Petition Of Citizens Of San Francisco For The Repeal Of The Mortgage Tax Law (1 of 2)


Whereas, by the laws of this State, money loaned on real estate has always been taxed as specie in the hands of the borrower, or whatever it may be found; and the land and the improvements thereon, or other property produced by the same money, has also been taxed, and without abatement on account of such loan; and a tax has also been imposed upon the promises (mortgages) given for the payment of such loans, though the money loaned and the land upon which it was loaned had all the been fully taxed, thus virtually taxing not only what is real and substantial--namely, land and money--but also taxing mere promises and agreements, which are intangible and capable of indefinite multiplication and expansion upon one piece of land and one sum of money--one promise or mortgage being made the basis of many successive loans; and whereas such taxation is excessive, and political, ignores the fundamental principles of enlightened statesmanship, represses industry, trammels and embarrasses his business operations, repels capital, increases the rate of interest on money and is a grievance pressing with peculiar and aggravated force upon the working people; and whereas, Senate Bill No. 597 introduced by Mr. Kincaid, March fifteenth, to abolish this tax, is a just and equitable measure, and should be passed, and we call on our representatives to support it by all means in their powers; therefore,


Resolved, That we, working men of the City and County of San Francisco, in mass meeting assembled, do most respectively petition in your honorable body to repeal the law taxing debts secured by mortgage, as it works oppressively upon the poor, and we feel that the action of the Assembly was unjust, undemocratic and unfriendly to the people of the city and county, whose votes secured the triumph of the party which has thus shown its disregard for them, their interest and their opinions.

Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to take such action at the next election as will convince politicians that we can judge of parties and individuals by their acts, and that noisy and insincere professions of devotion to the interest of working classes will not deceive them again.

Resolved further, That the thanks of this meeting are hereby tendered to those members of the Assembly who endeavored to have justice done on the location referred to.




M. C. Smith, Clementina Street.

John J. Conlin, 130 Clara Street

Timothy Driscoll, Columbia Street, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth.

G. W. Coffer, 1815 Powell Street

D. Folay, Taylor Street

Patt Claffy, Corner Second and Jesse.

Jas.  Gartland, 135 Minna.

Martial Hainque, 82 Natoma.

W. Kincaid, 12 ˝ Clinton Street.

Michael Curry, 278 Minna Street.

William Bedell, San Francisco.

Philip McGuire, Corner of Lombard.

James Hamilton, 263 Clara and Montgomery streets.

John A. McKenzie, 38 ˝ Langston Street.

Nicholas Smith, O'Farrell Street.

Elijah Presby, Bartlett Street.

Neil Barr, Southeast corner Twenty-third and Harrison.

Michael McLaughlin, 24 Ritter Street.

John Cederbloom, 1519 Hyde Street.

John Murray, 25 Rich Street.

S.  Spearman, 64 First Street.

Denis Sweeney, 213 Clementina Street.

David Grant, 50 Natoma Street.

E. A. Fullum, 595 Howard Street.

Thos.  G. Roebuck, 152 Tehama Street.

James McAndrews, 152 Tehama Street.

Charles Brady, 545 Howard Street.

Robert Henderson, 653 Howard Street.

Michael Murphy, San Francisco.

Patrick Kelly,  First and Natoma.

P.  Blike, Horner, bet.  Harrison and Alabama.

John McGreevy, Bartlett Street, bet. Twenty-second and Twenty-third.

P. McMahon, 14 Natoma Street.

Patrick Gwider, Sansom Street.

William Dougherty, 628 Natoma Street.

Samuel Wheeland, 53 Natoma Street.

William H. Briggs, 402 Montgomery Street.

Matthew Darcy, 445 First Street.

Johan Rapp, Mason Street.

Daniel McLaughlin, 234 Fremont Street.

John West, Baldwin Court.

James Daly, 52 Shipley Street.

M. A. Leonard, San Francisco.

Henry Lockyer, Essex Street.

John S. McEntee, 767 Folsom Street.

Patrick Norton, 17 Hunt Street.

William Harvey, 29 Minna Street

J. Allan, Minna Street.

Alexander Rattray, 317 Rich Street.

Mike Keelen, 515 Taylor Street.

L. G. Sylvester, 630 Mission Street.

John McKiney, Twenty-second Street.

William Shackleton, Twenty-third and Harrison.

Mark W. Dugan, 61 Clementina.

W. W. Call, San Bruner Road, near Twenty-seventh.

John Sulivan, 77 Stevenson Street.

Henry J. Huttner, 317 Sutter Street.

John McBride, Twenty-fifth Street.

William L. Higgins, 1520 Mission Street.

William L. Hyland, San Francisco.

Jo Clement, San Francisco.

E. A. Wilson, 1 Duncan Street.

Thomas M. O'Connor, 8 Hardie Place.

George A. Thornton, Russian American Com' l Co.'s office.

M. McNally, Sixteenth, bet. Valencia and Guerrero.

William D. Bowie, 1520 Mission Street.

W. S. Bromley, 1106 Mason Street.

P. O. Barry, 923 Pacific Street.

George W. Green, Jr., 719 Bush Street.

William Lyons, 1900 Powell Street.

James H. Jenkins, Bush, bet.  Dupont and Stockton.

W. L. Cazneau, Northwest cor.  Filbert and Dupont.

William P. Merriam, 244 Taylor Street.

Thomas Mitchell, 835 Mission Street.

Rudolph P. Horn, 11 Oak Street.

J. F. Brokhage, Oakland.

D. H. Regensburg, 523 Stockton.

John J. Nolan, Southeast cor. Washington and Kearny.

John E. Millar, 904 Kearny Street.

John F. McNamara, 1022 Montgomery Street.

William Ferrie, Fresno County.

W. Marsh, 21 Union Street.

B. Olivvich, Corner Taylor and O' Farrell Streets.

W. M. Evans, Stockton Street.

Frank L. Unger, 723 Harrison Street.

William P. Henderson, Esq., Northwest corner Sacramento and Leavenworth.

Henry Green, Northwest corner Sacramento and Leavenworth.

J. P. Gaillard, San Francisco.

William Kinkland, San Francisco.

C. C. Webb, San Francisco.

Philo David, Northwest corner Clay and Polk.

N. Landry, 611 Commercial.

John L. Love, Exchange Buildings.

Joseph K. Hooper, 335 Pine Street.

Ralph C. Harrison, 919 Pine Street.

J. B. Painter, Southeast corner Jackson and Powell.

William Cline, San Francisco.

Richard Dillon, San Francisco.

J. Buckley, Twenty-seventh Avenue and California Street.

J. W. Golden, 709 Market Street.

A. P. Greene, 720 Lombard.

Manual Castro, West End Hotel.

Henry B. Janes, 622 Clay Street.

S. R. Gerry, M.D., 810 Washington Street.

F. A. Fabens, 718 Broadway Street.

G. G. Hayden, 653 Clay Street.

William Craig, 1021 Powell Street.

K. H. McGann, 727 Washington Street.

J. H. Brumagim, Bear Valley, Mariposa County.

A. Gros, 818 Broadway Street.

Robert Pace Hamilton, 554 California Street.

James Cooke, San Francisco.

Arthur Leman, San Francisco.

Daniel Leon, San Francisco.

W. G. Griffith, San Francisco.

W. Painter, San Francisco.

A. P. Durand, San Francisco.

Daniel Daly, San Francisco.

A. Astredo, San Francisco.

O.  Hixon, San Francisco.

John B. Bauns, San Francisco.

Edward C. Lovell, San Francisco.

Peter Short, San Francisco.

George W. Orrin, San Francisco.

Edward W. Orrin, San Francisco.

W. H. Woodward, San Francisco.

F. R. Fowler, San Francisco.

M. S. Bates, San Francisco.

Julius Rapp, San Francisco.

James Ryan, San Francisco.

Thomas McCarty, San Francisco.

Peter Sanders, San Francisco.

J. W. Kenney, San Francisco.

Edward B. Montague, San Francisco.

Joseph V. Bayers, San Francisco.

F. Rapp, San Francisco.

Alexander G.  Abell, San Francisco.

Thomas C. Anderson, San Francisco.

John R. Engel, San Francisco.

John W. Adams, San Francisco.

Walter O. T. Smith, San Francisco.

J. S. Kerne, San Francisco.

A. T. Delano, San Francisco.

D. Armstrong, San Francisco.

C. Diez, San Francisco.

John Brady, San Francisco.

C. S. Flanders, San Francisco.

George B. Green, Corner Fourth and Kentucky.

R.  McHenry, San Francisco.

James P. Kelley, San Francisco.

Harry Brown, North Beach.

Briget Kennely, Minna Street, between Fourth and Fifth.

Thomas Wall, San Francisco.

Philip Casey, San Francisco.

A.  H. Todd, 905 Market Street.

James H. Gager, 625 Montgomery Street.

Thomas W. McCarthy, 45 Silver Street.

C. Turner, 832 California Street.

William Gilliland, 35 Erie Street.

E. J. White, 3 1/2 Verona Street.

W. J. Crozier, 1413 Pacific Street.

P. H. Blake, Point Lobos Road.

J. Bryan, 728 Filbert Street.

Epes Ellery, San Francisco.

W. Palen, 11 First Street.

J. L. Hicks, 47 Second Street.

Tim McCarthy, Twenty-first and Mission Streets.

Michael Kennedy, 44 Tehama Street

John Sullivan, 20 Ross Street

J. D. Lynch, 135 Second Street.

James H. Lynch, 219 Sixth Street.

Richard Brown, Fifth and Shipley Streets.

Michael Bray, 212 Fourth Street.

Peter Hopkins, 506 Brannan Street.

T. F. Brady, Howard N. Sixteenth streets.

Frank Moran, 164 Jesse Street.

J. H.Cunke, San Francisco.

Richard Curtis, Folsom Street near and Nineteenth.

Matthew, Conlow, 349 Tehama Street.

William J. Byrne, 252 Minna Street.

James Flynn, San Francisco.

J. M. Ahen, Larkin and Ash streets.

Patrick Lawrenson, 621 Minna Street.

John Drohan, 53 Natoma Street.

Jacob Herkimer, 858 Howard Street.

David O'Brien, 21 Sumner Street

Eugene Joseph Baker, 764 Harrison Street.

Richard Raymond, San Francisco.

Eugene McCarthy, 53 Shipley Street.

W. G. Reynolds, 139 Fourth Street.

Robert McMillan Reynolds, 139 Fourth Street.

Eugene Gorman, Occidental Hotel.

James Ward, Corner Seventh and Howard.

Cornelius Lucey, 411 Pacific Street.

Michael Wall, 736 Howard Street.

Daniel Cashman, 734 Howard Street.

John Heany, 410 Vallejo Street.

P. Casserly, Tremont House.

C. Rourke, San Francisco.

P. S. Brady, 625 Bush Street.

Edward Cammerford, 20 Harrison Avenue

Peter Kehoe, 238 Third Street

Daniel Sullivan, San Francisco.

J. W. Round, 121 Folsom Street.

John McGuire, San Francisco.

John P. Fitzpatrick, 40 Tehama Street.

John Sheridan, 58 Minna Street.

Patrick Cornery, Drumm Street.

Dick Murphy, 503 Pine Street.

Thomas Olsorman, 701 Clementina Street.

Nicholas T. Brennan, 415 Powell Street.

Thomas Byrne, 619 Turks Street.

Daniel Harney, 1010 Larkin Street.

L. H. Hoffman, 423 Natoma.

L. F. Baker, 1014 Leavenworth Street.

Thomas Jones, California Street.

William Tracy, 1189 Harrison Street.

James Clentin, San Francisco.

W. D. Hensley, 220 Lombard Street.

Michael Lynch, 120 Shipley Street.

James Denman, San Francisco.

J. C. Diggins, Sutter and Broderick.

Byron Diggins, Sutter and Broderick.

William McGleney, San Francisco.

G. W. McCullum, 426 Clementina Street.

Peter Woods, Leavenworth Street.

J. C. Selleck, Brennan Street.

V. Gilbert, Seventh Street.

Charles Wildes, Fourth Street.

Thomas P. H. Whitelaw, Brannan Street.

H.  A.  Staniels, Ritch Street.

J. E. Brown, Ritch Street.

Lewis Olson, San Francisco.

Thaddeus P. Goodwin, Third Street.

George S. Johnston, Minna Street.

R.  Laird, Third Street.

Carlo Schlatter, Sixteenth Street.

George C. Castell, Silver Street.

George Faron, Silver Street.

John Slocum, First Street.

John Cotton, San Francisco.

John Vaughan, San Francisco.

A.  Hager, San Francisco.

E. S. Hermann, 422 Third Street.

J. T. Schuster, 102 Kearny Street.

J. Davis, 404 Third Street.

Gustav Harschall, 144 Third Street.

William Culligan, 606 Third Street.

F. W. Rourk, San Francisco.

Eduard Roethel, 323 Bush Street.

Lewis Geygus, 140 Third Street.

William H. Collis, 27 Geary Street.

John N.  Gerder, Geary Street.

Ch.  Schumacher, Geary Street.

R. H. Pahls, Geary Street.

She T. Venker, 128 Dora Street.

Jasper P. Hawkins, 33 Geary Street.

George Watzerger, 25 Morton Street.

James McCarthy, Mission Street.

Thomas Jones, Fifteenth Street.

F. Boldemann, Bush Street.

Anton Reiner, Pacific Street.

James Dooley, South Park.

P. C. Sweeney, 19 Geary Street.

Anthony Smith, Powell Street.

Jerry Cronan, Market Street.

Jacob A. Bell, Market Street.

M. Boyle, Market Street.

Edward Shurtz, Market Street.

Reinhold Breither, Market Street.

John P. Glynn, Market Street.

John L. Haman, Market Street.

George W. Lenk, Bush Street.

P. Donahue, Market Street.

Michael Hennessy, Minna Street.

John Martinn, Pine Street.

Samuel Daniels, Ellen Street.

Michael Brown, 811 Mason Street.

John L. Williams, San Francisco.

Henry L. Williams, San Francisco.

Benjamin B. Laithe, Ellis Street.

N. Simonds, Corner Twenty-fourth and Vermont.

A.  O.  Davis, San Francisco.

Michel Smith, Natoma Street.

Daniel O'Driscoll, 333 Bryan Street.

Charles J. Riffe, 606 Third Street.

William Barber, 606 Third Street.

J. G. Hagetgauze, 606 Third Street.

Charles McPherson, 606 Third Street.

John Hanaven, 606 Third Street.

Charles P. Howard 764 Fourth Street.

James Peter Morgan 606 Third Street.

Benjamin Heisler, 606 Third Street.

Henry A. Osborn, 606 Third Street.

James Munroe, 718 Market.

Michael Hartigen, 316 Harrison.

G. S. Pracy, San Francisco.

T. H. Brooks, 829 Mission Street.

G. W. Cuddebock, 712 Market Street.

T. F. Palmer, 1010 Market Street.

Edgar Bishop, 716 Market Street.

W. E. Moses 716 Market Street.

L. W. Palmer, 716 Market Street.

William Taylor, 718 Market Street.

A.  Assman, 773 Mission.

A.  P. Raye, 718 Market Street.

M. Moore, San Francisco.

Samuel McDowell, 718 Market Street.

Patrick Keenan, San Francisco.

Cornelius Cronin, San Francisco.

T. Deal, San Francisco.

Alexander Callie, 752 Market Street.

C. Breed, 722 Market Street.

M. Brown, 724 Market Street.

T. F. Le Schnutenhaus, 728 Market Street.

G. W. Conkling, 730 Market Street.

G. Uhl, 734 Market Street.

A. N. Uhl, 734 Market Street.

H. R. Smith, 740 Market Street.

D. C. Hall, 912 Market Street.

Robert A. Marden, 19 Park Avenue.

George W. Loftis, 774 Market Street.

Christopher Than, 25 Folsom Avenue

J. C. Harrington, 744 Market Street.

William Gundlach, 746 Market Street.

John Grady, San Francisco.

Jacob Hess, 125 Morton Street.

Marcer Unger, 748 Market Street.

J. K. Cooper, 750 Market Street.

James K. McCormick, 800 Market Street.

Thomas Doyle, 244 Stevenson Street.

George Gouch, 800 Market Street.

William Simpson, San Francisco.

S. Post, 802 Market Street.

Adam Orth, 810 Market Street.

J. W. Mandelbaum, 830 Market Street.

S. E. Mandelbaum, 830 Market Street.

Thomas N.  Sullivan, Corner Leavenworth and Jackson.

E. D. Dockery, 23 Turk Street.

J. Bernstein, 608 Post Street.

Daniel O'Keefe, 834 Market Street.

John T. Kelly, 840 Market Street.

Adam Erbe, 842 Market Street.

Joseph Aaron, 131 Perry Street

John Paterson, 848 Market Street.

P. Green, 848 Market Street.

George Pfeiffer, 848 Market Street.

M. Pezold, 738 Market Street.

John Whalen, 732 Market Street.

J. Tilson, 720 Market Street.

William M. Newhall, 323 Fremont Street.

J. H. Widber, Corner Market and Third Streets.

George A. Evans, Corner Folsom and Main.

Landers, Byrne & Co., 4 Third Street.

J. G. Scovern, 739 Market Street.

J. E. V. Risdon, San Francisco.

Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Francisco.

George Cumming, 29 Barry Street.

Newbaur & Co., 107 Sansome Street.

Henry Roberts, Fremont Street.

Joseph Moore, 642 Second Street.

G. W. Lovejoy, 516 Folsom Street.

Thomas Morton, San Francisco.

William Francy, 235 Minna Street.

Robert Raphael 546 Folsom Street.

Peter Shelly, Austin, near Franklin Street.

John O'Connell, Austin Street.

Charles H. Tower, 108 Dora Street.

D. Marcucci, 1780 Folsom Street.

W. McKibben, 317 Howard Street.

Thomas McKibben, 317 Howard Street.

Horace Presbrey 107 Stockton Street.

J. B. Firth, 12 Guy Place.

James Brodie, Pine, near Fillmore.

M. Sweeny, 544 Howard Street.

John Keney, Corner Beale and Howard Streets.

Patrick Bromely, Corner Beale and Howard Streets.

William Fields, 17 Clementina Street.

John Shackleton, Broadway.

William Davies, Seventh Street.

Louis Lesquier, 19 Clementina Street.

John McConnell, 12 Brook Street.

George Paton, 148 Natoma Street.

John Russell, San Francisco.

Frank Ryan, San Francisco.

John McCauley, San Francisco.

Thomas Bithel, San Francisco.

F. Morrison, San Francisco.

Thompson Brothers,  Eureka Foundry.

David Stoddart, Iron Works.

John Thomson, Iron Works.

John Parker, 926 Washington Street.

James Monkhouse, 5 Natoma Street.

Henry Dettman, 3 Clara Lane.

Charles Williamson, Columbia Street.

William G. Dixon, 315 Eleventh Street.

Alfred G. Jones, 36 Natoma Street.

R.  Dowd, Beale Street.

George Latimer, Moore's Iron Foundry.

William C. McDonald,  Moore's Iron Foundry.

James J. Connor, Moore's Iron Foundry.

D. M. Moore, Brass Founder.

T. Manly, Carpenter.

D. McKenzie, Dunn's Foundry.

Henry Koerben, San Francisco.

Frederick Geils, San Francisco.

H. J. Holmes, Howard Street, between Nineteenth and Twentieth.

W. T. Gannatt, Brass Founder.

George Wise, Osborn Street.

William T.  Little, Capp Street, near Nineteenth.

W. F. Toothaker, 620 Grove Street.

T. J. Johnson, 34 Minna Street.

James E. Harity, 49 First Street.

William Provence, 126 Dora Street.

W. K. Young, 308 Beale Street.

James O'Roorke, 44 Clementina Street.

L. W. Lindsley, 308 Beale Street. 

V. Wilet, William Tell House.

Richard Pinckney, Fulton Street.

James Hillman, San Francisco.

George A. Baccus, 515 Stockton Street.

Hugh Cameron, 1780 Folsom Street.

John Bree, 221 First Street.

Benjamin Garvalt, Capp Street, near Nineteenth.

A. Brund, Octavia and McAllister streets.

Oliver Moorissy, 316 Folsom Street.

Valerian Leu, 1703 Dupont Street.

William Leibe, 220 Minna Street.

James Brenton, 640 Second Street.

Thomas O'Brien, 149 Tehama Street.

J. Goldsmith, 317 Harrison.

Thomas Godfrey Maguire, 457 Minna Street.

J. Kane, 18 First Street.

William G. Burrett, 709 Taylor.

James Beggs, 335 O'Farrell Street.

Joseph Daniels, Corner Second and Folsom.

Patrick McGillen, 963 Howard Street.

James B. McGowan, 5 Perry Street.

H. Beggs, 33500 O’Farrell Street.

James R. Smedberg, Cosmopolitan Hotel.

John Martin, 118 First Street.

Richard King, 128 First Street.

John Carroll, 509 Howard Street.

August Siebe, 154 First Street.

Henry Windt, 154 First Street.

Mrs. James Hayes, 9 Natoma Street.

P. Hartigan, Corner First and Howard.

Patrick Ward, 761 Folsom Street.

Matt Bietner, 535 Mission Street.

Peter Boyle, 55 Natoma Street.

Joseph G. Huber, 102 Tehama Street.

T. W. Dennis, 111 Ellis Street.

John Kilday, 39 Minna Street.

Simon Keefe, 19 Clementina.

Bernardo Rassini, 1443 Leavenworth Street.

Patrick Finn, 513 Howard Street.

James Gaffney, 963 Howard Street.

William Keegan, 963 Howard Street.

D. B. Noonan, 424 Seventh.

W. Boger, 32 Russ Street.

Jacob Radston, 232 Sixth Street.

C. A. Dahgren, First Street.

Andrew Munro, 415 Howard Street.

Michael Dolan, 107 Perry Street.

A.  L. Price, 2323 Jackson Street.

William Fexon, 144 First Street.

William Ploschker, 142 First Street.

A.  M. Jochim, 418 Howard.

John Asmus, 724 O' Farrell Street.

A. Schmitz, Corner California and Mason.

S. W. Lyman, 339 Tehama Street.

F. Hobbs, 606 Folsom Street.

H.B.  Shaw, Northwest cor. Second and Folsom.

W. B. Rand, Northwest cor. Second and Folsom.

H. P. Sonntag, Northwest cor. Second and Folsom.

C. B. Davison, Davison House.

Daniel McColgan, 321 Tehama.

P. H. Velbert, 150 First Street.

B.  F. Mead, 309 Montgomery Street.

F. J. Curry, Pages Street, between Laguna and Buchanan.

Hanscom & Co., AEtna Iron Works.

Frank Kearney, 56 Clementina Street.

George Atwood, Shotwell, near Twenty-second.

Freeman Duff, 123 Shotwell Street.

A. C. Nelson, 33 Natoma Street.

James Donahue, 88 Stevenson Street.

James J. Kearney, 536 Howard Street.

Thomas Amner, 504 Howard Street.

Martin Kearney, 504 Howard Street.

William A. Fraser, 211 Ritch Street, near Bryant.

Thomas W. Boyd, 108 O'Farrell Street.

E. A. Richmond, 221 Seventh Street.

Joseph Redington, Boardman Street.

D. F. Neal, 152 Perry Street.

H. S. Smith, 221 Seventh Street.

C. S. Blair, 548 Folsom Street.

John Garey, 206 Folsom Street.

John S. Lennon, 12 Frederick Street.

James Pendegast, Twenty-second Street.

J. V. Johnson, 1225 Folsom Street.

Simon Gorman, 316 Beale Street.

William Connor, 30 Second Street.

John T. Gosnell, 407 Tehama Street.

Thomas Pendegast, Twenty-second Street.

M. L. Hanscom, Sixteenth Street.

James Pendegast, Folsom Street.

Nicholas Lennon, 3 Beale Place.

L. C. Marshutz, 204 Montgomery Street.

Daniel E. Hayes, Folsom Street.

J. H. Andrews, Second Street.

James Brandy, 15 Clementina Street.

Patrick Dillon, 126 Clary Street.

D. B. Hinckley, Oakland.

A. Schofield, 607 Sutter Street.

John A. Scott, 21 Essex Street.

John J. Kelley, 10 Verona Street.

J. W. McConnell, 1212 Second Street.

Samuel H. Wheeler, San Francisco.

Nelson Matthewson, San Francisco.

John E. Kennedy, 46 Clementina Street.

R.  B.  Ellis, 106 Sixth Street.

J. Wylie Mackie, 566 Howard Street.

J. W. Carphin , 724 Union Street.

John Wright, 13 and 15 Fremont Street.

Michael Tierney, 227 Perry Street.

John McIver, Pierce, between Eddy and Ellis.

I.  S. Van Winkle, Corner Gough and Fulton Streets.

Andrew C. Mathison, 1238 Bush Street.

Nelson & Doble, Fremont Street.

F. Tustin, 15 Fremont Street.

William Walsh, 15 Fremont Street.

W. D. Ayers, 15 Fremont Street.

John McLane, 15 Fremont Street.

Henry Shafer, 15 Fremont Street.

M. D. Arnot, 611 Folsom Street.

James Boland, Howard Street.

John Rafferty, 544 Folsom Street.

Palmer Cox, Howard Street.

P. F. Clerc, 15 Minna Street.

James Hamilton, Twenty-third Street.

John E. Dwyer, 219 Minna Street.

Edward Holmes, Howard Street.

William H. Birch, 18 Verona Place.

Joseph Gobbee, 535 Folsom Street.

V. Hiron, 35 Freelon Street.

T. Mantar, Morton Place.

William H. Steiger, Louisa Street.

John Maginniss, Tehama Street.

H. Olanie, Pacific Street.

C. T. Hilton, 264 ˝ Minna Street.

A. Bourdin, 139 First Street.

George T. Scott, 409 Turk Street.

Judy J. Wheelock, 333 Turk Street.

E. T. Stern, 9 First Street.

John W. Quick, 1014 Mission Street.

C. H. Evans, 82 Natoma Street.

Martin White, 15 Tehama Place.

Robert Dick, 726 Minna Street.

Robert Currie, 14 Freelon Street.

Thomas Floyd, 28 Clementina Street.

Theodore J. Cushman, Corner Broderick and Fulton Streets.

Thomas B. Smith, Cor. Capp and Twenty-fifth Streets.

George N.  Briggs, 24 Silver Street.

G. S. Gluesing, 14 First Street.

Andrew McNicoll, Twenty-second Street.

William W. Taylor, Twenty-third Street, between Alabama and Columbia streets.

R.  Coulter, 564 Howard Street.

C. Carth, Freelon, between Third and Fourth.

R.  Blair, Zoe, near Bryant.

B. Orphant, 21 Frederick Street.

James Munson, 21 Frederick Street.

Wells B. McIntosh, 6 Minna Street.

James Callison, 155 Tehama Street.

Fred Murphy, 116 Miller Place.

J. B. Carroll, 140 Natoma Street.

Matthew Doyle, 13 Natoma Street.

Felix O'Brien, Miller Place.

Daniel Curtin, 252 Perry Street.

Donald McLeod, 16 Ritch Street.

E. K. Holmes, 565 Howard.

C. B. Heald, 864 Folsom.

W.  Eckfeldt, 82 Tehama Street.

S. Burke, 35 Clementina Street.

Patrick Dunning, Clara Street.

Stephen Fletcher, 614 Mason Street.

W. W. Wood, 614 Mason Street.

A.  B.  Branett, 13 ˝ Harrison Street.

D. C. Dunn, 14 De Boom Street.

H.  Webb, 40 Natoma Street.

John Brady, Tehama Street.

Watson Topping, 129 Second Street.

W. H. Hepburne, Twenty-third Street.

A. W. Hoyt, 514 Sutter Street.

A. Holland, 227 Second Street.

H. T. Scott, 547 Folsom Street.

C. A. Low, 553 Harrison Street.

H. Shipman, United States.

C. C. Perkins, San Francisco.

J. P. Hayes, 12 Sherwood Place.

Thomas Cullen, 1230 Mission Street.

J. Jukins, 168 Howard Street.

James Fay, 15 First Street.

James Gee, 112 First Street.

Jerry Griffin, 521 Mission Street.

Peter Delven, 59 Minna Street.

Thomas J. Quinn, 12 Natoma Street.

Peter R. Zimmerman, 48 Bush Street.

Matthew Arnold, 54 First Street.

William Carsons, 18 First Street.

G. A. Dewall, 566 Mission Street.

Daniel Sayles, San Francisco.

Isaac Hulme, San Francisco.

W. Gering, 314 Folsom Street.

Thomas Swanton, San Francisco.

Thomas Jones, 1227 Second Street.

N. Collins, 30 Minna Street.

M. Foley, Second and Clementina.

John Malone,Twenty-fourth and Bryant.

William Sharp, 160 Minna Street.

John Powell, 78 Natoma Street.

D. F. O'Neil, San Francisco.

Dareah G.  Harrison, San Francisco.

Thomas Little, Dora Street.

Con Noonan, 12 Natoma Street.

Maurice Flynn, Diamond Street.

Robert Nesbitt, 71 Tehama Street.

Robert Mortomey, 148 Jessie Street.

John O'Brien, 321 Clementina Street.

Martin Donely, 50 Perry Street.

Daniel Coneley, San Francisco.

Michael Riley, Florida, between Nineteeth and Twentieth.

Edward Barry, 42 Geary Street.

Edward McGrevy, 64 First Street.

Nicholas Hagel, Hancock, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth.

Hugh Dugan, 316 O'Farrell Street.

Felix Harbaugh, 53 Natoma Street.

Sheldon Allen, 66 First Street.

George Harmer, 71 Tehama Street.

Thomas Fletcher, 71 Tehama Street.

Thomas Waberton, 413 Union Street.

James Tendal, 30 Welch Street.

James Fitzsimmons, 14 Sumner Street.

Robert Gill, 61 Tehama Street.

Thomas Noon, Chesley Street.

August Batemire, 317 Bush Street.

Samuel Lingard, 39 San Bruno Road.

Henry Demmick, 27 Oak Grove Avenue.

F. Pearce, Corner First and Folsom.

Samuel Drew, Fourth Street.

George H. Ferguson, 1185 Broadway.

G. W. Fletcher, 1020 Pine Street.

G. W. Doolittle, 830 Howard Street.

F. B. Wilde, 407 California Street.

John Flood, 1513 Sacramento Street.

Lew Tasheira, San Francisco.

Andrew Thorpe, 407 California Street.

J. C. Swain, San Francisco.

A. S.  Gould, 407 California Street.

A. T. Farish, San Francisco.

Louis French, San Francisco.

J. W. McKenzie, 407 California Street.

George R. Starr, 403 Davis Street.

C. J. Duval, 615 Pine Street.

A. Himmelmann, 637 Washington Street.

William Ingraham Kip, Bishop of California.

John Skinker, 108 Butte Street.

B. McEwen, 407 California Street.

W. A. Arnold, South San Francisco.

C. A. Ketler, 410 Harrison Street.

W. J. Ketler, 410 Harrison Street.

J. M. Wilde, San Francisco.

H. E. Perry, 622 Clay Street.

Stephen Putnam, 1107 Pine Street.

John C. Bower, 610 Howard Street.

J. W. Farrington, Southwest corner Kearny and Sacramento streets.

C. L. Ross, 708 Railroad Avenue, South San Francisco.

Dennis Coffin, 407 California.

David C. Keller, 112 Welch Street.

Frances McCormick, San Francisco.

John Cumberland, Polk Street, near Green.

John F. Byxbee, 406 Eddy Street.

Philip Conway, 22 Clinton Street.

John Cerbery, 615 Brannan Street.

Main Street Wharf Company, per Bliss, San Francisco.

Thomas C. Peoler, San Francisco.

Charles Eitel, Heron  Street.

P. Swift, Fell Street.

P. Madel, Corner Howard and Spear streets.

Robert Shea, Potrero.

William Davis, 1222 Bush Street.

John N. Farnham, 409 First Street.

W. G. Anderson, Potrero.

Henry Taal, 206 Steuart Street.

J. H. Tietjen, Mission and Steuart.

Frederick L. Blair, Howard, near Spear.

William Cronin,  Twenty-seventh and Columbia Avenue.

William S. Tice, 22 and 24 Market Street.

James Fitz Simmons, Howard, near Spear.

A. R. Wells, 216 Eddy Street.

A D. McDonald, San Francisco.

W. N. Miller, 23 Hawthorne Street.

Joseph F. Haley, 649 Howard Street.

A. H. Culverwell, 1217 Ellis Street.

Simon Strahan, 724 Minna Street.

E. B. Cooper, 206 Eddy Street.

W. W. Spaulding, 17 and 19 Fremont Street.

John Bryant, Folsom, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets.

James Brickley, Clementina, between Eighth and Ninth.

Joseph Gosling, 110 Stockton Street.

William F. Curtis, 625 Post Street.

O. D. Bennett, 298 ˝ Clementina Street.

John Grant, San Francisco.

C. W. Sears, 200 Seventh Street.

John Carbery, Pacific Rolling Mills.

C. A. Hopper, 30 Rincon Place.

Noble Miller, 23 Hawthorne Street.

H. T. Freeman, 323 ˝ Fifth.

Norman Parrish, Treat Avenue.

James Gillis, Fourth Street.

Robert Magee, 24 Minna Street.

George W. Keller, 112 Welch Street.

J. N. Crane, San Francisco.

N. George, 110 Stockton Street.

A.  Boucher, San Francisco.

W. H. Tuttle, 550 Stevenson Street.

N. Hartman, San Francisco.

A D. Owen, 23 Hawthorne Street.

J. E. Tiggs, 337 Jessie Street.

John Clark, 333 Jessie Street.

Robert Nelson, 32 Tehama Street.

Clement Felbin, San Francisco.

Fred E. Jenkins, 33 Ellis Street.

H. Arrison, San Francisco.

F. C. Nichols, 524 Howard Street.

A. D. Crow, 414 Fourth Street.

Benjamin F. Lee, 1216 Washington Street.

William Harding, 330 Third Street.

M. P. Shore, 440 Hayes Street.

A. J. Smith, 14 Clarence Place.

John Simpson, 726 Mission Street.

John S. Crough, Oakland.

H. William Hoffman, Northeast corner Pine and Powell.

Albert Saberee, San Francisco.

W. M. Sack, Mission Street.

John Watt, Corner Howard and Main.

A.  Lippincott, 807 Geary Street.

R.  Whatler, 506 Dupont Street.

D. Mosher, 15 Stockton Street.

James Milliken, 24 Minna Street.

Peter Rasmuson, 40 Minna Street.

H. L. Stevens, 619 Mission Street.

V. Pauzi, Twenty-fourth Street.

William A. Rury, San Francisco.

G. T. Clark, 3 Clinton Street.

John Bannerman, San Francisco.

George H. Peterson 343 Fremont Street.

A. Gillin, Bryant Street.

S. B. Lyon, San Francisco.

M. Russell, San Francisco.

Thomas D. Worster, San Francisco.

Brown & Wells, 411 Mission Street.

William Henry, San Francisco.

Matthew Harris, San Francisco.

M. N. Carson, San Francisco.

E. Heath, Northeast corner Polk and Fell.

Henry H. Nagle, 336 Market Street.

William Corcoran, 1518 Mission Street.

B. F. Pendleton, Oakland, Alameda County.

George L. Hull, San Francisco.

Alfred Wheeler, San Francisco.

Charles R. Story, 30 McAllister Street.

Thomas W. Cunningham, 6 Montgomery Street.

Maurice Levin, Cosmopolitan Hotel.

Arthur E. Webb, 560 Folsom Street.

A. Holmes, 304 Montgomery Street.

John H. Wise, 607 Front Street.

J. C. Woods, 11 Kearny Street.

P. Conklin, 416 Battery Street.

F. D. Haswell, 424 Montgomery Street.

Joseph Trontin, 328 Montgomery Street.

Alanson H. Phelps, 118 California Street.

F. Tillman, 318 Battery Street.

A. Martinon, 5 Dewitt Street.

Theodore Gruenhagen, 1507 Leavenworth Street.

Baldwin Gardiner, 1506 Taylor Street.

H. C. Swain, 324 California Street.

F. J. Stirling, 601 Dupont Street.

Edmund Scott, Northwest corner Commercial and Montgomery streets.

Joseph S. Reed, 519 Brannan Street.

Christian Kirk, 1017 Bush Street.

Nathan L. John, 275 Jessie Street.

J. H. Harle, Oakland.

George H. Sanders, 1213 Bush Street.

J. Wright, 1912 Stockton Street.

Abner Doble, 1609 Polk Street.

S. B. Holcombe, 209 Montgomery Street.

M. M. Baldwin, 433 Montgomery Street.

Wheeler Martin, 438 Geary Street.

James Croke, California Street.

John McKenzie, California Street.

John A. McGlynn, 936 Mission Street

P. A. Hawkins, 1514 Folsom Street.

L. F. Rowell, 920 Jackson Street.

K.  George, Clay near Franklin.

F. Madge, 116 Taylor Street.

Edward Whitsted, 731 Pine Street.

Edward McLean, Oakland.

Ezra Morse, 1208 Sacramento Street.

R. B. Macy, Cosmopolitan Hotel.

Daniel Rogers, 351 Brannan Street.

James Heron, Corner Shotwell and Twenty-first.

F. A. Donnelly, 417 Montgomery Street.

Charles M. Tyler, 843 Mission Street.

George Childs, Fair Oaks, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth.

Richard B. Neill, 11 Russ Street.

M. M. Whyte, San Francisco.

G. W. Haskell, 336 Montgomery Street.

N. P. Perine, 135 Montgomery Street.

S. Maynard, Corner Sacramento and Sansome.

John C. Maynard, Notary Public.

John Beatty, 517 Kearny Street.

George Dougherty, 517 Kearny Street.

E. D. Keyes, 834 Sutter Street.

G. W. Blake 336 Montgomery Street.

Samuel P. Crane, Sixth Street, opposite Tehama.

August Saulman, 520-518 California Street.

T. L. Laverskie, 520 California Street.

Owen Connelly, Market Street.

A. G. Fitzpatrick, Corner Shotwell and Twenty-second.

L. Weck & Co., 417 Battery Street.

G. C. Landis, 724 Green Street.

August Reusche, 520 California Street.

J. T. Babcox, 944 Howard Street.

S. Kibley, 419 Pine Street.

John P. Couch, 924 ˝ Pine Street.

J. R. Deardoff, 124 Fifth Street.

G. Wingate, 338 Montgomery Street.

B. N. Wingate, 142 ˝ Fourth Street.

Ferdinand Smith, Corner Linden Street and Van Ness Avenue.

Charles M. Haley, 336 Montgomery Street.

M. T. Brocklebank, 534 California Street.

James Adams, 962 Mission Street.

D. Smith, 110 Sutter Street.

Selden S. Wright, 817 Lombard Street.

R. B. Swain, 314 California Street.

Andrew J. Stevenson, Corner California and Montgomery.

H. T. Tilden, Dolores Street, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth.

H. L. Chamberlain, 22 Montgomery Street.

James H. Carey, 44 ˝ Third Street.

John F. Lohse, 864 Mission Street.

C. H. Reynolds, 329 Montgomery Street.

Thomas Gallagher, 21 Rincon Place.

Walter Turnbull, 516 Sacramento Street.

A. Folsom, 531 California Street.

Edward S. Spear & Co., 536 California Street.

John McDermott, 861 Folsom Street.

William H. Davis, 110 Eleventh Street.

J. M. Haskell, 331 Montgomery.

William A. Plunkett, 35 Union Street.

John Hamill, 22 Eleventh Street.

George Flaherty, 621 Taylor Street.

P. H. Canavan, 1124 Folsom Street.

P. F. Mohrhardt, 612 Shotwell Street.

James R. Dyer, 612 Shotwell Street.

R. Wegener, 621 Geary Street.

Ebenezer Knowlton, 4 Center block, Seventeenth Street

William M. Neilson, 529 California Street.

P. B. Quinlan, 506 Greenwich Street.

A J. Morrell, 617 Third Street.

Nelson Bartholomew, 410 Pacific Street.

Ira P. Rankin, First Street.

R. Wertheman, 607 Pine Street.

W. R. Donnellan, 539 California Street.

F. Sherr, 210 Stockton Street.

C. H. Pollard, 321 Montgomery Street.

George Wallace, 402 Montgomery Street.

J. W. Low, 743 Pine Street.

M. H. Kelly, 325 Hayes Street.

Charles Kohler, 1507 Stockton Street.

John Reynolds, 1007 Jackson Street.

A W. Von Schmidt, 1628 Folsom Street.

Joseph Trench, 611 Clay Street.

H. W. Massey, 305 Montgomery Street.

Jose M. Gonreyro, City of Santa Barbara.

R. Wells, Southwest corner of Fifteenth and Dolores streets.

William Halloran, Southwest corner of Fifteenth and Dolores streets.

J. S. Allen, 1028 Pine Street.

William E. Domentt, 629 Geary Street.

John H. Druhe, Corner Market and Steuart streets.

William H. V. Cronise, 526 Green Street.

A.  Campeon, Oakland.

E. J. Baldwin, 410 Geary Street.

H. Johnson, 1807 Dupont Street.

W. Smith, 1811 Howard Street.

G. R. Rossetter, 1819 Clay Street.

Otto Anton, 407 Pacific Street.

Hobbs, Gilmore & Co., 217 Market Street.

William Bunce, 1329 Sacramento Street.

A. S. Struian, 519 Front Street.

James Craig, 713 Commercial Street.

W. J. Richardson, Corner Webster and Ellis Streets.

Ira G. Hoitt, 804 Bush Street.

J. M. Conner, 181 Jessie Street.

E. Whiting, 181 Jessie Street.

William Leffingwell, 408 Montgomery Street.

Charles N. Fox, 528 California Street.

H. Hickei, 942 Harrison Street.

A W. Hawkett, Oakland.

J. Wolf, San Francisco.

Stephen Putnam, 1107 Pine Street.

Robert G. Lord, 1514 Folsom Street.

John Herzo, 1600 Taylor Street.

Milo Hoadley, Gate, Lone Mountain Cemetery.

Cornelius Denis, Russ House.

J. M. D. Parr, 14 O' Farrell Street.

William B. Swain, 302 Montgomery Street.

Ch. Kornfeld, 733 Clay Street.

John Ricketson, 912 Harrison Street.

T. J. Chadbourm, 1412, 1414, 1416, 1418 and 1420 Dupont Street.

J. M. Byrne, 533 Sutter.

Joseph Lipman, What Cheer House.

E. A. Williams, 1113 Stockton Street.

A. D. Miesegaes, 54 Third Street

George Amerige, 100 Stockton Street.

B. P. Rooney, 251 Perry Street.

Frederick A. Sawyer, 509 Kearny Street.

B. Heringhi, 768 Harrison Street.

J. W. Conner, 504 Second Street.

M. Weil, 229 O' Farrell Street.

M. Coleman, 107 Battery Street.

R. H. Lloyd, 1010 Folsom Street.

Joseph P. Thompson, 523 Montgomery Street.

R. Hughes, Oakland Point.

John Johnson, Oakland Point.

Frederick S. Ellmaker,Guerrero Street, Mission Dolores.

D. W. Connelly, San Francisco.

Frank Kennedy, 619 Stevenson Street.

J. H. Page, 24 Hawthorne Street.

A B. Campbell, 1126 Market Street.

William Ede, 14 Second Avenue.

Frank D. Sweetser, 44 Third Street.

John J. Joiner, Dorland Street.

C. B. Williams, Northwest corner Church and Dorland.

B. Ordenstein, San Francisco.

Edwin Lewis, 1001 Lombard Street.

John Hall, 1011 Market Street.

H. P. Coon, Northeast corner California and Gough Streets.

C. H. Killey, Northwest corner Webster and Union.

William McPhun, 65 Shipley Street.

John Linehan, Chattanooga Street.

A J. Ellis, Montgomery Street.

Thomas McSweney, 305 Hayes.

Elisha Lord, 312 Hayes.

M. Ashbury, 204 Montgomery.

N. G. Kittle, 719 Geary.

John Henderson, Jr., Twelfth  Street.

T. J. Bergin, Russ House.

W. J. Robbins, Bush Street.

Charles Mayne, 535 Clay Street.

H. M. Newhall, Corner Beale and Harrison.

F. Kane, 555 Natomas Street.

Daniel Ryan, 911 Greenwich Street.

S. M. Van Doren, Corner Twenty-fourth and Guerrero.

E. N. Torrey, 516 Dupont Street.

R. Muhlendorff, Sixteenth Street.

S. C. Weik, California Street.

John F. Boden, 707 Greenwich Street.

H. Barroilhet, 411 Washington Street.

John R. Coryell, 4 Montgomery Street.

J. Francis de Leon, 418 Dupont Street.

William Lilienteld, 301 Kearny Street.

Thomas Ford, 633 Ellis Street.

P. Connolly, 968 Harrison Street.

Daniel S. Roberts, 139 South Park Avenue.

Francis Kance, 1008 Clay Street.

R. C. Dyer, 1430 California Street.

S. Goodman, 208 and 210 Samson Street.

Thomas Rowlandson, Potrero Street.

Jose R. Pico, 1123 Folsom Street.

George A. Freiermuth, Jr., Ellis, near Fillmore Street.

J. C. Reis, 319 Oak Street.

S. J. Straus, 522 O'Farrell Street.

Charles W. Grant, 315 California Street.

M. L. Perego, 206 Sutter Street.

W. A. Jenner, 15 ˝ Tehama Street.

Joseph G. Fuller, 528 California Street.

James A. Pritchard, 311 Fourth Street.

John H. Warren, 444 Clementina Street.

J. R. Coleman, 706 Front Street.

George Howes & Co., 302 California Street.

George C. Wickware, 518 Sutter Street.

A.  Schwerin, 30 Sixth Street.

L. C. Fogle, 422 Montgomery Street.

J. J. Richenbach, 1231 Filbert Street.

P. Mangan, 10 Gilbert Street.

Silas Wilcox, Laguna, South of McAllister.

Richard Ivers, 251 Stevenson, between Third and Fourth.

A G. Beck, 432 Montgomery Street.

F. Gebhard, 451 Jessie Street.

V. Kehrlein, Leavenworth, near Bay.

P. Cavanagh, 1511 Larkin Street.

John Haller, Fillmore and Filbert streets.

George O. Smith, 33 John Street.

Thomas C. Grant, Guerrero Street.

William M. Pierson, 1217 Mason Street.

Daniel Mahony, Corner Sixth and Bryant.

John Baumeister, 1036 Howard Street.

William Bohle, 723 O' Farrell Street.

E. W. Park, Mission and Twenty-fourth streets.

John Owens, 1055 Mission Street.

S. T. Leet, 526 California Street.

Francisco Duble, 728 Montgomery Street.

Enoch Lott, 9 Hubbard Street.

Daly and Hawkins, 220 Montgomery Street.

John McGeary, 1135 Mission Street.

C. A. Spalding, 628 Montgomery Street.

G. S. Kern, 120 Market Street.

Conrad Schneider, Taylor Street.

J. A. Rawson, 338 Montgomery Street.

F. J. French, 528 California Street.

D. Weston, 115 Second Street.

Louis R. Lull, Secretary Society California Pioneers.

John D. Neppert, Secretary Society California Pioneers.

Augustin Olvera, Los Angeles County.

William Renner, 619 California Street.

John P. Clabrough, 630 Montgomery Street.

Thomas Mitchell, 115 Second Street.

F. W. Ramsdell, 125 Selina Place.

John Davis, 31 O'Farrell.

George W. Smith, 740 Washington Street.

J. M. Aturmusler, Washington Street.

M. O'Donnell, 925 Broadway.

H. W. Waite, 224 Fourth Street.

A. Platt, 311 Minna Street.

Patrick Dugan, Southwest corner Green and Hyde.

Michael Hogan, Glover Street.

D. J. Horswel, 638 Clay Street.

F. H. Woods, 913 Pine Street.

G. F. M. Glover, 320 Montgomery Street.

D. W. C. Rice, 415 Montgomery Street.

Cornelius Hoyer, 1608 Larkin Street.

F. B. Maynard, Petaluma.

J. Herrberg, 821 Greenwich Street.

Edward Groves, Corner Twenty-fourth and Church.

John MCombe, Corner Twenty-second and Treat Avenue.

G. Beuste, Barnum Restaurant.

B.  Bernhard, 215 Prospect Place.

Thomas Rutherford, 419 Sutter Street.

George C. Herrick, 516 California Street.

S. L. Hartmeyer, 506 Greenwich Street.

James Burke, 516 California Street.

G. Strasser, Page Street, north side, between Franklin and Gough.

John McKerven, Southeast corner Montgomery and Green streets.

John Willis, 1227 Pacific Street.

Aram Crombugghe, 307 O'Farrell Street.

Richard Abbey, Rush House.

James S. Waturea, 506 Second Street.

F. A. Harnden, 408 Montgomery Street.

Cyrus W.  Jones,  408 Montgomery Street.

Samuel F. Blasdell, 34 Tehama Street.

W. J. Stringer, 315 and 317 Pine Street.

J. C. Maynard, 334 O'Farrell Street.

Gus  Reis, Cosmopolitan Hotel.

C. M. Woodworth, 504 Second Street.

L. G. Locke, 506 Second Street.

Michael Flood, 727 Market Street.

Samuel Bradley, First Street.

H. P. Herrick, 42 Hawthorne Street.

L. J. Henry, M.D., 745 Clay Street.

A C. Titcomb, 1320 California Street.

Juan de Foro, 614 Merchant Street.

S. Brunner, Southwest corner Pacific and Sansom streets.

George Dent, 111 Oak Street.

G. Hock, Southwest corner Pacific and Sansom streets.

David Farquharson, 601 California Street.

L. H. to Varney, 611 Powell Street.

J. J. Mundwyler, Jr., 708 Bush Street. 

J. J. Mundwyler, Sr., 708 Bush Street.

George S. Hoag, 505 Sutter Street.

Thomas R. Church, 223 Montgomery Street.

William Trumpp, 630 Bush Street.

Allen J. Gladding, 1512 California Street.

Mebith & Moore, 722 Bush Street.

Samuel Read, 908 Leavenworth Street.

John Ogilvie, 933 Jones Street.

P. A. & J. McKinley, 328 and 330 Geary Street.

E. Emett, San Francisco.

A.  S. Davenport, 1234 Bush Street.

William Nagel, 722 Bush Street.

Ford H. Rogers, 814 Bush Street.

Samuel Adams, San Francisco.

Edward Considine, 1513 Leavenworth Street.

Robert Crayton, San Francisco.

Philip Rothermel, 706 Bush Street.

Samuel Moffatt, 530 Bush Street.

Isaiah Dixon,  San Francisco.

F. P. Latson, 135 Montgomery Street.

H. Rosekrans, 135 Montgomery Street.

J. W. Wilbur, 135 Montgomery Street.

G. M. Perine, 135 Montgomery Street.

C. W. Kinsman, 66 Tehama Street.

W. H. Hogan, 10 Tehama Place.

S. G. H. Rosekrans, 135 Montgomery Street.

George O. McKay, 1207 Clay Street.

C. C. Keene, San Francisco.

Thomas L. Kervan, 611 Powell Street.

W. Betmemann, 700 Bush Street.

W. Tietjen, 700 Bush Street.

Patrick Mulvihill, 234 Clara Street.

A. R. McDonald, San Francisco.

John Brien, 734 Harrison Street.

William Howe, Bush and Mason.

George L. Howe, Steiner and Post.

John Cook, 805 Mason.

John Pennemer, San Francisco.

J. G. Moore, 1426 California Street.

T. Horstmann, 700 Bush Street.

N. Proctor Smith, 717 Bush Street.

H. H. Wood, 1067 Market Street.

Jules F. Pages, O'Farrell, near Luguna.

Paul Fleury, Corner O' Farrell and Octavia.

Louis Bothe, 104 Kearny Street.

Henry Collin, 1307 Pacific Street.

George Haas, 908 Geary Street.

William Gruenhagen, 1507 Leavenworth Street.

D. Woods, 1501 Leavenworth.

Patrick McGee, 1014 Jackson Street.

William P. Brown, 114 Bernard Street.

J. G. Gould, 644 Howard Street.

J. T. Oatmann, 815 Jackson Street.

James Van Byres, 906 Jackson Street.

Daniel Cohelen, 19 Virginia Street.

Christian Jomford, 819 Jackson Street.

Martin Teitjen, 815 Jackson Street.

George Sawyer, 10 Howard Court.

W. Brown, 10 Howard Street.

W. H. Martin, 315 California Street.

John Giblin, Folsom Street.

T. S. Myrick, Stevenson.

Jefferson Martenet, Coso Avenue, near Aztec Street.

C. F. Myrick, Stevenson Street.

George Southwell, 727 Broadway.

H. G. Sahnke, 523 Jackson Street.

John G. Druhe, 535 Jackson Street.

James B. Townsend, Rush House.

George Jaudin, 411 Bush Street.

Solomon Tesmore, 208 Dupont Street.

Charles A. Sankey, Shotwell Street.

William Baily, 124 Silver Street.

The P. Batchelder, Oakland.

T. D. McKenna, Yerba Buena Street, near Sacramento.

William Henkel, 516 Hayes Street.

John Hutton, 35 Eleventh Street.

Thomas Quinn, 558 Mission.

Thomas Langan, Sacramento and Liedesdorff.

John Colter, Pfeiffer Street.

D. N. Robison, 44 Minna Street.

James Lynch, 700 Post Street.

Denis Dugan, 310 Folsom.

R. A. Thompson, 409 Minna.

John Molloy, 54 Clay Street.

Frank Corde, 1106 Taylor Street.

John W. McCormick, Erie, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets.

B. F. Breithaupt, San Francisco.

A. J. Moldrup, Ellis and Webster.

Daniel Short, Corner East and Commercial.

Lawrence Laffin, Tenth and Folsom.

Edward Mullen, 1050 Broadway.

William Otis Reynolds, 2310 Larkins Street.

Henry J. Dixon, 48 Sacramento Street.

Henry G. Earle, 124 Fifth Street.

Peter Cline, Hyde Street.

Frederick Bodell, San Francisco.

G. Lufkin, 409 Washington Street.

William F. Dorman, Corner Howard and Fifteenth.

J. W. Wolf, Oakland Point.

James A. Benson, 407 Hyde.

H. M. Jefferds, 407 Hyde. 

J. W. Perin, San Francisco.

John Miller, Drumm Street.

Christian Neilsen, South Street.

John Weel, California Street.

E. Quin, Leavenworth and Vallejo streets.

Joseph Lewis, 260 Washington Street.

James Clarke, 437 Shipley Street.

James Larkin, San Francisco.

Michael Joyce, Howard and Tenth.

E. S. Short, Tehama Street.

J. K. Brooks, Welsh Street.

Charles Johnson, San Francisco.

Peter Morris, Nevada Street.

Albert Luhrs, 25 Dupont Street.

Peter McCormick, 180 Natoma Street.

Thomas Burke, Clinton, near Brannan Street.

Richard Cummings, 98 Clay Street.

Philip Simmon, 52 Clay Street.

Louis Zephyr, 334 Seventh Street.

Henry Corley, First Street.

Michael Hession, Broadway, near Larkin.

Raymond Summer, Corner Greenwich and Sansom.

Benjamin Miller, 6 Drumm Street.

James Gough, 234 Minna Street.

E. J. Meservy, 200 Drumm Street.

Thomas J. Butler 16 Natoma Street.

J. P. Phillips, 164 Jessie Street.

Patrick Gilleran, 19 ˝ Downey Street. 

William G. Martin, 19 ˝ Downey Street.

A. E. Prince, 337 Bryant Street.

P. Walsh, 131 Drumm Street.

James Smith, Corner Drumm and Sacramento.

J. B. Fowler, Corner Green and Montgomery.

George R. Turner, Vallejo, between Taylor and Jessie.

T. J. Walsh, Southeast corner Commercial and Drumm.

Martin Tarpey, 120 Fourth Street.

William Guttridge, 12 Bagley Place.

Frank Savoy, 951 Folsom Street.

M. Waterman, San Francisco.

George Crosby, 727 O'Farrell Street.

L. Rosenbaum, San Francisco.

Arthur Divine, Ritch Street.

S. Folk, Corner Eddy and Larkin.

Michael D. Faylor, Potrero.

William Schmidt, Oak Street.

Charles Peschke, Brannan Street.

Henry Vigneaud, San Francisco.

William Cringle, Fourth and Townsend streets.

J. Myerstein, Freelon Street.

Daniel O'Brien, 414 Shipley Street.

George Dowsett, Brannan Street.

B. Elliot, 10 Freelon Street

James S. Summerville, Steuart Street.

James F. Hill, Perry Street.

William Murphy, Beale Street.

James Costello, Bluxome Street.

William Watson, Bluxome Street.

Thomas Curtin, Berry Street.

John Curtin, Berry Street.

William Curtin, Perry Street.

John McDaid, Fifth Street.

Frederick Gast, Clara Street.

James Regan, Brannan Street.

Antonio Bassett, Brannan Street.

Michael McClaskey, Dora Street.

Patrick Kegan, Minna Street.

Daniel Donavan, Stevenson Street.

James Donavan, Mission Street.

William Smith, Perry Street.

Martin Conway, Third Street.

D. Reeklmann, Corner Fourth and Brannan.

G. Drucker, Brannan Street.

Richard Magee, 859 Harrison Street.

N. Bishop, Harrison Street.

Charles Ash, 434 Fifth Street.

H. Blohm, 500 Clara.

A. Lemaires, 415 Fifth Street.

John Marshall, Fifth Street.

John Buttner, 524 Fourth Street.

A. M. Kingsley, 255 Perry Street.

George Edenmuller, M.D., San Francisco.

J. W. Davis, 261 Perry Street.

J. Edwards, 240 Perry Street.

John Kelcher, 241 Perry Street.

Thomas N. Fullum, 146 Cherry Street.

Francis T. Murray, Folsom Avenue.

James Gaul, 7 Harrison Avenue.

Daniel Harigan, 12 Chesley Street.

Richard Morrisey, 2 Doe Street.

Alexander Stark, 1140 Folsom Street.

C.  H. Dieckmeyer, Southeast corner Eighth and Harrison.

John R. Smith, San Francisco.

John Robeson, San Francisco.

Stark Van Drusen, San Francisco.

Louis C. Richardson, 2 Hampton court.

James S. Sherman, 38 Silver Street.

M. LeMaire, 48 Varenna Street.

T. M. McKeen, 25 Third Avenue.

Patrick McCarty, 640 Mission Street.

James Ratigan, Nineth Street.

John Block, Union Street, near Sansom.

Joseph Hoffman, Folsom, between Seventh and Eighth.

Patrick Cahill, San Francisco.

John Mechan, 20 Downey Street.

Nicholas Brown, San Francisco.

Richard Barry, 260 Clay Street.

Henry K. Stiles, Ash Street.

John Feour, 169 Gardiner Street.

Andrew Donnelly, San Francisco.

M. Conlin, 3 Gilbert Street.

John Lyons, 108 Dora Street.

Cornelius Mahony, Harrison Street.

Patrick Moran, Decatur Street.

R. W. King, 30 Tehama Street.

Patrick Sculley, Harrison Street.

Edmon Hanrahan, 262 Clary Street.

M. Lester, Eighth Street.

Owen Harrington, Eighth Street.

Michael Kennedy, 554 Tehama Street.

John S. McGowan, Eighth Street.

John Conley, Folsom Street.

Patrick Loughran, Eighth Street.

Michael A. Donnelly, 429 Clementina Street.

Henry J. Bellew, 427 Clementina Street.

Tobias George, 717 Sutter Street.

Conrad Berghoffer, 542 Folsom Street.

F. Velatt, 931 Mission Street.

A. H. Loughborough, Northwest corner Montgomery and Sacramento streets.

Edward Vischer, Southwest corner Front and Jackson.

Frederick Granhoff, 1510 Powell.

M. L. Bassett, Corner Church and Jessie.

John McGill, 824 Broadway.

George Hertel, Northwest corner Montgomery and Sacramento streets.

C. E. Gibbs, San Francisco.

Adolph C. Weber, 840 Folsom Street.

John Lloyd, Geary Street.

F. A. Dierok, 31 Welsh Street.

F. & C. Rearden, Northwest corner Sacramento and Montgomery streets.

B. Ernst Tittel, 656 Folsom Street.

Conrad Tittel, First Avenue, Mission.

F. Augustus Tittel, First Avenue, Mission.

H. A. Engels, 602 Mission Street.

Julian B. Harris, 157 ˝ Tehama Street.

Joseph Ehres, 542 Folsom Street.

H. Luchsinger, 349 Minna.

H. Newmann, Corner Bush and Montgomery.

George L. Wenzel, San Francisco.

A. J. Lafontaine, 627 Merchant Street.

D. Levitzky, 1008 Market Street.

H. L. Simon, 507 Lombard Street.

M. Leese, 692 Sacramento.

W. Muller, 1507 Powell Street.

Lewis Rothermel, Siegfried Hotel.

Jacob Knell, 431 Sutter Street.

P. O. Larsen, 217 Kearny Street.

C. S. Storms, 313 Kearny Street.

Ph.  H. Graser, 13 Second Street.

M. Barkes, 228 Kearny Street.

A.  Knoblauch, 228 Kearny Street.

Henri Ielmini, 554 Bush Street.

H. C. Bateman, 227 Kearny Street.

Maurice B. Walsh, 227 Kearny Street.

P. O. Larser, 217 Kearny Street.

H. Hildebrande, 208 Sutter Street.

Daniel Clement, 21 Stockton Place.

August Matz, 217 Dupont.

Christian Richland, Central Road.

John J. Lucas, San Francisco.

William H. Heald, 20 Samson Street.

Aug.  A. Rosenberg, 139 Kearny Street.

J. W. C. Rhind, 113 Perry Street.

Ed.Ehrenpfort, 138 Eighth Street. 

John Kleinshroth, San Francisco.

Alexander MacAbee, 406 Geary Street.

Theodore Brown, 337 Bush Street.

Franck Jarinko, 337 Bush Street.

J. Berger, 627 Clay Street.

James L. Hanna, Corner Shotwell and Twenty-fourth.

Dennis J. Lucy, Clinton Street, between Sixth and Seventh streets.

John W. Craig, Eighth Street.

P. Tully, 1150 Folsom Street.

F. N. Able, Folsom Street.

J. W. Lynngrenn, 408 Shipley.

Hubbard Ward, 1623 Howard Street.

James Monkhouse, 5 Natoma Street.

Michael Conniff, Perry Street.

M. J. Kelly, Hayes Valley.

John Slavan, San Francisco.

Owen Prunz, San Francisco.

William Mathers, Eighth Street, between Harrison and Folsom.

James E. Harrison, Eighth Street.

Patrick Joyce, Ninth Street.

Michael O’Riordan, Ninth Street.

Peter Bainbridge, Eighth Street, near Folsom.

Michael Gormby, Heron Street.

James Jones, Howard Street.

James Engal, Mission.

John Rerdon, Harrison Street.

Thomas Boyd, Filbert Street.

Michael Rilley, First Street.

J. B. Fargo, San Francisco.

J. H. Monnich, San Francisco.

W. Willie, Clementina Street.

David Cummins, Folsom Street.

P. H. Murphy, Tin shop, corner of Eighth and Folsom streets.

James Mullens, Howard Street.

John McMillin, Clementina Street.

Peter Johnston, Folsom Street.

John Yablonsky, 737 Howard Street.

Daniel Coffey, Eighth Street.

William O. Lloyd, 423 Hayes Street.

Edward Shea, 216 Eighth Street.

James Croke, Tehama Street, between Eighth and Ninth.

Henry Harding, Howard Street.

Martin Gilligan, Eighth Street.

D. J. Mahony, 724 Eighth Street.

A C. Hiested, Tehama Street.

Martin Moore, San Francisco.

Robert Neely, 711 Clementina Street.

James Heally, Twelfth Street.

William O'Keefe, Eighth and Howard.

Martin O'Brien, Shipley Street.

William O. Ryan, Seventh and Clementina streets.

B. Hongson, Fourteenth and Mission.

William Tearney, Natoma Street.

William Daly, Natoma, between Fifth and Sixth.

John Claffy, Clementina.

Martin Kenny, Howard Street.

James McGragh, Howard Street.

J. T. Jones, San Francisco.

William E. Murphy, Corner Eighth and Natoma streets.

Thomas Noonan, Corner Eighth and Howard streets.

Michael Hyland, Natoma, between Eighth and Ninth.

Frances McQuade, 1047 Howard Street.

James Hughes, Eighth and Howard streets.

Joseph A. Fowler, 664 Minna Street.

Henry Murphy, Folsom, above Ninth Street.

James Doyle, 1119 Howard Street.

Martin O'Neill, 26 Sumner Street.

John McGover, Eighth Street.

John Kerr, 109 Eighth Street.

John Conway, Mission Street, near Twelfth.

Michael Kennedy, Mission Street, near Twelfth.

Thomas Maroney, Thirteenth Street, between Howard and Mission.

James Kelly, Mission, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.

John Kensella, Natoma, between Eighth and Ninth.

Edward Monaghan, Ellen Street.

Montgomery Frank, Sumner Street.

Martin Murray, Seventh and Harrison streets.

Charles Gillam, Gardner Street.

August Gunther, Howard Street.

Daniel C. Swett, 236 Seventh Street.

John Ryan, Dora and Bryant streets.

Charles Seibert, Sheridan Street.

Peter Quinn, Seventh Street.

Philip Rogers, Market and Brady streets

John Quail, Eighth Street, near Folsom.

William Nash, Mission, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.

J. P. McMurray, 1107 Howard Street.

Dennis B. Noonan, Seventh, between Harrison and Bryant streets.

Charles McCarty, San Francisco.

M. D. Barron, Stevenson Street.

Timothy Lowney, Natoma Street.

George Ward, Minna Street.

Michael Deane, Howard Street.

Joseph Eagan, Mission Street.

William Gough, Jessie Street.

R. D. Jenkins, Eighth and Howard streets.

Timothy Simon, 2015 Hyde Street.

John Harrup, Folsom Street.

J. M. Johnson, Rausch Street.

Thomas Murphy, Ninth Street.

J. McGillicuddy, Brannan Street.

Charles E. Black, Howard Street.

M. F. Turner, 1208 Howard Street.

Gaston Garrett, San Francisco.

John Hagan, Corner Bush and Broderick.

John Dean, 114 Hayes Street.

Thomas Power, Fourteenth Street.

M. Doody, 16 Langston Street.

J. M. Gillony, 9 Langston Street.

B. Dougherty, San Francisco.

William Barry, 21 Rausch Street.

John McGuire, Corner Grove and Van Ness Avenue.

Patrick Farley, San Francisco.

M. Cooney, San Francisco.

W. C. Dorrance, 316 Eighth Street.

John McBride, San Francisco.

John Ryan, San Francisco.

Thomas F. Donnely, 159 Shipley Street.

John K. O'Brien, Natoma, between Eighth and Ninth.

James McDermott, 126 Page Street.

Thomas Moore, Southeast corner Fell and O'Farrell.

Fenton Behan, 1223 Mission Street.

Michael Byron, Northeast corner of Fifteenth and Minna.

James Kelly, 560 Stevenson Street.

Patrick Donnelly, 49 Mission.

Maurice Herlehy, Harrison, between Ninth and Tenth.

Patrick, Conlin, 1622 Mission Street.

Richard Brennan, Mission Street, between the Eleventh and Twelfth.

Hugh Maguire, McAllister Street.

Michael J. Madden, Boyd Street

Hugh Molloy, Twelfth and Howard streets.

John Duffey, 32 Rausch Street.

John P. Crowley, 304 Sixth Street.

Frances Miller, Sixth Street.

John Carey, Howard Street.

William Downes, O'Hara Street.

Timothy Murphy, Hyde Street.

Humphrey Gallagher, Twelfth Street.

Patrick Carroll, Tehama Street.

Peter Quinn, 406 Seventh Street.

Patrick McLaughlin, 406 Seventh Street.

Andrew Carrigan, Minna Street.

Owen Meeann, Seventh and Natoma.

John Mannion, 637 Minna Street.

John Corcoran, Natoma Street, near Eleventh.

James Rodgers, Mission Street.

T. O. Conway, San Francisco.

Francis J. Byrns, San Francisco.

James Daly, 1212 Howard Street.

Timothy J. King, 412 Shipley Street.

Charles O'Neill, Hayes Valley.

George Kavanagh, Southwest corner Dupont and Geary.

Peter McCarthy, Corner Eighth and Bryant.

Joseph Maher, Natoma, between Eighth and Ninth.

Daniel Meagher, Natoma, between Eighth and Ninth.

Hugh McGraw, Sherman Street.

Paul Molloy, Sherman Street.

D. McBride, Sherman Street.

Edward Dunphy, Northeast corner Bryant and Davis.

Thomas P. Wall, Natoma Street.

Michael Warde, Gilbert Street.

P. R. Ballinger, Gilbert Street.

John Kyne, Brannan Street.

James T. Noonan, Corner Howard and Eighth streets.

John McDonald, 466 Stevenson Street.

William Clark, 25 Downey Street.

John D. Conover, 34 Hayes Street.

Michael Donovan, Fulton Street.

James Kenney, 657 Minna Street.

John Bolger, Shipley Street.

Daniel Brennan, 205 Eighth Street.

J. Driscoll, Oak Street.

George Johnson, 121 Dora Street.

Patrick Hughes, Page Street.

James R. Smith, Market Street.

Thomas J. Cleary, Northeast corner Fulton and Octavia streets.

James W. Buren, Minna Street.

William Duffy, Stevenson Street.

Patrick Maguire, 10 Cleveland Street.

William Conely, 252 Eighth Street.

Owen Wright, 26 Clinton Street.

John Barr, 8 Garden Street.

James E. Earby, 661 Minna Street.

James Butler, Howard Street.

D. A. McKee, Sixteenth and Valencia Street.

John B. Dunn, 1114 Folsom Street.

Henry Gallagher, 1412 Folsom Street.

Owen Carroll, 127 Second Street.

C. Daly, 11 Folsom Street.

Joseph A. Gallagher, St. Joseph's Church. 

B. Clark, Dora Street.

John Sheehan, Sumner Street.

Patrick J. Fitzgerald, 18 Mary Street

Patrick Garvey, Decatur Street.

Louis J. Heckmans, 10 Turk Street.

Charles Murasky, 20 Langston Street.

Patrick Whelan, Tenth Street.

John Kolla, 268 Stevenson Street.

F. Flanagan, 924 Minna Street.

C. Flanagan, 924 Minna Street.

B. Lawlor, 7 Sumner Street.

A. Bellinger, Gilbert Street.

P. Fay, San Francisco.

Lawrence Comyus, Gilbert Street. 

Peter Lynch, Natoma Street.

Nicholas Sheerin, Cleveland Street.

Edward W. Rutledge, Natoma Street.

J. Livernast, Hayes Street.

William Netterville, San Francisco.

Matthew Nunan, San Francisco.

William Butler, San Francisco.

Thomas Clarke, Natoma Street.

Timothy Lomrey, Clementina Street.

M. F. Callahan, Eighth Street.

John H. Canty, Eighth Street.

H. P. Duffy, Eighth Street.

Henry Hillgen, Corner Mission and Eighth streets.

John Ballentine, Jessie Street.

Albert Muller, 100 Eighth Street.

P. H. Hink, Northwest corner Howard and Eighth streets.

Frederick Thiliren, Corner Brannan and Clinton.

Thomas Flaherty, Geneva, near Brannan.

R. Flynn, Corner Brannan and Sixth.

N. B. Wellby, Corner Brannan and Sixth.

Martin Williamson, Brannan and Clinton.

Charles Schoff, Corner Clinton and Brannan.

Jareck Buray, Geneva Street.

Charles O'Hara, Clinton Street.

M. Curran, Corner Clinton and Brannan streets.

William Page, Seventh Street, between Brannan and Townsend.

Thomas Curran, Brannan Street, between Sixth and Seventh.

John Macken, Seventh Street, near Brannan.

Edward Gargan, Brannan Street.

H. Henry Dascher, Southwest corner Brannan and Seventh streets.

Thomas C. Clancy, Southeast side of Perry Street.

Michael Carolan, 13 Clinton Street.

James Riley, Gilbert Street.

Patrick Reilly, 921 Brannan Street.

Leander Wintringer, 427 Sixth Street.

James Rallings, Brannan Street.

Timothy O'Connor, 757 Bay Street.

N.  Armeil & Martin, Corner Eighth and Brannan.

Patrick Rush, Seventh and King.

James Wink, Bryant Avenue.

John Hird, Corner Brannan and Eighth streets.

John Simonds, Corner Brannan and Eighth streets.

H. Viroger, Corner Brannan and Eighth streets.

Andrew Doyle, Corner Ninth and Brannan streets.

John J. Egan, Corner Ninth and Brannan streets.

H. Moffatt, Corner Ninth and Brannan streets.

M. Holje, Corner Ninth and Brannan streets.

W. Spreen, Corner Ninth and Brannan streets.

David J. Hoey, Corner Ninth and Brannan streets.

T. C. Simmonds, Seventh Street, near Brannan.

M. D. Collins, Ninth and Brannan.

Henry Holje, 504 Seventh Street.

Charles Messerve, Corner Eighth and Brannan streets.

Deidrich Witte, Corner Eighth and Bryant.

Henry Brokate, Corner Eighth and Bryant.

Adolph Bertelsen, Corner Eighth and Bryant.

Ehler Weber, Corner Eighth and Bryant.

Claus Kronek, Corner Eighth and Bryant.

John Markward, Corner Eighth and Bryant.

L. Wilkens, Corner White place and Bryant.

F. H. Hughes, Corner Harrison and Eighth streets.

T. H. Meyer, Corner Eighth and Brannan.

John Gatke, Corner White place and Bryant.

Patrick McLaughlan, Bryant and Downey streets.

Frederick Hertmann, Corner Bryant and Dora streets.

George Stewart, Corner Clinton and Brannan.

August Thorne, Corner Sixth and Brannan streets.

James E. Benson, Six Street, below Brannan.

Dana K. Merriam, 8 ˝ Harriet Street, near Howard.

J. W. Monroe, 649 Broadway.

Edgar O. Twining, 524 Sixth Street.

Joseph W. Dowll, Clinton Street.

Thomas Donnelly, Clinton Street.

Ch. H. Hoar, Clinton Street.

John King, Gilbert Street.

M. C. Allen, Clinton Street.

M. C. Glover, Corner Seventh and Brannan streets.

William Houston, Potrero.

William Stowell, Potrero.

H. H. Carstrens, Seventh and Brannan streets

Antonio Coneney, Gilbert, near Brannan.

Cerefena Porgin, Gilbert Street, near Bryant.

Dennis Cuff, Brannan Street.

J. Mulrooney, Brannan Street.

Richard Roach, Brannan Street.

P. McBrearty, Brannan Street.

D. H. Coleman, Corner Brannan and Gilbert.

Richard Brown, Brannan Street.

James Sheridan, Brannan Street.

J. McGillicuddy, Brannan Street.

John Collins, Gilbert Street.

John C. Fieferts, Jr., Liberty Street.

John McDonald, Gilbert Street.

J. Z. O?in, Brannan Street.

Malo O'Brien, Fell and Brannan.

Sam.  Lacy, Clinton Street.

Tony Lacy, Clinton Street.

Patray Sheridon, Geneva Street.

J. C. Casey, Brannan Street.

Ludwig Islar, Union place.

John Ryan, Sixth and Bryant.

James McClellan, Garden Street.

R.  K. Lennerd, Main and Harrison streets.

H. Bremer, Bryant and Sixth streets.

H. Peterson, Louisa Street.

Henry Wenat, 971 Harrison Street.

Robert L. Lyell, Sixth Street.

William H. Orr, 919 Harrison Street.

E. W. Dore, 927 Harrison Street.

Timothy Collins, Twenty-seventh Street.

P. Browne, Bryant Street.

M. Dunion, Bryant Street.

J. McGee, Bryant Street.

A.  Cahill, 444 Sixth Street.

Thomas Kenivan, 444 Sixth Street.

George Raleigh, 444 Sixth Street.

Henry Zihn, 444 Sixth Street.

Michael Doyle, Corner of Sixth and Brannan.

W. Disse, Corner of Sixth and Brannan.

C.  F. Sanderson, Page Street.

A. Hummel, Brannan Street.

F. Kronenberg, Brannan Street.

P. M. Ronna, Gilbert Street.

John Nogetty, Brannan Street.

John Flood, Brannan Street.

J. W. Jourdan, Brannan Street.

Daniel Greene, Brannan Street.

John Welby, Brannan Street.

John A. Dodge, 511 California Street.

A T. Darb, What Cheer House.

Patrick Lombard, Sixth Street.

Edward Ryan, Sixth Street.

William M. Moore, Sixth Street.

William Fourness, Sixth Street.

James Ward, Brannan Street.

William Bailey, Brannan Street.

Henry Heitmar, 208 Brannan Street.

Martin Toors, Garden, Bryant.

Heinrich Muller, Garden, Bryant.

Johan C. Brion, 9 Clinton Street.

George Leslie, Clinton Street.

P. McAdams, Clinton Street.

John Ganon, Clinton Street.

Peter Donahue, Clinton Street.

John Cody, Clinton Street.

Lawrence Fahy, Clinton Street.

Patrick Calahan, Corner Sixth and Brannan.

Terince Kerins, Brannan Street.

Patrick Moran, Corner Seventh and Brannan.

David Carroll, Brannan Street.

Patrick E. Fleming, Brannan Street.

John Gibson, Sixth Street.

James Durkin, Folsom Street.

Owen Pearce, Bryant Street.

Robert Croskey, Hayes Street.

L. Fitzgerald, 115 Franklin Street.

Thomas Monahan, Webster Street, corner Kate.

Charles F. Webster, Corner Van Ness and Lynden streets.

Andrew Santry, 317 Lynden Street.

William Robinson, 233 Hayes Street.

Fantin White, 347 Grove Street.

John P. Maguire, semper Cisco.

H. Schrader, Grove and Gough streets.

H. G. Sieberst, San Francisco.

John L. Koster, San Francisco.

B.  A.  Moore, San Francisco.

Charles Phillips, Hayes Street.

H. M. Copeland, McAllister Street.

A. P. Procureur, Hayes Street.

Joseph McGrath, Hayes Street.

H. Brommer, Hayes Street.

Irvin Howard, Hayes Street.

James Forrest, Hayes Street.

Ole Bergson, Fulton Street.

Matthew Trolly, San Francisco.

W. T. Jarnes, Hayes Street.

A.  G. Chamberlin, Fell Street.

James Cameron, Folsom Street.

J. Washburn, Fourth Street.

E. Hulbert, San Francisco.

J. M. Moreeno, M.D., Hayes Street.

Edward T. Ackland, 106 Hickory Street.

Charles K. Breege, 112 Hyde Street.

O.  Kloppenburg, Franklin Street.

James H. Cahill, Fulton Street.

W. H. Dingley, 140 Hayes Street.

J. M. Lindsey, Joy Street.

C. Smith, Jr., Hayes Street.

James Wood, Polk Street.

Hiram C. Hinds, 343 Grove Street.

Edwin Phelps, Page Street, near Devisidaro.

William J. Walker, Fell Street.

Alexander H. Baily, 309 Fell Street.

J. B. Carter, Hayes Street.

Michael Winterson, San Francisco.

A. H. Mulford, Grove Street.

P. W. H. James, Hayes Street.

James T. Condrin, Filmore Street.

K. L. Elliott, Fell Street, near Franklin.

William Scott, Grove Street.

S. A. Wentworth, Hayes Street.

Peter Connally, San Francisco.

Hugh McDonald, San Francisco.

James Casey, San Francisco.

Thomas T. Carlisle, San Francisco.

Thomas Conners, San Francisco.

James Farley, San Francisco.

Samuel Murphy, San Francisco.

Patrick Brogey, San Francisco.

Bernard McArdle, San Francisco.

Owen Brady, San Francisco.

Peter Boyle, San Francisco.

James McArdle, San Francisco.

John McKeran, San Francisco.

Thomas Graham, San Francisco.

Patrick Welsh, San Francisco.

James Mooney, San Francisco.

John Farron, San Francisco.

James Toury, San Francisco.

John J. Shehan, San Francisco.

James Garvin, San Francisco.

Mark Hunt, San Francisco.

John Conolan, San Francisco.

Charles W. Pierce, San Francisco.

Dennis Lamer, San Francisco.

William Dunn, San Francisco.

E. Tracey, San Francisco.

James Clancy, San Francisco.

Peter Hayden, San Francisco.

William Coon, San Francisco.

Balley O.  Braney, San Francisco.

John Brady, San Francisco.

John Ames, San Francisco.

Cornelius Dorsey, San Francisco.

Francis O'Neill, 522 ˝ Stevenson Street.

John Smith, San Francisco.

Charles Galigan, San Francisco.

John Higgins, 214 Broadway.

John Henry, McAllister Street.

S. Driscoll, 531 Natoma Street.

J. A. Cameron, 1234 Bush Street.

James Hamilton, 719 Market Street.

Alfred W. Mace, 636 Clay Street.

C. J. Morrison, 611 Minne Street.

David Kane, 1217 Powell Street.

James Ryan, San Francisco.

John Lunda, 20 Rush Street.

Charles Ackerman, McAllister and Buchanan.

William H. L. Barnes, Cosmopolitan.

Michael Whalen, 47 Third Street.

George Green, 1109 Kearny Street.

Patrick Creighton, Mason Street, near Union.

M. D. Carr, 1016 Pine.

M. Ullmenn, San Francisco.

M. H. Turrell, 2806 Broadway.

John Kenny, 724 Minna Street.

J. McCarty, Hayes Valley.

W. E. Turner, 35 Clarice Place.

Michael Fitzhenry, 517 Grove Street.

Daniel Gallagher, San Francisco.

John Law, San Francisco.

Francis R. Dealy, Presito Valley.

M. S. O'Neil, 227 Second.

James McCurdy, Hayes Valley.

S. B. Alden, 1108 Green.

George W. Corbell, San Francisco.

Thomas J. Hanby, San Francisco.

J. Hahn, San Francisco.

Thomas F. Casey, 151 Clementina Street.

Thomas Kiernan, 416 Clementina.

J. S. Swan, San Francisco Chronicle.

S. Riorden, 112 Geary Street.

Simon Hackley, 104 Mission Street.

M. Purcell, Fifteenth and Valencia.

J. Brennan, San Francisco.

George Connell, Fourth and Stevenson Street.

M. A.  McElkinny,  Northwest corner Vallejo and Larkin streets.

William H. Fobur, West End Homestead Association.

John Moroney, 51 Fifth Street.

James F. Cahill, 232 Turk Street.

George Dougherty, 436 Jackson Street.

Philip McCardle, 829 Stephenson Street.

G.  Martin, 6174 Perry Street.

John L. Young, Corner Ninth and Mission.

Samuel H. Henry, Attorney at Law, 527 ˝ Greenwich.

J. B. Kemp, Corner Fourth and South.

J. L. Smith, 144 Shipley Street.

M. C. Goffry, 601 Kearny Street.

Thomas Walsh, 21 Caroline Street.

Henry Walton, 631 Merchant Street.

James Olwell, Ninth Street, between Market and Mission.

Thomas Lennon, 827 Folsom.

William P. Brent, 1830  Jones.

James M. Sharkey, M. D., Washington, corner Dupont.

J. H. Blood, 24 Montgomery block.

A. Craiyillis, 734 Minna Street.

James H. Van Reed, Northwest corner Fifth and Howard.

L. Quint, 1309 Mason Street.

___Nunan, 712 Folsom Street.

H. Schwartz, 728 Folsom Street.

J. B. Penfield, 811 Vallejo Street.

John A. Cardmell, Valencia Street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth.

William Rury, Valencia Street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth.

D. P. Barstow, San Francisco.

M. A. Wheaton 1106 Sacramento Street.

E. Caldwell, Clinton Street.

J. M. Seawell, 11 Montgomery block.

Eugene N. Deuprey, 11 Montgomery block.

H. Q. Adams, Southwest corner Sutter and Larkin.

J. R. Corwin, 824 Pacific Street.

James McCabe, 50 Montgomery block.

G. W. Granniss, 43 Montgomery block.

D. C. Mayer, 43 Montgomery block.

H. D. Coggswell, 610 Front Street.

A C. Laree, 67 Natoma Street.

Earl Bartlett, 35 Montgomery block.

James H. Hardy, 508 Second Street.

Peter Johnson, Southeast corner of Twenty-fourth and Bryant.

M. Bergin, Montgomery block.

J. Hartman, Montgomery block.

M. Morzenthan, Stockton Street.

John Treat, Park or Twenty-fourth Street.

E. P Batchelor, 10 Montgomery block.

Frank V. Scudder, 61 Merchant Street.

D. O. Kelley, 24 Court block.

F. W. Eaton, 204 Montgomery Street.

J. R. Helen, 204 Montgomery Street.

Sewell J. Harding, Jr.., 636 Clay Street.

Samuel Neall, Corner Franklin and McAllister.

William Hale, 932 Pacific Street.

L. C. Gunn, 1709 Polk Street.

H. W. Heath, 503 Hayes Valley.

J. J. Heath, 1617 Dupont Street.

W. H. Jesseys, 212 Twelfth Street.

J. B. Jesseys, 212 Twelfth Street.

A. Mecartney, 609 ˝ Howard Street.

G. D. Hall, 508 Dupont.

Charles A. Dudley, 1078 Union Street.

George T. Emay, 248 Fourth Street.

John M. Burnett, 1901 Polk Street.

E. R. Carpentier, 606 Washington Street.

E. A. Lawrence, 620 Washington Street.

James Daly, 1212 Howard Street.

Patrick Bolger, Boyd Street.

J.P. Hardy, San Francisco.

M. H. Jacobs, San Francisco.

S. Simon, San Francisco.

E. Rondel, Fern Avenue. 

H. Gilman, 1031 Montgomery.

A G. Fowler, 718 Union.

G. W. Williams, San Francisco.

James Gafney, Pacific, between Jones and Leavenworth.

Joseph Baker, 409 Green Street.

W. W. Doran, 1119 Pacific Street.

John Callahan, 216 High Street.

William H. Staniels, Clay Street.

James Fitzgerald, 111 William Street.

John Dammill, Perry Street.

E. T. Bewly, 923 Sutter Street.

Michael Coffey, 23 Jessie Street.

Augustus Olbrethl, 1416 Taylor Street.

John McFarland, 44 Minna Street.

Edmund Marks, Geary Street.

John S. Smyth, 3 Margaret Place.

H. D. Parker, 703 Greenwich Street.

F. Buckley, Devisadero Street.

M. Kelly, Hayes Valley.

Daniel Himmelmann, Fell Street.

Francis Donnelly, 112 Kearny Street.

William M. Dowling, Corner Broderick and McAllister.

John Bays, 825 Larkin Street.

Thomas Ansbor, 623 Union Street.

Robert L. Frean, Commercial Street.

Michael Feeny, Minna Street.

J. D. Stevenson, Polk Street.

P. Boyle, San Francisco.

J. T. Hartwell, Polk Street.

Henry Merryfield, 619 Kearny Street.

William Manning, 513 Minna Street.

John Bentz, 513 Minna Street.

James Adams, Larkin, near Turk.

J. Tully, Union and Sansome.

Edward Deady, Fell Street.

H. B. Wagoner, 228 Tehama Street.

P. Hanley, Filbert Street.

William Carmichael, 547 Natoma Street.

Edward Groves, Corner Church and Twenty-fourth.

Eugene B. Drake, Corner Lombard and Leavenworth.

M. Martin, Filbert Street.

John Nightingale, 100 Turk Street.

Johnson Chittick, 30 Russ Street.

Andrew L. Ryan, Vallejo Street.

Henry S. Dorland, Northwest corner Delores and Dorland streets.

M. Miles, 32 Mary Street.

P. Kane, 26 Minna Street.

J. F. Forrest, 719 Market Street.

W. H. Bovee, 1515 Powell Street.

H. S. Baldwin, 609 Sutter Street.

Alfred Clarke, 1423 Howard.

C. Mahony, Jackson and Leavenworth.

John Murphy, 408 Seventh.

L. Roach, Clementina Street.

William P. Scott, 533 Union Street.

J. Mulholland, Filbert Street.

R. S. Clyde, 625 Merchant Street.

J. H. Benson, Park Avenue.

Samuel Platt, 628 Merchant Street.

John Cunningham, 318 Minna Street.

David Shanahan, 1605 Kearny Street.

W. H. Norton, Corner Franklin and Austin and streets.

Michael Giblin, Leavenworth Street.

James May, 222 Clara Street.

William Kennedy, 78 Natoma Street.

George Eggletin, Chestnut Street.

D. B. Hughes, 1622 Howard Street.

G. H. Manchester, Oakland. 

Thomas S. Convers, 452 Sixth Street.

James M. Taylor, Larkin Street, near Washington.

John Lanigan, San Francisco.

John Doyle, 430 Clementina Street.

James H. Rockford, 1908 Powell Street.

William Galloway, San Francisco.

D. J. Murphy, San Francisco.

James Phelan, Harrison.

William Jameson, Corner Dupont and Vallejo streets.

James Feeny, Corner Hyde and Green streets.

P. H. Haller, San Francisco.

William Barry, Natoma Street.

James Galbraith, 45 Church Street.

J. D. Aherne, Corner Taylor and Dale.

J. W. Bachelder, 1125 Powell.

H. Schulbe, 769 Folsom.

John Lynch, 18 Taylor Street.

Francis Malloy, Lombard.

James Melloy, Constitution.

W. M. Kelby, 125 Turk Street.

John Dunlap, 21 Stevenson Street.

John Conway, Vincent.

D. Sweeney, Sixth and Brannan.

William H. Spencer, 306 Folsom.

P. Cummins, 1214 ˝ Folsom.

James Conlin, Corner Franklin and Pine.

G. W. Douglas, Howard Street.

Thomas T. Kingsberry, 149 Perry Street.

Raymond M. Silvey, Post, between Broderick and Baker.

John Russell, 1025 Pacific Street.

J. W. Owen, 533 Kearny.

Charles Malloy, Tehama Street, between Eighth and Ninth.

A. Lessing, 21 Powell Street.

O. D. Boyd, 709 Greenwich Street.

John Bell, Jones Street.

D. McCarthy, Buchanan and Page.

Walter P. Brackett, 730 Union Street.

A.  C. Diggins, Sutter, near Broderick.

H. M. Lewis, 655 Clay street.

C. P. Duane, San Francisco.

Hugh Duffy, 706 Broadway.

W. D. Sawyer, Police Judge.

D. A. deGroot Sixteenth and Potrero.

Jacob D. Wolbern, 111 William Street.

H. Doyle, Ridley Street.

Thomas Cunningham, 318 Minna Street.

John N. Peterson, 410 Tehama Street.

M. Smith, Green Street.

J. C. Murphy, 1418 Geary Street.

J. J. Murphy, Polk and Broadway.

George S. King, 1227 Green.

S. D. Taylor, San Francisco.

P. Donohue, San Francisco.

J. F. Brockhage, San Francisco.

A. Booty, San Francisco.

A.  Browning, Jackson and Leavenworth.

A.  P. Dudley, 1078 Union Street.

James McNamara, 58 Minna Street.

John J. Purcell, 18 Tehama Street.

J. Brook, 550 Natoma.

L. Curry, San Francisco.

Julius Finch, 821 Kearny Street.

C. E. B. Home, 652 Chestnut Street.

R. D. Stiles, 34 Harriett Street.

Thomas McTernan, 31 Commercial Street.

Albert S. Evans, Southside Green, near Leavenworth.

Thomas O’Shea, 608 Fell Street.

Patrick Barry, 68 Market Street.

P. F. Duane, Southeast corner Sacramento and Jones.

T. McGinnis, Sixteenth and Capp Street.

R. S. Worth, Clay Street, near Polk.

B. S. Squires, Jones Street.

William Little, First Street, corner Brannan.

P. McAtee, 13 Mission Street.

G. H. Collins, 911 Bush Street.

James L. Martel, 420 Ellis Street.

F. H. Waterman, Santa Cruz County.

H. C. Boyd, 504 Sansom.

M. F. McKenna, 162 Clara Street.

Leopold Englander, Turk Street.

A J. Ottman, Washington Avenue.

Christian Burphards, Pacific Street.

Christopher Coyrre, 625 Merchant Street.

T. Macauley, San Francisco.

J. Mums, San Francisco.

William Bates, Southeast corner Harrison and Chesley.

Michael Gulley, 28 Townsend.

James Galbraith, 45 Church Street.

Thomas Loughran, Hicksville, Sacramento County.

Thomas James, San Francisco Bay.

Arthur Quinns, Mission Delores.

John Daly, What Cheer House.

John Duff 723 Shotwell Street.

William H. Rhodes, Valencia, between Nineteenth and Twentieth.

James Rogers, Corner Stockton and Vallejo.

P. R. Hanna, Corner Colombia and Twenty-fourth.

Michael Clancy, Jessie Street.

Isaac Barnett, Minna Street.

Charles Goldstone, 121 Perry Street.

M. Funnell, Sixteenth Street and First Avenue.

Robert P. Smith 605 Montgomery Street.

J. S. Rouen, 918 Washington.

Wesley Diggins, Sutter Street, near Broderick.

A. E. McGregor, Delores, between Nineteenth and Twentieth.

John Deutscher, Twenty-third Street.

John McGrery, Green Street.

E. Herman, 440 Third Street.

Lawrence Carey, 57 Shipley Street.

L. S. Clark, 1221 Polk Street.

James McKenna, Third Street.

Matthew Strickern, 25 Mission Street.

N. McDonald, Walsh Street.

M. C. Conny, 1912 Mason Street.

William Cohn, 79 Everett Street.

Bartholomew Crowley, Treat Avenue.

E. A. Atwood, 1806 Mason Street.

Eugene Lynch, 150 Shipley Street.

Robert Smith 16 Stevenson Street.

Thomas Braden, Pierce and Turk streets.

Martin P. Hanson, San Francisco.

H. McMullen, San Francisco.

John S. Smyth, 3 Margaret Place.

J. W. Wesson, Corner Green and Polk.

John Cooney, 417 Powell Street.

Edward Dolen, Van Ness Avenue Joy Street.

M. Murray, 20 Sumner Street.

Edward Buckley, 907 Place Street.

Eugene Murray, First Avenue.

Charles D. York, 570 Minna Street.

James Dunne, 817 Market Street.

John J. Dixon, 32 Clary Street.

Charles Waters, 618 Larkin Street.

C. P. Robinson, San Francisco.

M. L. Citron, 30 John Street.

A. Shepard, 812 Filbert.

A. Lamburth, Southeast corner Minnesota and Mariposa streets.

J. Zorkath, San Francisco.

Matthew Blair, Haight Street.

Joseph Windrow, Harrison and Navy.

John L. Gray, San Francisco.

John L. Green, San Francisco.

 Thomas H. Holt, 1803 Stockton Street.

J. S. Dyer, San Francisco.

J. B. Case, San Francisco.

Michael McCaull, 631 Green street.

Thomas Casey, 217 Third Street.

Mons. S. Leszynsky, 145 Natoma Street.

G. K. Urkute, 55 Second Street.

James Brannin, 46 Louisa Street.

Thomas A. Lane, Eddy Street, near Scott.

Thomas Prince, 312 Ellis Street.

James Herbert, Mission.

Lawrence O’Rourke, Mission and Brady streets.

James Dingley, Mission.

Henry T. Armstrong, Mission.

Peter Tolan, Mission.

Thomas Ganar, Mission.

J. M. Surface, Mission.

Martin Funnell, Twentieth Street.

B. S. Duncan, Sixteenth.

B. P. Grelley, San Francisco.

John Brown, Seventeenth and Mission.

James Glinn, Fourteenth.

Z. Herbert, Mission.

M. Mulloy, Ridley Street, Mission.

John Small, Market Street.

Hugh McDonald, Howard Street, Mission.

Thomas Doyle, Mission.

James Casey, Mission.

P. Carmolly, Market Street.

Thomas S. Carlisle, Fourteenth Street, Mission.

James McArdle, San Francisco.

Matthew Murphy, San Francisco.

S. C. Brown, San Francisco.

William Smith, San Francisco.

H. Bragg, San Francisco.

W. Brady, San Francisco.

Spencer Long, San Francisco.

M. Schwab, San Francisco.

S. M. Atkins, San Francisco.

A. D. Jackson, San Francisco.

H. C. Green, San Francisco.

W. Green, San Francisco.

F. B. Helleon, San Francisco.

Henry F. Waller, Howard Street.

James Ferguson, Erie Street.

Jerry Sullivan, Hayes Valley.

M. Coyle, Mission Street.

P. C. O'Brien, Hayes Valley.

Henry Shemel, Mission.

John Henery, 329 Broadway.

Patrick Grant, 727 Folsom street.

Hugh Kiernan, 345 Second Street.

Dick Turpin, 71 Thirteenth Street.

Thomas Ray, 29 First Street.

William Corcore, 22 Second Street.

Thomas Hays, 29 Ohio Street.

A. B. Bire, 741 Market Street.

John Green, 743 Broadway.

Hugh Ceege, Stevenson Street.

Thomas King, Eddy Street.

J. H. Sherman, Eighth and Clara streets.

J. G. Farren, Mission, corner Ninth.

J. Skehane, Ninth Street.

James G. McCleery, Mission.

Frederick Horstman,  Minna and Fifteenth streets.

Frank Burns, 344 Minna Street.

F. Hund, 436 Jessie.

T. Kempner, Minna Street.

M. Ditters, Stevenson Street.

S. Solomon, Tehama Street.

P. Schwerdt, Market Street.

P. Kaily, Shipley Street.

J. R. Mogan, Stevenson Street.

George Entenman, Sixth Street.

Louis Probst, 32 Sixth Street.

Adam Teclner, Sixth Street.

F. Greiner, 26 Sixth Street.

L. Adler, 22 Sixth Street.

John Agnew, 36 and 38 Sixth Street.

John J. Agnew, 508 Jessie Street.

S. Brasacker, 512 ˝ Jessie Street.

John P. Schmitz, 1032 Market Street.

John E. Loe, Sixth Street.

Thomas J. McCully, Sixth Street.

H. V. Redington, Sixth Street.

A.  McAlister, Stevenson Street.

A. H. Wetrey, Sixth Street.

Charles H. Tozer, 24 Sixth Street.

M. Stepper, 42 Sixth Street.

Ch.  Taubert, Sixth Street.

H. W. Helms, 100 Sixth Street.

F. Victor, Corner Sixth and Mission Street.

M. Meyer, Southwest corner Mission and Sixth.

R. Abraham, 44 Sixth Street.

John Fitzpatrick, 102 Sixth Street.

John Hughes, Corner Fourth and  Jessie streets.

Valentine Sherman, 102 Sixth Street.

Thomas Prosbrold, 106 Sixth Street.

Ernst Eberhardt, 100 Sixth Street.

Gaspar Garneau, Sixth Street.

John Quinn, San Francisco.

Jacob Breiling, 965 Mission Street.

S. Hanult, Sixth Street.

B.  L. Stone, Sixth Street. 

John Hogan, McAllister Street.

Christian Ruppel, 518 Jessie Street.

Edward Wenzel, 513 Jessie Street.

Hermann Wenzel, 515 Jessie Street.

Frederick Vollmer, 948 Mission Street

J. W. Coleman, San Francisco.

John Cosgrove, 1067 Market.

C. S. Rouse, 572 Minna Street.

E. F. Gendar, San Francisco.

John Manly, Stevenson Street.

Patrick Hagar, San Francisco.

John McCarty, Stevenson Street.

John Masterson, 522 Stevenson Street.

William McMenomy, 524 Stevenson Street.

B. F. Ames, 541 Stevenson Street.

F.  W. Gibbons, 513 Stevenson Street.

H. Linahs, 24 Sixth Street.

C. Brun, 521 Jessie Street.

Richard Colbourn, Union and Calhoun.

John Quinn, 518 Green street.

A. Warner, San Francisco.

A.  Cohn, San Francisco.

Dennis Boneer, Hansa Hotel.

Wilh.  Keller, Hansa Hotel.

C. A. Brummer, Hansa Hotel.

Simon Bruml, Hansa Hotel.

Earnest E. Laukerlach, 17 Stockton Place.

John Frese, 425 Bush Street.

W. E. Turner, 310 Commercial Street.

Frank Culbertson, 423 Bush Street.

P. Abrahamson, 1022 Hyde Street.

S. Appel, 521 Stevenson Street.

M. Zillen, 768 Howard.

B.  Mariz, Clementina.

G. Leiynitz, Bush Street.

Louis Koegel, 419 Stockton Street. 

Joseph Barber, 2040 Bush Street.

G. Kemme, 419 Bush Street.

S.  Littel, 656 Folsom Street.

Caronte, 401 Bush.

Louis Frincke, 417 Bush.

A. Gurstz, 502 Sutter.

T. Oppenheimer, 239 Kearny.

M. T. Seitner, 319 O'Farrell Street.

Fredrik Goodman, 412 Post Street.

Carlos F. Glein, Kearny Street.

Lucas Schallick, Broadway.

Louis Imhaus, 2117 Mason.

P. Lewis, San Francisco.

Louis A. Imhaus, 434 California.

Emile I. Imhaus, 317 Kearny.

August F. Eisen, Northwest corner Grove and Franklin streets.

P. R. Schmidt, Haight, between Gough and Octavia.

Small & Vaughen, 246 Third Street.

A. Wingood, 1027 Clay Street.

William H. Ayers, Potrero.

A. Dennoe, Sutter Street.

W. McDermott, First Street.

Peter J. Hogan, Mission Street.

Timothy Scully, 246 Second Street.

Ezra C. Croker, 13 Sutter Street.

Smith Ramsdell, 246 Third Street.

Thomas McGuire, 34 Folsom Street.

John Murphy, Third Street.

James Holland, Hubert Street.

Frederick Horn, 646 Folsom Street.

James Powers, 322 Third Street.

R. B. Dockrey, 35 Louisa Street.

John Hickey, Third Street

W. Christmas, Corner Harrison and Main streets.

F. W. Hogan, 351 First Street.

Peter O’Rourk, 246 Third Street.

James Barrett, 318 Clementina Street.

John Cunningham, Minna Street.

George Evens, 223 Third Street.

Michael Gorhey, Freelon Street.

Robert Pyre, Clementina Street.

James Darcy, Tehama Street, between Third and Fourth.

J. F. Reilly, 252 Third Street.

John Scully, 246 Third Street.

R.  Lawson, Davis and Clark streets.

Michael Killian, 248 Tehama Street.

Owen Mallon, 113 Tehama Street.

Thomas McCort, Rolling Mills, Potrero.

Michael Mooney, Jackson Street.

Owen Bunne, 30 Montgomery Street.

Bartley Golden, 59 Stevenson Street.

John Dorney, Tehama Street.

J. A. Mayhew, San Francisco.

Hugh McNulty, Barry Street.

Geo. B. Higginbotham, 812 Howard Street.

J. G. M. Call, Tennessee.

Walter Rebar, 516 Mission Street.

James Jackson, 28 Silver Street.

H. M. Sleeper, 207 Tehama Street.

Shan the Breheon, 29 Clara Street.

James Karragan, Mission Creek.

William McDede, Potrero.

William Dugan, Russ House.

Charles W. Nystrom, 1 Bayley Place.

Daniel Innis, San Francisco.

Charles McLaughlin, 224 Fourth Street.

E. B. Newell, 71 Natoma Street.

H. Donohue, San Francisco.

James Corry, San Francisco.

Peter Crookshank, San Francisco.

H. H. Bell, agent for J. G. McCall,Charini’s circus.

Samuel McGinnis, Skunk' s Misery.

H. McCord, San Francisco.

James Gibb, San Francisco.

John Harrington, San Francisco.

James Golding, San Francisco.

Theophilus Bertram, San Francisco.

H. F. Murphy, San Francisco.

J. D. Evans, San Francisco.

T. Albert, San Francisco.

James Fox, San Francisco.

John Jennings, San Francisco.

William Henry, San Francisco.

Edward Flanagan, 606 Battery Street.

H. Steele, San Francisco.

James M. Anthony, San Francisco.

H. Burggemann, San Francisco.

P. R. Jones, San Francisco.

Thomas Huckins, San Francisco.

Clinton Winter, San Francisco.

John J. Brady, San Francisco.

John C. Corbett, San Francisco.

G. F. Petrarchie, San Francisco.

James B. Chalmers, San Francisco.

A.  Flood, Tehama Street.

R. W. Dunn, San Francisco.

Cornelius Murphy, Larkin Street.

James Conway, San Francisco.

William Brooks, Sutter Street.

J. W. Wright, Sansom Street.

Robert Moore, Rauch Street.

D. Cox, Post Street.

H. Stebins, Moss Street.

Thomas Doyle, 121 Post Street.

P. Hitell, San Francisco.

William E. Carlisle, 515 Kearny Street.

J.  L. Isaacs, 902 Dupont.

J. W. Curbworth, Union and Buchanan.

C. J. Wingerter, 224 Stockton Street.

Charles G. Noyes, 422 Montgomery Street.

Peter Dempsey, 436 Jackson Street.

W. H. Grattan, Southwest corner Pierce and Haight.

William Simon, 2015 Hyde Street.

James J. Jones, Union and Leavenworth.

L. Ponton de Arce, 626 Sacramento Street.

Thomas Penlington, 1242 Howard Street.

Timothy Fitzpatrick, 511 Minna Street.

E. B. Clement, 616 Greenwich Street.

George R. Lawson, Webster Street, between Sutter and Post.

John M. Jarboe, 917 Pine Street.

S. W. Doggett, 536 Washington Street.

Elijah Case, South San Francisco.

Charles D. Cushing, 706 California Street.

Carol Kruger, 646 ˝ Pelie Street

William Brown, Welch Street.

Ludwig Cleb, 976 Howard Street.

James C. Weir, 840 Mission Street.

John McDonald, 341 Jessie Street.

Irwin Hanna, Montgomery House.

H. L. King, 1002 Powell Street

W. S. Havens, 205 Taylor Street.

S. Dickinson, 76 Natoma Street.

William Oliver, 532 Green street.

E. Bonnell, 708 Taylor Street.

R. Carmany, 621 Clay Street

J. A. Morgan, 32 Minna Street.

Joseph Spinney, San Francisco.

Benjamin O. Devoe, Northeast corner Sacramento Street and Prospect Place.

Catharina Meyer, 507 Chestnut Street.

A. E. Temmorey, 507 Chestnut Street.

A. H. Rutherford, 419 Sutter Street.

William Gaynor, 227 Perry Street.

John T. McCauly, 163 Silver Street.

W. W. Stone, 1011 Mason Street.

William Quinn, 518 Green street.

J. F. Meagher, 61 Minna Street.

D. Courneen, 135 Natoma Street.

Hugh Coyle, Ridley Street.

Michael Hayes, Fifteenth and Howard streets.

John F. Jordan, Drumm Street.

William Weever, Broadway and Dupont.

Charles MCVicker, 257 Perry Street.

James Herbert, Mission and Fourteenth streets.

John Mahon, 2 Zoe Street.

Hugh Reilly, Potrero.

Marcus Doherty, 629 Merchant Street.

Daniel McBrearty, 644 Sacramento.

Hugh McCaffry, 2 Russell Street.

Charlie Bernhoff, Kearny and Filbert.

Lawrence Ryan, 4 Calhoun Street.

Christopher Hamilton, Hinckley Street.

Edward F. Murphy, Jessie Street.

Robert Giles, Folsom Street.

D. Callahan, Corner Howard and Fourteenth streets.

Joseph Norton, Corner Polk and Pacific.

J. Louis Schraeder, Washington Street.

William T. Higgins, 109 Montgomery Street.

B. Stone, Antonio Street.

James McElroy, 1427 Mission Street.

Thomas Carey, Lombard.

Patrick Murphy, 442 Natoma Street.

John Harrington, 267 Stevenson Street.

Patrick O'Farrell, Scotland.

L. Alexander, Sixteenth Street.

James Messan, 733 Market Street.

James Magingan, Leavenworth.

Merley Vernon, 812 Stockton Street.

H. Schwepin, San Francisco.

O. Poschwitz, San Francisco.

August Koehler, 528 Green street.

John B. Griffith, 512 Linden Street.

D. Dally, San Francisco.

Edward Fanning, Cestnut Street, near Powell.

Adolph Schroeder, Alameda.

James Huyden, Market Street.

James Gillfeather, Pacific Street.

Richard Doggett, Mission Street.

M. A. Clarke, 408 Natoma Street.

E. Dewitt, 1436 Mission Street.

G. Mulloy, Corner Mission and Eleventh streets.

O. J. Preston, 1431 Mission Street.

John Turnbull,  Corner Minna and Third.

P. A. Kernan, Fayette House.

Henry J. Price, 1427 Natoma Street.

John Kloos, Corner Eleventh and Natoma.

John T. O'Brien, Sixteenth Street.

James Young, Harriet Street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth.

P. Smith, Valencia Street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth.

P. C. O'Farrell, San Francisco.

Francis J. McGovern, Sixteenth Street.

Charles A. Fowler, Sixteenth Street.

Thomas Byrne, Mission.

C. B. Donaldson, Mission.

William H. Harrington, Mission.

M. J. Costello, Mission.

M. Hopkins, Mission.

John Platt, Mission.

William Rantint, San Francisco.

Patrick Shields, Sixteenth Street.

Thomas Cusack, Mission.

William Lee, Mission.

J. W. Harville, Valencia Street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth.

M. Creamer, Valencia Street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth.

J. E. Henry, 704 Market Street.

Henry H. Whitcomb, Mission Delores.

Robert Hettres, Mission Dolores.

James Donally, Mission Dolores.

Edward Sweney, Mission Dolores.

John Dover, Mission Dolores.

Bernard McPique, Mission Dolores.

Peter Ward, Nineteenth and Noe streets.

J. D. Bartlett, Nineteenth and Dolores streets.

P. F. Ward, Douglas Street, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth.

Robert Greer, Seventeenth and Mission.

P. H. Creedon, Sherman Street, Eighteenth.

Henry Roling, 63 Jessie Street.

Malachy Norton, Mission.

William McCarty, Mission Dolores.

Alaxart Frason, San Francisco.

Henry Barmester, San Francisco.

Darius A. Taylor, Seventeenth and Dolores.

C. Duvenech, Dolores Street.

John Furlong, Mission Dolores.

Herman Carkan, San Francisco.

Michael Begley, San Francisco.

Patrick Carrell, Buchanan Street.

William Eagan, Second Avenue, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth.

J. W. Holmes, Second Avenue, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth.

Matthew O'Brien, Second Avenue, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth.

William Rankin, Valencia Street.

John McNamara, Corner Valencia and Sixteenth.

George O'Connor, 58 Minna Street.

John O'Connor, 58 Minna Street.

John Dickman, 130 Mission Street.

C. G. McCluskey, First Avenue.

William Moore, Valencia, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets.

S. H. Stafford, Jr., Valencia, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets.

James Bole, Samson Street.

William Shelly, San Francisco.

James Byrne, Howard Street.

Charles Chase, Second Street, between Howard and Folsom.

Michael McCarthy, Sixteenth Street, between Valencia and Guerrero.

Peter Faral, Thirteenth Street, between Valencia and Mission.

Michael Farral, Ridley, between Valencia and Mission.

D. N. Delay, Valencia, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets.

Thomas Gibbons, Valencia, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth.

Austin Gibbons, San Francisco.

Thomas Hammon, Mission Dolores.

O. H.  Clancy, Sixteenth Street.

W. Torssetest, Ninth and Mission.

B. Simpson, Ninth Street.

James D. McNally, Ninth and Mission.

William J. Gassert, Ninth Street.

David Hunter, Ninth Street.

James Hanly, Ninth Street.

William Cline, Natoma Street.

John Coins, San Francisco.

D. J. Preston, Natoma Street, Fourth.

William H. Yesseys, 212 Twelfth Street.

Laurence O’Rourke, Mission.

William Knowlton, Corner Howard and Twelfth.

C. H. Cordes, Lafayette Street.

W. H. Knowlton, Thirteenth Street.

George Goodrum, Twelfth Street, between Howard and Mission.

Louis Baverman, 119 Montgomery Street.

John Mulvaney, 418 Clementina Street.

William Rollins, 969 Harrison Street.

M. L. Hogan, Corner Sixteenth and First Avenue.

John Duggan, Sixteenth Street.

P. Taggart, Columbia and Eighteenth Street.

J. F. Crowly, Columbia and Eighteenth Street.

Thomas Brady, 353 Clementina Street.

Michael Roarke, Clementina.

James Butler, Sixteenth Street.

James C. Dum, Corner Sixteenth and Mission.

Maurice Kinney, Sixteenth Street.

Michael D. Ready, Seventeenth Street.

James Smith, Sixteenth Street.

S. F. Smith, Dorland Street.

S. Simon, 928 Folsom Street.

Z. Peters, 35 Clara Street.

John Levy, Kearny Street.

Henry Lyon, 708 Green street.

Leopold Hamburger, Clementina Street.

M. Breslaner, St. Nicholas.

S. Raphael, 430 Kearny Street.

M. Wolff, 115 Geary Street.

L. Marks, 266 Geary Street.

Nathan Levy, 264 Stevenson Street.

Julius Chamansky, 25 Drumm Street.

Julius Clethnelean, Corner Sixth and Jessie streets.

S. Fekner, 824 Jackson Street.

L. S. Levy, 939 Folsom Street.

M. Hampel, Pine Street.

F. Selignor, 1226 Dupont Street.

L. Elias, 829 Greenwich Street.

B. M. Blum, 824 Jackson Street.

Mrs. M. E. Tittel, 417 Bush Street.

Cl.  Muller, 6 Clara Street.

M. Davis, 252 Perry Street.

Thomas Wharton, 6 Harlem Place.

H. Huck, 233 Kearny Street.

F. Stenssj, 1185 Lardner.

S.  Hemmelman, First Avenue, Mission.

Joseph Marks, 532 Mission.

J. A. Marks, 532 Mission.

Aaron Marks, 532 Mission.

F. Yslas, San Francisco.

D. Barkhaus, 10 Turk Street.

H. W. Hagermann, 9 Washington Street.

Nicholas Yung, 1203 Taylor Street.

J. A. Campbell, 651 Sacramento Street.

Michael Hartnett, Corner Howard and First.

H. Thomas Burrows, 427 Bush Street.

H. Steinhoff, 425 Bush Street.

J. F. Schroder, 478 Jessie Street.

F. Lemme, Geary Street.

L. Breidenstein, 1209 Kearny Street.

H. Haesch, 1216 Clay Street.

H. Deutsch, 217 Mason Street.

H. H. Knibbe, 517 Jessie Street.

William McDowell, 614 Pine Street.

John Brewster, 529 Kearny Street.

Henry Bailey, 554 Jones Street.

William Green, 534 Kearny Street.

H. Zacharias, 534 Kearny Street.

Tobias Stoltz, 532 Kearny Street.

Frank Spiller, 417 Montgomery Street.

E. Levi, 951 Folsom Street.

Charles Hess, 519 Kearny Street.

A Coney, Van Ness Avenue between Clay and Washington.

M. H. Lichtenstein, 1024 Hyde Street.

J. Abrahamson, 602 Montgomery Street.

M. Brandhofer, 513 Kearny.

G. Lewis, 409 Kearny Street.

Lewis Lissner, 409 Kearny Street.

L. Ehrlish, 13 Everett Street.

Kappel & Platt, 401 Kearny Street.

W. Wiese, 1059 Mission Street.

Jacob Cohan, California Street.

Harris L. Rosenblum, 538 Ellis Street.

John Bach, 325 Kearny Street.

Christian Mossemann, 436 Kearny Street.

John Oram, 113 William Street.

Adam Mall, 13 Geary street.

Peter Anthes, 315 Kearny Street.

Charles Pleischman, 10 Central place.

K. Lankenau, 225 Sutter Street.

John G. Heim, 411 Bush Street.

M. Mansfield, 825 Post Street.

Matel  P. Hill, 225 Kearny Street.

H. Bruns, 125 Fourth Street.

Feelin Koon, 929 Kearny Street.

P. P.  Thrash, San Francisco.

A. Hyams, 227 Sansome Street.

Ch. Seitz, 515 Ellis Street.

Henry Edwards, 216 Stockton Street.

Philip Krull, 837 Mission Street.

Anthony Kuh, 411 Bush Street.

J. Lowenthein, 1208 Stockton Street.

E. Johnson, 206 Bush Street.

C.  L. Luniewski, 331 Kearny Street

T. Ephraim, 18 Samson Street.

C. Meierdierks, 100 Post Street.

W. Paper, 100 Post Street.

H. Gurthwaite, 405 Post Street.

A. Heineberg, 7 Seventh Street.

M. Lewis, 677 Market Street.

T. Guibehus, 6 Clara Street.

William Setwoeder, 338 Bush Street.

Max Cohnheim, 860 Mission Street.

L. Lengfeld, 414 Post Street.

F. W. Barkhaus, 502 Stockton Street.

E. Zuhierohe, 104 Post Street.

B. Rothschild, 935 Folsom Street.

L. P. Frank, 108 Hyde Street.

John W. Haynes, Corner Twenty-fourth and Bartlett.

A.  Stiles, 4 Union place.

J. R. Wharton, Brooklyn, Alameda County.

P. Betkowski, 23 Silver Street.

Adam Smith, 515 Sacramento Street.

Carl Aetenburh, 515 Sacramento Street.

Andrew Foulds, 228 Folsom Street.

Robert Rolstoon, 228 Folsom Street.

T. A. Dohrmann, 28 Folsom Avenue.

Jan Betkowski, 102 Broadway.

A. E. Hartmann, 108 O' Farrell Street.

Lemuel Brothers, 413 Bush Street.

Charles B. Young, 413 Bush Street.

John Savage, 267 Clara Street.

George B. Seidensticker 413 Bush Street.

John A.  Riepe, Bush Street, near Powell.

Edward Zeitfuchs, 316 Minna Street.

John Schumacher, 423 Bush Street.

Ferdinand Engel, 425 Bush Street.

Ernst Thiele, 3 Berry Street.

Charles Graner, 429 Bush Street.

Carl Akham, 429 Bush Street.

Isaac Hyde, 527 Sacramento Street.

R. J. Tiffany, 627 Washington Street.

John J. Wall, 1314 Jackson Street.

C. L.  Harvey, 13 Allen Street.

M. Farael, 1316 Powell Street.

John P. Gaynor, 663 Harrison  Street.

A Thayer, 227 Montgomery Street.

G. Dawson, 3 Central place, Pine Street.

James O. Dean, Lick House.

Samuel A. Chapin, San Francisco.

N. Simonds, Corner Twenty-fourth and Vermont.

F. C. Woodbury, 204 Montgomery Street.

F. Dewing, 542 California Street.

Robert McElroy, Corner Pine and Montgomery.

James Phelan, Corner Pine and Montgomery.

W. S. Hobart, Occidental Hotel.

James G. Carson, 607 Bryant Street.

E. F. Northam, 532 Montgomery Street. 

William Blackwood, Corner Davis and California Street.

J. H. Feige, 32 Garden Street.

Ivory Ross, 954 Mission Street.

Elizabeth W. Phillips 703 Taylor Street.

A.  Van Norder, San Francisco.

F. F. Dorquin, 522 Pine Street.

A. C. Hendly, 19 Prospect Place.

Frederick Buel, Brooklyn.

J. R. Regan, St. Mary Street.

Christaph Hacke, Larkin Street.

T. S. Russell, Larkin Street.

John Kane, 514 Minna Street.

Louis Forbendes, 247 Third Street. 

Andrew G. Cassidy, 542 Clay Street.

Thomas G. Smith, 609 Montgomery Street.

John McHafee, 936 Folsom Street.

Louis Arnold, 743 Vallejo Street.

Ferdinand Gehrig, Francisco Street, near Stockton.

J. A. Bauer, 101 Post Street.

A J. Lord, 707 Market Street.

H. Silverstone, 1138 Dupont Street.

L. L. W. Strei, 18 Langston Street.

C. A. Bernard, 628 Commercial Street.

Joseph S. Paxson, 424 Montgomery Street.

F. Heywood, Pier four, Steuart Street.

W. L. Torrey, San Francisco.

C. S. Smith, 1 Geary Street. 

Cyrus W. Carmany, Clay Street.

Joshua Lyon, 2107 Jones Street.

R. H. Shearer, San Francisco.

Charles Giessmann, 205 Commercial Street.

Charles Packard, Brooklyn.

William Meyer, 968 Folsom Street.

F. Scond, San Francisco.

Winslow J. Williams, 19 Battery Street.

J. S. McCue, Cosmopolitan

R. Stevenson, 913 Jackson Street.

D. R. Provost, San Francisco.

R. E. Rowland, Lombard Street, between Jones and Taylor.

William Shephard, San Francisco.

W. A. Aldrich, San Francisco.

John J. Cooney, Union, near corner of Montgomery.

E. H. Gachby, 534 Seventeenth Street.

Samuel Easton, San Francisco.

William Irelan, Jr., 607 Howard Street.

J. H. Elwood, San Francisco.

E. B. Koons, 716 Mission Street.

Joseph Simon, San Francisco.

Samuel K. Addoms, South San Francisco.

N. C. Parrish, Corner Copp and Twenty-third Streets.

H. Webb, Samson Street.

Frank C. Havens, 207 Kearny Street.

George A. Case, 207 Kearny Street.

Frank A. Marston, 223 First Street.

E. D. Cupri, 606 Merchant Street.

J. Henalts, 712 Pacific Street.

A. Emanuel, 907 Jackson Street.

Patrick Calahan, 202 Mission Street.

B. A. R. Howe, 1041 Masons Street.

J. C. Ludlam, 844 Mission Street.

J. Cahan, 271 Stevenson Street.

William Irvine & Co., 121 Post Street.

W. B. Ray, 211 Pine Street.

B. Lichtenstein, 1207 Jackson.

Michael Mallon, 56 Natoma Street.

James Rush, 227 Bush Street.

Clement Dixon, Francisco Street.

D. W. Laird, 610 Merchant Street.

C. O. Conner, Francisco Street.

M. Brogan, Third Street.

T. B. Kent, 327 Montgomery Street.

F. G. Smith, McAllister Street.

J. B. Bronson, 415 Montgomery Street.

Maurice Dore, 729 Sutter Street.

H. A. Cobb, Powell Street. 

A. Austin, Tax Collector.

William B. Allen, Powell Street.

John Heinmann, 507 Mission Street.

Charles O'Connor, 54 Third Street.

S. Jacoby, 42 Everett Street.

T. B. Lichtenstein, 517 Kearny Street.

J.P. Manrow, 1000 Chestnut Street.

L. Girard, Union Club.

C. Newman, Townsend Street.

Charles F. Lipman, 1810 Mason Street.

Ludwig Altochal, 709 Sansom Street.

S. S. Emery 713 Eddy Street.

Thomas O'Connor, Harrison Street.

George W. Chapman, 338 Montgomery Street

C. Wrede, 417 Fremont Street

Edward Bosque, Corner Clay and Leidesdorff streets.

J. M. McNulty, San Francisco.

A Fitzpatrick, Mission.

D. McNeil, San Francisco.

R. H. Sintans, San Francisco.

John A. Schmidt, San Francisco.

James G. Gould, 3 Hardy place.

Charles H. Vail, San Francisco.

Peter Larson, San Francisco.

Charles J. Janson, San Francisco.

H. Y. Ludington, San Francisco.

H. P. Templeton, San Francisco.

A. Martin, San Francisco.

William B. May,  1114 Clay Street.

J. P. Newmarke, San Francisco.

James H. Deering, San Francisco.

Peter Dean, San Francisco.

Walter F. Rand, San Francisco.

George C. Boardman, San Francisco.

T. R. Butler, San Francisco.

A Brownell, San Francisco.

W. A. Macondray, San Francisco.

C. L. Taylor & Co., San Francisco.

David Donaldson, San Francisco.

L. Shilling, San Francisco.

J. Bluxoms, San Francisco.

R. G. Sneath, San Francisco.

J. N. McCurn, San Francisco.

George H. Whitney, San Francisco.

A. C. Freere, San Francisco.

J. Harding, San Francisco.

Reuben Tucker, San Francisco.

C. H. Harrison, San Francisco.

Thomas Byrne, San Francisco.

Wormser Brothers, San Francisco.

C. M. Nichols, San Francisco.

George Reed, San Francisco.

H. Channing Beals, San Francisco.

Milton Bulkey, San Francisco.

A. B. Forley, San Francisco.

Agard, Foulkes & Co., San Francisco.

Moore & Co., San Francisco.

A. C. Ranee, San Francisco.

Albert Dibblee, San Francisco.

Vernon Seaman, San Francisco.

Charles Langley & Co., San Francisco.

J. F. Dorbe, San Francisco.

A K. P. Glidden, San Francisco.

James L. Barker, San Francisco.

R. H. Elam, San Francisco.

David McKay, San Francisco.

Edward Flanagan, San Francisco.

William Corbitt, San Francisco.

C. V. S. Gibbs, San Francisco.

H. B. Cummings, San Francisco.

George W. Prescott, San Francisco.

F. P. & J. A. Hooper, San Francisco.

John Dalbeer, San Francisco.

E. Wassermayer, San Francisco.

William W. Neil, San Francisco.

Hecht Brothers & Co., San Francisco.

C. A. Hunt, San Francisco. 

D. P. Hawkes, San Francisco.

A. Crawford, San Francisco.

J. G. Jackson, San Francisco.

Robert Johnston, San Francisco.

B. Sharp, 33 Belden Street.

James Gule, 1715 Webb Street.

Nehemiah Smith, 1471 Powell Street.

John J. Astor, 1114 Dupont Street. 

A. T. Stewart, San Francisco.

J. W. Gately, 1576 Clay Street.

A. Phlat, 13 Dupont Street.

James D. Huesler, San Francisco.

J. S. Hutchinson, San Francisco.

A. S. Hubbard, San Francisco.

Andrew J. Gore, San Francisco.

John V. Sawyer, San Francisco.

Patter & Gore, San Francisco.

E. Freeman, San Francisco.

John William Harrison, San Francisco.

J. D. P. Teller, San Francisco.

E. Highton, San Francisco.

Goldsmith Brothers, San Francisco.

E. Heistand, San Francisco.

Adolph Muller, San Francisco.

Crane & Brighany, San Francisco.

T. H. Welen, San Francisco.

J. T. Dean, San Francisco.

Robert Sylvey, San Francisco.

M. Keller, San Francisco.

Moore Brothers, San Francisco.

T. A. Wolf & Co., San Francisco.

William Hammond 859 Mission Street.

S. S. Arnheim, 8 Steuart Street.

John W. Pearson, 605 California Street.

Thomas Mooney, California Street.

C. Calins, Serpentine Avenue.

Dominick Gonzalez, 949 Howard Street.

M. J. Kelly, Hayes Valley.

Joseph K. Handy, 822 Bush Street.

J. C. McDonnell, 1002 Market Street.

John Nichelsen, San Francisco.

Charles Neff, 408 Jones Street.

C. L. Neumann, Hayes Valley.

N. Simonds, San Francisco.

A. Hinds, San Francisco.

O. B. Huff, 615 Masons Street.

M. Dolan, 107 Perry Street.

John H. Reddington, Silver Street.

H. McGrath, 132 Folsom Street

C. A. Barron, 815 Market Street.

Thomas P. Ryan, 41 Sixth Street.

Patrick Fitzsimmons, Second Avenue.

Martin McGrath, Northwest corner Shotwell and Twenty-first streets.

Joseph Dutton, Fell Street.

Daniel Leary, Geary Street.

Thomas Brown, South San Francisco.

A. Schuppert, Corner Jackson and Stockton.

John Cannon, Corner Twenty-third and Columbia.

J. J. Toomey, 340 Tehama Street.

James H. Adams, Hyde and Green streets.

W. H. Gleason, 226 O'Farrell Street.

R. Homes, Twenty-seventh and Mission.

Joseph S. Fernald, 1418 California Street.

Thomas Phair, San Francisco.

Belinda Duffy, San Francisco.

Captain William Warner, San Francisco.

Eliza Phair, San Francisco.

Hugh Monahan, 551 Ľ Natoma Street.

A. E. Erkson, San Jose.

Patrick Desmond, 120 William Street.

W. P. C. Stebbins, 607 Stockton Street.

Flamann Schwarze, Chestnut Street.

Thomas Healy, Sixth and Market.

John Finnoan, Corner Pine and Mason.

Joseph H. Moore, Fifteenth Street.

A.  Phelps, Devisadero and Page streets.

R. E. McGill, Ellis Street.

William Wolf, Ellis Street.

Joseph Nolan, 440 Greenwich Street.

Henry C. Squire, Oak Street, Hayes Valley.

Peter McArdle, 705 Market Street.

L. Myerstein, 301 Kearny Street.

William Green, 324 Ellis Street.

Richard Horton, 619 Mission Street.

James Biddolph, 619 Mission Street.

John Norton, Leavenworth, between Geary and O'Farrell streets.

Charles E. Scott, 224 Post.

Samuel Irving, 224 Post.

C. Christenson, Potrero.

Andrew Allen, Folsom Street.

A Bauer, 410 Kearny Street.

James O'Hara, San Francisco.

A Richet & Co., Powell and Pacific.

C. R. Webb, San Francisco.

M. Leach, 12 Quincy Street.

Francis Rooney, Vallejo Street.

Bernard Reiss, 613 Bush.

Patrick McKenna, 526 Harrison Street.

John Murto, 16 Natoma Street.

Mrs. Mary O'Brien, San Francisco.

James Beurk, 1318 Kearny Street.

John Donnelly, 60 Tehama Street.

W. J. Smith, 515 Sacramento Street.

M. J. Abell, 9 Stockton.

Miss Alexander, 6 Stockton.

Robert Roy, 915 Clay Street.

F. G. Goontz, Vack Street.

John Widdonson, Corner East and Commercial streets.

Michael H. Flood, 133 Dora Street.

James Matthews, 20 Sherwood Place.

Patrick Plover, San Francisco.

W. Patrick Dooling, San Francisco.

George M. Bowman, Napa.

L. R. Clarke, Alameda.

James Sullivan, 550 Minna.

R. J. Tracy, 909 Jackson Street.

Henry Helbush, Brannan, between Third and Fourth.

Robert J. Bowie, 403 Stockton Street corner Sutter.

Peter Lynch, 53 Clary.

Bernard Coyle, 53 Clary.

William B. Cheff, 223 Third Street.

D. S. Hutchison, 815 Mission.

Howard Kerr, 126 Turk.

G. Welsh, 11 Essex.

P. Husson, San Francisco.

M. Gately, 720 Market Street.

William Collings, 140 Natomas Street.

John M. Russan, 531 Jackson Street.

John Shannon, San Francisco.

Thomas Donnelly, 171 Perry Street.

Max Kotber, Jones Street.

C. G. Erwin, 521 Jessie Street.

E. A. Menke, Sutter and Taylor streets.

John N. Cooney, Fifth and Folsom.

James O'Brien, 905 Folsom.

Christopher Byrne, 160 Tehama Street.

Michael Murphy, Lombard Street.

Matthew Smyth, Folsom.

Henry Gibbs, Willow Street.

Joseph W. Farrell, 15 Carolina Street.

Michael Costello, 325 Clementina Street.

Thomas Slenin, 848 Folsom Street.

J. B. Sbarboro, Southwest corner Fifth and Folsom.

Michael Reilly, 559 Howard Street.

O.H.  Clancy, Corner Sixteenth Street and First Avenue.

Samuel Drugan, 37 Moss Street.

J. Palmer, 921 Folsom Street.

John McDermott, 220 Minna Street.

Peter Foy,  Minna Street.

William Perry, 210 Folsom Street.

Peter McFadden, Natoma Street.

Bernard Brady, Corner Fifth and Folsom.

Thomas Keernan, Corner Fifth and Shipley.

Patrick Lemon, 108 Shipley Street.

John J. Boland, 190 Stevenson.

William Row, Willow Street.

George Raleigh, Sixth Street House.

Charles Prior, 927 Folsom Street.

Bernard Dunn, 823 Harrison Street.

Francis Brien, 560 Folsom.

William Wainwright, 219 California Street.

Thomas Mishy, San Francisco.

Snyder Lewenberg, San Francisco.

John Wuall, San Francisco.

A C. Taylor, San Francisco.

John White, San Francisco.

G. Wentzel, San Francisco.

G. Rosewell, San Francisco.

G. K. Hilton, San Francisco.

James Cashman, San Francisco.

Richard D.Blauvelt, Jr., San Francisco.

George Hagan, San Francisco.

John Burke, San Francisco.

Cornelius Donovan, San Francisco.

Patrick McGlinchey, San Francisco.

John Greed, San Francisco.

W. A. Woodward, Southwest corner Pine and Mason.

S. H. Brown, San Francisco.

C. H. Rumrill, San Francisco.

Charles Ernshe, San Francisco.

Lewis Tweed, San Francisco.

Charles P. Kimball, San Francisco.

William F. McAlester, San Francisco.

James E. Powers, San Francisco.

James O'Reilly, San Francisco.

G. O. Carlisle, 1421 Pine Street.

J. S. Blumberg, 1915 Howard.

S. H. Carlisle, 527 Post Street.

George K. Gluyas, San Francisco.

J. W. Whiting, San Francisco.

W. A. Scott, San Francisco.

L. Taffe, San Francisco.

H. F. Ross, San Francisco.

James H. Hardman, San Francisco.

S. Finch, San Francisco.

Daniel Murphy, San Francisco.

William Moran, San Francisco.

James Killey, San Francisco.

Charles Schroth, San Francisco.

E. M. Sheehan, San Francisco.

J. J. McColey, San Francisco.

F. J. Bachelder, San Francisco.

J. G. Cady, Jackson Street.

Festus Hepler, San Francisco.

T. G. Brand, San Francisco.

P. Merle, San Francisco.

Joseph Coulter, San Francisco.

Charles Crowe, Jackson Street.

H. D. Claffey, Pacific.

G. W. Duffield, San Francisco.

Louis Meyer, San Francisco.

Louis Westerfield, San Francisco.

E. C. Tittel, San Francisco.

G. M. Anderson, 632 Sacramento Street.

L. Auerbach, Broadway and Kearny.

G. W. Prennt, San Francisco.

George W. Davis, San Francisco.

Ab. Klein, Kearny and Broadway.

Frances Lynch, 522 Broadway.

Jaye G. W. Schulte, San Francisco

H. H. William Stroecker, San Francisco.

William Meyer, San Francisco.

W. M. Casey, San Francisco.

A. F. Hirschman, San Francisco.

C. E. Driscoll, San Francisco.

E. C. Owen, San Francisco.

Peter F. Medan, San Francisco.

F. Wegener, San Francisco.

C. F. Mebres, San Francisco.

Joseph Figel, San Francisco.

E. R. Harris, San Francisco.

F. Campbell, San Francisco.

Herman Heuck, San Francisco.

H. Butenop, San Francisco.

S. J. Loop, 408 Bryant Street.

Theodore Meetz, 149 Post.

S. Gilmore, 1811 Mason Street.

D. C. Somers, Corner Bryant and Second.

E. Hawes, Rocklin.

James Love, San Francisco.

George Lockwood, San Francisco.

M. J. Kelly, Hayes Valley.

Nicholas Cleary, Clary Street.

B. Kennedy, San Francisco.

T. Teidulenn, San Francisco.

Patrick Curry, San Francisco.

David F. Jeffereys, San Francisco.

W. Irvine, San Francisco.

James Neill, San Francisco.

John McKee, San Francisco.

E. F. Baldwin, San Francisco.

Samuel Theodore, San Francisco.

P. Quinn, San Francisco.

M. Trideman, San Francisco.

F. M. Von Pfester, San Francisco.

Herman Raukley, San Francisco.

William C. Hinckley, San Francisco.

J. H. Brian, San Francisco.

James Dunn, San Francisco.

F. Banten, San Francisco.

D. Bruce, San Francisco.

James G. Gould, San Francisco.

M. Masseth, San Francisco.

W. G. Weir, San Francisco.

George Wood, San Francisco. 

James Smyth, San Francisco.

J. Lippman, San Francisco.

J. Rich, San Francisco.

D. D. Hayes, San Francisco.

J. Doms, San Francisco.

B. Johnston, San Francisco.

H. P. Andrew, San Francisco.

P. George Ryan, San Francisco.

Joseph Ready, San Francisco.

Nathan Peiser, San Francisco.

Julius Platstek, San Francisco.

F. Phillips, 408 Stockton Street.

William C. Walker, 1409 Sacramento Street.

R. S. Calesh, San Francisco.

Thomas Magner, San Francisco.

Ferdinand Vassault, San Francisco.

Michael Donnelly, 58 Shipley Street.

Wellington Perry, San Francisco.

R. P. Swain, San Francisco.

John P. Dulip, San Francisco.

James Alexander, 434 Sixth Street.

Patrick Byrne, San Francisco.

Robert Dixon, Howard Street.

Owen Gogarty, San Francisco. 

W. Green, San Francisco.

J. Cochran, Builder.

Michael Cannon, San Francisco. 

Alexander Blanc, 107 Battery Street.

Robert Hampton, 306 O’Farrell Street.

Andrew Monteith, 1236 Folsom Street.

B. J. W. Curtiss, 225 Fourth Street.

John C. Clark, 130 Third Street.

J. Livingston, 783 Folsom Street.

Charles Fella, 439 Stevenson Street.

H. Fox, 262 Clara Street.

J. Rosenthal, 304 Stockton Street.

Henry Culcheo, 418 California Street.

P. F. Beardsley, 759 Market Street.

M. M. Flynn, Twenty-second, between Mission and Howard.

E. C. Miller, San Francisco.

A J. Coghill, San Francisco.

Thomas McDougall, Shotwell Street.

William Williams, Waverley Place

Wesley Jacobus, San Francisco.

Samuel Dixon, San Francisco.

William M. Lenby, San Francisco.

John Cagel, 33 Woody place.

L. H. Stevens, 1032 Market Street.

J. M. Classen, 517 Folsom Street.

Mark L. McDonald, 524 Post Street.

E. L. Smith, 537 Natoma Street.

George Kluir, 29 Hawthorne Street.

D. G. Cummings, 607 Taylor Street.

Philip Mahler, 627 Merchant street.

D. H. Wulzen, 607 Stevenson Street.

F. W. Wulzen, 72 Minna Street.

Charles Murray, San Francisco.

R. O'Donnell, San Francisco.

S. B. Patrick, 231 Stevenson Street.

J. Dober, 576 Tehama Street.

Z.  B.  Laporte, San Francisco.

Charles E. Lang, San Francisco.

P. Hargeden, Morton Street.

G. T. Wallerson, 911 Howard Street.

G. C. Swinson, San Francisco.

William Como, 80 Louisa Street.

John Carbery, 15 Garden Street.

James J. O'Shea, 1322 Stockton Street.

Peter Madden, 44 Minna Street.

T. Murphy, 485 Minna Street.

Richard D. McDonough, Silver Street.

L. Megastur come on San Francisco.

C. S. Crittenden, San Francisco.

T. Winslow, 24 Stanly Place.

W. Mache, 110 Post Street.

Daniel Rily, 306 Minna.

Jacob Kohler, 1604 Larkin Street.

James Campbell, 219 Turk Street.

Michael Riley, 416 Stevenson.

George D. Melletz, 310 Ritch Street.

Charles Woehatz, 5 Trinity Street.

A. D. Block, San Francisco.

Peter Sleek, 427 Sutter Street.

F. Prohl, 742 Pine Street.

G. W. Williams, San Francisco.

J. M. Blodenal, 1234 Dupont Street.

Benjamin F. Lee, 1216 Washington Street.

Adolphus G. Ross, Columbia Square.

H. Finnegess, 8011 Stockton Street.

Charles R. Pike, 313 Taylor Street.

J. W. Floyd, 422 Eddy Street.

Daniel Damrell, San Francisco.

H. Whittell, Occidental Hotel.

Andrew Carrigan, 420 Eddy Street.

Philip J. H. Shane, Occidental Hotel.

L. E. Donnelly, 920 Market Street.

John Hammerschmidt, San Francisco.

H. J. Snow, San Francisco.

Philip Cullen, San Francisco.

E. Chamberlain, San Francisco.

J. Crowley, San Francisco.

James Swift, San Francisco.

George Wittman, San Francisco.

William McCall, San Francisco.

A. Williams, San Francisco.

John McFadden, San Francisco.

John G. Gilchrist, San Francisco.

Andrew Smith, San Francisco.

N. K. Van Allen, San Francisco.

Thomas Brown, 919 Sutter Street.

W. Lindsey, 309 Green street.

William Larkin, Post Street

George Lawler, 1153 Folsom Street.

E. D. Donnelly, 2103 Jones Street

P. J. O'Brien, San Francisco.

J. Silvertman, 408 Broadway.

John W. Kelly, Sacramento Street.

C. W. Newman, San Francisco.

Terrence Smith, Stevenson Street.

S. Hammersmith, Corner Pine and Bush streets.

W. J. Clark, San Francisco.

Charles H. Schaffer, San Francisco.

Charles Lemme, San Francisco.

N. Cusin, San Francisco.

George W. Newman, San Francisco.

David Coners, San Francisco.

Edward Schulz, San Francisco.

Thomas C. Golden, San Francisco.

Patrick Kearns, 264 Clara Street.

George Patterson, San Francisco.

L. Trane, 26 Tehama Street.

S. C. Armstrong, 943 Folsom Street.

John Kavanagh, 211 Montgomery.

W. D. Dulany, San Francisco.

D. C. McGlynn, San Francisco.

F. O'Neill, San Francisco.

D. P. Fenton, San Francisco.

D. Hays, San Francisco.

James H. Love, 25 Perry Street.

Hugh Corcoran, Corner Sampson and Pacific streets.

John C. Cassidy, 548 Jersey Street.

E. Roach, San Francisco.

M. Lynch, San Francisco.

Martin Tademanne, San Francisco.

Henry Plege, Northwest corner Post and Taylor..

H. T. Ross, San Francisco.

Thomas Noonan, San Francisco.

Robert Coulson, 115 Fourth Street.

H. B. Levy, 1157 Mission Street.

John F. Sullivan, 413 Natoma Street.

Edward J. Ritson, 803 Clay Street.

T. A. Mitchell, 720 Folsom.

James Humphreys, 512 Geary Street.

Michael Gulley, 28 Townsend.

John F. Mitchell, Corner Hyde Post streets.

James T. O’Gorman, Hyde and Sacramento.

James Rice, 350 Brannan Street.

William M. M. O'Brien, 7 O'Farrell Street.

Daniel Swett, 1009 Powell Street.

L. Berna, 1517 Dupont Street.

R. Hopkins, 720 Folsom.

James W. Wilkinson, 315 Eighth Street.

John M. Nevetee, 113 Clay Street.

Charles Kelley, 7 Geary.

P. McCann, Brannan Street, between Sixth and Seventh.

H. Lake, Second Street.

Philip McGovern, 317 O'Farrell.

Charles Coakley, 19 Morton Street.

A. Freitz, Ellis and Stockton streets.

Jeremiah Keefe, 728 Folsom Street.

Thomson Finegan, Russ House.

D. S. McNamara, 333 Bush Street.

Dennis Jordan, 620 Ellis Street.

Jacob Rosenthal, 364 Minna Street.

Thomas Walker, Ellis and Stockton Streets.

T. H. Jones, San Francisco.

J. B. Simes, San Francisco.

Hugh F. Kelly, 337 Kearny Street.

E. B. Dugan, 11 Geary Street.

Joseph Holland, San Francisco.

James Sanders, San Francisco.

Patrick Harney, San Francisco.

J. W. Hamer, San Francisco.

J. Murray, San Francisco.

Joseph Lydger, 736 Market.

William J. Feily, California Street.

Walter Young, San Francisco.

P.  R. O'Brien, Twenty-third Street.

Daniel J. McCarthy, Valencia, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth.

P. McNamara, 614 Market street.

A. L. Johnson, 248 Jessie Street.

Bernard McMurray, Presidio.

John Kelly Mason, Fort Point.

Hugh Allen, Hayes Valley.

Richard M. Barron, 815 Market.

Charles Harris, 225 Third Street.

Francis O’Connor, 630 Brannan Street.

John T. Barry, Geary and Buchanan Streets.

Edward Flynn, San Francisco.

Washington D. Hayes, 725 Ellis Street.

Jeremiah Gallivan, 114 Hayes Street.

Patrick O’Malley, 1133 Folsom Street.

John O’Malley, 1133 Folsom Street.

James Dennigan, 140 Natoma Street.

James Barton, Mission.

Peter Hagan, 250 Perry Street.

Thomas Wade, 121 Montgomery Street.

Thomas Wade, Jr., 121 Montgomery Street.

G. Backus, 1827 Clay Street.

William Murdock, 55 Silver Street.

W. E. Loomis, 1214 Sutter Street.

William Pearson, 927 Jackson Street.

C. Kloppenburg, 1324 ˝ Stockton.

J. Creighton, Fair Oak Street, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth.

John Rae Hamilton, 518 Hurd Street.

J. B. H. Davis, Bartlett, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty- sixth.

O. Fuller, 36 Stanford Street.

C. R. Nolte, Mission Street, near Twenty-sixth.

Augustus Seterson, Anderson Street.

William H. Kinn, San Maguil.

Victor Moitoret, School house station.

Daniel Hanlon, Twenty-sixth street, near Mission.

Owen McClasky, San Jose road, near Twenty-sixth street.

Peter McGee, Mission street.

Henry Bruns, Corner H. Street,

William Scott, Vail Street, Horner's addition.

P. J. Postel, Mission and Twenty-third Street.

F. H. Osborn, Point Lobos Road.

N. C. Parrish, Capp Street.

Ph. Deyer, Jr., Capp Street.

Lewis Angenhafer, Capp Street.

John Waller, Capp Street.

Ordice Barton, Capp Street.

Ph. Deyer, Mission Road.

William Dick, Mission Street, near Twenty-third.

John R. Crouse, San Francisco.

Michael Dalton, Corner Page and Fillmore.

Edward C. Kirby, 818 Ellis Street.

John Clark, San Francisco.

James H. Vance, Stevenson Street.

A Small, 246 Third Street.

James Denniger, 140 Natoma Street.

Peter Mertes, 23 Jessie Street.

J. H. Gray, San Francisco.

J. P. Dameron, 802 Montgomery.

Andrees B. Pico, 1123 Folsom Street.

Roger Carlin, 15 Fifth Avenue.

H. R. Leonard, 1309 California Street

J. K. Phillips, Northwest corner of Pine and Buchanan streets.

Henry Harland, Southeast corner Pacific and Franklin.

M. Vaughan, Northwest corner Montgomery and Green.

C. G. Glass, Sacramento Street.

W. W. Miller, Corner Third and Folsom.

Davis Mahony, Pfeifer and Larkin.

P. M. Sessions, 1219 Folsom Street.

___ Dunlevey, San Francisco.

A F. Denery, 645 Clay Street.

Thomas B. Croft, 122 Davis Street.

Matthew Crooks, 3 Crooks Street.

Thomas M. Quackenbush, San Francisco.

John Buckly, 1126 Pacific Street.

John Higgins, 10 Moss Street.

Francis W. Paty, 642 Commercial Street.

H. Enkle, 30 Green Street.

John Garner, Green Street.

George Atkinson, Guerrero Twenty-fourth.

W. Smith, San Francisco.

C. J. Walsh, 76 Natoma Street.

Edwin Goodall, 418 Fremont.

A H. Rapp, 424 Greenwich Street.

J. E. Brannan, 524 Geary.

C. Schoenmaker, 325 Chestnut Street.

B. C. Randall, 540 Clay Street.

Edward Gay, 8 St. Mary Street.

John Wheeler, 423 Sutter Street.

William Gwin, 59 Jessie Street.

D. R. Sinks, 59 Jessie Street.

W. M. Ryer, Lick House.

D. J. Holder, San Francisco.

R. H. Jones, Overland House.

Patrick Hargeden, Morton Street.

H. Meyer, Vincent Street.

W. J. Haining, 1320 Stockton Street.

S. T. French, Austin Street.

Charles Bribend, Twelfth Street.

V. Chaiyneau, Lombard Street.

John Pforr, 270 Jessie Street.

George Branston, Webster, near O'Farrell.

John Fox, 112 Alta place.

R P. Rochicioli, 10 Tyler Street.

J. B. Miller, 10 Tyler Street.

E. C. Johnson, 13 Second Street.

Robert Taylor, Hayes Valley.

C. D. Daniels, Pine and Van Ness Avenue.

H. E. Thomas, 527 Howard Street.

M. T. Ballen, 531 Bryan Street.

Patrick Brady, 638 Mission.

Robert McGuire, 553 Howard Street.

E F. Woodward, San Francisco.

John A. Coffey, 571 Stevenson Street.

Mary Coffey, 571 Stevenson Street.

M. McLaughlen, San Francisco.

David Barnes, San Francisco.

John Chipchase, San Francisco.

William Jones, El Dorado.

J. Whelen, San Francisco.

William Nesbut, San Francisco.

Philo White, San Francisco.

Albert A. Hickox, San Francisco.

John Parner, San Francisco.

P. S. Fay, San Francisco.

Henry C. Fulda, 940 Mission Street, between Fifth and Sixth streets.

Martin Murray, San Francisco.

D. B. McDonald, San Francisco.

I. T. Watson, 109 Jones Street.

Thomas Meuny, San Francisco.

D. M. Richards, 931 Sutter Street.

Dennis J. Hagan, 433 Tehama Street.

E. D. Clark, 919 Powell Street.

___ Last, 918 Stockton Street.

J. A. Fletcher, 739 Market Street.

Carlo de Bernardi, San Francisco.

Dominico Grau, 545 Market.

Joseph Boardman, Francisco Street.

A R. Barrington, San Francisco.

W. H. Burnett, San Francisco.

George P. Shields, 18 Pine Street.

Henry P. Drew, 74 Clementina Street.

George Morton, Jackson and East.

A. A. Peake, Day Street, Mission Delores.

Hoogs & Butler, 328 Montgomery Street.

William R. Sloan, 618 Third Street.

Matthew Collins, 212 Broadway.

Henry Slocomb, 720 Market Street.

D. W. Smith, 19 John Street.

F. Wyntjens, San Francisco.

James N. Olney, Oakland.

H. H. Harris, San Francisco.

J. Hovey, San Francisco.

L. McNulty, 645 Market Street.

Henry Kingston, Columbia Street, Mission Dolores.

M. Abrams, 76 Folsom Street.

S. Figel, 3 Montgomery.

Charles H. Shaw, San Francisco.

James L. Meserve, San Francisco.

A K. Wards, San Francisco.

David Gibbons, San Francisco.

George W. Cooke, San Francisco.

John Grant, San Francisco.

James Aston, San Francisco.

R.Flary, Hartman Street.

John O’Kane, San Francisco.

R. Emerson, Oakland.

C. H. Daniels, Jessie Street.

J. J. Domes, Jessie Street.

C. Shaphard, Jessie Street.

J. C. Tondley, Bush Street.

B. Donnelly, San Francisco.

G. W. Williams, San Francisco.

William H. Murray, Agent Scientific Press.

Matthew Bridge, Southwest corner Larkin and Jackson streets.

John Burke, Mission Street.

G. I. Wight, Merchant Street.

William M. Zabriskie, Merchant Street.

Daniel Mahony, Moss Street.

B. R. Norton, Alameda.

Thomas Horan, Alameda.

J. Johnston, 174 Thirteenth Street.

D. Saultry, Vallejo Street.

J. T. Coryell, San Francisco.

George Lake, San Francisco.

Philip Garlick, San Francisco.

R. B. Bartlett, 206 Sansom Street.

Robert White, 413 Washington Street.

Richard Brown, Greenwich and Devisadero streets.

Thomas O'Neill, Harrison Street.

W. S. Church, 806 Montgomery Street.

Robert Beeching, 1016 Taylor.

P. W. O'Donnell, San Francisco.

John G. Fayker, San Francisco.

B. N. Holt, Alameda.

S. R. J. Dixon, Fourteenth Street.

John Clark, 14 Hawthorne Street.

A. C. Turk, 527 O'Farrell Street.

Patrick O. Sullivan, 543 Stevenson Street.

William Hollis, 418 California Street.

H. S. Gates, Corner Sutter and Stevenson Streets.

T. B. Danos, Corner Water and Guyamus streets.

___ Henry, Brannan Street.

William Masran, 6 Hallham.

J. P. Anson, Filbert Street.

William E. Shepman, Corner Pine and Jones.

Edward Walsh, Pacific Street.

C. L. Place, 324 Folsom Street.

B. Wilcocks, Green and Montgomery.

Philip Mayert, 823 Howard Street.

Luca Descalso, San Francisco.

Phil. Lauth, Los Angeles.

D. McVicar, 9 Clara Street.

Paul Sarsom, Alameda County.

H. K. Curtis, San Francisco.

H. Austin, San Francisco.

Patrick McCarthy, Jackson Street.

William Mooser, 5 Post Street.

John Caddy, Oakland.

F. W. Voll, Post, between Buchanan and Webster.

P. J. Sullivan, 28 Third Street.

W. J. Fennell, Sixteenth Street.

John Moran, Grove, near corner of Polk.

Edward Twomey, 559 Mission Street

Joseph O'Donnell, 559 Mission Street.

James P. Clough, 803 Bush Street.

J. D. Niver, Oakland.

George Seger, 507 Montgomery Street.

T. E. Trueworthy, San Francisco.

John J. Murphy, 522 Howard Street.

Job Kennedy, Ellis and Stockton streets.

E. J. Blanding, Capp, near Twenty-fifth Street.

Albert Brown, DuPont.

M. McLaughlin, Filbert Street.

J. W. Kennedy, Corner Post and Taylor. 

M. McCarthy, Sutter Street.

Charles Krause, 526 Geary Street.

John Harvey, 8 Hardie place.

John Boyle, Southeast corner Sacramento and Montgomery.

William Park, Tehama Street.

Ferdinand Spencer, Clementina and Second streets.

A. D. Piper, San Francisco.

M. C. Howell, 116 Montgomery Street.

Alexander H. Bryant, 528 Montgomery Street.

J. W. Bowman, San Francisco.

George W. Babcock, Brooklyn, Alameda County.

Thomas White, 45 Mason Street.

E. J. Livingston, Harrison Street.

Frank Riley, 79 Stevenson Street.

George W. Frasher, Oakland.

Henry Coad, 710 Geary  Street.

B. Harrison, First and Tehama.

Thomas O'Shea, 266 Minna Street.

James G. Hatch, 4 Henriette Street.

B. F. Smith, 1046 Howard Street.

Jacob Jacobs, 1046 Howard Street.

William Ludeman, 747 O'Farrell.

George Brown, 251 Third Street.

Frank A. Howard Street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second.

R. W. Carter, 713 Montgomery.

Joseph Catania, 33 and 35 San Francisco market.

H. C. Patridge, International Hotel.

R. Lunella, 421 Washington Street.

John Harnett, San Francisco.

Denis Feeby, 1907 Hyde.

William Moody, 329 Montgomery Street.

George Hearst, San Francisco.

A. A. Reviere, San Francisco.

William M. Harper, 573 Broadway.

George W. Blasedell, San Francisco.

F. P. Swett, 1212 Clay Street.

Samuel G. Beatty, San Francisco.

John E. Currey, San Francisco.

George Marchaber, Dupont Street.

John J. Walton, 533 Mission Street.

James Reilly, San Francisco.

L. Joseph, 511 Filbert Street.

George W. Stead, San Francisco.

John Doherty, 33 ˝ Moss Street.

Cornelius McCarthy, Northwest corner of Folsom and Rausch streets.

S. J. P. Johnston, 1009 Mason Street.

E. Levy, 1408 Pine Street.

Charles E. Wilson, 76 Montgomery Block.

Alfred Moulin, Corner Commercial and Dupont.

J. W. Shaffer, 1512 Leavenworth Street.

E. A. Manhart, 718 Jessie Street.

W. H. Jessup, 212 Twelfth Street.

R. S. Toizey, 7 Calhoun Street.

Patrick Rafferty, 49 Minna Street.

John J. Cunningham, 318 Minna Street.

Henry Wolgamuth, Meyers’ Hotel, Montgomery Street.

A. M. Comstock, San Francisco.

John C. Langton,  2003 Bush Street.

J. H. Drubs, Guerrero Street.

Philipp Frank, San Francisco.

George M. Weldon, 11 Minna Street.

B. P. Portois, San Francisco.

John Crowley, 574 Minna Street.

D. C. Lawrence, San Francisco.

L. Morle, San Francisco.

L. J. Hefferen, San Francisco.

M. Browne, 28 Townsend Street.

James N. Deane, 318 Clay Street.

P. H. Blake, 568 California Street.

William O'Shea, San Francisco.

N. J. Street, 29 Turk Street.

Robert Barny, 109 Montgomery Street.

A. Marks, Corner Green and Taylor streets.

D. A. Finn, 1223 Stockton streets.

August Caropy, San Francisco.

J. R. Hoag, San Francisco.

Robert G. Gilmore, Corner Seventh and Folsom streets.

H. Schuldt, Corner Third and Harrison streets.

Benjamin asked Josselyn, McAllister Street, Hayes Valley.

Charles J. Reiley, 1013 Filbert Street.

Thomas J. Power, Marysville, Yuba County.

Robert D. Towne, San Francisco.

P. Crubert, 614 Merchant Street.

John Shirley, 536 Kearny Street.

F. Koenig, 505 Montgomery Street.

Michael Kean, 208 Chestnut.

C. Aubrey Angelo, 32 Moss Street.

L. Langue, San Francisco.

J. H. Williams, San Francisco.

William Nicol, 28 Clara Street.

W. M. Kelly, 8 Powell Street.

C. Murphy, 2308 Parker Street.

A. Mans, 815 Pacific Street.

P. Lambert, Laguna.

Timothy Collins, 414 Seventh Street.

E. Sleer, 204 Montgomery Street.

John J. Corbett, 200 Ellis Street.

A. A. Baer, 1311 Stockton Street.

George H. Bryant, 113 Clay Street.

James Alexander Forbes, 1808 Powell Street.

B. A. Gale, 1123 Stockton Street.

Christopher Murphy, San Francisco.

J. Driscoll, Washington Street.

Charles F. Hamilton, 424 Montgomery Street.

James Convery, 112 Minna Street.

Thomas Kyle, 610 Jones Street.

W. W. Cronin, 1008 Jackson Street.

John Daniel, 1110 Market Street.

A. Gariot, 913 Kearny Street.

W. Walsh, San Francisco.

C. A. Sunderland, Leidesdorff Street.

Isaac Greer, San Francisco.

G. O. Birgham, 466 Minna Street.

John Couch, Guerrero Street, Sixteenth and Seventeenth.

Henry Wizzett, Southeast corner Mason and Broadway.

J. K. Prior, 730 Montgomery Street.

William N. Shelley, 224 Greenwich Street.

George Roth, 14 St. Mary’s Place.

V. M. Fancoutt, 16 Stockton Street.

Lyle, Stow & Co., San Francisco.

Thomas A. Turner, 125 Sansom Street.

M. Keslophi, 225 Pacific Street.

B. F. Barker, 647 Third Street.

John J. Blanchard, Taylor Street.

David M. Kelton, Alabama Street.

T. R. Hyde, San Francisco.

C. A. Uhrig, Howard Street.

John Reardon, 44 Jessie Street.

James Orr, Quincy Hall.

Joseph William Sartor, San Francisco.

P. H. Owens, San Francisco.

John Barrett, 234 Harrison Street.

E. D. Boone, 117 Market Street.

J. W. Violett, 615 Kearny Street.

T. N. Borkman, San Francisco.

Ira A. Underwood, Oakland.

D. Ghirardelli, San Francisco.

Nicholas Wynne, San Francisco.

James Hogan, 413 Broadway.

C. P. Torrey, 434 Kearny Street.

E. Slossen, 1004 Larkin Street.

John Harrington, 649 Minna Street.

Charles Patton, Near St. Mary's College.

Jacob Mueller, 35 Natoma Street.

S. Morgenstern, 1118 Leavenworth Street.

Bernard Lande, San Francisco.

S. McCullough, Twenty-fourth and Capp streets.

John Kelly, San Francisco.

Thomas Whelan, San Francisco.

James Murphy, San Francisco.

Thomas Breen, San Francisco.

O. T. Ames, 113 Perry Street.

S. K. Fleming, San Francisco.

John McFaddin, 28 Everett Street.

Ch. N. Herbet, San Francisco.

Cornelius McLaughlin, San Francisco.

J. L. Samuels, San Francisco.

M. Callen, San Francisco.

Patrick Cox, San Francisco.

William B. Cooke & Co., San Francisco.

Joseph L. Howell, San Francisco.

C. H. Parker, San Francisco.

Turner Corning, San Francisco.

Stephen Doe, San Francisco.

Alfred S. Isaacs, 527 Post Street.

Michael Lane, 822 Ellis Street.

Michael O'Calaghan, 21 Dupont Street.

N. H. Hastings, 1825 Clay Street.

Andrew Thayer, 120 Greenwich Street.

B. J. Shay, 731 Bush Street.

Oliver C. Carroll, 632 Fell Street.

R. E. Green, 5 Stockton Street.

M. E. Hughes, 335 Hayes Street.

D. D. Baldwin, San Francisco.

C. Paul, Oakland.

Robert Kyle, San Francisco.

Michael Herlehy, 58 Mission Street.

F. B. Emmal, 925 Pine Street.

William Schmidt, San Francisco.

Henry Gardenier, Tyler Street.

M. G. McDonough, Railroad House.

J. H. Lindsey, 704 Montgomery Street.

Peter Byron, 654 Mission Street.

Edward Burley, San Mateo County.

F. N. Mayro, Centreville, Alameda County.

E. S. Montgomery, Capp Street.

John Steinmers, 507 Mission Street.

P. H. Blake, 331 Montgomery Street.

William Femrery, San Francisco.

Edward P. Fox, San Francisco.

M. McCarthy, San Francisco.

 W. L. Perkins, Eleventh, between Mission and Market.

John McCann, Seventh and Natoma streets.

David Fitzgibbon, Corner Mission and Third.

Peter Carter, Kearny Street.

William R. Doyle, Corner Eleventh and Harrison.

C. C. Dunn, 345 Fremont Street.

T. E. Jewell, 305 Montgomery Street.

Patrick Savage, 46 Jessie Street.

Terence McCluskey, 648 Mission Street.

William L. Smith, 648 Mission Street.

I. B. Peck, San Francisco.

W. C. Kimball, Oakland City.

Alfred J. Fritz, 168 Perry Street.

James Delmore, 103 Bryant Street.

John Boyston, 425 Fourth Street.

E. Rabjohn, 532 Tehama Street.

Patrick Barry, 110 William Street.

D. Corcoran, 1070 Post Street.

William Manning, 513 Minna Street.

John Bentz, 510 Minna Street.

Frank Kelly, 21 Stanley Place.

William Brown, 202 Howard Street.

Eugene N. Fritz, 168 Perry Street.

Thomas Johnson, 108 Harrison Street.

John Ryder, 209 Bryant Street.

James McDermott, 166 Tehama Street.

William Fogerty, 118 Page Street.

Daniel Holland, 328 Third Street.

J. F. Pickering, 714 Howard Street.

George C. Hall, 229 Third Street.

W. H. Baskerville, 372 Howard Street.

Philip Ludley, 35 Clementina Street.

Conway Ceusby, Minna Street.

John R. Sheldon, 29 Hawthorne Street,.

Thomas Tobin, O'Farrell Street.

John Egan, 5 Perry Street.

Michael Creagh, Leroy Place, Sacramento Street. 

William Pendergast, 126 Shipley Street.

John Long, 139 Natoma Street.

John Blake, 17 Garden Street.

John Keane, 909 Howard Street.

J. Eades, 134 Natoma Street.

G. H. Bunker, San Francisco.

John McGee, Minna Street.

W. J. McDougall, 727 Harrison Street.

James Thompson, 132 Howard Street.

Simon Marks, 462 Third Street.

Robert Fuller, 12 Hampton Court.

S. Frolley, Corner Seventh and Jessie.

Patrick Killian, Howard Street.

Richard Booth, 129 Everett Street.

J. Cook, 41 Third Street.

John Riley, 41 Everett Street.

William Kennedy, 11 Bryant Street.

Charles Brewster, 24 South Park.

M. Rahol, 21 Minna Street.

J. B. Bean, 658 Howard Street.

C. J. Gilbert, 151 Natoma Street.

Charles Ball, 151 Natoma Street.

Hugh Casey, 151 Clementina Street.

Hugh Quinn, Folsom Street.

William Crump, 147 Minna Street.

John F. Smith, 127 Vallejo Street.

John Jones, 24 Howard Street.

James Young, 71 King Street.

William Bradie, 87 Everett Street.

Sam Brannan, Corner California and Montgomery.

Thomas Sawyer, 935 Mission Street.

Harris Gates, 223 Seventh Street.

M. McCarthy, Sutter Street.

D. Corcoran, 1070 Post Street.

John Wilkenson, 24 Minna Street.

J. N. Wescott, 316 Rich Street.

Owen Flaherty, 410 Bryant Street.

John Houlahan, 44 Ecker Street.

Sidney Hall, 207 Clara Street.

James Hall, 207 Clara Street.

J. N. Wescott, 160 Perry Street.

T. V. Reynolds, 510 Bryant Street.

F. O'Conmor, 446 Third Street.

R. F. Donovan, 335 Bryant Street.

Charles Casey, 506 Townsend Street.

William Johnson, 304 Bryant Street.

T. J. Connors, 434 Third Street.

Jacob Villier, 344 Ritch Street.

I. N. Wiskofschill, 161 Perry Street.

James Miller, 134 Perry Street.

Thomas Millett, 132 Minna Street. 

Conrad Herold, Corner Zoe and Welsh streets.

Charles V. Hussey, 509 Bryant Street.

R. W. Little, 320 Ritch Street.

Hugh Cameron, 1880 Folsom Street.

James Connelly, 216 Ritch Street.

Philip Reiley, 509 Bryant Street.

M. P. Dyer, 565 Bryant Street.

Philip W. Brady, 107 Bryant Street.

John Bucking, 915 Bryant.

Albert Roper, 483 Brannan.

Edwin Lang, 302 Ritch.

M. Fitzgerald, 209 Ritch.

Martin Kenney, 11 Freelon.

Samuel Little, 5 Liberty Street.

George Kelly, 19 Sixth Street.

Thomas Brady, Bryant Street.

Diedrich Bucking, 515 Bryant Street.

John Colebert, 313 Ritch.

James Cook, 13 Hampton Place.

John Riley, 41 Everett.

John G. Little, 320 Ritch Street.

Richard Siemer, 73 Everett Street.

Frederick Bucking, 515 Bryant.

James Smith, Bryant.

P. R. Page, 20 Welsh Street.

William Warker, 203 Ritch Street.

J. Porter, 20 Welsh Street.

W.  Sullivan, 22 Welsh Street.

Thomas , Sullivan, 507 The Bryant Street.

Patrick Collon, 13 Brannan Street.

Edward Bryent, 509 Bryant Street.

Thomas O'Byern, 8 Leon Street.

A. Leach, 1119 Sacramento Street.

James Kelly, 13 Eighth Street.

John Milley, 18 Gorden Street.

Michael Mullen, 518 Bryant Street.

Eugene James, 719 Folsom Street.

Michael Moor, 212 Bryant.

Joseph Eckerhoff, 936 Howard Street.

Thomas Hall, 732 Harrison Street.

Patrick Ryan, 149 Second Street.

Charles Horner, 262 Jessie Street.

P. Badger, 37 Boyd Street.

J. W. Mary, 26 First Street.

William McElroy, 149 Second Street.

Michael Ryan, 159 Second Street.

Charles J. Fox, 149 Second Street.

William Creig, 149 Second Street.

Jack Kearny, 49 Second Street.

Charles McAseof, 535 First Street.

Howard Hamden, 149 Second Street.

Bernard Manhattan, 1013 Kearny Street.

James O'Donnell, 256 First Street.

Edward Keating, 146 Second Street.

Thomas Canbers, 75 Minna Street.

James Van Ness, 227 Second Street.

David Fleming, 51 Clementina Street.

Francis Hoyt, 100 Second Street.

William J. Quirk, 1107 Pine Street.

Patrick Coyle, Steamship Oriflamme.

Daniel Tuniss, 24 Jessie Street.

William McFarley, Lick House.

John Russell, Pacific M. Steam Co.

William Dooley, Howard Street.

William Fuller, 49 Steuart Street.

Frank Cavanagh, 33 Natoma Street.

John Cavanagh, 33 Natoma Street.

William Brenson, 16 Natoma Street.

J. A. Nelson, 33 Natoma Street.

R.  Inches, 33 Natoma Street.

E. Williams, 33 Natoma Street.

E. Adams, 43 Second Street.

A. Howard, 43 Second Street.

John Estesburk, 43 Second Street.

George Masterson, San Francisco.

Charles Carmine, San Francisco.

William Brownell, San Francisco.

J. L. Mayers, San Francisco.

M. M. Keating, 143 Second Street.

James Dowling, 221 Clara Street.

Charles Bunstick, 1112 Taylor Street.

Fabian Joost, , Northeast corner Mission and Twenty-sixth Street.

H. Harnack, Burnell Heights.

J. Lockwood, West End, San Mateo.

James Korene, Burnel Heights.

H. Wohlers, Precita House, Mission Street.

John Gorman, Burnel Heights.

Andrew Rutherford, Bartlett, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth.

Alexander Hay, Bartlett Street., between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh streets.

Meyer Brothers, Folsom and Fremont.

Peter Meyer, Secretary Bay Sugar Refinery.

James Syme, Twenty-fifth and Capp Streets.

Peter Nullar, 240 Capp Street.

James Kearney, 536 Howard Street.

John Buchanan, 569 Howard Street.

J. W. Bryan, 15 Second Street.

James O'Conner, Minna Street.

James Sullivan, 20 Minna Street.

Thomas Donohue, 236 Minna Street. 

Patrick Kelly, 227 Second Street.

Michael McNamara, San Francisco.

John McCormick, San Francisco.

W. H. Wood, 61 Second.

Patrick Phelan, 283 Stevenson.

James C. Sellers, 31 Second Street.

B. F. Fisher, 403 Folsom.

Anthony Murphy, 568 Mission Street.

Edward Kenny, 568 Mission Street.

Samuel Head, 1116 Powell Street.

Michael Lawlor, 75 Stevenson.

James Todd, San Francisco.

Benjamin F. Riley, 402 California Street.

J. B. Carey, 658 Mission Street.

James P. Edmond, O'Farrell Street.

James Donohue, 39 Minna Street.

John K. Carson, 6 Natoma Street.

John Kenny, Eighth and Clementina.

Robert Cronin, 20 Minna Street.

Bartholomew Comer, Sherwood Place.

Bartley Canavan, Twelfth Street.

Joseph Jones, Filbert Street.

Benjamin Allen, 109 Jessie Street.

L. Dobelman, 13 Second Street.

A Bartlett, San Francisco.

Michael Hogan, San Francisco.

John Kerrigan, 649 Jessie Street.

Frank Cunningham, 230 Third Street. 

J. S. Maguire, 418 Sansom Street.

T. C. Cosgriff, Webster Street.

John D. Fieldbush, 1221 Polk Street.

B. Joost, Corner Twelfth and Folsom streets.

John J. Wiseman, Twelfth, between Folsom and Howard.

H. Burns, Corner Eleventh and Folsom.

F. Cooper, Eighth and Folsom.

Peter Meyn, Corner Folsom and Twelfth streets. 

A. E. Mylott, Southwest corner Thirteenth and Folsom streets.

Henry Pleasant, Twelfth Street, near Folsom.

D. Hardie, Twelfth Street, near Folsom.

W. B. Williams, Nevada, between Folsom and Harrison streets.

John Kern, Folsom, near Thirteenth Street.

Thomas C. Johnson, Hayes, between Buchanan and Laguna streets. 

J. & T. Stenley, Second Street.

J. K. Tobbenberke, Second Street.

E. M. Aeils, Second Street.

M. Pier, Second Street.

P. Shine, Tehama Street.

J. Brina, Tehama Street.

John Catelin, 204 Second Street.

Thomas H. Bradford, Tehama Street.

Thomas Guillet, 206 Second Street.

John Vaughn, 26 Jessie Street.

Matthew Klaas, 206 Second Street.

John Donnelly, 62 Mission Street.

William Noethig, 109 Tehama Street.

Val. Heintz, 147 ˝  Tehama Street.

Henry Canye, 218 Second Street.

H. Hansche, 218 Second Street.

Charles Lanbenyerger, 216 Second Street.

F. Seeger, 216 Second Street.

John K. Dunn, 219 Tehama Street.

Patrick Toomy, 112 Tehama Street.

Thomas A. Murray, Second and Howard streets. 

James C. Drum, Howard Street, near Second.

William Hartley, Corner Second and Howard.

James Carbery, 12 Natoma Street.

Edward Howell, 290 Jessie Street.

Daniel Meagher, 253 Clay Street.

Alexander Bowers, 553 Howard Street.

Eugene F. Herve, Cottage Place, Taylor Street.

George E. Williams, 226 Second Street.

W. W. Battles, 207 Second Street.

H. Harbourne, 609 Howard Street.

F. J. Parcells, 18 Tehama Street.

Josiah D. Taney, 209 Second Street.

J. V. Marriner, California and Dupont.

J. C. Hubbard, 9 Tehama Place.

J. T. Pennell, 43 Tehama Street.

William Hackins, 217 Second Street.

Allan McVicar, 217 Second Street.

G. Kuck, Corner Second and Tehama streets.

D. Kuck, Corner Second and Tehama streets.

James B. McLellar, Corner Second and Tehama streets.

D. D. Chisholm, 72 Tehama.

J. G. Crittenden, 4 Park Place.

John F. Higgins, 219 Second Street.

J. H. Schluter, 263 Second Street.

G. F. C. Droge, 524 Howard Street.

J. J. Murphy, 150 Second Street.

W. H. Boland, 47 Natoma Street.

John Johnson, 150 Second Street.

T. Murphy, 154 Second Street.

H. Steele, Howard Street and Second.

William J. Bryan, 618 Third Street.

F. T. Feizel, 1509 Mission Street. 

Louis Meyer, 156 Second Street.

Thomas Thompson, 61 Natomas Street.

C. Caitanhault, Corner Sixth and Bryant streets.

J. & J. Davis, San Francisco.

J. H. Sewall, San Francisco.

William Adcock, Tehama Street.

R. Temple, Tehama Street.

William H. Davis, 9 Hubbard Street.

E. F. Watts, 617 Howard.

S. B. Saunders, 146 Natoma.

R. W. Inches, 33 Natoma. 

H. A. Buttner, 123 Tehama Street.

M. McGorry, 610 Howard Street.

Thomas J. Chexton, 610 Howard Street.

A. E. Royer, 637 Howard Street.

Michael McCoy, 604 Howard Street.

Owen J. McCoy, 604 Howard Street.

John Lannon, 33 Tehama Street.

John Estabrook, Howard Street.

Henrich Jazell, Second Street.

D. O. Mowry, 510 Howard Street.

Barthio J. Shay, 614 Market Street.

Thomas J. Owens, 421 Pine Street.

M. J. Kelly, Hayes Valley.

Mrs. Mary Goodman, Hayes Valley.

G. L. Muller, San Francisco.

John Hensley, 704 Folsom Street.

William O. Boren, 255 Minna Street.

J. L. Averill, 469 Clementina Street.

John Mailes, 49 Eleventh Street.

William J. O’Shaughnessy, Northwest corner Green and Sutter. 

Ephram P. Hill, 710 Ellis Street.

J. H. McInnes, 110 Larkin Street.

P. S. Maloney, 616 Larkin Street.

James Mulcahy, 612 Larkin Street.

S. F. Walters, 43 O'Farrell Street.

L. L. Lubosh, San Francisco.

F. A. Wilkins, 611 Larkin Street.

O. B. Kennedy, Larkin and Ellis Street.

A. Currier, 708 Larkin Street.

B. D. Hays, 725 Ellis Street. 

Thomas C. Riddle, 16 Twelfth Street.

Patrick Lynch, 610 Larkin Street.

David Wierner, 709 Larkin Street.

Emil Schneider, Corner of Larkin and Ellis streets.

John Prestwich, Potrero.

John Lehritter, 937 Kearn the win in y Street.

Michael Murphy, Commercial Street.

C. Jacdicka, 110 Dupont Street.

Owen McCabe, San Francisco.

Daniel O'Brien, Clementina Street.

George J. Campbell, 551 Mission Street.

Michael O'Brien, 34 Frederick Street.

Richard Barry, 165 Perry Street.

Michael Clollan, 19 Calhoun Street.

John Carrol, 211 Stevenson Street.

John Corrigan, 8 Brooks Street.

Patrick Higgins, 25 Stevenson.

L. D. Sullivan, 17 Welsh Street.

Edward Giblin, 575 Mission Street.

John Coyne, 125 Clay Street.

James Pratt, 516 Stevenson Street.

James P. McCaffrey T., 28 Minna Street.

Robert Roper, 28 Kearny Street.

D. J. Murphy, 132 Clementina Street.

A S.G. Kaminling, 311 Clementina Street.

E. Clark, 125 ˝  Shipley Street.

Daniel Mahoney, 212 Steuart Street.

Thomas T. Barry, Third Street.

Barney N.Brannigan, N.Street.

Owen O’Neill, 634 Howard Street.

Michael Rice, 1 Clara Street.

Andy F. Smith, 136 Perry Street.

Daniel O'Keeffe, 136 Perry Street.

John O'Lary, 746 Sacramento Street.

John J. Bradley, Corner Washington and Montgomery.

John O’Keefe, 783 Third Street.

William Garvey, 24 Jessie Street.

Thomas Burns, San Francisco.

D. J. Fleming, 51 Clementina Street.

C. Ewing, 416 Market Street.

Timothy O'Niel, 331 Mission Street.

Christopher Sheehan, 82 Jesse Street.

James Nealan, San Francisco.

William Fogarty, 4 Stockton Street.

William McKinnis, 40 Folsom Street.

Patrick O'Connor, 16 Taylor Street.

Dennis Farrell, 34 Tehama Street.

Silas Deane, Occidental Hotel.

Hugh McGeehan, 43 Ritch Street.

James Barrett, 318 Clementina Street.

James Kilday, 23 Third Street.

William Noble, 26 Ritch Street.

John McDonnall, 47 Minna Street.

William Grogan, 47 Minna Street.

Edward Moran, 416 Filbert Street.

John Corgan, Samson Street, between Union and Green.

Patrick Egen, San Francisco.

John J. Sweeny, 10 Spear Place.

Michael Ford, 527 Folsom Street.

Timothy Murphy, 727 Clementina Street.

Francis F. Lynch, 53 Clara Street.

John P. Hall, 514 Mission Street. 

Thomas Loughran, San Francisco.

Michael Greany, 827 Brandon Street.

James Burke, 160 Clementina Street.

David Kane, 1217 Powell Street.

Patrick A. Dasha, 179 Minna Street.

Denis Whelan, 157 Shipley Street.

Joseph Kelly, 1231 Folsom Street.

Maurice Sheehan, Clementina Street.

Owen Kelly, 212 Broadway.

James O’Connell, 108 Main Street.

P. S. Guerin, Haight Street.

P. Killiliar, 454 Minna Street.

Henry J. Brown, 253 Jessie Street.

Charles M. Brown, 139 Shipley Street.

James M. Conney, 42 and 41 First Street.

James Walsh, 757 Mission Street.

James McQueeny, 177 Shipley Street.

T. D. Murphy, 264 Minna Street.

John Collins, 16 Natomas Street.

Michael Farrell, Howard Street and Howard court.

D. O'Keefe, 29 Hunt Street.

John Powers, 56 Natoma Street.

Charles O'Neil, 210 LeidesdorffStreet.

Dana and Codington, Corner Lombard and Gough streets.

Owen Hindelon, 132 First Street.

James Zak, 234 Minna Street.

John Foley, 8 Howard court.


Page 90

John Cottle Cobble, 335 Mission Street.

John Fleming, 21 Louis Louisa Street.

James Kelly 112 Rich Street.

Peter Rafferty, San Francisco.

Nicholas Marston, 132 First Street.

Michael McLaughlin, 20 to 27 Second Street.

John J. Cahill, 1208 Union Street.

Edward Doherty, 1202 Union Street.

Redmond Walsh, 26 Harriet Street.

Patrick Vallas, 49 Natoma Street.

J. F. Forrester, San Francisco.

Patrick O'Mara, Beals Street.

Thomas Murray, 1120 Market Street.

Richard O'Gorman, 24 Peary Street.

J. D. Graham, Corner Fifth and Mission.

W. O'Bryan, San Jose Depot.

Hugh Carlin, 269 Minna.

Patrick Kellerman, 13 Frieden Street.

John Joseph Kelly, 25 Freon Street.

Our Solomon, Pine Street, near Montgomery.

Theodore Barter, 602 Market Street.

William Smith, San Francisco.

Our as Falconer, 225 O'Farrell Street.

A beach air and, 142 Sutter Street.

Daniel Winter, 211 Kearney Street.

William A. Robertson, 240 Montgomery.

See why Hammond, San Francisco.

James Fogerty, San Francisco.

Simon Walsh, 14 Clare.

Jones looked trio, 71 steward Street.

Along so the Rego, 71 steward Street.

Jacob Alfonse, 71 steward Street.

Thomas keenly Finlay, 119 Stevenson Street.

William Connors, 32 Jesse Street.

Milton Wallace, Natoma Street.

James Ryan, 8 Minna Street.

Brian McCardie, 39 Howard Street.

Jacob Miller, 793 Mission Street.

James Walters, Mission Street.

Anthony Williamson, 371 Mission Street.

Patrick require, 31 Jesse Street.

Charles S. Saint Clair, ministry Minne Street.

John Burke, Howard Street.

Thomas Elroy, Howard Street.

Anthony Crown 710 Mission Street.

Charles W. Mo Vaughn, San Francisco.

John McIntyre, 557 Minne Street.

John Gray, 24 Clementina Street.

James shelves, 76 Clementina.

John Bull Maloney, 76 Clementina

Patsy Maloney, 76 Clementina.

Michael Kean, Howard Street.

Joseph Redington, Seventh Street.

Patt Grant, Clementina Street.

George Atwood, Twenty-second Street.

O. J. Burns, Jackson Street.

Thomas Kyne, Silver Street.

John Casedy, Third Street.

Andy McCan, Third Street.

James Downey, Folsom Street.

Denis Donohue, Stevenson Street.

Anthony Parker, Market Street.

James Devlin, Market Street.

Martin F. O'Farrell, Garcia Street.

Peter Marooney, Market Street.

Michael Brady, Folsom Street.

James H. Peterson, Folsom Street.

Alick Burke, Tehama Street.

Martin Silver, Mission Street.

Theodore Paxton, Mission Street.

James L. Parker, Mission Street.

Michael Walters, Market Street.

Mark Templeton, 173 Market Street.

James Berwick, 409 Market Street.

Marcus Barnes, 301 Clementina Street.

Sirus Walton, 8 Steuart Street.

Martin Kelly, Jessie Street.

Martin Kenedy, 9 Anthony Street.

Alick Simpson, Anthony Street.

William Kelly, Main Street.

Michael Fox, Main Street.

John Fowler, 339 Merchant Street.

James Fleming, 213 Market Street.

James Prendergast, 302 Howard Street.

Martin Wheeler, 207 First Street.

William Rodgers, 904 Folsom Street.

William Spellman, Mission Street.

Henry Cuiller, Natoma Street.

Martin Van Sickles, Minna Street.

John Byam, Brannan Street.

William Virtinzo, Steuart Street.

James Duffy, Jessie Street.

Marino Antonia, Steuart Street.

Farmer P. Yalenus, San Francisco.

Markus Kelly, Main Street.

Martin Gilman, Tehama Street.

William Freeman, Silver Street.

Jacob Marks, Silver Street.

Nicholas Byrne, Silver Street.

Martin Kafferly, Silver Street.

Arin Clapp, Folsom Street.

Peter Reely, Market Street.

James Manning, Tehama street.

P. J. Gray, Second Street.

Thomas Sullivan, Jessie Street.

Michael McDonnell, Jessie Street.

Anthony Fowler, Mission Street.

Michael Conley, Mission Street.

Denis O'Brien, Natoma Street.

James Donohue, Jessie Street.

Michael McGlaughlin, San Francisco.

William McGlaughlin, San Francisco.

Thomas Smith, Howard court.

Joseph McDonough, Clementina Street.

Edmond Barrett, Clementina Street.

Henry Klopenger, Fremont Street.

James Lemhan, Folsom street.

Anthony Calnau, Fremont Street.

P. Murry, Mission Street.

Michael Seetell, Baldwin court.

James Finley, Howard court.

Frederick Alsphas, Main Street.

Inanyta Victnoe, Main Street.

John W. Cowdon, Baldwin Place.

James T. Winters,  St. Mark's Place.

Michael Freeil, Jones Alley.

Levy Kerlinger, Third Street.

Stephen P. Donevan, First Street.

Chirley Zeegler, 17 Silver Street.

James L. French, 630 Mission Street.

Arthur Fevry, 17 Baldwin court.

Maurice Mulcahy, Tehama Street.

Martin Roche, Tehama Street.

Michael Adea, Steuart Street.

Lawrence Shaughnessy, Ritch Street.

Alfonsus Marino, Ritch street.

Charles Bermingham, Minna Street.

Michael M. Feeny, Tehama Street.

Thomas Fahraher, Minna Street.

Mortimer Holmes, Minna street.

James O'Brien, Mission Street.

Michael Glinane, 562 Howard Street.

William Benk, Jones Street.

Gones Jackins, John Street.

William Blackwood, Second Avenue.

John Short, Larkin Street.

John Brogan, 319 Minna Street.

Jeremiah Danes, Jessie Street.

Timothy Joslyn, Third Street.

James Johnson, Sixth Street.

Adolph Lely, Jessie Street.

James Andrews, Clara Street.

Patrick Avery, 34 Howard Street.

Andy Quade, 416 Howard Street.

Can.  Vaich, 400 Mission Street.

Theodore Roach, 186 Jessie Street.

Ira James, Thirteenth Street.

John Martin, 308 Jones Street.

Michael Younes, 214 Howard Street.

Charles Young, Second Avenue.

Daniel Quigley, 584 Folsom Street.

Larry Neil, 18 Howard Street.

James Slattery, 395 Mason Street.

William O'Shea, 49 Jones Street.

John Hamlet, Jones Street.

William Barton, 14 Jones Alley.

Sandey Conkley, 11 Essex Street.

Timothy Quigley, 56 Everett Street.

James Jackson, 34 Natoma Street.

Benjamin James, 618 Harrison Street.

Con.  Fitzgerald, 218 Sixth Street.

James O'Brien, 69 First Street.

Thomas Farrell, 18 Jones Street.

Dennis Sheehan, 48 First Street.

James Mulcahey, 9 Natoma.

Bartly McAnaly, 16 Folsom.

James Maroney, 6 Park Avenue.

T. Severy, South Park.

Michael McMay, 314 Harrison Street.

Peter James, 218 Bryant Street.

John Kirk, 14 Mason Street.

James O'Grady, Exeter Place.

Patsey Dunlap, 18 First Street.

P. J. Cady, First Avenue.

Cardoza Avalencia, Sutton Avenue.

James Brady, Twenty-first Street.

John Moore, Folsom Street.

James Vantine, 6 South Park.

Edward Quaid, 74 Harrison Street.

Bartly McHartney, 45 Sixth Street.

Timmy McHerrick, 18 Eighth Street.

James O'Brien, 140 Second Street. 

Bartly Moran, Eighth Street.

Andy Degnan, Sixteenth Street.

William Legroot, 186 Jackson Street.

Philip Jemason, 418 Pacific Street.

Anthony McMurtha, 373 Mason Street.

James Adrain, 76 O'Farrell Street.

Albert Lawrence, San Francisco.

Michael Ryan, 818 Howard Street.

Hugh O'Rourke, Corner Fourth and Jessie Streets.

Joseph J. Farrell, 24 Fourth Street.

James McEnery, 419 Clementina Street.

John McTiernan, 761 ˝  Mission Street. 

Hugh Baxter, Market Street.

Parker Merrill, San Francisco.

A P. Anderson, San Francisco.

T. Twohey, 326 Third Street.

James Dealey, 524 Mission Street.

Michael Culligan, 218 Ritch street.

H. Scholten, 164 Clara Street.

Henry Hughes, Freelon Street.

Terrence Sullivan, 125 Fourth Street.

Louis Mowry, 721 Sansom Street.

Isaac Leipsig, Pine Street.

James Tobin, Mission Street.

James Stewart, Fourth Street.

John Corcoran, 558 Howard Street.

William R. Clark, Dr. Smith’s Water Cure, corner California and Dupont streets.

I.  W. Cornan, San Francisco.

J. D. Brosman, 150 Tehama Street.

W. S. O'Brien, Seventh Street, south of Brannan,.

L. Cunningham, 413 Stevenson Street.

John J. Armstrong, 437 Minna Street.

Richard Cuff, 326 Mission Street.

John J. Kearney, 536 Howard Street.

John Quigley, Fifth Street.

Richard Walsh, San Francisco.

John O. N. Smith, Minna Street.

William L. Dickenson, San Francisco.

John Leonard, Mission Street.

E. B. Cary, 375 Minna Street.

J. Cahalin, 271 Stevenson Street.

M. Brosnan, King Street.

John G. Lacy, 34 Louisa Street.

Thomas F. O'Brien, San Francisco.

Paul Odermatt, 11 O'Farrell Alley.

Henry Joseph Brown, 253 Jessie Street.

Michael Hart, 70 Natoma Street.

P. McEntire, San Francisco.

Matthew Downing, 23 Louisa Street.

Peter Daly, 242 Minna Street.

P. Baley, 21 Seventh Street.

Mathew O'Halloran, Menlo Park.

Charles Sweeney, Howard Street.

James Larell, Howard Street.

Michael Crein, 48 Louisa Street.

John Murphy, San Francisco.

Timothy Lynch, 6 Howard Street.

John Nahely, Sixth and Brannan streets.

Terry Keans, Sixth and Brannan streets.

John Callahan, Sixth and Brannan streets.

James Callahan, Sixth and Brannan streets.

Corny Crowley, 334 Third Street. 

Michael Canty, 28 Louisa Street.

John E. McHugh, 8 Noble place.

John Flanegan, 59 Clementina Street.

Martin F. Kearney, 59 Clementina Street.

Michael Burnes, 59 Clementina Street.

James Morrissy, 12 Everett Street.

Michael Mullowny, 12 Everett Street.

James Finnegan, 527 Mission Street.

Thomas Pursell, 729 Jessie Street.

Barney Flynn 729 Jessie Street.

William Kennedy, 19 Folsom Street.

Milton Thayers, 327 Folsom Street.

Charles Brewer, 219 Mission Street.

Alexander Stevenson, 15 Folsom Street.

James Scully, 613 Brannan Street.

Thomas Flemming, 907 Brannan.

William Healy, 10 Steuart Street.

Martin Ryan, 197 Noble place.

Matthew Joyce, Folsom Street.

John Kelly, 17 Jessie Street.

Miles Doran, 132 Stevenson.

James Manning, 13 Everett Street.

Patrick Martin, 510 Brannan Street.

James Fitzpatrick, 312 Minna.

Miles Rierdan, 132 Brannan.

Patrick Foye, 8  Sherwood place.

Coleman Caulan, 139 Minna Street.

James Coleman, Clementina Street.

James Brannan, 73 Folsom Street.

James Monaghan, Jones Street.

Martin Quigley, 103 Natoma Street.

William Flaherty, Mission Street.

Thomas Fitzgerald, Mission Street.

James Canavan, Folsom Street.

Henry Rider, Folsom Street.

Martin Healy, 32 Folsom Street.

William J. Burke, 59 Folsom Street.

Martin Glynn, Jones Alley.

Timothy Golvan, Third Street.

Martin Reilly, Third Street.

James Farley, Third Street.

Martin Mullen, 705 Mission Street.

Michael Wall, Jessie Street.

William Cosgrove, Jessie Street.

James Frances, Jones Alley.

James Quinn, Jones Alley.

Thomas T. Pickett, Dora Street.

Charles Newman, 741 Mission Street.

Martin Tragley, Folsom Street.

Michael Tobin, Bryant Street.

Charley Nicholson, Third Street.

Martin Newgate, Bryant Street.

Thomas Prendergast, Silver Street.

Martin Connors, Silver Street.

Bernard Conlin, San Francisco.

Barney Jones, First Avenue.

Pliny Jackes, Russ Street.

Kapel Oram, 300 Seventh Street.

John T. Larkin, 719 Brannan Street.

Martin Fowler, Jessie Street.

Anthony Calnon, Jessie Street.

John H. Cunningham, 27 Dora Street.

Jeremiah old Sullivan, Jessie Street.

Michael O. Ogden, Market Street.

Charles Powers, Minna street.

Michael W. Dolan, North Beach.

Timothy M. Peters, North Beach.

John T. Golden, North Beach.

Michael Burke, Steuart Street.

David Summerly, Steuart Street.

Austin Gray, Steuart Street.

Denis Powers, Steuart Street.

L. G. Galligar, Steuart Street.

P. L. Williamson, Steuart Street.

Martin Herward, Steuart Street.

James Stanton, Steuart Street.

Ezekiel Stout, Steuart Street.

Miles J. Bray, Silver Street.

Edward Fennesy, Everette Street.

James S. Haskell, Everett Street

Michael Flatley, Everett Street.

Thomas Dolan, Minna Street.

Michael Ryan, Minna Street

P. J. Albright, Belden place.

Michael Henry, Belden place.

Arthur McGuigin, St. Mary' s Place.

Frederick Smidths, St. Mary' s Place.

Julius Armstein, Brannan Street.

Moses Y. Ambrose, Harrison Street.

Mortimer Jackson, Harrison Street.

James Albredth, Harrison Street.

Andrew  S. Jackson,  Harrison Street.

Julius Dunn Clark., Harrison Street.

Anthon Brown, Brannan Street.

Michael J. McClusky, 739 Folsom street.

Denis Y. Newmas, Folsom Street.

Arthur Bradley, 193 Clara Street.

James W. Noonan, Clara Street.

Peter T. Marren, Clara Street.

Thomas H. Morison, Clara Street.

Thomas Noonan Dora Street.

John Skerrett, San Francisco.

Amanual Hermena, Brannan Street.

Martin J. Corcoran, Brannan Street.

Michael Dooley, Brannan Street.

Alvisa F. Llysut, Brannan Street.

D. J. Collins, Minna Street.

Martin Dougherty, Silver Street.

Anthony Miller, Silver Street.

Patrick C. Hobin, Howard Street.

Michael S. Smith, Folsom Street.

John O'Neale, Folsom street.

Frederick Slouch, Fremont Street.

Martin W. Shew, Fremont Street.

Andrew Walton, 507 Mission Street.

Martin S. Tylor, 161 Folsom street.

James H. Barnes, 17 Jones Alley.

H. W. Wright, Howard Street.

James P. Durkin, Clementina Street.

Charles Fisher, Clementina Street.

Michael S. Burke, Clementina Street.

Joseph Usher, Broadway Street.

P. McCue, Broadway Street.

Nicholas Ward, Broadway Street.

Anthony Holleran, Broadway Street.

James Henry Gleeson, Broadway Street.

Michael Rodgers, Albert place.

Mark Dunbar, Main Street.

Francis Ordsteen, Main Street.

Walter Smith, Main Street.

Henry F. Warren, Main Street.

B. P. Butler, Main Street.

J. K. Butler, Main Street.

George W. Anderson, Main Street.

Martin McHenry, Main Street.

Terrence O'Brien, Main Street.

Martin Costello, Main Street.

George Brightmore, Howard Street.

James Daniels, Howard Street.

Thomas S. Winters, Howard Street.

S. F. Wetherby, Harrison Street.

Michael Bradly, Bryant Street.

Milton Walters, Bryant Street.

Charles J. Bradford, Bryant Street.

Walton Q. Morse, Bryant Street.

Andrew Fahy, Bryant Street.

Edmond Wheeler, Bryant Street.

Michael Coogan, Folsom Street.

Alvide Pemberton, Folsom street.

D. F. Stokes, 719 Folsom street.

Thomas J. Crowley, Jessie Street.

John Moriarty, 711 Folsom Street.

James Conden, 711 Folsom Street.

Peter Heagan, Second Street.

William Henderson, Second Street.

Thomas Rochford Blair, Second Street.

Michael Powers, Second Street.

Thomas McNamara, Second Street.

George Winecoop, Brannan Street.

Martin Waldron, Brannan Street.

Peter S. Slocumb, Brannan Street.

Martin McNerve, Folsom Street.

Michael P. Hawkins, Folsom Street.

Andrew Mitchell, Folsom Street.

Henry S. Blair, Tehama Street.

Martin Trench, Tehama Street.

Joseph W. Arthurs, Third Street.

Michael J. Edmonds, Third Street.

D. Murray, Third Street.

J. S. Shannon, Noble place.

S. F. Lucas, Noble place.

Luke Fleming, Market Street.

Stephen Colbert, Minna Street.

Albert T. Willis, 217 Sutter Street.

Michael Henry Small, Sutter Street.

Martin S. Condon, Sacramento Street.

William F. Paul, Sacramento Street.

James Fitzpatrick, Market Street.

William W. Gibbons, 167 Fourth Street.

Michael Van Vleet, 264 Fourth Street.

Charles Miller, 732 Mission Street.

Martin Whealin, 602 Market Street.

Thaddeus Fullerton, 304 First Street.

Martin Gildea, 207 First Street.

John Fitzgerald, First Street.

Michael Martin, First Street.

Timothy McNamara, Second Street.

John P. Duffy, Second Street.

George F. Salsbury, Second Street.

James Fogarty, Second Street.

William Anderson, Second Street.

Martin J. Haskill, 201 First Street.

Gorseff  Wallace, Thirteenth Street.

Martin Tinerty, Thirteenth Street.

Timothy Flynn, 217 Mission Street.

John T. Stewart, Noble place.

James Howard, Lick Alley.

George Tibbits, Ecker Street.

Miles Himfield, Ecker Street.

Adams Vichers, Ecker Street.

Miles Grogan, Lick Alley.

Joseph Gilfoile, 13 Sumner Street.

Michael Henderson, 13 Sumner Street.

Adam Hertchell, 13 Sumner Street.

Thomas Brannan, 370 Brannan Street.

Michael T. Ryan, 275 Minna Street.

Herbert Ford, 719 Folsom Street.

Oliver T. Merritt, 970 Folsom Street.

Martin K. Smith, 207 Eighth Street.

Michael Dohan, 207 Eighth Street.

John Tyler, 207 Eighth Street.

William Ogden, 360 Fourth Street.

S. O. Sterne, 210 Third Street.

Michael O'Shea, 374 Third Street.

John McCluskey, 106 Second Street.

James T. Merritt, 234 Third Street.

Barney Mulligan, 917 Folsom Street.

B. Cooligan, 267 Minna Street.

Michael Finnegan, Minna Street.

James C. Lamb, Jessie Street.

Oliver Brewster, South Park.

Thomas Burton, South Park.

Michael Quirk, South Park.

James Kavenagh, Bryant Street.

Mark S. Tields, Bryant Street.

M. Slater, 399 Bryant Street.

Morgan Shiner, Bryant Street.

A. P. Galligan, Howard Street.

Michael Fynn, Jessie Street.

Michael Ford, 719 Market Street.

Alexander McNabb, Howard Street.

James Haskel, Howard Street.

Jonas Butchel, 417 Brannan Street.

Frederick Murtch., Brannan Street.

James Sullivan, 315 Seventh Street.

Martin O'Farrell, 53 Dora Street.

Michael Kincade, 207 Seventh Street.

James Burke, 309 Seventh Street.

Patrick Murphy, Eighth Street.

James Winterfield, 230 Sixth Street

A. Nutsell, 401 Sixth Street.

Martin Smith, San Francisco.

Hubert Williams, Seventh Street.

Martin Hopkins, Seventh Street.

Edward Riely, First Street.

James Finley, 127 Fourth Street.

Thomas Joice, 43 Everett Street.

Charles Glinn, Everett Street.

Thomas Parker, Minna.

Nicholas Ford, Stevenson Street.

William Walsh, Stevenson Street

Michael Mulloy, Fourth Street.

Denis Houlehan, Fourth Street.

Joseph Ferris, Howard Street.

Martin Sloper, Seventeenth Street.

William Paterson, Mission.

Michael Stevens, 14 Fifth Street.

Nicholas Vinson, Albert place.

Stephen Miller, Albert place

James Maloney, Broadway.

J. A. McCune, 193 Stewart Street.

S. T. Collett, 210 Steuart Street.

Michael Pennider, Steuart Street.

David Collison, Steuart Street.

Henry T. Smith, Fremont Street.

James Wallace, Third Street.

Malachy Hassett, Third Street.

Patrick McDermott, Clayey Street.

Michael Darcy, Clay Street.

James Fowler, Third Street.

George McAdams, Third Street.

Henry Powell, 261 Third Street.

Martin Kennedy, 217 Tehama Street.

Frederick S. Waller, 209 Kearny Street.

William Beatchy, Albert place.

J. W. Slimot, San Francisco.

Michael O'Brien, Jessie Street.

James O'Brien, Corner First and Mission.

James Clasky, Seventh Street.

Michael Add., Seventh and Minna.

Anthony Supple, 417 Third Street.

Frederick Church, 307 Third Street.

Marien Alberstein, 296 Third Street.

Michael Devine, 296 Third Street.

James Devine, 296 Third Street.

William Nowlan, 281 Minna.

John Durie Cusheon, 217 Stevenson Street.

J. O'Leary, Russ House.

M. B. French, San Francisco.

George P. Rowane, 530 Tehama Street.

George Lewis, San Francisco.

Thomas Ramsey, San Francisco.

Walter Genning, 310 Third Street.

James Shaughnessy, Eleventh Street.

John Rogers, Fourth Street.

Michael Flaherty, 570 Brannan Street.

J. B. Fair, 340 Brannan Street.

Michael Quigly, Howard Street.

Albert H. Jackson, 716 Howard Street.

William Giles, 301 Brannan Street.

John Hayes, 261 Seventh Street.

Thomas W. Byder, 136 Folsom Street.

Michael Francis, San Francisco.

Julian Powell, 71 Geary Street.

Dr. Jones, O'Farrell Street.

Martin Albright, San Francisco.

James Cavenaugh, Seventh Street.

Thomas W. Purcill, Fourth Street.

Michael Coyne, Chesley place.

Daniel Fogarty, 261 Minna Street. 

James Hoper, 490 Fourth Street.

William Cloonan, 302 Fourth Street.

George Flemming, Seventeenth Street.

Thomas Bulger, Carroll place.

Orpheus Bannister, Third Street.

Bryan Cloonan, 476 Folsom Street.

William Pinder, 761 Folsom Street.

Minter Lafrutch, 461 Folsom Street.

Augustus Plover, Market Street.

Thomas Joyce, Lick Alley.

Bryan Adea, Albert place.

Oro Salina, Brannan Street.

Thomas Sullivan, Anthony place.

Michael Smith, Anthony place.

Michael Powers, Stevenson Street.

Patrick O'Grady, Stevenson Street.

John Hartigan, Stevenson Street.

Michael Shanahan, Minna Street.

James F. Ryan, Jessie Street.

James Brewster, 719 Howard Street.

William Prickling, Steuart Street.

Joseph Inchbaw, Steuart Street.

Stevens Sullivan, Folsom Street.

William Hopkins, San Francisco.

John S. Prindevell, Lick Alley.

W. P. Heart, Third Street.

Charles O'Riely, Third Street.

Martin Fehely, Second Street.

Austin T. Flood, Fourth Street.

William Mackeson, Fourth Street.

B. Scanlon, Fourth Street.

J. W. Short, Filbert place.

W. F. Franklin, 609 Folsom Street.

John Powers, Jessie Street.

Thomas F. Kelly, Howard Street.

M. Ploddy, 261 Fourth Street.

William Brecket, Powell Street.

Martin Fowler, Filbert place.

Adam Shultz, Howard Court.

Frank McManana, 7 Dora Street.

Timothy O'Calahan, 517 Jessie Street.

Martin Van Lier, Corner Seventh and Bryant.

James W. Van Voras, Silver Street.

Markus J. Anderson, Howard Street.

John S. Haskel, Howard Street.

Maritio St. Alvroo, Howard Street.

Austin F. Blake, Howard Street.

James Coughlin, Silver Street.

Daniel  S. Summerly, Silver Street.

Henry S. O'Keefe, Brannan Street.

S. S. Silverfield, Bryant Street.

P. I. Melody, Clara Street.

Thomas Melody, Clara Street.

James S. Burnes, Minna Street.

John Hennery Frawley, 473 Minna Street.

Martin McAndrew, Stevenson Street.

Francis S. Pinkerton, Madison Avenue.

J. P. Davis, Howard Street.

Michael J. Ferris, Howard Court.

James Travers, Milton Place.

Martin S. Fowler, Milton Place.

James F. Rotchford, Market Street.

Anthony Flicer, St. Mark's place.

James W. Bamson, St. Mark's Place.

Warden J. Fowler, St. Mark's Place.

Joseph M. Haskell, 364 Market Street.

Simon O'Leary, 132 First Street.

Paul Sheriden, 132 First Street.

Michael O’Mealy, 132 First Street.

John Burns, 132 First Street.

Hugh Green, 132 First Street.

Daniel Morgan, 132 First Street.

Peter Morgan, 132 First Street.

Joseph Spellman, Mission Street.

Peter W. Ford, Mission Street.

J. Murphy, Mission Street.

William F. Hackett, Mission Street.

P. F. W. Ryan, Mission Street.

Aurther Mullory, Natoma Street.

George Cassedy, Natoma Street.

Henry S. Beecher, Natoma Street.

Martin L. Nugent, Natoma Street.

James F. Donohue, Natoma Street.

Michael D. Fennerty, Natoma Street.

Jerome T. Silver, Natoma Street.

Anthony O' Mealy, Tehama Street.

Martin N. Costillo, Mission Street.

Patrick Costillo, Mission Street.

Henry L. Wencle, Mission Street.

George Fowler, Fremont Street.

Hennery A. Fisher, Fremont Street.

Martinis Hooper, Fremont Street.

Thomas Henry O'Brien, Steuart Street.

Martin Coleman, Steuart Street.

Michael Flattery, Everett Street,

Tim.  O'Brien, Jones Alley. 

Michael T. Smith, 17 St. Ann place.

John Dorsey, Minna Street.

Dennis O' Calihan, 73 Jones Alley.

Martin Maloway, 169 Howard Street.

Thomas Carrick, Sansom Street.

Alexander Powell, Sansom Street.

Malichy Flynn, Tehama Street.

Thurston Parkman, Sacramento Street.

James Finnegan, Jessie Street.

Maryetta Signora, Stevenson Street.

James Bermingham, Vallejo Street.

Malachy Flemming, Vallejo Street.

Maritio Contiaro, 109 Steuart Street.

Thomas Freland, 169 Folsom Street.

Denis Hoagland, 398 Folsom Street.

James Donovan, 9 Stevenson.

John Fortiscue, 759 Mission.

John Parkinson, 10 Minna.

Michael Cannon, Tehama Street.

Ulick McAndrew, 923 Louisa Street.

Morgan Sullivan, 37 Jessie Street.

Stivers L. Freeland, 2 Everett Street.

Solomon Harris, Lick Alley.

Thomas Jefferson, 327 Clara Street.

Martin Clemins, 214 Sacramento Street.

Martin Oleveer, 213 Sacramento Street.

James Lannon, 932 Howard.

Charles Freeman, 269 Minna.

Thomas Brimigum, 1121 Mission.

John Pendleton, 781 Brannan.

Michael Coleman, 17 Stevenson Street.

Nicholas Walsh, 163 Stevenson Street.

Syrus Dunn, 274 Howard Street.

Albert Loyd, 369 St. Mary Street.

James Fleming, Dora Street.

Martin Faulkner, 168 Minna Street.

Sampson Rogers, 341 Market.

Thadeus Flanegan, 207 Folsom.

Martin Twohy, 36 Clay Street.

James Costillo, 46 Clay Street.

William Prindeville, 789 Mason Street.

James Fitzgibbons, Sixteenth Street.

Alfred Howley, Sixteenth Street.

James Morrissy, Everett Street.

Martin F. Bolger, 631 Jessie Street.

Thomas Corcoran, 207 Jessie Street.

Martin Van Vleet, Eleventh Street.

James W. Sennett, 183 Bryant Street.

Christopher Bowers, 362 Bryant Street.

James H. Fowler, Corner Samson and Market. 

James Walsh, 113 Steuart Street.

Martin Scott, Steuart Street.

James McCoy, Hayes Street.

John P. Donnelly, Brannan Street.

Miles Emmett, Brannan Street.

Frederick Miller, Brannan Street.

Michael Farrelly, 413 Brannan Street.

Martin Bohin, 247 Jessie Street.

William Sullivan, 416 Mission Street.

Garrett Doyle, San Francisco.

Tim. Danily, San Francisco.

Daniel Dineen, San Francisco.

John Lowth, San Francisco.

William Wynne, San Francisco.

John Sellery, San Francisco.

William Halpin, San Francisco.

David Reilly, San Francisco.

Richard Tobin, San Francisco.

Patrick Gough, San Francisco.

P. T. Shenden, San Francisco.

James Wall, San Francisco

William Ryan, San Francisco.

Michael McCabe, San Francisco.

P.  McHe ity, San Francisco.

Bernard Carolon, 159 Minna Street.

Michael Kelly, San Francisco.

Patrick A. Sullivan, San Francisco.

Timothy Toby, San Francisco.

Edward Byrnes, San Francisco.

Speckles & Co., San Francisco.

T. Hagemann, San Francisco.

M. O. Regan, San Francisco.

Denis O'Brian, San Francisco.

William Masterson, Northwest corner of Fourth and Minna.

Bernard McConville, Folsom and Beale streets.

O. C. Miller, 607 California Street.

Arthur Kelly, San Francisco.

Patrick Holland, San Francisco.

S. Kohlman, San Francisco.

E. B. Lazalle, 909 Kearny. 

J. Riordan, San Francisco.

M. Reynolds, 722 O'Farrell Street.

Edward Kiernor, 133 Folsom.

Thomas Dunn, San Francisco.

L. McCarty, 228 O'Farrell Street.

James Johnson, 197 Fourth Street.

Thomas Sullivan, 364 Jessie Street.

George W. Morrill, San Francisco.

J. W. Wallace, 9 Geary Street.

Frederick Miller, 217 Stevenson Street.

James Renfro, 209 Montgomery Street.  

Jerry Dixon, 95 Montgomery Street.

F. B. Ketchum, 428 Natoma.

Alfred W. Drelinger, 69 St. Mary's Place.

Joseph Gillett, 173 First Street.

James Gee, Natoma Street.

Martin Flaherty, 368 Natoma Street.

Michael Delany, St. Mark's place.

James Hogan, 12 Noble place.

John Kehoe, Third Street.

Willard Anthony, Market Street.

Morgan Mullan, 51 Clementina.

Arthur Pritzell, 91 Maine Street.

Walter Hays, 716 Bush Street.

Timothy Crowley, 239 Minna Street.

Thomas Carroll, 269 Stevenson Street.

John Hickey, 230 Main Street.

Thomas McKlusky, 309 Geary Street.

Thomas Egan, 177 Jessie Street.

Michael Corcoran, 549 Bryant Street.

Michael H. Flood, 133 Dora Street.

James Walsh, Sutter Street.

Andrew Smith, 414 Beale Street.

John L. Gray, Ellis Street.

William Toomy, Natoma Street.

John O'Keeffe, San Francisco.

Edward H. Ivoy, San Francisco.

M. Whelan, 311 Clementina Street. 

H. Wempe, San Francisco.

John C. Buckmaster, San Francisco.

Francis A. Odermatt., 10 O'Farrell Street.

D. Horgan, Southwest corner Eddy and Buchanan streets.

D. E. Hogan, Moss Street.

Owen Crean, San Francisco.

Michael Cahen, San Francisco.

John Douglass, Corner Brannan and Sixth.

John O'Kane, 508 Brandon Street.

Daniel Horgan, 1 Zoe place.

Bartholomew Wren, San Francisco.

Patrick Haughey, San Francisco.

John Flynn, San Francisco.

John Osmond, San Francisco.

Jeremiah J. Donovan, 64 and 66 First Street.

James J. Hart, 64 and 66 First Street.

James O'Hara, 730 Harrison Street.

W. Fleming, 51 Clementina Street.

Patrick Maguire, San Francisco.

Thomas Heart, 530 Mission Street.

Thomas Quin, 362 Third Street.

Thomas Dougan San Francisco.

Dr. B. H. Cowan, San Francisco.

Roger Groom, 2 Haywood Street.

John McDevitt, San Francisco.

H. Bruggeman, San Francisco.

Bernard O'Connor, San Francisco.

William Noonan, San Francisco.

Patrick Landus, San Francisco.

John Cummings, 12 Antonio Street.

Peter Clancy, 12 Antonio Street.

Daniel Sheehan, 455 Minna Street.

David Buckley, 569 Mission Street.

Robert Drought, 569 Mission Street.

Lawrence Walsh, 423 Clementina Street.

Charles E. Broad, 244 Minna Street.

N. J. Jones, 615 Larkin Street.

James Kane, 12 Natoma Street.

Nicholas Willoughby, 227 Second Street.

Patrick Byrne, 324 Tehama Street.

Thomas Lynch, 34 Minna Street.

John McCormick, 118 Gilbert Street.

Edward Duffy, 268 Tehama Street.

Patrick Cosgrove, 356 Third Street.

Aulhey Foster, 201 Minna Street.

Michael O'Grady, 364 Folsom Street.

Thomas Green, San Francisco.

William McNamara, San Francisco.

Robert Shea, San Francisco.

James Ryan, San Francisco.

William Hogan, San Francisco.

H. S. Murphy, San Francisco.

Robert Davis, 21 Everett Street.

John Kenny, 136 Natomas Street.

M. Lynch, 524 Broadway.

Thomas D. O'Conner, Russ House.

John Lyons, 109 Dora Street.

Edward Cleary, 833 Folsom Street.

John Collins, Gilbert Street.

Nicholas Lennon, 3 Beale Place.

Jeremiah Crawley, 210 Clara Street.

John Sands, 28 Tehama Street.

Joseph Monks, San Francisco.

Charles Hinkel, San Francisco.

Philip Callaghan, 419 Fifth Street.

James Donahoe, 552 Natomas Street.

John Moore, 439 Natomas Street.

John J. Carroll, San Francisco.

Patrick Sullivan, 137 Minna Street.

Thomas Birmingham, 20 Sansom Street.

Charles Howland, Market Street.

Julius Butler, 17 Main Street.

Patrick Barry, 649 Stevenson Street.

Michael Wall, Jessie Street.

Michael McDonnell, Jessie Street.

Patrick Wade, Mission Street.

Alfoncis Padro, Steuart Street.

Charles Melville, Fremont Street.

Thomas J. Kelly, Fremont Street.

W. T. Fitzsimonds, 117 Fremont Street.

Frederick Truarch, 214 Fremont Street.

James W. Treadwell, Market Street.

James F. Hodgkins, Third Street.

John L. Duffy, Third street.

James L. Hennissy, 15 St. Market place.

James K. Smith, Hunt Street.

Alfred Winfield, Market Street.

Dennis M. Sullivan, Market Street.

Luke Flinn, Jessie Street.

James T. Galvin, Folsom Street.

John McHugh,, Main Street.

George Halpin, 413 Tehama Street.

Michael Byrne, 132 First Street.

John Brady, 349 Tehama Street.

John Gough, 13 Clinton Street.

William Bennett, 17 Clinton Street.

Cormac Carle, 347 Minna Street.

P. Berretta, 109 Minna Street.

John Dowling, 110 Fourth Street.

Thomas Dolan, 34 Minna street.

J. O'Mahony, 425 Stevenson Street.

M. Thent, 426 Howard Street.

D. Mugan, 522 Turk street.

Michael Harrigan, Zoe Street.

John  E. Smith, 48 Sansom Street.

M. Burns, 49 Minna Street.

Michael Fallon, Folsom Street.

John Flaherty, 177 Jessie Street.

William Cummins, 346 Folsom Street.

Lawrence Fahy, Brannan Street.

Patrick Coleman, 133 Clary Street.

Denis Dolin, 12 Zoe street.

Alexander Flood, 34 Welsh Street.

Michael Curley, 45 Louisa Street.

Nicholas Brown, Brannan Street.

Albert Miller, Louisa Street.

John Moore, Kelsey Street.

William Hobert, 2 Jessie Street.

Thomas O'Brien, 41 Louisa Street.

William Fischer, 837 Dupont.

Henry Malone, Corner Geary and Hyde streets.

S. P. Cohn, 639 Stevenson Street.

Lawrence Green, 122 Oak Street, Hayes Valley.

John Kelly, 268 Minna Street.

James Kelly, 317 Oak Street.

John Harris, Central House, Broadway.

William Connor, 720 Market Street.

Edward Carroll, 538 Howard Street.

Richard Casey, 561 Bryant Street.

S. Lafaille, 925 Market Street.

Michael McDonough, Mission Street.

John Byrnes, 6 O'Farrell Place.

Jeremiah Sullivan, Minna Street.

George C. Conner, 216 Minna Street.

James Shanon, 10 Noble place.

John F. Fitzgerald, Corner Second and Stevenson.

John W. Connely, 1010 Larkin Street, between Post and Sutter streets.

John Munew, 961 Bryant Street.

John Noonan, 173 Minna Street.

Richard Bishop, 421 Vallejo Street.

John Yuill, 4 Fourth Street.

Timothy Flanigan, 17 Minna Street.

Patrick Quinn, 28 Clarice place.

Patrick Bradley, 130 Shipley Street.

Patrick McGuire, First Street.

Terence Brady, 120 Fourth Street.

Thomas Brannan, 45 Minna Street.

William Brogan, Fifth Street.

Michael Carlen, 243 Mission Street.

Martin Mooney, 913 Mission Street.

James Gibbons, 26 Fourth Street.

Thomas Orr, 715 Mission Street.

Michael Clooney, 212 Clara Street.

Timothy Lynch, 28 Rich Street.

Martin Gleason, 28 Ritch Street.

James O'Brien, 28 Ritch Street.

Peter Quinn, Turk and Fillmore Streets.

Michael Garrick, 820 Folsom Street.

John Whelihan, 3 Brooks Street.

Thomas McIntyre, Corner Powell and California.

George Lawlor, Lick House.

B. Bounman, 1120 Howard Street.

Daniel McKay, San Francisco.

Timothy McAuliffe, San Francisco.

John B. Goldston, 101 Market Street.

Peter Difley, 716 O'Farrell Street.

Michael Cunningham, Clark and Drumm streets.

Joseph Plunkett, 318 Clementina Street.

P. Ryan, 353 Brannan Street.

Peter Griffin, 247 Perry Street.

Dennis Grady, Gilbert Street, below Brannan.

John Clifford, 261 Fifth Street.

James Calligan, Gilbert Street, near Brannan.

Charles R. Brown, San Francisco.

Thomas Brennan, 11 Ritch Street.

John H. Dinineres, Sixteenth Street.

Martin Kelly, 247 Stevenson Street.

Michael Breen, 43 Ritch Street.

William Gleeson, Tulare Street, near Franklin.

J. J. Butler, Wetmore Place.

Rith Coghlon, 313 Tehama Street.

Thomas Cally, 312 Mission Street.

Martin Doyle, 140 Shipley Street.

P. B. Kennedy, Kearny Street.

B. M. Flynn, Brannan Street.

W. H. Quinn, 13 Louisa Street.

M. Walsh, San Francisco.

John C. Cassidy, San Francisco.

C. O'Brien, 756 Harrison Street.

John Jones, Corner Broderick and Sixth.

Thomas McGinnis, 260 Jessie Street.

Gustave A. Scott, Corner and Market and Ellis.

M. G. Conway, 767 Market Street.

J. W. Golden, 709 Market Street.

Peter Smith, 17 Natoma Street.

Thomas McGuire, 139 Vallejo Street.

William R. Hall, North Beach.

Thomas Horan, 17 Fourth Street.

George O'Connor, 330 Jessie Street.

Chames O'Brene, 40 Fifth Street.

Andrew Dunn, Brannan street.

J. M. Marks, 113 Eddy Street.

Timothy Walsh, 117 Folsom Street.

James Hanly, 213 Minna Street.

William J. Hassett, 213 Fourth Street.

R. E. Dowdall, 5 Hampton Place.

Peter Creig, 823 Market.

G. Fern, 310 Mason.

Robert Gill, 310 Folsom Street.

Michael Shiel, 227 Mission Street.

Charles Peterson, 210 Fifth Street.

John McCann, 302 Tehama Street.

Martin Francis, 701 Mission Street.

John Dunnaver, 264 Clementina Street.

Thomas Dunnaver, 264 Clementina Street.

J. V. Andler, 409 Third Street.

B.Clancey, 551 Mission Street.

James C. Tracy, 754 Mission Street.

Martin Dooras, 320 Third Street.

L. Gunte, Oak Street.

Peter Shugh, Eleventh Street.

Henry Gantz, Third Street.

Nicholas Byrne, 247 Stevenson.

Cornelius O'Neill, 227 Stevenson Street.

 William Harding, 125 Third Street.

T. T. McAuliff, Fourth and Market.

Daniel Reed, 1138 Market Street.

William McGoldrick, 127 Morton Street.

James McCan, 2 Noble place.

John Carrol, 233 Jessie Street.

James Anderson, 19 Jessie Street.

Charley Fritz, 17 Clementina Street.

John Hurly, 7 Natomas Street.

Giles Lambert, 469 Mission Street.

Thomas Cody, 213 Morton Street.

Charles Rodden, 34 Minna Street.

H. M. Simpson, Hayes Valley.

Shamus Asthore, 45 Jessie Street.

P. B. Kennedy, Corner Larkin and Ellis.

Timothy Murphy, 145 Mission Street.

D. G. Denaley, San Francisco.

John G. Gillinvy, San Francisco.

George Mellspaugh, 106 Walsh Street.

Michael C. Bolland, 263 Minna Street.

Daniel Collins, 577 Minna Street.

John McDonnel, 20 Howard Court.

John Dure, 108 Third Street.

Robert R. McCann, Howard Street, between First in Second.

Patrick Regan, Folsom and Reed streets.

Thomas Brennan, 777 Market Street.

John Meden, San Francisco.

James L. Lillis, 208 Seventh Street.

S. Neill, 165 Minna Street.

Daniel J. Sullivan, 765 Market Street.

William Madden, Jessie Street.

Patrick Conry, Thirteenth Avenue.

Edward Dempsey, 812 Ellis Street.

Martin Connelly, Brannan Street.

Martin Thomas, 310 Brannan Street.

Peter Rooney, Minna Street.

Martin Glynn, Zoe Street.

Denis Lary, 410 Minna Street.

Bryan Ward, 612 Jessie Street.

George M. Langford, 612 Jessie Street.

Preston Walters, 612 Jessie Street.

James Kaneen, 342 Jessie Street.

Thomas Savage, Bryant Street.

Orin Simple, 204 Brannan.

Mark Gibbons, Everett Street.

Simon Hays, 371 Mission Street.

John W. Hays, Brannan Street.

Lawrence Flood, 361 Howard Street.

J. M. Pierson, 217 Natoma Street.

Albert Pierce, Seventh Street.

William Vincint, St. Mark place.

T. S. Hartigan, St. Mark place

William Penderville, Corner Sixth and Minna.

Michael Foley, San Francisco.

Thomas L. Foley, San Francisco.

James Slattery, San Francisco.

Thomas Ingram, San Francisco.

William Knight, San Francisco.

George Fifield, Sacramento Street.

William H. Story, 217 Third Street.

Anthony Miller, Seventh Street.

Martin Fox, Eleventh Street.

Michael Morny, Eleventh Street.

John Wallace, 1131 Mission.

Martin Tierney, 706 Mission.

David Roche, Fourth Street.

William Martin, Anthony Street.

Michael Kelly, Mission Street.

James Kelly, Mission Street.

Denis McHugh, Natoma Street.

Michael S. Willey, Minna Street.

Daniel M. Roche, Jessie Street.

Martin Scoggins, San Francisco.

D. J. Murphy, Second Street.

Michael Murphy, Second Street.

James O'Brien, Jessie Street.

Peter McGuire, Jessie Street.

Jerry M. Moriarty, Jessie Street.

Martin J. Lyons, Jessie Street.

Bradford S. Lyman, Fourth Street.

W. N. Nightingil, Fourth Street.

George Tarpy, Fourth Street.

Luther Melvin, Brannan Street.

Martin Dolan, Brannan Street.

Peter L. Foley, Howard Street.

Martin C. Homes, Howard Street.

Franklin Beninger, Fourth Street.

John Mulvany, Fourth Street.

William Lafflin, Fourth Street.

Ephraim Harris, Third Street.

Joseph Harris, Third Street.

Eli Harris, Third Street.

Morgan Filton, 401 Minna Street.

Michael Brown, Milton place.

P. McDermott, 212 Tehama Street.

Bernard Tiernay, 13 Clara Street.

Patrick Quirk, 14 Noble place.

Herman Dorscher, 138 Third Street.

William Hoeys, 12 Sherwood place.

James Gallagher, 207 Third Street.

John Carroll, Mission Street.

Thomas Bellmer, 244 Clara Street.

H. T. Murphy, 4 Everett Street.

Peter Teeny, 83 Stevenson Street.

John O'Donnell, 127 Third Street.

John Darcy, 235 Minna Street.

Richard O'Brien, 127 Third Street.

William Healy, 65 Stevenson Street.

Martin Ryan, 127 Third Street.

John Coughlin, 4 Martha place.

P. McAlan, 4 Martha place.

Thomas Morrisey, 7 Everett Street.

Jeremiah Sullivan, 13 Sutter Street.

James Healy, 615 Hyde Street.

James Weare, 127 Mission Street.

James Phillips, 117 Minna Street.

Patrick Lyons, 61 Shipley Street.

P. J. Owens, San Francisco.

L. Duffy, 33 Stevenson Street.

Frank Duffy, 33 Stevenson.

John O'Donnell, San Francisco.

James O'Brien, San Francisco.

Henry Dorcey, 224 Minna Street.

Colman Conly, 38 Jessie Street.

James Murphy, 53 Jessie Street.

John Corrigan, 40 Minna Street.

A. Tower, 740 Pacific Street.

William Hodgkins, 245 Tehama Street.

Luke Agnew, 747 Howard Street.

G. B. Wood, 651 Howard Street.

J. E. Veies, 356 Third Street.

H. Burns, 210 Third Street.

Charles Ludington, 215 Tehama Street.

Till A. Burnes, 719 Howard Street.

Frederick H. Stanley, 30 Natoma Street.

Alfred J. Fritz, 168 Perry Street.

John C. Paul, 9 Clara Street.

John Appenhims, 721 Howard Street.

Edward S. McCord, 236 Ritch Street.

M. C. Jordan, 747 Howard.

M. J. Hughes, 5 Verona Street.

B. K. Sheridan, Corner Howard and Third.

Thomas P. Canham, 3 Tehama.

James Houseman, 41 Clementina Street.

William Hicox, 28 Clary Street.

Daniel L. Hawes, Howard and  Third Street.

D. E. Doyle, Ninth and Mission streets.

Luke D. Doyle, Ninth and Mission streets.

W. Wilkinson, 320 Eighth Street.

John J. Wilkinson, 332 Rausch Street.

J. T. Ryder, 20 DeBoom Street.

J. Haughey, 23 Minna Street.

M. F. Bassity, 211 Minna Street.

Austin Keely, 745 Howard Street.

James J. Blivin, 821 Folsom Street.

George E. Bowman, 158 Tehama Street.

Edward Rush, 215 Tehama Street.

William E. Lyons, 151 Bryant Street.

M. E. Thompson, 709 Folsom Street.

R. C. Rafford, Corner Second and Mission.

George Woolf, 264 Third Street.

William Kilpatrick, Howard and Third Street.

Daniel W. Whepley, Howard and Third Street.

E. L. Smith, Howard and Third Street.

John Carruthers, Sacramento Street, between Mason and Taylor.

A. M. Honolly, 417 Bryant Street.

Charles Gailhan, 507 Pine Street.

John Sullivan, 1051 Mission Street.

Alfred T. Durney, Geary and Broderick.

J. A. Farrelly, 627 Stevenson Street.

Henry M. McGill, Dorland Street.

F. H. McConnell, 15 Monroe Street.

John H. Coleman, Alta office.

Thomas Lennon, Corner Clara and Sixth streets.

Charles L. Jenkins, San Francisco.

J. E. Chase, San Francisco.

John F. Storer, 712 Ellis Street.

Alexander Jones, 6 Prospect place.

John P. Whyte, San Francisco.

Joseph Thornhill, 810 Green Street.

Edward Phillips, 316 Geary Street.

T. L. Harlon, Corner Jackson in Montgomery.

Peter Holland, San Francisco.

James Atkinson, 41 Tehama Street.

Howard Convey, San Francisco.

Edward A. Trapp, 786 Harrison Street.

Thomas Parsons, Fell Street.

Thomas L. Martin, 725 Sutter Street.

Isaac Brownstone, 1002 Larkin Street.

J. Baruch, 108 Seventh Street.

Abraham Lewis, 32 Geary Street.

J. Lippman, 203 Montgomery Street.

John Dwyer, Natoma Street, between Eighth and Ninth.

P. F. Butler, 937 Howard Street.

Charles G. Ashley, 1145 Filbert Street.

C. A. James, 402 Montgomery Street.

P. B. Lynch, 1018 Mission Street.

James Neill, 631 Bush Street.

C. Mason Kinne, McAllister and Webster.

James C. Weir, 840 Mission Street.

Y. Gariot, 824 Washington Street.

Patrick Caulfield, 228 Ritch.

John Fuselier, 603 Jessie Street.

John Regan, 112 Second Street.

C. J. Barron, 815 Market Street.

William S. Taylor, 828 Post Street.

Michael Kane, Southwest corner Howard and First.

John A.Hooper, Pier No. 3, Steuart Street.

A. D. Hatch, 1014 Sutter Street.

John J. Haley, Cosmopolitan Hotel.

M. Helm & Brothers, 114 Sansom Street.

N. Brown, 108 Battery Street.

John White, 1000 Market Street.

John Alexander, Corner Battery and Bush.

R. H. Smith, 502 Montgomery Street.

John Curley, 116 Shipley Street.

A. D. Halphan, 6 Powell Street.

Thomas McVery, Greenwich and Hyde streets.

B. B. Kennedy, Larkin and Ellis streets.

J. Kneedeer, Broadway and Van Ness.

Patrick Carroll, 157 Minna Street.

William Church, Sixth Street.

Charles Anderson, 916 Vallejo Street.

A. Hartmann, 1711 Polk Street.

W. J. Brady, 84 Rausch Street.

Charles Keen, 926 Folsom Street.

Philipp Siebel, Southeast corner Larkin and O'Farrell.

James Mc Mahon, 923 Broadway.

William Dahany, 189 DeLores, near Church.

Solomon Adler, 23 Taylor Street.

Samuel Ripley, Russ House.

Aexander R. Baldwin, 216 Front Street.

George E. Hinckley, M.D., 607 Sacramento Street.

Michael Hemanan, Union Street.

John McGeoghegan, Seventeenth, between Guerrero and Dolores streets.

RPerry, 425 Sutter Street.

James Lee, Quinn Street.

William Hughes, 9 Sherwood Place.

Samuel Monks, Broadway, between Hyde and Larkin streets.

T. H. Hatch, 811 Hyde Street.

John Gillis, 818 Howard Street.

Michael Dunnigan, 2015 Battery Street.

James Clarke, Filbert and Sansom streets.

John Green, Montgomery Street.

Thomas Phair, 270 Tehama Street.

Edward Cleary, 50 Clara Street.

Arthur McGurren, 30 Montgomery Street.

Thomas Donnelly, 474 Jessie Street.

James Allcorn, 615 Nebraska Street.

William H. Coyt, Buchanan and Sutter streets.

John Larkin, 174 Clementina.

William Smith, 414 Fourth Street.

John O' Connell, 952 Mission Street.

Thomas Donnelly, 171 Perry Street.

P. Timons, John Street.

William Craven, 268 Jessie Street.

James Kennedy, Lick House.

Peter McGlone, Lick House.

John Flanagan, Brooklyn Hotel.

James Kinsella, 139 Jessie Street.

W. Irvine, 4 Martha Place.

Jane Hynes, Pierce, between Ellis and California.

Patrick Tully, 151 Natoma Street.

James Duncan, 518 Bryant Street.

Bernard Carroll, 28 Third Street.

William Smith, 26 Anthony Street.

George A. Morgan, Shotwell, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth.

S. B. Thompson, 1250 Turk Street.

Peter Corrigan, St. Mark place.

Daniel McDevett, 78 Clementina Street.

T. O. Keeffe, Linden Avenue.

John Reardon, 154 First Street.

P. D. Burns, 242 Minna Street.

Michael O'Connell, 162 First Street.

James McElroy, 516 Howard Street.

Patrick Harregan, Corner of First and Howard. 

Davis Murphy, 914 Folsom Street.

James Fitzpatrick, 336 Folsom Street.

Thomas Shea, 141 Natoma Street.

John McAnally, 48 Everett Street.

George Marsden, Jones Street.

Patrick Coleman, Howard Street.

Bernard O'Farrell, 1625 Howard Street.

Edward Myres, Natoma Street.

Michael Lyons, Howard Street.

Denis Mulcahey, First Street.

Bernard Mellony, Natoma Street.

John Carroll, 141 Natoma Street.

P. J. Coffee 141 Natoma Street.

Patrick Sheehan, 149 Natoma Street.

John Kelly, First Street.

William Brown, 266 Natoma Street

James Thomas O'Shea, 266 Natoma Street.

G. B. Littlefield, San Francisco.

Alexander Ford, Clementina and Sixth streets.

H. C. McDonall, Corner Market and Kearny.

George F. Kohler, Blue Wing Saloon.

Gaven D. Hall, Attorney at law, Exchange Building.

Thomas Spanagle, 916 Pine Street. 

Michael O'Brian, 151 Natoma Street.

John Lannan, 33 Tehama Street. 

Peter Howard, 416 Folsom Street.

Samuel Drake, San Francisco.

M. S. Osterhoudt, Home Mutual Insurance Company.

Washington Bartlett, San Francisco.

D. Vanderburgh, San Francisco.

John H. Sumner, Brooklyn, Alameda County.

Lyman P. Collins, San Francisco.

William J. Gunn , San Francisco.

John Wigmore, San Francisco.

B. L. Lathrop, San Francisco.

John J. Newsom, Brooklyn, Alameda County.

Maurice Prindiville, Brooklyn, Alameda County.

C. A. Litchfield, Brooklyn, Alameda County.

Chr. Schreiber, Brooklyn, Alameda County.

G. Bitirke, Oakland, Alameda County.

J. Lufkin, Brooklyn, Alameda County.

H. G. Finch, Brooklyn, Alameda County.

J. C. Wingate, Brooklyn County Alameda County.

Thomas S. Miller, Brooklyn, Alameda County,.

E. Hein, Oakland.

H. Wuhrmann, San Francisco.

Peter Rothermel, San Francisco.

Burgess Collins, San Francisco.

C. J. Hutchins, Petaluma.

Milton Lambeth, San Francisco.

Samuel Winant, San Francisco.

William Corlett, San Francisco.

C. L. Des Rochers, Oakland.

A. Lapfgeer, San Francisco.

H. P. Carlton, San Francisco.

Isaac Ayer, San Francisco.

D. McMillan, San Francisco.

Henry Durant, Oakland.

E. M. Benjamin, Vallejo.

John Archibald, San Francisco.

James F. Hill, Bluxome Street.

Philip Cosgrove, San Francisco.

Daniel Reardon, San Francisco.

George R. Kroft San Francisco.

John P. Cosgrove San Francisco.

William T. Dawson, San Francisco.

Thomas Elligott, San Francisco.

Peter Ash, San Francisco.

C. L. Low, 553 Harrison Street.

John Duane, Thirteenth and Mission streets.

Samuel B. Sherwood, San Francisco.

J. Roubert, San Francisco.

Louis Burke, San Francisco.

Benjamin E. Babcock, San Francisco.

Robert Rother, San Francisco.

George O'Connor, San Francisco.

D. Hayes, San Francisco.

John Lynch, San Francisco.

M. Hewson, San Francisco.

James H. Bartlett, San Francisco.

William Lawton, San Francisco.

John P. Burke, San Francisco.

H. M. Denin, San Francisco.

D. Hayes, San Francisco.

N. B. Cook, San Francisco.

William Henry Peterson, 516 Larkin Street.

John Lowry, 425 Broadway Street.

Peter Wilson, 614 Fourth Street.

James Maylone, 225 Natomas Street.

Peter Cahlstrom, 432 Howard Street.

John Smallwood, 327 Vallejo Street.

Samuel Burkleson, 143 Davis Street.

Andrew Baxter, 516 Smith Street.

Peter Machone, 432 Broadway Street.

Samuel Stackmeyer, 516 Filbert Street.

T. G. Durning, Pacific File Works, 53 Beale Street.

John Higgins, Western Hotel.

Peter Clancy, Western Hotel.

Patrick Heany, San Francisco.

James O'Connor, San Francisco.

John Shehan, San Francisco.

John Calvert, 706 Sutter Street.

J. B. Lewis, 409 Bryant Street.

W. P. Thompson, Kearny Street.

W. J. Lockwood, 811 Vallejo Street.

Benjamin Brown, San Francisco.

Patrick Cotter, 6016 Post Street.

John Shea, 17 Hunt Street.

Michael Cocoran, San Francisco.

Cornelius Barron, Nineteenth Street.

Francis Kernan, San Francisco.

John Haley, 207 Tehama Street.

Thomas Kelly, Silver Street.

James Kinseley, Cosmopolitan Hotel.

Adolphus Lee,  Dona Anna, New Mexico.

John McKenzie, Santa Maria Bay, California.

James M. Roche, San Francisco.

John Dayly, San Francisco.

John Hand, San Francisco.

Michael Courtney, Tehama Street.

John Dowdell, Petaluma.

James M. Roberts, San Francisco.

A. R. Hynes, San Francisco.

J. M. Berdley, Mud Springs.

S. Hancock, San Francisco.

W. H. Hoburg, San Francisco.

Francis D. Cleary, San Francisco.

I. O. Besse, San Francisco.

S. S. Pomroy, San Francisco.

William Bern, San Francisco.

W. F. Swasey, San Francisco.

James A. Fortune, San Francisco.

W. J. Gavan, San Francisco.

A. F. Niles, San Francisco.

Hugh Murray, San Francisco.

C. W. Stevenson, San Francisco.

Alexander Flood, San Francisco.

James Daiman, San Francisco.

H. J. Moore, San Francisco.

A. A. Rinsen, San Francisco.

Thomas Golden, San Francisco.

John Medan, San Francisco.

John Conway, San Francisco.

Hugh Duffy, San Francisco.

Conrad Sheer, San Francisco.

Thomas M. Ball, San Francisco.

W. A. Grove, San Francisco.

M. Shannon, San Francisco.

C. Lewis, San Francisco.

Joseph P. Jackson, San Francisco.

August Hamburg,  San Francisco.

M. O'Neil, San Francisco.

I. C. Steele, Pescadero.

James O'Donnell, San Francisco.

John Sutch, San Francisco.

A. Creannen, San Francisco.

D. McCarran, San Francisco.

Thomas O'Brien, San Francisco.

A.  Sanders, San Francisco.

P. O. Bryan, San Francisco.

Joseph Gordon, San Francisco.

Edward Martin, San Francisco.

C. A. Janke, San Francisco.

M. D. Sweeney, San Francisco.

H. Voorman, San Francisco.

Grove Holmes, San Francisco. 

John Grant, San Francisco.

John C. McClean, San Francisco.

Samuel Young, San Francisco.

William Ford, San Francisco.

James G. Atkinson, San Francisco.

Nicolas Baker, San Francisco.

John Hammond, San Francisco.

M. P. White, San Francisco.

B. Frey, Oakland.

A Raullier, San Francisco.

Henry Hartman, San Francisco.

James P. McKenna, San Francisco.

J. W. Winter, San Francisco.

D. B. Harvey, San Francisco.

G. I. S. Haynes, San Francisco.

A. Cunningham, San Francisco.

Herman Beichoff, San Francisco.

S. Brodek, San Francisco.

Joseph Ross, San Francisco.

August Fagen, San Francisco.

Samuel Platshek, San Francisco.

W. G. Doane, San Francisco.

H. Joseph, San Francisco.

H. J. Morse, San Francisco.

A. Geishoker, San Francisco.

C. O'Neill, San Francisco.

Patrick Durkam, San Francisco.

Otis Grebb, San Francisco.

John Campbell, San Francisco.

Francis Scanlin, San Francisco.

G. W. Williams, San Francisco.

T. F. Smith, San Francisco.

Edward Giles, San Francisco.

C. M. Boyd, 918 Jones Street.

Johan Heuth, Bush Street.

L. Josephi, San Francisco.

Michael Barry, 38 Natoma Street.

Nathaniel Bew, San Francisco.

John Kelly, San Francisco.

John F. Schroder, San Francisco.

George Robins, San Francisco.

George B. Crawford, San Francisco.

William Bryan, 813 Bush Street.

Henry Levy, 723 Sansom Street.

Frank Callum, 360 Jessie Street.

J. J. Barrett, San Francisco.

William Kennedy, San Francisco.

William Walkeney, San Francisco.

C. A. Goldsmith, San Francisco.

John Hand, San Francisco.

R. Barron, San Francisco.

H. Dankemeyer, San Francisco.

Charles A. Higgins, San Francisco.

C. Grandjean, San Francisco.

Thomas Devlin, San Francisco.

F. Krambs, San Francisco.

Berle Klein, San Francisco.

Niel Johnston, San Francisco.

William Holmes, San Francisco.

William Agate, San Francisco.

William Kenny, 7 San Francisco.

Ludwig Vogt, San Francisco.

James Derham, San Francisco.

John Manning, San Francisco.

James McElray, San Francisco.

Michael O'Shea, semper Cisco.

Michael H. Nicholson, San Francisco.

S. G. Brown, San Francisco.

James J. Barry, San Francisco.

P. Hartmann, Sever Cisco.

D. S. Dikeman, San Francisco.

Michael Calligan, San Francisco.

James Irwin, San Francisco.

Robert Wetmar, San Francisco.

Matthew Nunan, San Francisco.

James Kelly, San Francisco.

James Johnson, San Francisco.

D. Maloney, San Francisco.

G. F. Ross, San Francisco.

Jacob Schollhorn, San Francisco.

Charles Lenynor, San Francisco.

Peter Meehan, San Francisco.

James Quinn, San Francisco.

Patrick Kierar, San Francisco.

Owen O'Hare, San Francisco.

J. Mish, San Francisco.

William Noble, San Francisco.

William Grogan, San Francisco.

T. H. Riorden, San Francisco.

Frank McEneary, San Francisco.

Robert Cross, San Francisco.

Thomas Dolan, San Francisco.

R. M. Hicks, San Francisco.

Joseph Luger, San Francisco.

E. L. Gifford, San Francisco.

Richard O’Gorman, San Francisco.

Patrick Plover, San Francisco.

William Gleason, San Francisco.

M. Harris, San Francisco.

Patrick J. Collins, San Francisco.

F. P. Murphy, San Francisco.

P. Owens, San Francisco.

John Boozane, San Francisco.

Thomas Daniels, San Francisco.

John McKinney, San Francisco.

James Cain, San Francisco.

George Lumley, 1021 Battery Street.

H. C. Brainard, 830 Market Street.

John H. Coleman, Alta office.

Mathew McCloskey, 642 Howard Street.

W. Rhinehan, 8 Dora Street.

John McComb, Alta office.

Robert M. Sage, Alta office. 

John Daly, Alta office.

Charles Sinlett, Fillmore Street.

William H. Lyon, Lyon & Co.'s Brewery.

David Barry, San Francisco.

Thomas H. Hauly, 720 Clementina Street.

Peter Porcher, 223 Seventh Street.

Joseph W. Paul, 139 Geary Street.

John T. Smith, San Francisco.

H. M. Miller, San Francisco.

James Mitchell, San Francisco.

John Williams, San Francisco.

William Chisholm, San Francisco.

Rodmond Gibbons, San Francisco.

John Kingston, San Francisco.

Robert Sherwood, San Francisco.

Robert Inches, San Francisco.

John Campe, San Francisco.

C. Grisch, San Francisco.

John Weir, San Francisco.

George H. Parker, San Francisco.

Michael Carroll, San Francisco.

John McNally, San Francisco.

Michael McNulty, San Francisco.

R. M. Sheeter, San Francisco.

Patrick Fogarty, San Francisco.

John McDougall, San Francisco.

Robert Hazard, San Francisco.

Charles Kirstein, 32 Natomas Street.

James Ryan, San Francisco.

J. A. Coen, San Francisco.

Thomas Fitzgerald, San Francisco.

C. Giesmann, San Francisco.

Owen Coffey, San Francisco.

Thomas Donlan, San Francisco.

R. W. Richardson, San Francisco.

H. Saclher, San Francisco.

W. G. Powlson, San Francisco.

S. Marks, San Francisco.

C. G. George, San Francisco.

H. Tostmann, San Francisco.

F. A. Murray, 970 Folsom street.

William H. Kelly, 513 Hyde street.

William R. Wallace, 520 Broadway.

Frederick Seidenstriker, Deputy Sheriff, County Jail.

H. Ferrenback, 627 Green street.

B. A. Ryan, 814 Vallejo Street.

A. J. Hess, Deputy Sheriff, County Jail.

Joseph Mansfield, Deputy Sheriff, County Jail. 

Joseph H. Dufour, 520 Broadway.

William Kilday, 23 Hunt Street.

Thomas C. Lloyd, 912 Larkin.

V. N. Neuval, Corner Montgomery and Jackson.

Mederic P. Walsh, 835 Clay Street.

James Dwyer, 938 Kearny Street.

Bartley Gillin, Southeast corner Montgomery and Vallejo streets.

J. Stuver, Green Street.

John L. Durkee, 1031 Clay Street.

William Cullen, 555 Stephenson Street.

E. J. Saulsbury, 15 Second Street.

John Short, 2019 Polk Street.

B. F. Bohen, 536 Ellis.

John C. Ayres Jr., Howard Street.

H. H. Thal, Corner O'Farrell and Leavenworth.

John Casey, 531 Howard.

Henry D. Hudson, 1221 Sacramento Street.

Lewis Teese, Jr., Corner California and Kearny.

George Fisher, Corner California and Montgomery.

George Dwight, 634 Sacramento Street.

Peter McConaghey, 912 Jackson Street.

Hery Casey, 435 Eddy Street.

Daniel J. Casey, Washington Avenue.

P. Kenny, Langston Street.

D. S. Dikeman, Brannan, between Second and Third.

A. B. Hosmer, Fifteenth Street, near Howard.

Franklin Fish, San Francisco.

Lewis Teese, 12 Ellis Street.

Isaac Miller, 114 Dupont Street.

T. S. Myrick, 225 Stevenson.

E. R. Hayes, 208 O'Farrell Street.

J. P. Allen, Jr., Corner California and Webb.

William G. Gunther, 728 Howard Street.

A. F. Nye, 421 Kearny Street.

Thomas B. Simpson, 713 Bush Street.

Henry R. Haskin, 1410 Larkin Street.

C. B. Brown, Corner Seventeenth and Church.

William Adrain, 629 California Street.

J. Odtell, 320 Kearny Street.

C. H. Washler, 601 California Street.

R. R. Hill, Vallejo Dupont streets.

Michael Murphy, 605 California Street.

Henry Bowen, 601 Dupont Street.

I D. Ruggles, 513 Post Street.

A. S. Eldridge, Brenham Place.

George Byler, Stevenson House.

John Dewar, Stevenson House.

Brock Johnson, 245 Clara Street.

J. W. Black, 6 Turk Street.

A. Van Damme, Proprietor Bay Warehouse, Sansom Street.

A. O. Spencer, 633 California Street.

J. W. Whitaker, 1 Geary Place.

Frederick Teese, 429 Bush Street.

John G. Emery, Taylor and Turk streets.

David Dick, 107 O'Farrell Street.

E. G. Lamb, 522 Pine Street.

D. T. Van Orden, 719 O'Farrell Street.

James Evrard, 527 Kearny Street, auctioneer.

James Dayley, 429 Dupont Street.

John McCarty, 216 Front Street.

T. B. Tompkins, 14 Sutter Street.

I. M. Isaacs, Corner Dupont and Clay streets.

M. E. Swan, 26 ˝  Kearny Street.

John S. Daley, Cosmopolitan Hotel.

Joseph W. Hilsee, Corner Powell and Washington.

Franklin Williams, Corner Jones and O'Farrell.

L. Hunt, Folsom street.

D. Talcengley, 4 Louisa Street.

I. W. Kenney, 719 O'Farrell Street.

A. Sprague, California Street.

W. Fletcher, 2104 Mason Street.

W. A. Coggeshall, Cosmopolitan Hotel.

A. Bellemere, 706 Montgomery Street.

Peter A. Owens, 752 Bryant Street.

Caleb M. Sickler, 420 and 422 Kearny Street.

Henry Lake, 636 Third Street.

J. R. Rogers, Union Street.

R. W. Allen, U.S.A., 1117 Stockton Street.

J. H. Segberz, Southwest corner Capp and Nineteenth Streets.

James Gosling, San Francisco.

Silis D. Staats, Corner Market and Second Streets.

O. F. Metcalf, 783 Folsom Street.

John McGrath, Pacific Street.

John Tothill, 512 Kearny Street.

Henry H. Marshall, 323 Bush Street.

William Stanwood, City Hall.

George S. Kittredge, 225 and 227 Beale Street.

Henry Webb, California and Stockton Streets.

G. W. Thomas, 1027 Sutter Street.

James Sherry, 345 Fremont Street.

William A. Frey, Kearny Street.

H. Bacon, Sacramento Street.

John Pray, Brannan Street.

J. C. Burns, Kearny and Bush.

James H. Earle, West End.

Calvin Richards, 110 Post Street.

B. H. Louger, 516 Vallejo Street.

Peter Kenney, 719 O'Farrell Street.

John Wilson, 408 Bush Street.

James Conner, 29 St. Mary' s Place.

John Sweeney, 816 Market Street.

James G. Oliver, San Francisco.

James Dorn Sullivan, San Francisco.

James D. Egan, San Francisco.

Washington Ayer, San Francisco.


Source: "Appendix To Journals of Senate and Assembly, Of The Eighteenth Session Of The Legislature Of The State Of California. Volume III."  1870. D. W. Gelwicks, State Printer, Sacramento.



© 2002 Nancy Pratt Melton