To the Honorable the Senate and Assembly of a State of California, in Sacramento assembled:


The petition of the undersigned humbly showeth:


First--- That the Asylum of St. Boniface, for orphan and half-orphan children and foundlings, has been established some five years, and has been carried on by the eleemosynary contributions collected by the undersigned alone.


Second--- That over two hundred children have been received and cared for during the above., and that there are twenty inmates at present in the institution.


Third--- That the undersigned has exhausted all her own means, and expended all she collected, and providing this home and supporting it thus far, and that she has been obligated to contract considerable debt, which stands against the place.


And therefore she humbly prays your honorable bodies to grant some relief.


And, as in duty-bound, shall ever pray.

Signed: Catherine Gross




We, the undersigned, knowing the truth of the above statement, concurred in its prayer.


Gas Kaiser, Pastor of St. Boniface' s German Catholic Congregation, San Francisco.

G. Hanni, Pastor of St. John' s Congregation.

O. Klappenburg, Franklin Street.

James Croke, Rector St. Mary' s Cathedral.

P. J. Thomas, Vallejo Street, near Hyde, San Francisco.

H.  P. Gallagher, Pastor of St. Joseph's Church, Tenth Street.

John McKee, 112 Clay Street.

John McHugh, 206 Clay Street.

F. S. Wensinger, 304 Montgomery Street.

F. X. Kast, 322 Bush Street.

T. J. Broderick, by F. X. K., 322 Bush Street.

A. McBoden, Brooklyn Hotel.

James D. Marshall, Oak Street, above Webster.

A. Holcombe, 324 Bush Street.

John Kelly, Jr., Brooklyn Hotel.

P. J. White, 8 Powell Street.

Richard Brown, 1808 Dupont Street.

John Hancock, Hyde and Vallejo.

J. H. Aerden, Pastor of St. Francis' Church.

Source: Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly, of the Eighteenth Session of the Legislature of the State of California. Vol. III 1870.

© 2002 Nancy Pratt Melton