3-5778 McGill University, B.S. 1933 Morrison, Mrs. William G. (Lucille G. Sneider) 4 East Carol Ave., Burlingame DI 3-1559 Stanford University, A.B. 1927 Morse, Mrs. A. L. (Sibyl Botelho) 308 Channing Rd., Burlingame DI 4-2217 San Jose State College, A.B. 1931 *Morse, Mrs. Herbert R. (Miriam Batt) 62 Hilltop Dr., San Carlos LY 3-3063 Brooklyn College, Ex' 1944 Morton, Mrs. Virginia (Virginia Twombly) 2019 Devereux Dr., Burlingame OX 7-2078 College of the Pacific, A.B. 1934 Page 56 Moseley, Mrs. Glenn H. (Ella Anderson) 1230 San Raymundo Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-3621 Washington State College, A.B. 1922 Moser, Mrs. Charles (Elizabeth M. Martz) 1900 Palm Ave., San Mateo FI 5-1149 De Pauw University, A.B. 1925 Moser, Mrs. R. W. (Elizabeth Pinkley) 152 Azalea Drive, Palo Alto DA 5-7573 Bradley University, A.B. 1948 Moulton, Mrs. Rowland R. (Marjorie Gilhuly) 1032 La Cuesta Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-5725 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1930: Stanford University, M.A. 1940 Murdock, Mrs. James B. (Margaret Gruenig) 3035 Del Rey Street, San Mateo DI 5-5217 San Jose State College, A.B. 1933 Murphy, Elizabeth A. 536 Fordham Rd., San Mateo DI 4-3896 Dominican College, A.B. 1951 Murray, Mrs. Joseph T. (Eileen King) 1083 Vista Grande, Millbrae OX 7-8666 Dominican College, A.B. 1946 Mutti, Mrs. Richard (Margaret Mutchler) 4104 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo FI 5-9483 University of Wisconsin, B.S. 1943; M.A. 1946 Nagel, Dr. Edith M. 513 San Mateo Dr., San Mateo DI 3-5117 Stanford University, A.B. 1939; M.D. 1950 Nagle, Mrs. William, Jr. (Ethel Mae Gray) 823 31st Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5359 University of Michigan, A.B. 1946 Neal, Mrs. Emory (Peggy Barry) 1616 Barriolhet Ave., Burlingame DI 4-2771 University of Southern California, A.B. 1927 Nelson, Mrs. E. L. (Louise Philpott) 1787 Elizabeth St., San Carlos LY 3-7279 State University of Iowa, B.S. 1934 Nelson, Mrs. Glenn (Lena Marie Hurst) 620 Cuesta Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5944 Kansas State College, B.S. 1939 Page 57 Nelson, Shirley 111 Selby Lane, Atherton EM 6-5614 Mills College, A.B. 1945 Neukom, Mrs. John G. (Ruth L. Horlick) 124 Warren Road, San Mateo DI 3-2975 University of Chicago, A.B. 1936 Nichols, Mrs. Clark A. (Gladys R. Ruggles) 1121 Balboa Ave., Burlingame DI 4-2314 Milwaukee-Downer College, A.B. 1918 Niederhaus, Mrs. E. H. (Betty McDonald) 37 Seville Way, San Mateo FI 5-3661 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1936 North, Mrs. William C. (Barbara Adele Engelhardt) 766 Walnut Ave., Burlingame DI 4-1502 University of California, B.S. 1915 Nye, Mrs. William H. (Reba Rhodes) 804 Heather Rd., Colma PL 5-5445 West Virginia University, B.S. 1943 Ockerman, Mrs. D. A. (Rosemary Williams) 1148 Cortez Ave., Burlingame DI 4-8071 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1950 O'Connell, Mrs. William J., Jr. (Ursula S. Hart) 328 Chapin Lane, Burlingame DI 3-1006 University of California, A.B. 1930 Officer, Elizabeth L. 225 Elm St., San Mateo DI 4-8594 Stanford University, A.B. 1907; M.A. 1912 Ogden, Mrs. Clyde L. (Grace Marie Kay) 200 Rockridge Road, San Carlos LY 3-4602 University of California, A.B. 1931 Ohliger, Joyce 595 Hayne Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-6031 University of California at Los Angeles, B.S. 1948 Olson, Mrs. Charles O. (Ruth N. Poulsen) 3821 Orinda Dr., San Mateo FI 5-5548 University of California, A.B. 1944 Olson, Mrs. Norman L., Jr. (Anna H. Brodie) 640 N. El Camino Real, San Mateo DI 4-1347 Smith College, A.B. 1951 Page 58 Pace, Mrs. David G. (Virginia Riesner) 4308 Edison St., San Mateo FI 5-3165 University of California at Los Angeles, B.E. 1942 *Page, Mrs. John R. (Virginia Van Dyke) 408 Midway Ave., San Mateo DI 4-2690 University of Oregon; Mills College, Ex' 1938 Paine, Mrs. Kathryn A. (Kathryn Buck) 604 Trenton Way, Burlingame DI 4-0423 Drake University, A.B. 1925 Paine, Mrs. Rene, Jr. (Eleanor Scott) 650 Woodstock Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-0785 Columbia University, Barnard College, A.B. 1928 Paine, Mrs. Stuart D. (Margaret Sharrah) 114 Los Robles Ave., Burlingame DI 4-4947 Stanford University, A.B. 1943 Palmer, Mrs. Robert F. (Helen Mary Forest) 1902 Hillman Ave., Belmont LY 3-5432 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1936 Parr, Norma 212 Bloomfield Rd., Burlingame DI 3-0532 University of California, A.B. 1938 Parsons, Edith Ferris 43 Grand Blvd., San Mateo DI 4-5629 Stanford University, A.B. 1903 Parsons, Mrs. Francis J. (Eileen Smythe) 1040 Granada St., Belmont LY 3-3930 University of Washington, A.B. 1941 Passonneau, Carolyn 2060 Leavenworth St., San Francisco University of Minnesota, B.S. 1948 Patton, Mrs. Henry M. (Gladys Staats) 151 Manor Dr., San Carlos LY 3-2637 University of California, A.B. 1930 *Paulson, Mrs. Thomas G. II (Patricia Marion Sumner) 60 Tilton Terrace, San Mateo DI 4-0178 University of California, Ex' 1952 Payne, Mrs. William H. (Mary Louise Harris) 2210 Isabella St., San Mateo FI 5-0975 University of Minnesota, B.S. 1923 Page 59 Peabody, Aneta R. 608 Fairway Circle, Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 4-2384 University of California, A.B. 1952 *Peabody, Mrs. L. C. (Aneta Ruby) 608 Fairway Circle, Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 4-2384 Oberlin College, B.S.M. 1924 Pehrson, Corinne 1448 Balboa Ave., Burlingame DI 4-5204 Whittier College, A.B. 1952 Perscheid, Mrs. Gustave A. (Noreen Sarah Kindergan) 342 31st Ave., San Mateo FI 5-3817 University of California, B.S. 1949 *Persike, Mrs. Edward C. (Louise Doran) 430 Hazel Ave., Millbrae OX 7-2917 University of California; San Francisco College for Women, Ex' 1945 *Pestalozzi, Mrs. James H. (Helene K. Pedersmoen) 4001 Hacienda St., San Mateo FI 5-1372 University of Wisconsin, Ex' 1924 Peter, Mrs. Harriet O. (Harriet E. Oliver) 530 Almer, Burlingame Stanford University, A.B. 1926 Peter, Mrs. Walter L. (Anne Day) 2825 Juniper, San Mateo FI 5-9225 University of California, B.S. 1950 Peters, Mary Elizabeth 120 Tilton Ave., San Mateo DI 3-2564 University of California, A.B. 1943 Phares, Mrs. Hugh A. (Barbara Lee Nelson) 250 Walter Hayes Dr., Palo Alto DA 3-4415 Pomona College, A.B. 1943 Phelan, Mrs. Chris E. (Genevieve M. Weishar) 704 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame DI 3-4204 University of California, A.B. 1925 Phillips, Mrs. John W. (Lois Jones) 730 Vane Ave., Menlo Park DA 3-4680 University of Minnesota, A.B. 1922 Pinkerton, Mrs. Gordon J. (Margarete Aileen Lavering) 740 Hillcrest Blvd., Millbrae OX 7-8577 University of Southern California, A.B. 1932 Page 60 Pitcher, Mrs. J. N. (Anita Mooney) 1420 De Soto Ave., Burlingame DI 3-0435 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1938 Poage, Mrs. Edward A. (Marion G. Mellars) 428 Hillcrest Road, San Mateo DI 3-0504 University of California, A.B. 1923 Poplack, Mrs. M. S. (Betty Cross) 606 South Idaho St., San Mateo DI 4-8803 Fresno State College, A.B. 1952 Porter, Mrs. Elmer R. (Marian Landon Gray) 453 Roblar Ave., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-0716 University of Washington, A.B. 1944 Potter, Mrs. Wellington (Myrtle Cook) 1523 Vancouver Ave, Burlingame DI 4-5561 University of California, A.B. 1935 Powell, Mrs. James T. (Virginia Foell) 1555 Alturas Dr., Burlingame DI 4-3092 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1938 Powell, Mrs. J. W. (Helen Brown) 1408 Bernal Ave., Burlingame DI 4-1383 Washington State College, A.B. 1913 Prager, Mrs. Lawrence H. (Francese V. Abbott) 100 Sylvan Ave., San Mateo FI 5-0217 Stanford University, A.B. 1931 Preston, Mrs. Arthur J. (Doris Elizabeth Wusthof) 442 Cumberland Rd., Burlingame DI 4-7929 Stanford University, A.B. 1941 Price, Mrs. Edward (Mildred Bissett) 3010 Del Rey St., San Mateo FI 5-1386 University of Southern California, A.B. 1946 Proffitt, Mrs. B. G. (Bertha Marie Bessett) 831 Walnut Ave., Burlingame DI 4-3166 Mills College, A.B. 1944 Providenza, Mrs. C. M. (Shirley Sikorski) 1136 Drake Ave., Burlingame DI 3-2188 St. Mary-of-the-Woods College, B.S. 1944 Purpus, Mrs. Harold E. (Eleanor Janssen) 523 Park Blvd., Millbrae JU 8-1164 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1935 Page 61 Purtell, Mrs. E. C. (Frances Dahlbrink) 2100 Ray Drive, Burlingame OX 7-8612 University of Southern California, B.S. 1925 Raborn, Mrs. Hallie (Hallie Lovegreen) 1222 Palm Ave., San Mateo FI 5-2718 Fresno State College, A.B. 1932 Radcliffe, Mrs. Alice L. (Alice Louise Gilson) 336 N. Ellsworth Ave., San Mateo DI 3-7419 University of Southern California, B.S. 1930 Radder, Mrs. R. W. (Eloise Aten) 1332 Balboa Ave., Burlingame DI 3-8627 University of Wisconsin, A.B. 1931 Ralya, Mrs. Claude (Sara Persson) 1310 Southdown Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-0985 University of Omaha, B.S. 1940 Rankin, Mrs. Lowell H. (Veronica Nowell) 1312 Edgehill Dr., Burlingame DI 4-4791 University of California, A.B. 1922 Raphael, Mrs. H. G. (Eva B. Archer) 722 Barneson Ave., San Mateo FI 5-4436 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1938 Rath, Gloria C. 789 El Camino Real, Apt. 24, Burlingame DI 4-5300 Northwestern University, B.S. 1944 Raynes, Mrs. Sheldon P. (Katherine Sinclair) 318 Hill Way, San Carlos EM 8-2469 Mount Holyoke College, A.B. 1940; Columbia University, B.S. 1943 Refvem, Mrs. James D. (Charlotte Ohlund) 827 Walnut Ave., Burlingame DI 4-6085 Stanford University, A.B. 1947 Remmel, Mrs. A. H. (Helen J. Freydig) 484 Fairfax Ave., San Mateo DI 3-4108 Oregon State College, B.S. 1928 Reynolds, Mrs. Donald A. (Caroline E. Tidd) 1949 Greenwood Ave., San Carlos LY 3-2070 Elmira College, A.B. 1939 Rhein, Mrs. Charles E. (Dorothy Love) 706 W. Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 4-5966 University of California, A.B. 1918 Page 62 Rhein, Marilou 706 West Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 4-5966 Northwestern University, B.S. 1945 Ricci, Mrs. Walter H. (Lois Elizabeth Smith) 721 Concord Way, Burlingame DI 3-6609 University of California, A.B. 1939 Ridgeway, Mrs. G. L. (Beatrice M. Schroeder) 419 Georgetown Ave., San Mateo DI 3-8095 University of Wisconsin, A.B. 1928 Riffe, Mrs. Clyde A. (Helen Hodghead) Covelo, California University of California, A.B. 1915; M.A. 1929 *Righter, Mrs. C. E. (Margaret Willms) 1431 Montero Ave., Burlingame DI 3-6036 College of the Pacific, B.M. 1928 Ripley, Mrs. W. D. (May H. Bagley) 2509 Hillside Drive, Burlingame DI 3-0262 Hunter College, A.B. 1911 Roberts, Mrs. Donald G. (Mildred Stockton) 910 Laguna Ave., Burlingame DI 3-3445 University of California, A.B. 1937 Roberts, Mrs. Raymond (Eleanor Cox) Morgan Hill, California Earlham College, A.B. 1928 Robinson, Mrs. Harold S. (Genevieve Fitzsimmons) 220 Pearl St., San Carlos LY 3-0864 Fresno State College, A.B. 1949 *Roche, Mrs. Richard M. (Elaine M. Brewer) 1444 Cortez Avenue, Burlingame DI 4-0769 Oregon State College, Ex' 1944 Rogers, Marilyn 2101 Davis Dr., Burlingame OX 7-4141 San Francisco College for Women, A.B. 1950 Rose, Mrs. Z. D. (Majel Lyle Williams) 3973 Martin Dr., San Mateo FI 5-9859 Simmons College, B.S. 1948 Rosoff, Mrs. Harold (Bernice Helzberg) 3045 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo FI 5-3048 University of California, A.B. 1947 Page 63 Ross, Virginia 805 Toyon Way, Redwood City EM 6-8835 Stanford University, A.B. 1937; Yale University, M.A. 1939 *Rosser, Mrs. L. T. (Roberta Odell) 64 Old Mill Rd., Toronto, Canada University of Wisconsin, Ex' 1927 Roth, Mrs. Carter (Margaret McCrary) 723 Thornhill Dr., Colma 25 PL 5-1297 Cornell University, B.S. 1947 *Rothermel, Mrs. Marge (Marjorie Ann Leaf) 1934 Woodside Rd., Redwood City EM 8-5758 University of Colorado, B.S. 1947 *Rouleau, Mrs. E. W. (Mabel Morgan) 1121 Cortez Ave., Burlingame DI 3-6310 Washington State College; University of Washington, Ex' 1923 Roumasset, Mrs. Charles (Helen Nobles) 524 Prospect St., San Carlos LY 3-0623 University of California, A.B. 1937 Rulofson, Mrs. Charles (Mary Slattery) 2406 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo FI 5-2501 San Francisco College for Women, B.S. 1953 Rusch, Mrs. C. E. (Elinor Steventon) 1384 Hillside Circle, Burlingame DI 3-6611 Stanford University, A.B. 1939 Russell, Mrs. J. C., Jr. (Elizabeth St. Clair) 586 Cherry Ave., San Bruno JU 8-7984 Pomona College, A.B. 1942; Western Reserve University, M.N. 1945 Russell, Mrs. John S. (Joan R. MacPhee) 1759 Parrott Drive, San Mateo FI 5-7283 University of California, A.B. 1950 Ryan, Mrs. Joseph D. (Margaret M. Schott) 3720 Kenwood Ave., San Mateo FI 5-3911 St. Elizabeth Convent, New Jersey, A.B. 1936 Ryan, Louise 528 Costa Rica Ave., San Mateo DI 3-0297 Dominican College, A.B. 1952 St. Peter, Mrs. Stanton (Winifred Hagberg) 2654 Edison St., San Mateo FI 5-0976 Sweet Briar College, A.B. 1938 Page 64 Salquist, Mrs. Howard W. (Helen Marie Taylor) 1837 Chestnut St., San Carlos LY 3-3824 Washington State College, A.B. 1937 *Sapiro, Mrs. Warren M. (Georgene Share) 110 Sherwood Way, South San Francisco JU 8-1112 University of California at Los Angeles; University of California, Ex' 1950 Scammon, Mrs. W. J. (Ruth Larsen) 761 Edgewood Road, San Mateo DI 3-5326 Stanford University, A.B. 1945 Schlies, Mrs. Edward W. (Eleanore Joy Kryski) 510 Darrell Rd., Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-9566 Northwestern University, A.B. 1938; M.A. 1940 Schmidt, Leonie Emma 1660 Valota Rd., Redwood City EM 6-0067 Oberlin College, A.B. 1914; University of California, M.A. 1931 Schnier, Mrs. Robert F. (Patricia Eileen Cain) 257 La Prenda, Millbrae OX 7-8598 Oregon State College, B.S. 1945 Schoene, Virginia Grace 763 Sycamore Ave., San Bruno JU 8-2243 San Jose State College, B.S. 1953 *Schotzko, Mrs. Richard (Barbara Grubb) 324 Landfair Ave., San Mateo FI 5-6294 Oregon State College, B.S. 1949 *Schroeder, Mrs. Robert (Elizabeth Reineking) 222 W. Bellevue Ave., San Mateo DI 3-7691 University of Wisconsin, Ex' 1940 Schuyler, Mrs. James O. (Leose M. Brown) 898 Cordilleras Ave., San Carlos LY 3-5543 University of California, A.B. 1947 Schwalb, Mrs. Robert D. (Idamae Hazelton) 340 Franklin St., San Mateo DI 3-4041 University of California, A.B. 1927 Scott, Mrs. Jim N. (Ruth J. Heine) 405 Concord Way, Burlingame DI 3-8631 University of Nebraska, A.B. 1926 Scott, Mrs. Olga (Olga Watson) Box 75, Moss Beach Moss Beach 6501 Ohio State University, B.S. 1919 Page 65 Scribante, Mrs. P. P. (Amelia M. Bandoni) 314 Avila Road, San Mateo FI 5-4356 University of California, B.S. 1930 Sealy, Mrs. George P. (Joan Probst) 3816 Fernwood Ave., San Mateo FI 5-6453 Wellesley College, A.B. 1949 See, Mrs. Douglas S. (Theresa Harrington) 436 Wisnom Ave., San Mateo DI 3-6928 University of California, B.L. 1913 Selsted, Mrs. W. T. (La Verne A. Lucas) 3960 Martin Dr., San Mateo FI 5-2990 University of California, B.S. in Nurs. 1947 Serena, Bernadine 1325 Page St., Apt. 6, San Francisco University of California, A.B. 1947 Setrakian, Mrs. Robert (Winifred Ainsworth) 130 Dartmouth Rd., San Mateo DI 4-1941 Stanford University, A.B. 1951 Sexton, Mrs. Frank (Willa Heyer Legget) 2105 Ray Drive, Burlingame OX 7-2202 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1931 Seymour, Mrs. Robert (Virginia S. Anderson) 7 Elkwood Drive, South San Francisco PL 5-8215 University of California at Los Angeles, B.S. 1945 Sharp, Bessie Sprague 151 Vale St., Daly City PL 5-3858 University of California, A.B. 1919 Shaw, Mrs. Charles Michael (Jane Wilson) 1128 Douglas Ave., Burlingame DI 4-1850 University of California, A.B. 1952 Sheimo, Mrs. Stanton L. (Catherine Alaire Reed) 1101 Black Mountain Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-7969 University of Iowa, B.S.C. 1942 Shermund, Mrs. Ralph C. (Martha L. Pratt) 416 Hillsborough Blvd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-9321 Wellesley College, A.B. 1929 Sherwood, Mrs. Robert O. (Kathryn M. Springer) 700 Costa Rica Ave., San Mateo DI 3-4312 University of Kansas, A.B. 1935 Page 66 Silten, Mrs. M. H. (Irene Behrendt) 128 Club Drive, San Carlos LY 3-9557 Mount Holyoke College, A.B. 1945; Stanford University, M.A. 1946 Simkins, Mrs. Maurice (Ellen Natalie Stewart) 748 36th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-1790 Santa Barbara College, A.B. 1945 Simpson, Irene M. 2170 Edgecourt Dr., Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-8932 Stanford University, A.B. 1937 *Skankey, Mrs. A. O. (Marguerite Cooley) 2 Pinecrest Terrace, San Mateo DI 4-6676 Utah State Agricultural College, Ex' 1932 Skillman, Mrs. H. W. (Marion E. Gatley) 215 Chapin Lane, Burlingame DI 3-7430 University of California, A.B. 1922 Skolnick, Mrs. Alec (Emily Marks) 345 Parrott Dr., San Mateo DI 4-4193 Wellesley College, A.B. 1937 Skow, Mrs. Royce K. (Dorothy Brown) 411 Laurel Ave., Millbrae OX 7-4640 Stanford University, A.B. 1940 Smith, Mrs. Arthur H. (Katherine Sias) 112 Seville Way, San Mateo DI 3-0869 University of Colorado, A.B. 1923 Smith, Mrs. Gerald A. (Marilyn M. Ebi) 768 Tamarack Ave., San Carlos LY 3-9159 University of Oregon, A.B. 1938 Smith, Harriet M. 926 Laurel Ave., San Mateo DI 3-8059 College of the Pacific, A.B. 1931; Yale University, M.F.A. 1934 Smith, Mrs. Harry B., Jr. (Dorothy Tuck) 375 Hillsborough Blvd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-6211 University of California, A.B. 1935 Smith, Mrs. Harry F. (Louise K. Sullivan) 475 San Mateo Ave., San Bruno JU 8-5847 University of Rochester, A.B. 1936; B.S. 1938 *Smith, Mrs. Lou (Lou Dalbom) 1124 El Camino Real, Burlingame DI 3-4455 Southwestern College, A.B. 1943 Page 67 Smith, Mrs. Luther L. (Maxine Barasa) 707 Concord Way, Burlingame DI 3-8320 University of Southern California, B.S. 1943 Smith, Mrs. Merton P. (E. Aldene Wilson) 236 Park Ave., San Carlos LY 3-4313 Pomona College, A.B. 1930 Smith, Mrs. Myles (Marjorie Morris) 615 Park Ave., San Carlos LY 3-2814 San Jose State College, A.B. 1939 Smith, Mrs. Paul (Landa Wolfe) 6329 Florio Dr., Oakland, Calif. University of California, A.B. 1948 Smith, Mrs. Robert R. (Carolyn Blake) Apt. 306, Rose Plaza Apts. 2199 N.W. Everett, Portland, Oregon University of California, A.B. 1950 Smith, Mrs. Theodore H. (Catherine Haugh) 800 Edinburgh St., San Mateo DI 4-8132 Agnes Scott College, A.B. 1922; University of Chicago, M.A. 1927 Smith, Mrs. Thomas (Florence M. Woodward) 1236 Cabrillo Ave., Burlingame DI 4-8964 Colorado State College of Education, A.B. 1927 Smith, Mrs. Wm. (Frances Margaret Snyder) 900 Jackling Drive, Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-2124 Miami University, B.S. 1940 Smyth, Mrs. Francis Scott (Elizabeth Burket) 916 Jackling Drive, Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-7269 University of California, B.S. 1920 Snell, Mrs. W. E. (Julia Calhoun) 3216 Del Monte St., San Mateo FI 5-4936 Women's College of the University of North Carolina, A.B. 1942 Spear, Mrs. Robert D. (Nellie Maynard) 425 Yale Drive, San Mateo DI 3-3232 Columbia University, B.S. 1921 Speed, Mrs. Robert (Maude Weymouth) 67 41st Ave., San Mateo FI 5-2037 Pomona College, A.B. 1908 Spence, Mrs. Robert E. (Ruth Brandeberry) 662 Ventura Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5807 Oregon State College, B.S. 1941 Page 68 Spiegelman, Mrs. David (Evelyn Joseph) 2235 Forest View Ave., Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-8046 University of California, A.B. 1931 Spieler, Mrs. Joseph (Rachael Graham) 519 Iowa Drive, San Mateo DI 3-9356 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1930 Spurney, Mrs. P. M. (Portia Robinson) 178 W. 36th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-3032 College of Wooster, A.B. 1947 Stafford, Mrs. George H. (Margaret M. Wrigley) 16 Maryland, Redwood City EM 8-0984 University of California, A.B. 1947 Stafford, Mrs. Ross G. (Cornelia Harper) 326 W. Bellevue Ave., San Mateo DI 4-8357 College of the Pacific, A.B. 1925 Staker, Mrs. John T. (Irene Folckemer) 626 Occidental Ave., San Mateo DI 4-3596 University of Wisconsin, M.A. 1926 Stanton, Mrs. Emmett M. (Evelyn Filice) 622 W. Poplar Ave., San Mateo DI 3-8947 University of California, A.B. 1948 Stark, Mrs. E. W. (Ann A. Turner) 1436 Vancouver Ave., Burlingame DI 3-3554 College of the Pacific, A.B. 1931 Stark, Mrs. Linden D. (Florinda Solomonson) 505 Cornell Ave., San Mateo DI 3-3883 University of Minnesota, M.A. 1924 Stein, Mrs. Victor E. (Frances Ledwith) 2500 Summit Dr., Burlingame DI 4-5926 University of Nebraska, A.B. 1929 Steinbach, Mrs. Howard (Ilse Rosegarten) 40 Corte del Sol, Millbrae OX 7-4953 University of Washington, A.B. 1948 Steindorf, Joan B. 236 Clark Drive, San Mateo DI 4-2663 Stanford University, B.A. 1952 Steinert, Mrs. Peter F. (Elizabeth Larsen) 349 Landfair Ave., San Mateo FI 5-6378 University of Colorado, A.B. 1936; University of Denver, B.S. in L.S. 1939 Page 69 Steinley, Mrs. Everett C. (Annis Saunderson) 143 W. Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo FI 5-6848 Western Reserve University, A.B. 1926 *Stern, Mrs. Glenn H. (Alice Crary) 48 W. Santa Inez Ave., San Mateo DI 3-4783 University of Wisconsin, Ex' 1922 Stewart, Mrs. F. C. (Sally Paine) 2815 Sunset Terrace, San Mateo FI 5-4963 University of California, B.S. 1950 Stewart, Mrs. Francis F. (Edith Payne) 2064 Eucalyptus Ave., San Carlos LY 3-2991 University of Missouri, B.S. 1928; M.A. 1929 Stewart, Mrs. J. H. (Eleanor Robinson) 370 Franklin St., San Mateo DI 4-0614 Skidmore College, A.B. 1930 Stewart, Mrs. James I. (Mary E. Stearns) 335 Castillian Way, San Mateo DI 3-6571 College of William and Mary, B.S. 1930 Stewart, Mrs. Malcolm (Edna Sorem) 1414 Cortez Ave., Burlingame DI 3-4089 University of California, A.B. 1925 Stich, Mrs. Alfred (Muriel Edelstein) 528 W. Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo FI 5-1225 Syracuse University, A.B. 1941 Stone, Mrs. Harold R. (Margaret Anthony) 1332 Vista Grande, Millbrae OX 7-8778 Vassar College, A.B. 1932 Strope, Mrs. Walmer E. (Doris-Jeanne Rice) 12135 Country Club Drive, Los Altos Hunter College, A.B. 1943 Stuart, Mrs. Robert K. (Anna Maude Kimberly) 2216 Oakdale Rd., Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-9160 Drake University, A.B. 1902 Stuparich, Mrs. M. J. (Geraldine Casad) 2045 Monroe Ave., Belmont LY 3-2649 University of California, B.S. 1926 *Sturges, Mrs. Thomas B. (Adra Faith Franklin) 1921 Alden Ave., Belmont LY 3-9650 University of California, Ex' 1942 Page 70 *Sudden, Cecelia F. 150 W. Third Ave., San Mateo DI 4-0929 Mills College, University of Nevada; Stanford University, Ex' 1928 Sudden, Ruth 150 W. Third, San Mateo DI 4-0929 Stanford University, A.B. 1912 Sullivan, Mrs. James O. (Marilyn Fleck) 35 9th Ave., San Mateo DI 4-6648 University of Colorado, B.S. 1950 Sumner, Mrs. B. B. (Hazel Schuette) 60 Tilton Terrace, San Mateo DI 4-0178 Lawrence College, A.B. 1926 Sundblad, Mrs. Everts W. (Dorothea Mayer) 855 N. Idaho St., San Mateo DI 4-2830 University of Minnesota, B.S. 1928 *Sutherland, Mrs. G. L. (Heddy Zagar) 2848 Adeline Dr., Burlingame DI 3-3487 University of Washington, Ex' 1943 Sutherlin, Mrs. Wm. V. (Berniece Campbell) 312 41st Ave., San Mateo FI 5-1280 De Pauw University, A.B. 1929 *Tabler, Mrs. Edward C. (Gladys Galway) 1531 Oak St., San Mateo FI 5-3638 San Jose State College, Ex' 1929 Taggart, Mrs. Harold F. (Maude Ellis) 565 Edgewood Road, San Mateo DI 3-0187 University of California, A.B. 1919 Talbot, Mrs. John H. (Elizabeth Presho) 325 Clark Drive, San Mateo DI 3-7483 Stanford University, A.B. 1921 *Tallett, Mrs. John (Kay Pfeiffer) 3008 Monterey Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5205 University of Arizona, Ex' 1947 Taylor, Mrs. Clyde O. (Christine Davis) 555 Anita Lane, Millbrae OX 7-4333 Indiana University, A.B. 1932 *Taylor, Mrs. F. Herbert (Jessie B. McNabb) 228 Arundel Road, Burlingame DI 4-4610 Fresno State College, Ex' 1952 Page 71 Taylor, Jane Frances 501 Edgewood Rd., San Mateo DI 4-7315 Mills College, A.B. 1935; Harvard University, M.A. 1939 *Tegtmeier, Mrs. H. I. (Edith Moore) 1616 Chapin Ave., Burlingame DI 3-3334 University of Washington, B.M. 1930 Teige, Mrs. Peter N. (Barbara Kessenich) 3224 Del Monte St., San Mateo FI 5-3652 University of Wisconsin, Ph.B. 1945 Tennis, Evelyn M. 617 Highland Ave., San Mateo DI 3-8784 University of California, A.B. 1940; Stanford University, M.A. 1952 Tepperman, Mrs. Marvin T. (Jane Price) 3957 Martin Dr., San Mateo FI 5-9675 Illinois State Normal University, B.S. 1946 Terhune, Mrs. David (Barbara Speed) 331 Rolling Hills Ave., San Mateo FI 5-4730 University of California, A.B. 1941 Test, Mrs. Skiles (Ellen Saxon) 2307 Easton Drive, Burlingame DI 3-8757 DePauw University, A.B. 1926 Thatcher, Mrs. Jonathan (Ruth Irving) 509 Cypress Ave., San Bruno JU 3-1901 College of Wooster, A.B. 1936 Thayer, Mrs. G. E. (Dorothy Kimberlin) 320 Jackson St., San Mateo DI 4-2362 Stanford University, A.B. 1930; M.A. 1931 Theisen, Mrs. George F. (Vera M. Askren) 443 Cumberland Road, Burlingame DI 4-4143 Purdue University, B.S. 1926 Thiltgen, Mrs. M. C. (Winifred Mariani) 284 41st Ave., San Mateo FI 5-2659 San Jose State College, A.B. 1930 Thomas, Mrs. Clare L. (Helen D. Hunt) 15 Seville Way, San Mateo FI 5-4581 Cornell College, A.B. 1926 Thomas, Mrs. Donald S. (Ann Rasmussen) 673 Magnolia Dr., San Mateo DI 3-1159 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1937 Page 72 Thompson, Hester J. 737 27th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-0529 Mills College, A.B. 1917 Thompson, Mrs. J. D. (Lola Brodtkorb) 1 El Cerrito, San Mateo DI 3-6344 University of Minnesota, A.B. 1914 Thomson, Mrs. Douglas L. (Harriet W. Wilber) 1251 Parrott Drive, San Mateo FI 5-7534 Cornell University, A.B. 1942 Thomson, Mrs. G. William (Margaret Robbins) 1709 Easton Dr., Burlingame DI 3-2869 University of Oregon, A.B. 1940 Thorpe, Mrs. C. Lloyd (Anne Virginia Armstrong) 513 Iowa Dr., San Mateo DI 4-6472 University of California, A.B. 1934 *Thorson, Mrs. A. R. (Edna Rockefeller) 1216 Bernal Ave., Burlingame DI 3-4181 Colorado State College of Education, Ex' 1909 Thume, Mrs. J. G. (Louise Guldstrand) 3137 Monterey St., San Mateo FI 5-0449 University of California at Los Angeles, B.E. 1940 *Thurtle, Mrs. George S. (Sallibelle Foreman) 426 Clark Drive, San Mateo DI 4-2415 Wittenberg College, Ex' 1903 Thysen, Mrs. Paul Matthew (Betty Ann Outhier) 25 Cornelia Dr., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-0051 University of Southern California, A.B. 1937 Titus, Mrs. Michael G. (Marilyn Cox) 1818 Parrott Drive, San Mateo Stanford University, B.A. 1949 Tiffany, Mrs. Charles E. (Velma Prosser) 2819 Sunset Ter., San Mateo FI 5-5422 Stanford University, B.S. 1948 Tomlinson, Mrs. Kenneth A. (Mary Kenny) 1601 Robin Whipple Way, Belmont LY 3-9340 University of California, A.B. 1944 Tompkins, Mrs. Paul C. (Edythalena Anderson) 2765 Summit Dr., Burlingame DI 4-4774 Stanford University, A.B. 1940 Page 73 Toohig, Marie Denise 211 W. Bellevue Ave., San Mateo DI 3-4763 University of California, A.B. 1944 Tormey, Mrs. James (Hope Allario) 1130 Yew St., San Mateo FI 5-3054 San Jose State College, A.B. 1934 Tracy, Mrs. Harry (Katharine Parsons) 1134 Douglas Ave., Burlingame DI 4-3435 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1937 Tredick, Mrs. George A., Jr. (Emma Lee Kanyuck) 1115 State Street, San Mateo DI 4-8314 Cornell University, B.S. 1945 Trembley, Marian 451 Cumberland Rd., Burlingame DI 4-7732 University of Kansas, A.B. 1938; Stanford University, M.A. 1942 *Trippet, Mrs. B. I. (Patricia Murphy) 223 Edgehill Dr., San Carlos LY 3-0409 University of Southern California, B.S. 1942 Truce, Mrs. Walter (Betty Ann Ummel) 1230 Avon Ave., Belmont LY 3-6293 University of Michigan, A.B. 1939 Tuck, Mrs. Robert G. (Janor Kingwell) 1061 San Raymundo Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-5455 University of California, A.B. 1935 Turner, Mrs. Albert W. (Acca Laurentia Purdy) 1476 Benito Ave., Burlingame DI 3-1730 University of California, A.B. 1935 Twigg, Mrs. Leon (Sara Westbrook) 232 Milton Ave., San Bruno JU 3-3599 San Jose State College, A.B. 1946 Uhart, Marion 677 Masson Ave., San Bruno JU 8-8125 University of Nevada, A.B. 1937 Updegraff, Mrs. Priscilla (Priscilla Myers) 250 Kelton Avenue, San Carlos LY 3-7640 Randolph-Macon Woman's College, B.A. 1936 Valentine, Mrs. E. S. (Frances Jean Fitzgerald) 840 Paloma Ave., Burlingame DI 3-4827 San Jose State College, A.B. 1948 Page 74 Van Bokkelen, Mrs. William M. (Carolyn Barnard) 1544 Eastmoor Rd., Burlingame OX 7-4957 Oregon State College, B.S. 1945 Vandivort, Mrs. Russell (Martha Elizabeth Poe) 2224 Davis Dr., Burlingame OX 7-4269 Southeast Missouri State College, B.S. 1931 Van Hoesen, Mrs. Mynderse (Josephine Moragne) 501 W. Santa Inez, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-3360 Mills College, A.B. 1926 van Hoften, Mrs. Adriaan (Beverly McCurdy) 1520 Hoover Ave., Burlingame DI 4-0822 University of California, A.B. 1936 Van Orsdel, Mrs. R. A. (Esther Hunter) 335 Sonora Dr., San Mateo DI 3-3204 University of Nebraska, A.B. 1911 *Van Stralen, Mrs. F. J. (Bettey Tubby) 665 W. Santa Ynez Ave., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-0201 University of Washington, Ex' 1931 Vaughn, Mrs. Orville R., Jr. (Sylvia Lagerholm) 97 41st Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5108 College of William and Mary, A.B. 1948 *Vincent, Mrs. Howard A. (Phyllis Carroll) 516 Lomita Court, Millbrae JU 8-5064 Oregon State College, Ex' 1946 Vireno, Esther 20 Flournoy St., Daly City 25 PL 5-2477 University of California, A.B. 1935 Vistica, Lorraine 119 Reservoir Rd., San Mateo DI 3-4859 Dominican College, A.B. 1951 Wade, Mrs. Jeptha A. (Jessie A. Baker) 329 Glendale Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-5486 Northwestern University, A.B. 1910 *Wagner, Mrs. Paul (Vida Walker) 236 Castillian Way, San Mateo DI 3-3726 University of Wisconsin; Detroit Teachers College, B.S. 1927 Wakeman, Mrs. William H. (Ruth Kitchel) 2821 Hillside Drive, Burlingame DI 3-1452 University of Michigan, A.B. 1929 Page 75 Walcha, Mrs. Herbert (Lorraine Loewe) 607 Chiltern Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-3749 Mills College, A.B. 1937 Walker, Mrs. Clifford (Betty Fisher) P.O. Box 297, Half Moon Bay Half Moon Bay 4505 Fresno State College, A.B. 1943 Walker, Mrs. R. D. (Teresa Regan) 1720 Maryland St., Redwood City EM 6-6181 University of California, A.B. 1948 Walker, Mrs. Taylor (Gertrude Taylor) 2056 Eaton Ave., San Carlos LY 3-0603 De Pauw University, A.B. 1909 Wall, Mrs. A. R. (Gwen Keith) 617 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame DI 4-9224 University of Washington, A.B. 1932 Wallace, Mrs. Henderson (Harriet C. Long) 2700 Monterey St., San Mateo FI 5-4915 University of California, A.B. 1934 Wallace, Mrs. Robert (Marianne Bell) 505 Occidental Ave., San Mateo DI 3-6284 University of California, B.S. 1914 Waller, Mary Lewis 155 El Camino Real, Apt. 28, San Mateo DI 3-3871 University of Colorado, A.B. 1934 Walsh, Mrs. John Wm. (Norma McPhee) 1528 Ralston Ave., Burlingame DI 3-2096 University of California, A.B. 1932 Walsh, Mrs. Stanley (Betty Jane King) 2827 Sunset Terrace, San Mateo FI 5-5423 University of Arkansas, B.S. 1941 Walsh, Mrs. Stuart Parry (Edna Helen Flexer) 1179 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Carlos LY 3-3816 University of Illinois, A.B. 1918 Wanger, Mrs. Peter K. (Betty Jane Howe) 461 Fulton Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-8429 Stanford University, A.B. 1941 Wanless, Mrs. L. E. (Mary Culbertson) 328 Warren Rd., San Mateo DI 4-9626 University of Michigan, A.B. 1940 Page 76 Warner, Mrs. Harry D. (Grace Brown) 207 Santa Margarita, Menlo Park DA 3-3081 University of Denver, A.B. 1930 Warner, Mrs. Leslie J. (Wynn Douglass) 162 Los Robles Drive, Burlingame DI 3-6184 University of Minnesota, B.S. 1925 Wasserman, Mrs. Albert (Dina Frydman) 700 Columbia Dr., San Mateo DI 4-9211 University of California, A.B. 1950 Watkinson, Mrs. Howard (Frances Johnson) 1544 Bernal Ave., Burlingame DI 4-0366 Stanford University, A.B. 1914; M.A. 1915 Watkinson, Mrs. John H. (Margaret Cook) 1834 Carmelita, San Carlos LY 3-6922 Santa Barbara College, A.B. 1944 *Watson, Mrs. H. Creighton (Laura Lavroff) 525 Ravenscourt Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-0089 University of California, Ex' 1927 Webster, Mrs. Paul K. (Harriet Boardman) 965 Fallen Leaf Rd., Arcadia, Calif. University of Southern California, A.B. 1928 Weeks, Leona 25 Ninth Ave., San Mateo DI 3-7932 University of California, A.B. 1919 Weichselfelder, Marguerite 203 W. 36th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-7409 Stanford University, A.B. 1925 Weinert, Marjorie 818 Cordilleras Ave., San Carlos LY 3-9580 Grinnell College, A.B. 1949 Welbasky, Mary Jane 1433 Floribunda Ave., Burlingame DI 3-2932 University of Minnesota, B.S. 1943 Welch, Mrs. Stewart W. (Frances Hines) 1316 Palm Dr., Burlingame DI 3-7170 University of Washington, A.B. 1935 Wells, Mrs. Mary Margaret (Mary Margaret Potter) 2654 Corte de Flores, San Mateo FI 5-2078 Monmouth College, A.B. 1924 Page 77 Wendelburg, Mrs. George (Elinore G. Darnell) 1909 Devereux Dr., Burlingame OX 7-2312 University of Chicago, A.B. 1936; M.A. 1938 Werder, Mrs. Ernest H. (Constance Marta Poss) 2221 Hacienda St., San Mateo FI 5-4714 Stanford University, A.B. 1940 West, Mrs. Raymond H. (Lillian Anderson) 106 W. 5th Ave., San Mateo DI 3-0001 State College of Washington, A.B. 1922 Weston, Mrs. Philip O. (Ruth Hunt) 327 Georgetown Ave., San Mateo DI 3-1370 Skidmore College, B.S. 1929 Wheeler, Mrs. Clarence A. (Marjorie Mooney) 981 Hillcrest Blvd., Millbrae OX 7-4169 University of Minnesota, B.S. 1929; Smith College, M.S.S. 1932 Wheeler, Mrs. John P. (Mary W. Lauman) 362 Georgetown Ave., San Mateo DI 4-3878 Cornell University, A.B. 1937 White, Mrs. David D. (Elaine M. Ely) 5 Monte Diablo, San Mateo DI 4-0552 University of California, A.B. 1948 White Doreen S. 133 Occidental Ave., Burlingame DI 4-3724 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1952 White, Mrs. Henry K. (Gladys Leavell) 2080 Geri Lane, Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-3305 University of California, A.B. 1923 *White, Mrs. Reuben A. (Olva Lurene Brown) 133 Occidental Ave., Burlingame DI 4-3724 University of California at Los Angeles, Ex' 1929 Whiteley, Mrs. Frank A. (Norma Floyd) 1333 Hillcrest Blvd., Millbrae OX 7-4803 University of Illinois, B.S. 1936; M.A. 1937; Stanford University, L.L.B. 1948 Whiting, Mrs. John E. (Elizabeth M. Emmert) 15 Glenbrook Drive, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 4-2295 North Central College, B.A. 1939 Whiting, Sally Anita 1448 Balboa Ave., Burlingame DI 4-5024 Stanford University, A.B. 1951 Page 78 Wickens, Mrs. J. L. (Margaret Hinkle) 198 Warren Rd., San Mateo DI 3-3018 Purdue University, B.S. 1933 Widmeyer, Helen 856 Ashton Ave., San Francisco Pomona College, A.B. 1949 Wiedemann, Mrs. V. Webner (Florence Davis) 2500 Easton Drive, Burlingame DI 4-3373 University of Washington, A.B. 1925 Wiest, Mrs. A. L. (Gertrude Isensee) 1121 Drayton Rd., Hillsborough, San Mateo DI 4-1817 Oregon State College, B.S. 1929 Wihr, Mrs. Norman L. (Myrtle Helen Saxe) 2864 Canyon Rd., Burlingame DI 3-0753 San Francisco State College, A.B. 1931 Willey, Mrs. R. W. (Muriel Burnell) 1208 Alameda de las Pulgas, Redwood City EM 6-3949 State University of Iowa, A.B. 1948 Williams, Mrs. E. A. (Frances Paratore) 215 Sylvan Way, San Mateo FI 5-0838 University of California, A.B. 1937 Williams, Mrs. F. G. (Margaret C. Christie) Apt. 404, 10 De Sabla Ave., San Mateo George Peabody College, B.S. 1932; M.A. 1933 Williams, Mrs. Joseph P., Jr. (Irene Homchick) 33 Via Canon, Millbrae OX 7-8077 Washington State College, A.B. 1936; M.A. 1946 Williams, Mrs. V. R. (Ann Rector) 2901 Adeline Dr., Burlingame DI 4-2426 University of Montana, B.S. 1916 Williamson, Jean 1400 Palm Drive, Burlingame DI 4-2498 University of California, A.B. 1931 Williamson, Mary Helen 1048 Wilmington Way, Redwood City EM 8-3021 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1936; University of California, M.A. 1941 Wilmore, Mrs. Paul C. (Gretchen Louise Peppard) 620 Sharon Ave., Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 3-1420 Ohio State University, A.B. 1927 Page 79 Wilner, Mrs. Warren K., Jr. (Eloise Goode) 155 Louise Lane, San Mateo FI 5-2989 University of Chicago, Ph.B. 1944 Wilson, Mrs. A. C. (Theo Patterson) 546 29th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-9661 Queen's University, A.B. 1938 Wiltrout, Mrs. E. E. (Eleanor Sergeant) 771 27th Ave., San Mateo FI 5-5301 Nebraska State Teachers College, B.S. 1940 Wineman, Mrs. Paul M. (Elizabeth Black) 540 Virginia Ave., San Mateo DI 3-3833 University of Washington, A.B. 1923 Winter, Mrs. C. W. (Adele Place) 2160 Edgecourt Dr., Hillsborough (Burl.) DI 4-8488 University of Montana, A.B. 1927 Winters, Mrs. J. H. (Jean Auerback) 883 Chiltern Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-3887 University of California, A.B. 1936 Wolfe, Mrs. Bernard M. (Beverly Ganz) 10 Wickam Place, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-3567 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1939 Wolfe, Mrs. Frank M. (Kathleen Adams) 218 Beverly Ave., Millbrae OX 7-8565 University of California at Los Angeles, A.B. 1946 Wolfe, Mrs. Frank T. (Jessie Morton) 106 Essex Lane, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-3081 University of Wisconsin, B.S. 1923 Wolff, Mrs. Charles M. (Charlotte Gertrude Towson) 1270 Drake Ave., Burlingame DI 3-2413 Goucher College, A.B. 1926 Wood, Mrs. Stella Loff (Stella Loff) 145 N. Ellsworth St., San Mateo DI 3-4664 University of North Dakota, B.S. 1930 Woods, Mrs. Herbert (Helen Hilda Loven) 1405 Mills Ave., Burlingame DI 3-6992 University of California, A.B. 1938 Woodward, Mrs. T. D. (Mary Evelyn Hogue) 118 Greenoaks Dr., Atherton DA 3-2291 University of Kansas, A.B. 1931 Page 80 Worden, Margaret Elizabeth 1228 Tilia St., San Mateo FI 5-3277 Stanford University, A.B. 1935 Works, Charlotte P.O. Box 220, Montara University of Idaho, A.B. 1918 *Wurlitzer, Mrs. R. B. (Pauline Pabst) 1050 Vista Road, Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-4308 University of Wisconsin, Ex' 1921 Wyatt, Mrs. Roscoe D. (Lillian Toler) 1817 Hopkins, Redwood City EM 6-7587 University of Illinois, B.E. 1904 Wyckoff, Mrs. Fred W. (Marie Grubnau) 1505 Marlborough Rd., Hillsborough (S.M.) DI 3-3027 University of Nevada, A.B. 1924 Wylie, Mrs. Wendell L. (Elizabeth Wilson) 1752 Parrott Drive, San Mateo FI 5-4931 College of Wooster, A.B. 1938 Yeo, Mrs. Ralph A. (Esther Lillian Nyberg) 3404 Fernwood St., San Mateo FI 5-0948 Macalester College, A.B. 1925 Young, Janet 623 5th Ave., S.E. Coronado Mills College, A.B. 1949 Young, Patricia 1210 Bellevue Ave., Burlingame DI 3-9733 San Jose State College, A.B. 1942 Younger, Mrs. J. Arthur (Norma Wells) 146 W. Bellevue Ave., San Mateo DI 3-5079 University of Washington, A.B. 1914 |
*Indicates Associate Member
(S.M.) or (Burl.) following Hillsborough addresses indicates the post office address to be used.
Transcribed by: Jeanne
Sturgis Taylor.
Source: Mabey, Mrs. Charles
P., “American Association of University Women Yearbook – Burlingame, San Mateo,
Hillsborough Branch”. Published by
A.A.U.W., San Mateo, CA. 1954.
© 2017-18
Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.
Golden Nugget
Library's San Mateo County Databases