Pen Portraits

Autobiography Of State Officers, Legislators,

Prominent Business And Professional Men Of

The Capital Of the State Of California;

Also, Of Newspaper Proprietors,

Editors, And Members Of The

Corps Reportorial


Compiled by

R. R. Parkinson,


In Sacramento City, during the Session of the Legislature of 1877-8.




[Professional Men Of

The Capital Of the State Of California]





Pages 84-107.




Col. Wm. H. Bell.



[San Francisco County]



Sergeant-and-Arms of the Senate, is a native of Alabama, and came to California in 1852, for Mississippi.  He is a resident of San Francisco; married; about 48 years of age, and a miner by profession.  He has held various local offices, and was State Stamp Inspector under Governor Haight.  He was also Justice of the Peace in San Francisco in 1865.  Col. Bell is a veteran of the Mexican war, having served in Jefferson Davis' regiment, and, during the battle of Montgomery, lost his left arm.  The Colonel is a large, portly man, of the stern and resolved disposition, and a staunch Democrat.  As with all positive men, the Colonel has warm friends and some enemies, to both of whom he is mutually devoted.




Newton Benedict.




[Alameda & El Dorado Cos.]


The efficient Minute Clerk of the Senate, is a native of Rhode Island, and is one of the earliest settlers in the State, having arrived in California in 1849, and, like most of the pioneers, went to the mines to "make a raise."  He followed mining and trading until 1862, since which time he has been engaged in the real estate and insurance business.  He served five years in Justice of the Peace in El Dorado County, and has been Minute Clerk of either the Assembly or Senate at each successive session since 1867, his peculiar fitness for that responsible and important office being universally acknowledged.  He is a resident of Oakland; married; has three children; is 52 years of age, and is a Notary Public, in connection with his insurance and real estate agency.  Mr. Benedict is of the medium height, rather portly; is an intelligent and dignified gentleman, accommodating and respectful, and we have no doubt that he can have a life-lease of his position if he desires it.




Aurora M. S. Carpenter.




[Alameda County]


Of Oakland, Alameda County, is Assistant Chief Clerk of the Assembly, and, as such, is the Reading Clerk of that body.  He is without doubt, as good a reader as there is in the State, and was chosen to his present position from ten competitors, who were previously required to demonstrate their fitness for the office in caucus.  It is not too much to say of him that no better Clerk, either a reader or a parliamentarian, ever filled a similar position in the State. He is a native of Washington County, New York, a man of family and 45 years of age; stand 6 feet and weighs 180 pounds; has a gray, bushy head of hair; a clear, cultivated voice of great power, without being disagreeably loud or harsh.  He is by profession a lawyer and journalist; politically, a Democrat, of the "most straightest sect," and socially an affable, genial and pleasant gentleman.  He came to this State in 1874, from Montana Territory, where he had resided for the preceding ten years, and where he had held various official positions, having been Chief Clerk of the Upper House of its Legislature for several successive sessions, and Police Judge of Virginia City, Montana, for some years.  Judge Carpenter is a self-made man, having been thrown upon his own resources at 10 years of age, and by his own hand earned his way through a liberal course of education, graduating at Brown University.  He is, in the best sense of that term, a "workingman."  Although relatively a "pilgrim" on the Pacific Slope, he is a thoroughly Western man, and has taken a full course in the "ups and downs," and all phases of pioneer life.  He is equally familiar with the pick and shovel, the stick and rule, and "Faber No. 2" of the art preservative, and the arts of the orator which move the magnitude, while he can don the official ermine with the ease dignity of one "to the manor born."  We predict that the public career of the subject of this pen portrait is but just commenced on this slope, and that its future will be alike honorable to him and the State of his adoption.




John Paul Cosgrave.




[San Francisco County]


Correspondent for the San Francisco Daily Globe, San Francisco Open Letter, etc., is native of London, England, and is 29 years of age.  His parents were natives of County Cork, Ireland, and in 1850 emigrated to New York City, where they remained until 1854.  In August of that year they settled in San Francisco, where the subject of this sketch was educated.  In 1858 he attended public school on Market Street, in the basement of St. Patrick's Church, on the side of which the Palace Hotel has been constructed.  At the age of twelve, he commenced the study of Latin and Greek in St. Mary's Cathedral School, and also took charge of a small class as pupil teacher.  He served in the same capacity for seven months in St. Mary's College, and made considerable progress in classics and mathematics.  He then entered the rhetoric class in St. Ignatius College, and during the two years he remained there, he carried off the first prize in the department of belles-lettres and English composition. At the age of eighteen he left school to learn the carriage painting business with M. J. Kelly, who was afterwards elected to the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco.  Finding that mechanical work did not agree with his health, he left Mr. Kelley's employment after a short time, and took charge of the Catholic school at Folsom for two months.  Being at this time profoundly imbued with religious fervor, he placed himself under the instruction of Rev. Fathers been Vincent and Caldwell of the Order of Dominicans, and when within one month of leaving for England to complete his novitiate in a Dominican monastery, his ideas on the subject of religion underwent a change, and he became a free-thinker of the Tyndall-Spencer school.  He afterwards taught the second grammar class in St. Ignatius College, in San Francisco, for two years, but it having come to the ears of the Perfect that he was an officer of a secret society, he was dismissed from the employee of the Jesuits.  Finding himself thrown on his own resources, he applied to Rev. O. P. Fitzgerald, then State Superintendent of Schools, and in the Spring of 1871 he was sent to take charge of the log schoolhouse and sixty-five pupils in Long Valley, Mendocino County.  Here he passed his examination, and received the first-grade State certificate.  At the end of nine months he returned to San Francisco, and acted as amanuensis for the photographic firm of Marsh, Hall and Osborne.  While in that position, he mastered the photographic art, and made his debut in journalism, as a reporter on the local staff of the Morning Call, in 1873.  Here remained for nearly four years, part of which time he served as city editor.  He was next engaged on the local staff of the Mail.  He acted in capacity of correspondent of that journal during the early part of the present session of the Legislature, and severed his connection with that paper a day or two after Christmas.  He was honored with the position of Poet of the Day by the Irish Societies for three consecutive celebrations on the Seventeenth of March, in the years 1875, 1876 and 1877.  More than ten years ago he, with others, organize the Sarsfield Guards in San Francisco, and acted as First Sergeant of that company for more than a year.  Four years ago he assisted in the organization of the Order of United Californians, and wrote up the obligations, charges, the degrees, and other secret work of that society.  In the Fall of 1877 he was nominated by the Democratic Convention in San Francisco as a candidate for the position of School Director; and was endorsed by all the Workingmen and Anti-Coolie organizations throughout the city.  Out of the total of 33,666 he received 16,065, and failed of being elected by about 200 votes.  In connection with others who have the success of the Workingman's movement at heart, he is at present engaged in attempting to effect a reconciliation between the two sections of that party in Sacramento.




Ellison L. Crawford.




[El Dorado County]


Was a candidate for Chief Clerk of the Assembly, but was defeated by the election of Mr. Page, and almost unanimously chosen one of the Assisted Clerks at the Desk, in which capacity he has no superior, and few equals, in the State.  He has filled a similar position at various times, both in the Senate and Assembly, and has always given satisfaction.  It is truly said of him, "he is the right man in the right place."  Mr. Crawford is about 43 years of age; a widower, and has four interesting children, to whom he is devoted.  He resides at Georgetown, El Dorado County, and follows the profession of a photographer.




A.   J. Dobson.




[Solano County]


Was elected Minute Clerk of the Assembly; is a native of California, born of American parents, 22 years of age, and a reporter by profession.  He is a resident of Vacaville, Solano County, makes a competent officer, and is gentlemanly and accommodating in his official calling.






John R. Eardley.




[Santa Clara, San Benito & Monterey Cos.]


A native of England; was married in England in 1858; age 41 years; came to New York in 1859; cross the plains to Reese River in 1863, tarrying a few months, prospecting, and in December of that year arrived with his family in Carson City.  He was with Orion Clemens, Territorial Secretary, until the State organization, and filled the office of Assistant Secretary, and Secretary of the Senate at three successive sessions.  In the meantime was Clerk of United States Land Office, while Colonel Gregg was Receiver.  Afterwards he was appointed Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court, under Alfred Helm until December, 1868, when he cross the mountains in sleighs to Placerville; thence to Gilroy, Santa Clara County, where he remained nearly four years, as bookkeeper for a lumber, milling and general merchant.  In 1871 and' 72 was Assisted Enrolling Clerk of the Assembly, at the close of which he visited England with his family, after an absence of fourteen years.  Returned to California in the Fall of 1873, and was Assisted Enrolling Clerk of the Assembly in the session of 1873-4.  Since which time he has been a resident and bookkeeper at Hollister, and deputy County Treasurer for two years at San Benito County.  Mr. Eardley has lately become a resident of Salinas City, Monterey County, where he will hereafter be engaged as an insurance and real estate agent.  Mr. Eardley is a most estimable gentleman, and as the writer knows, highly respected by the people of Carson City, Nevada.  He is one of the best penmen on the Pacific Coast; a fine scholar; thoroughly honest, sober and reliable in any and all things in which he is engaged.  Mr. Eardley has a large and growing family, and is educating them to become useful members of society.  He ought to have the highest clerical position in the legislative halls.




Oscar Penn Fitzgerald.




[Tuolumne, San Francisco & Santa Clara Cos.]


Was born in Caswell County, North Carolina, August 24, 1829.  Mr. Fitzgerald belongs to an old Virginia family, of Nottoway County, where the family connection is now large and respectable.  His early education was such as could be obtained in the average country schools of the time, and the first real educational impulse was received by him at the famous "Oak Grove Academy," Rockingham County, North Carolina.  The teacher was Booker Doss, whose discipline was as rigid as his instruction was thorough.  Following an irresistible bent he entered the office of the Lynchburg Republican, where his preference for journalism was confirmed.  At the age of twenty he had already acquired local reputation as a writer.  For a time Mr. F. taught school, being at the same time an earnest student and writer for the press; was connected with and wrote for the Richmond Examiner.  Mr. Fitzgerald removed at twenty-one from Virginia to Georgia for the sake of the climate.  At Macon, in the latter State, assisted in the preparation of the school history of United States and other textbooks, and was on eve of taking the editorship of a journal, when a great change in his purposes and plans took place, and he entered the ministry of the Methodist Church.  At the call of the church he came to California, in 1855.  Spent the first two years in Sonora, Tuolumne County; went thence to San Jose; thence to San Francisco, to take charge of the Pacific Methodist, the church organ.  This paper was to subsequently merged in The Spectator.  In 1867 he was elected Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of California, and served four years that office.  During his administration the University of California was organized, and the State Normal School permanently located and equipped; various reforms were made, and great advancement realized.  Mr. F. had the honor of being nominated for the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, by acclamation, four different times.  He has been connected with the Methodist Church and ministry since early manhood, and then pastor of city churches, editor of church organs, President of the Pacific Annual Conference, and thrice elected as a delegate to the quadrennial general conference of the church.  Mr. Fitzgerald has filled the chair of Homiletic in Pacific Methodist College, and was for a time President of the institution.  Was four years Regent of the University of California, and chairman of the Committee on Instruction.  Mr. F. was treasurer and originator of the movement in California for the relief of sufferers in the South, in 1867, by which nearly $100,000 in gold was forwarded to the relief committees of the several Southern States.  Mr. F. is now editor and publisher of Fitzgerald' s Home Newspaper and Educational Journal, which is achieving a wide circulation and extensive popularity.  The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on Mr. F. by the Southern University in 1868.  As preacher, lecturer, editor, State Superintendent and college agent, the people of California and know Mr. Fitzgerald pretty well.  No man ever had better friends, or more freely forgave his enemies.  He loves a good joke, and is liberal in the true sense of the word.  The Doctor is Chaplain of the present Assembly, and also a Committee Clerk.  It is said of him that he is a genial gentleman and prays well.




James M. Farrelly.




[San Francisco County]


The popular Sergeant-at-Arms of the Assembly, is a native of Ireland, and came to New York in 1848, where he followed the livery business until 1861, when he joined the Union Army during the "late unpleasantness," and was engaged in the Battle of Winchester.  In 1862 he Came to California, followed various occupations until 1865, when he caught the Idaho mining fever and spend to a few months in that region, returning again to San Francisco, since which he has spent six months in Mexico, and has been keeping hotel and saloon at Lone Mountain.  Mr. Farrelly is a single man; 38 years old; tall and gentlemanly in appearance and manners; is very agreeable and accommodating in his official capacity, and enjoys the respect of the members of both the Assembly and the Third House.




S. S. Ford.




[Butte, Lassen, Siskiyou & Modoc Cos.]


The genial and accommodating Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, it is a native of Kentucky, and when one of the pioneer settlers of California, having arrived in this State in 1849.  He is a resident of Susanville, Lassen County; married; 53 years of age, and has a very interesting family of three children to whom he is fervently devoted.  He first settled in Butte County, where, for 16 years he was engaged in handling and raising fine blooded horses.  He afterwards resided in Yreka six or seven years, following the same business.  He then became one of the pioneers of Modoc County, and finally moved to his present locality, where he still follows his favorite occupation of horse-training, etc.  Mr. Ford has ever been a full-blooded Democrat, and an ardent worker and supporter of his party, purely from his devotion to it, never having been a candidate for any office in the gift of the people.  Mr. Ford is above the medium height, has an intelligent and respectful appearance, and is noted for his affable, social qualities, and gentlemanly, unaffected, kind disposition, whether in an official or private position, rendering him eminently fit for the responsible office to which he has been chosen.  In his official capacity he ever studies to accommodate visitors, who do not fail to acknowledge and speak of his politeness.  Mr. Ford would make a credible and worthy representative of his county in the Legislature.




Edward Gustavus Haynes.




[Sacramento, San Francisco & San Diego Cos.]


Sacramento correspondent of the New York in Dramatic News and Society Journal; dramatic correspondent of the San Francisco Spirit of the Times, and the Footlight.  Born of American parents in Dayton, Ohio, January 3, 1843.  His parents moved to Dorchester, Mass., in 1848, where he received a common school education.  In 1859 he entered the office of a commission house in Boston, Mass., his father, Gustavus E. Haynes, being at the time a member of the Massachusetts Legislature, from Dorchester.  In 1861 and his family took up their permanent residence in Boston.  The war broke out in April of that year, and he was prevented by an accident from volunteering.  In the Spring of 1862 he visited the scenes of strife about Washington; returning North he went to New Orleans, in 1862, in the Quartermaster's Department of the army; later, under civil authority, vised by the military, all passes for goods and vessels leaving New Orleans were issued from his office in the Custom House of that city.  Returning North in 1863, he entered the United States Navy, and served on the North Atlantic blockade, until his vessel was blown up at Fort Caswell, North Carolina, when he entered the Ordnance Department of the army, at Fort Monroe, entering Richmond with the army in 1864. Returning North in the Fall, was appointed Purser of the Merchants' Boston and New Orleans Steamship Company.  Re-entered the United States Navy in 1865.  Sailed from Charleston Navy Yard, September 6th, onboard the steamship Mohican; visited the ports of Charlotte and Amelia, in the Island of St. Thomas; Santa Cruz, Barbados; thence to Maranham, Crara, Pernambuca, Bahia, and Rio Janeiro in Brazil; to Montevedio; through the Straits of Magellan to Valparaiso, Chili; to Calleo, Panama and Acapulca, arriving in San Francisco, July 9, 1866.  Residing from the navy, he served as Clerk in the Bureau of Equipment, and Recruiting and Store Clerk of the Bureau of Construction and Repair, at the Mare Island Navy Yard, until 1869, when he was appointed Secretary of the San Francisco Post Office.  Removed from this position by political changes in July, 1870, he visited his home in the East.  Returning, after eleven months' absence, he engaged in civil pursuits in Nevada and California.  Was married in January, 1872, and in the Fall of that year again visited his home in Boston.  In 1873 was employed by the Union Pacific Railroad Company, at Omaha, Nebraska, up to July, when he engaged in mining pursuits in Utah until September, and was then called to San Diego, California, as chief clerk of the Horton House.  Returning to San Francisco in 1877, he followed the occupation of accountant and correspondent until September, 1877, when he was called to the position of chief chief clerk of the Orleans Hotel, in Sacramento, J. M. Staples, proprietor, which position he now occupies, conducting, meanwhile, the dramatic correspondent of the papers first mentioned.




Hon. Amos C. Hiester.




[San Francisco & Tuolumne Cos.]


Proprietor, in conjunction with Mr. W. M. Bunker, of that very excellent journal, the San Francisco Stock Report.  Mr. Hiester was elected last year by the Democratic party to the responsible office of School Director of the City of San Francisco, and by the unanimous vote of the members was elected President of the Board, and fills the office with honor to himself, and to the satisfaction of all concerned.  Both Mr. Hiester and his partner, Bunker, being intimated acquaintances of the writer, he takes the liberty of quoting from a city paper published during the late campaign:


     Mr. Hiester's family has been one of no common standing.  It has been represented in the halls of Congress and in the Legislature of Pennsylvania even since the government has been in existence.  His grandfather was an eminent clergymen of the German Reform Church.  Amos C. Hiester, the subject of this sketch, was born in Germantown, Montgomery County, Ohio, July 6th, 1836, and was educated at the Academy of that place, at the time one of the finest colleges in the West.  He left his native town in April, 1856, and arrived here June 1st of the same year, and at the very time of the Vigilante excitement.  With the exception of three years spent in mining, in the neighborhood of Columbia, Tuolumne County, Mr. Hiester has been engaged as a printer and publisher.  Under his management several well-known newspapers have been started, besides many minor publications.  Mr. Hiester is a married man, and the father of eleven living children.  He has always taken a lively interest in the Public School system, educating his children at the public schools in preference to private institutions, and, therefore, is thoroughly conversant with its details.  Mr. Hiester is a consistent Democrat, and has from the first placed himself squarely on the record as a pronounced and unswerving opponent of the importation and employment of coolie labor.  No one entered into office with a more credible history; and no one, it is safe to predict, has a more promising official career in store.  The Daily Stock Report passed under the management of the Stock Report Publishing Company early in 1875, and soon after assumed the dignity and dimensions of a metropolitan daily.  Its existence, however, dates from 1863, and it is the oldest newspaper of its description on the Coast.  Of late it has devoted much space to current topics, with special preference to finance and trade, and it is now the organ of the counting-house as well as of the Stock Boards.  The mammoth printing House of the Stock Report Publishing Company, representing an investment of over $70,000, is one of the features of San Francisco, and illustrates in a striking manner of the importance of the stock business in that city.




James B. Hume.




[El Dorado County]


Born in January 27th, 1827, in Delaware County, State of New York.  Moved to northern Indiana in 1836; came to California in 1850, and mined in El Dorado County for five or six years.  Deputy Sheriff two years; Deputy County Collector of El Dorado, two years.  City Marshal and Chief of Police of the City of Placerville for two years, during the palmy days of that city; the next six year Under Sheriff of El Dorado County; then two years Sheriff of same County; term ending March 4th 1872.  After the "Big Break" at Nevada State Prison, September 17th 1872 at the urgent solicitation of the Governor, and State Prison Board, he went to Nevada and took charge of Prison for eleven months; captured two of the escapees, shortly after the break, in California, and returned them; two years after caught another in Oregon, and shortly after another in Ogden, Utah.  For the past five years has been Chief of Wells, Fargo & Co's.  detective force, in California, Nevada, and Utah, with headquarters at Sacramento City.  "And Old Bucks."  The subject of this notice is recognized as one of the best detectives on the Pacific Coast; prompt, vigilant, and firm; always sober, reticent in his business affairs; know no fear of danger; confided in to the fullest extent of his employers, and generally esteemed by all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance.  Captain Hume took charge of the Nevada State Prison at a time that few would have cared to have anything to do with it.  The imbecilty of the Warden had caused the people of the State a large amount of trouble and dread; but the management of Mr. Hume was able for the occasion, and had but he received the reward of his doings, he would have been tendered the office of Lieutenant-Governor of the State of Nevada, and doubtless would so have been, but for overwhelming political influence antagonistic to him.  He is, however, better provided for, being out of politics, and receiving good pay for his services.




J. C. Johnson.




[San Francisco County]


Representative of the Alta California in the Legislature and elsewhere, is a very bright man.  He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is now 25 years of age.  He came to California in 1857, a child four years of age, and can well be considered a native Californian.  Mr. Johnson is a graduate of Santa Clara College, and took his degree in 1872, and the week following took a position on the Republican (Bennett's) newspaper.  He also wrote for the San Francisco Post and Call.  He then went to Alta California, where he has been employed ever since, except during a term of six months, when he took the proprietorship of the Golden Era.  In the beginning of 1873 he went to the Sandwich Islands, and while there wrote those very interesting letters concerning the death of King Kamehamaha, and its attending circumstances--the election of his successor.  The letters averaged from five to ten columns each, and were extensively copied in the Eastern papers.  They were eminently descriptive, and full of vim, and were not only readable but exceedingly instructive, and established a reputation for the young man that he will not easily lose.  In person Mr. Johnson is small of stature, but very good looking; in fact, has the reputation of being the handsomest newspaperman in the present Legislature.  He is gentlemanly to all with whom he associates, and seems to be peculiarly adapted to his calling.  As a writer he is quick, bright and correct; in fact, his scholarly training has done for him the little that nature left undone.  We bespeak for the young man a marked success in the future. 




F. P. Kelly, Journalist.




[Sacramento & San Francisco Cos.]


Born in the City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, January 7th, 1852; now 25 years old; commenced work when eleven years old, and for two years has was errand boy in different lines of business.  Mr. Kelly, at the age of thirteen, started to learn the trade of printer in the office of H. G. Leisenburg, in Dr. Jaynes' building, Third and Dock streets, Philadelphia.  Removed with his family to California in February, 1867, and arrived in Sacramento on the 17th day of March, in the same year.  Engage himself with H. S.Crocker & Co., 42 and 44 J. Street, to finish his trade, where he remained five years, and here became acquainted with the entire workings of everything connected with this self-educating profession.  Was employed for two years by E. G. Jeffries on legal printing.  In 1873, went into business for himself, and carried off a printing and newspaper business for 18 months, under the name of the "Global Printing Office."  In January, 1875, moved to San Francisco, where he was engaged in divers occupations.  In 1876 became commercial traveler for the branch of the Miller & Richard type foundry, of Edinburgh, Scotland.  In 1877 traveled for the well-known house of Painter & Co., type founders, of San Francisco.  In November, 1877, he came back to Sacramento, and excepted the position of business agent for the Sacramento Daily Bee, where he still remains.  Mr. Kelly is entirely a self-made man, though he is young yet; he has not distinguished himself in particular, but judging from the respect in which he is held by the community, and his past energy, we have no doubt his future will be marked with some successes.  Starting out in the world to battle with it, with only four years of common school education, and that the first principles, he has, by constant study and practical observations of men and things educated himself.  He has always striven to rise higher, and with some natural oratorical abilities, his main object being the study of the legal profession, to which he now devotes his attention as far as his daily applications will permit.




Hugh J. Mohan.




[San Francisco & Sacramento Cos.]


Born in my Minnerville, Penn., March 9th, 1848; educated in public schools of that town; worked in the coal mines; spent a while learning in the machinists trade; moved to Columbus County in 1865; was elected Secretary of the Workersmen's Union; served as a delegate; return to Pottsville; was appointed a school teacher, and was elected Secretary of Democratic Committee, and acted as reporter on the Standard; went to San Bonaventura College, Allegheny, N. Y.; returned, and was elected State Secretary of the Emerald Beneficial Association, and served two terms almost; was Orator of the Day in Easton on St. Patrick's Day; also in Minersville; lectured in Reading, Philadelphia, Phoenixville, Pittsburgh, Allentown, Altoona, and Harrisburg on various subjects; took the stump for the Democratic Party, and was elected to the State Convention held at Pittsburgh, and which nominated Lieut. Governor, as a delegate, and was made Secretary of same; continued in politics, and was again elected as delegate to the Democratic State Convention held in your Erie City, Pa., which nominated Governor; became editor of the Free Press, Pottsville, Pa., and was elected a delegate to the Workingman's State Anti-Monopoly Convention held in Harrisburg, and was made Secretary of same; took an active part in securing the abolition of certain laws obnoxious to the laboring element, and in securing the passage of others of great benefit to them; went to Washington City, D.C., with the Democratic tidal wave, and was elected to a position in the U.S. Treasury; acted as correspondent of several journals; resigned position, and was accepted that both Sergeant-at-Arms of the Committee of the House of Representatives which represented articles of impeachment against W. W. Belknap, Secretary of War of the United States; also, was attached to the Committee on Postoffices and Post- roads; subsequently became Secretary to Hons. P. D. Wigginton of Cal., Lafayette Lane of Oregon, and Benoni S. Fuller of Indiana; wrote for the Irish World and other powerful journals, and when the campaign of ‘76 opened, stumped through Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland for Samuel J. Tilden, and was known by the sobriquet of the "Young Irish Orator;" delivered the address on the occasion of the badge being presented to the best shot of the International Rifle Teams of Ireland, Scotland, Australian, Canada and the United States, in the City of Washington, to Lieut. Fenton of Dublin; continued with Hons. Wigginton and Lane until Hayes was inaugurated, and then, in company with the former, arrived in Merced City, Cal., on the 15th of March, 1877; was Orator of the Day in that City on St. Patrick's Day; after remaining there a couple of months, and making a trip to Yosemite, he returned to San Francisco, where he became a reporter on the Chronicle till the municipal elections, when he spoke in almost every public hall in the City in favor of the Democratic Party, and against Chinese immigration, and was pronounced by all a first-class speaker;  came to Sacramento as correspondent of the San Francisco Mail, and is now connected with the San Francisco Daily Globe.




Marcus R. Mayer.




[San Francisco County]


Correspondent San Francisco Daily Mail, and Clerk Senate Committee on Education, was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 1843, and arrived in California June, 1850.  Was the first Secretary of the Young Men's Central Democratic Club, one of the organizers of the above club, in 1868, and is now President of the same.  Was Journal Clerk of the Senate in 1869-70.  Mayor is a printer by occupation, and was, when working at the "case," a very prominent member of the Eureka Typographical Union, No. 21.  In the past few years he has traveled all over the United States and Europe, as a theatrical manager, but returned last year to the home of his boyhood.  Mr. Mayor is well known all over at this coast, more, however as a theatrical agent than a newspaper man; he is a nice looking man, and we judge after 40 years of age; he is the best dresser for one of the craft ever seen in the State of California, or elsewhere on the globe; he is a bright and forcible writer, quick to arrive at a conclusion on any subject, and quicker to commit his thoughts to paper.




Robert C. Page.




[San Francisco County]


Is the Chief Clerk of the Assembly; a native to Virginia, and a resident of San Francisco, where he is engaged as a broker.  He is a married man; about 50 years of age, and came to California in 1850, and was Clerk of the Common Council of San Francisco, from his arrival, until 1857.  Mr. Page is rather bald, somewhat gray; has a gentlemanly appearance, and understands his business; but his youthfulness at the desk has been materially impaired by poor health, since his election to office.




Charles L. Perkins.




[Sonoma County]


Ex-State Printer of Nevada, Secretary of the State Committee on State Prison and Prison Buildings, is a handsome bachelor of about 35 years of age, and is worthy of more than an ordinary notice and our hands.  We knew him well in the palmy days of the Silver State, where his enterprising spirit led the van in newspaper and mining enterprise in the eastern part of Nevada.  When but a boy, in 1861-2, he was a pioneer in the, afterwards, celebrated Humboldt Mining region, where he established the Humboldt Register, with W. J. Forbes.  The Register attracted great attention on account of the marked ability displayed in its columns.  On the eve of the White Pine excitement, he left Humboldt and went to Treasure Hill, where he remained until Spring, when he left the region of the "Pogonip," and established the Elko Independent, at the town of Elko, on the Central Pacific Railroad.  At the Democratic State Convention, held at that place in 1869, he received the nomination for State Printer, and was elected by a handsome majority, over his popular opponent, Harry J. Mighels.  The election to that important position called him to Carson City, where he established the Daily State Register, and made it the leading organ of the Democracy in the State, during the term of his office.  In the endeavor to establish a permanent party organ,, he expended more than he realized from his office, and eventually disposed of the material to the party from whom he bought it, Hon. Harry James Mighels, who had then returned from a protracted stay at the East.  Mr. Perkins then came to California, and settled at his old home in Sonoma County, where he is now engaged in stock-raising.  In the early part of this session, he was invited by Hon. Paul Shirley, chairman of the State Prison Committee, to act as Secretary, which place he now holds in order to give him an excuse to pass the winter in Sacramento.  All we have to say in this connection is, that the Committee has employed a man of rare ability, and one who will do his duty conscientiously, and will write for them a report that will reflect credit on all interested.  We cannot close this biography of so promising a young man, without informing the good people of California that Charles L. Perkins is liable to occupy a prominent position before the people at anytime, for he possesses the talent and honesty to call forth the support of all good man, and he makes friends, and keeps them, wherever he goes.




Maj. Jack Stratman.




[Sacramento & San Francisco Cos.]


The subject of the following autobiography is too well known on the Pacific Coast to need any comment from our pen, further than to say that by all newspaper men, State and city officers and hotel-keepers he is considered a welcome guest.  In person, Major Jack is low-set and squarely built.  His immense gray mustache and his sandy white hair give him a venerable as well as military appearance.  There are so many other old-timers in California that the publication of the following, gotten up by the Major at the request of the reporter, will be to such persons found extremely interesting: John Stratman was born in Philadelphia in 1824; learned the printing business in the Courier and Inquirer office in New York; ran away when his time was about to expire; went to sea before the mast and eventually brought up in New Orleans in 1840s; steamboated it on the Mississippi as a deck-hand when his friend, the late William C. Ralston, was the clerk of the steamboat Big Memphis; made two enlistments in the Mexican wars; was one of the first that landed at Brasos on the morning of the 8th and 9th of May; after peace was declared went to New Orleans; worked at his trade until struck with the gold fever in July, 1849; obtained a passage on credit around the Horn and arrived in 'Frisco in January, 1850; struck out for the mines; went to Marysville, thence to Long Bar; gave up in disgust diggings that were paying an ounce and a half a day and struck out for the mountains; fetched up at a place now known as Downieville; kept the big round tent there; named the city after old Major Downie for no other reason then to get his trade in his house; went and hunted up the diggings with an old sailor named Chips; mined on Kanaka creek; found the diggings that are now known as Forest City, Chips' Flat, and also Orleans Flat, adjoining Moor' s Flat; could not take gold out of the ground fast enough and gave up mining in disgust; went to work on the Times and Transcript and Alta California; sold newspapers; opened the book-store on chin music; had the entire control of the Eastern newspaper business on this coast; was not satisfied with doing well; made a fortune, and, being a rampant Union man during the rebellion, made a sad failure as a politician; was sent to the Chicago Convention and cast the ten votes of California for General Grant; did not vote for Schuyler Colfax, but voted every time for honest R. E. Fenton; established a newspaper called the Evening Tribune for about six months; made it lively for the Chinese; published an article about a Peter Funk watch stuffer named Joseph C. Duncan, warning the public that he was a bad egg and a swindler by occupation; was arrested for liable, and tried by a packed jury (Duncan was rich, and has now over one million dollars, the fruits of the Pioneer Bank swindle, and is now paying the police to not arrest him), found guilty and sentenced to six months' imprisonment in the County Jail; served his time out to the minute; was immediately summoned as a Grand Juror and appointed to inspect his late residence; bought a gin mill on cheek; made money fast--$30,000 before he stopped, but the Bank of California, after Ralston's death, by a trick somewhat similar to a three-card monte game, snatched him bald-headed, and he is now at his old business trying to make both ends meet by acting as a Sacramento correspondent to some of the San Francisco press, and trying to get a relief bill through the Legislature for his six months in jail for telling the truth about Duncan.




George Seckel.




[San Francisco & Tuolumne Cos.]


Assistant Secretary of the Senate, resides in San Francisco; is a native of Ohio, and came to California in 1849, and is therefore, one of the pioneers of the State.  He has filled various positions of public trust, gaining for himself a reputation for ability and integrity.  Mr. Seckel formally resided in the County of Tuolumne, and in 1856 was elected to fill an unexpired term by County Recorder.  In 1857 was re-elected to the same position.  In 1863 was appointed Under Sheriff of the same county, which office he filled until 1867, when he was elected to the office of Clerk of the Supreme Court, filling a term of four years.  Mr. Seckel makes an excellent clerk, unaffected his manners, and always willing to accommodate in his official capacity.  He has lived to the age of 53 years (although much younger looking), and has "paddled his own canoe" thus far. We would suggest that he take to himself, without further procrastination or timidity, a fair partner and helpmate, to assist him in rolling his boat the remainder of his journey down the stream of life, and thus relieve himself of the opprobrious epithet of old bachelor.  Try it, George.






P. J. Walsh.


[Santa Clara County]


The Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms of the Assembly, is a native of Ireland, and came to Californian 1857.  He is a married man; about 36 years of age, and resides in the town of Santa Clara, where he is engaged in the liquor business.  Mr. Walsh is a full-blooded Democrat, but has never been an office-seeker.  He makes the good officer, and is noted for his urbanity and politeness to visitors, and his willing disposition to serve and accommodate in his official capacity.




Alfred E. T. Worley.




[San Francisco County]


The subject of these remarks was born in the Portsmouth, England; is a man of family, and 40 years of age. He was employed for years on some of the principal London, Eng., newspapers, and came to California from thence in 1870.  His first engagement was on the Oakland News, and afterwards on the Vallejo Chronicle.  In 1871 Mr. Worley went into the employ of the San Francisco Bulletin, where he has since remained as a trusted, faithful reporter.  Mr. Worley has reported the business of the Nevada Legislature and of the State of California every alternate year.  He is one of those quiet, unobtrusive, business-like gentlemen who go through life without much trouble to themselves, and cause none to their neighbors.  In the legislative halls he attends to the business of those who employ him, and nothing else.




E. B. Willis.




[Sacramento County]


Short-handed Reporter for the Sacramento Record-Union, in the Assembly, has had a varied, checkered and eventful career as a newspaper man, on this coast, during the past seven or eight years.  He came to Sacramento in the Summer of 1871, from New York, where he had been a prominent newspaper man, and Court reporter, for a long time.  The Eighteenth Ward Tammany Association, of New York City, of which he was Vice-President, gave him a grand public demonstration, and presented him with a valuable diamond pin, on his departure for California.  Thus announced, he arrived in Sacramento, and was connected with the Sacramento Reporter, during the Fall campaign of '71, making some speeches throughout the county for the Democratic ticket.  He then went to San Francisco, and for some months did the "commercial" and "sensational" for the Chronicle.  When the Legislature met he returned to Sacramento, and was one of the Record short-hand reporters in the Senate, during the session of 1871-2, when the paper published proceedings verbatim.  After the session closed he went to Virginia City, and Nevada, and became Editor-in-Chief of the Evening Chronicle, which had just been started.  After a few months' residence in Virginia City he returned to Sacramento, and took the position of City Editor of the Sacramento Record, which he held until about the time of the Legislature of 1873-4, when he became the short-hand reporter of the Sacramento Union, in the Senate.  During the session of the Legislature of 1875-6, he was traveling in Europe, and on his return he retired to a ranch near Elk Grove, in Sacramento County, where he remained until the opening of the Legislature of 1877-8, when he again appeared in his old role, as short-hand reporter of the Record-Union, in the Assembly.  He is one of the best known of all the reporters now in the Pacific Coast, and we understand has about made up his mind to enter the field for some political preferment.  He is a candidate for member of the Constitutional Convention.




Hon. Henry Edgerton.




[Sacramento County]


He is a native of Windsor, Vermont, and about 48 years of age.  He resides in Sacramento City, where he follows his profession as an Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.  The wide-spread reputation of this gentlemen, both as a lawyer, and as and orator, is so extensively known, that the mere mention of his name is symbolic of that fine art which enchants vast auditories, and binds them to their seats, as with a magic spell.  It is not too much for us to say, and we do it without fear of disparagement to any one, that Mr. Edgerton is "the Demosthenes of California"--the master orator of the Pacific Slope.  On the "stump" as a campaign speaker, he has no superior in America; in fact, he is regarded by some, as the best political speaker in the American Union.  The bare announcement of his intent to address the people on the public issues of the day, is sufficient to crowd the halls and streets with the surging masses, to listen to his masterly orations, and for hours together he rivets the attention of his audience by his impassioned eloquence and sound logic, his perfect English, and his beautiful figures, working from them, as by an electric shock, spontaneous outbursts of applause and admiration.  His powers of invective are keen and cutting, and his sarcasm scathing and poignant, sufficient to cause its object to cry for "the rocks and mountains to fall upon them," and hide them from view.  As a legislator, he is equal to any emergency, being a superior tactician; and with hearty zeal and earnestness he devotes himself to the interests of his constituents.  It is generally conceded, that to his shrewdness and ability the election of Governor Booth to the United States Senate is largely due.  Mr. Edgerton is a Republican in politics, a prominent member of the party, and a gentleman whose public career is in the ascendancy.  We regard him as one of the coming man.  He came to California in 1853.




Col. W. M. Ord.




[Santa Cruz & Butte Cos.]


One of the Assistant Clerks of the Assembly, is a native of Washington, D.C., and a native of Santa Cruz.  He is a civil engineer by profession and occasional practice, and is also engaged in farming in Santa Cruz County.  The Colonel was a member of the Assembly, representing Butte County in the session of 1867 and '8, and was, up to two years ago, connected with the scientific party under Major Wheeler, in his explorations and surveys, west of the 100th meridian, under authority of the War Department of United States.  He is 42 years of age; married; intelligent and gentlemanly, and makes a very efficient clerk.




Geo. W. Green, Jr.




[San Francisco County]


The Enrolling Clerk of the Senate, is a native of New York, and came to California with his parents and 1850, via Panama.  He is now 30 years of age, and has grown up to manhood with the State.  He is a married man; tall; well built; fair complexion; upright as a fishing rod, and carries himself as though he thought a heap of George.  He has been Deputy County Recorder in San Francisco for the past eleven years, and is therefore a competent clerk, and what he don't know about the Enrolling office is not worth knowing.  It is needless to add that he is a Democratic.  George is a genial, good fellow, and popular among the boys.




Michael Mitchell.




[Tulare County]


The Engrossing Clerk of the Senate, is a resident of Visalia, Tulare County, where he has been employed as the clerk in the general merchandise store.  He owes his election to his present position to the influence of Senator Fowler.  He is a native of California, about 23 years of age; single; about medium-height; slimly put up; has a dark complexion, and a jet-black mustache.  This is his first experience in a public capacity, and he fully realizes the importance and dignity of his responsible position.




James G. Underwood.




[Santa Cruz County]


The Journal Clerk of the Assembly, is a native of Missouri, and resides at Watsonville, Santa Cruz County.  He is a schoolteacher by profession; 35 years of age, and a married man.  Mr. Underwood is a tall gentlemen, rather slim, a gentlemanly appearance and deportment, and withal, affable, courteous and intelligent.  He gives entire satisfaction in his official capacity.




Cornelius A. Mahoney.




[San Francisco County]


Correspondent Morning Call, San Francisco.  Born in Dublin, Ireland, 1848.  Was educated in Ireland and England.  Served as an officer in British navy.  Subsequently as a newspaper correspondent in Paris during the Franco-Prussian war, 1870-71, and the Commune.  Studied at the Royal College of Science, Ireland, 1872, and was selected as the Fellow of the Chemical Society of London in 1873.  Went to Peru, South America, early in the same year, and left the service of that government shortly afterwards to come to California.  After some months he adopted the profession of a journalist, and was engaged on the Evening Post, San Francisco, for the past three years, and until quite recently worked on that journal as special writer, correspondent and dramatic critic.  To the Post he contributed a number of lively, piquant sketches, which were quite a feature in the Saturday doublesheet.  His style is at once brilliant, terse and sparkling, while his "wit in the combat as gentle as night, ne'er carries a heart stain away on its blade."  Mr. Mahoney is a citizen of United States, a Democrat in politics.




Mrs. Laura DeForce Gordon.




Represents the Sacramento Bee and Oakland Democrat on the floor of the Senate and Assembly.  The fair dame is 36 years of age, comely in appearance, and is one of the most energetic of the newspaper correspondents.  She attends faithfully to her duties, and enjoys the respect of all for male correspondents.  Being a descendant of old Ethan Allen, she displays the beauty descending from that ilustrious family, and also has the vim that the old hero possessed.  Mrs. Gordon is an active worker in the interest of women, and has been often selected to represent the interests of California in their conventions.  She was invited to the platform in the National Liberal Conventions held in Cincinnati, in 1872, and has also delivered lectures before the Legislature of Nevada in 1871, in reference to the constitutional proposition to allow women to vote.  Also before the Legislature of California in 1870 upon the same proposition.  Mrs. Gordon holds to the opinion that women talk less than men, and to more effect.  If the Assembly is any criterion, Mrs. Gordon's statement is closely assimilated to the truth.




Joseph A. Woodson.




[Sonoma, San Francisco & Sacramento Cos.]


Born at La Porte, the Indiana, 1837; aged 40 years.  Mr. W. was educated at the Wesleyan Seminary, Albion, Michigan, in the Common School system of Indiana.  After reaching the age of the 11, Michigan City, Indiana, became his home, where his father was President for many years of the branch of the State Bank of Indiana.  In 1858 he came to California, locating with his grandparents at Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, where he read law with Jackson Temple, afterwards one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, and was admitted to the bar of the Seventh District Court before Judge McKinstry in 1860.  In 1862 he removed to San Francisco, and practiced law until November, 1872.  While in San Francisco he started, and for about three years edited the Pacific Law Reporter.  The first publisher of that journal was William Ayers, who was his partner in the business.  While in San Francisco he had charge of the law department of the Spectator, a daily paper published for some months by Crossette & Bliven.  Subsequently he served in like capacity in the Daily Dispatch, J. F. Linthicum, editor.  While in San Francisco founded and edited for over four years the The Calumet, the organ of the Independent Order of Red Men.  He was also connected with a temperance paper, meant to aid it, for nearly a year, for Francis Clark & Co. edited a little sheet in the interest of the Temperance Legion, entitled The Mustard Roll, simply for the purpose of aiding the organization.  He did literary work at the same time for W. W. Theobalds in the San Francisco Leader, a weekly literary journal, that at one time stood very fairly.  In July, 1872, he became San Francisco correspondent for the Sacramento Daily Record, William H. Mills & Co., proprietors.  In November, 1872 became statistical editor for the first statistical number of that paper, which appeared January 1st, 1873.  On its issuance was dispatched by the firm to Carson, Nevada, and was the paper' s correspondent to read during the legislative session.  In March, 1873, return to Sacramento, and took a position on the editorial staff as law and literary editor, and, as the occasion demanded, "special reporter and correspondent."  In the latter capacity he has visited several sections.  On the transfer of the Record to its present quarters, and the merging of the Record and the Union, under the title of Record-Union, William H. Mills, manager, he was given the same position as on the Record, and he holds it at this time.  For the Record-Union he was dispatched to Beaver, Utah, and reported the first trial of John D. Lee, of Mountain Meadows Massacre fame, writing over the signature of "Thaddeus."  He is married, and has the honor of being the father of two children.




James McClatchy.




[Sacramento County]


Born in Ireland in 1824; arrived at New York in 1840; left New York for California December, 1848; arrived at San Diego, Cal., via Mexico, in June, 1849, and passed on to the mines, and worked at Wood's Diggings, near Jamestown, Tuolumne County, during the Winter of 1849; came to Sacramento in the spring of 1850, where he resided ever since.  Was a California correspondent of the New York Tribune for some three years, beginning in 1849 and continuing until he had so much to write for his own papers that he had to decline the correspondents.  Had authority from Horace Greeley to write for the Tribune as often as once a day, or once a week, or once a month, at $5 a letter, short or long.  In Sacramento became acquainted with Ewer,  Fitch, Upham and others, who were about to published the Sacramento Transcript, a daily paper, and was the carrier thereof until it was merged with the Placer Times, and for the consolidated paper he was the legislate reporter for two sessions.  McClatchy, in company with others, started, in 1850 the Miners' Tribune, a weekly journal, which had a short life, and immediately after the flood of November 1852, started the Sacramento Californian, which lasted about a year.  In 1854 he became a partner with B. B. Redding, and one of the editors of State Journal of Sacramento, and in 1855 disposed of his interest therein.  In 1856 was associate editor of the C. Cole of the Sacramento Times, a Republican journal, and in 1857 became a reporter for the Bee.  In a year thereafter he became editor; and was elected Sheriff of the county in 1863, and served a term of two years.  In 1865 purchased an interest in the Bee, and has been its editor ever since, save for a few months in 1866-7, when he was engaged as managing editor of the San Francisco Times.




Wm. H. Mills.




[Sacramento County]


Born in Fayette County, Indiana 1836.  Came to California 1862.  Elected Grand Worthy Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the Good Templars 1864.  Served as Secretary and editor of the organ of the Order seven years; during which time the Home of Orphans was built at Vallejo.  Took charge of the Daily Record April 22d, 1872.  February 22nd, 1875, consolidated the Record-Union, since which time has been President of the Sacramento Publishing Co., and Managing Director of the Record-Union.  Mr. Mills is too well-known to the newspaper fraternity, and the people of the State generally, to need any comment at our hands.  In person, Mr. Mills is by no means large, that he is possessed of more than an ordinary share of brains, and in every phase of his life, has proven himself equal to the emergency.  As a writer, he is argumentative and caustic, and in ordinary disputation he is seldom surpassed.




Felix Tracy.




[Sacramento & Shasta Cos.]


The agent for Wells, Fargo & Co., at Sacramento, was born at Moscow, Livingston County, New York, March 19, 1829.  Left New York for California March, 1849, arriving at San Francisco, September 18th of the same year, where he engaged in merchandising until 1850.  He then went to the mines, working for a time on the North Fork of the American River; afterwards in the vicinity of Downieville.  In the Summer of 1850 when he entered the employee of Sam. W. Longton’s Express, as Messenger, between Marysville and Downieville, a position full of incident and adventure, a portion of the route being at times only passable by means of snow-shoes, employing and traveling in company with Indians.  In June, 1852, he entered the service of Adams & Co. as Messenger between Shasta and Marysville; made one or more trips as Messenger to Portland, Oregon, and also a trip in the same capacity between San Francisco and New York City; upon his return from this trip he entered the San Francisco office as clerk, and shortly after was sent by the company to Salt Lake City to establish an express and stage line between Los Angeles and St. Louis.  This was the first express ever carried into Utah Territory.  But in consequence of the failure of Adams & Co., in February, 1855, the enterprise was necessarily abandoned.  Mr. Tracy, being left entirely without means by the failure of the company, was so fortunate as to secure the position of Clerk of Quartermaster's Department under General Steptoe, then in command of the troops then stationed at Salt Lake, and so worked his passage back to California.  Arriving in Shasta in July, 1855, he was appointed by the Pacific Express Company their agent at that place, then one of the most flourishing mining towns in this State.  Upon the failure of this company, in the Summer of 1857, he entered the service of Wells, Fargo & Co., at Shasta, with which company he has remained until the present time, a period of nearly twenty-one years.  Mr. Tracy took charge of the Sacramento office in March, 1868, and is probably the oldest expressman in California, having been engaged in this business, with less than three months' interim, a period of nearly twenty-seven years.  While living in Shasta, Mr. Tracy served that county two terms as its Treasurer.  In Sacramento he occupied the position of School Director for the city two terms, and for three years was President of the Board.  Mr. Tracy is respected and trusted by all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance.  He has long been a prominent leader in the Presbyterian Church, and last year went as delegated from this State to the General Assembly held at Chicago.  Though modest and retiring, Mr. T. is a first-class businessman, and so recognize not only by the firm he has so long and faithfully served, but by all with whom he has done business during his long residence in California.




Jas. J. Kenney




[San Francisco County]


Clerk of the Printing Committee of the Senate, is a native of Australia, but a resident of California since early youth.  Mr. Kenney, though young in years, has occupied various public positions, from that of page on the floor of the Assembly in 1860; he has twice been elected Supervisor of the Third Ward, of San Francisco; also, Fire Commissioner of the same city.  Mr. Kenney is very popular in the city of his adoption, particularly in so among the younger element of the Democratic Party.  The position he now occupies in the Senate is one of importance, and the duties imposed upon him are satisfactorily preformed.




John D. Young.




[Sacramento County]


City Editor of the Record-Union, is a native of Ogdensburg, New York.  He came to California in 1861, and has constantly resided in Sacramento.  He is by occupation a printer.  Eleven years ago he became City Editor of the Sacramento Union, and now holds the same position on the Record-Union.  He is a widower, age to 37. He is known to all over the State as Captain Young.  He is a genial, cordial man, universally liked; exceedingly diligent, has great will power, is cool and brave.  He is a news gatherer.  He has the "art" to perfection.  He writes easily, clearly, pleasantly, and with frequent flashes of wit.  Is a man of strong friendships, and attaches friends to him with hooks of steel.  He is known all over California from his long newspaper career.  He goes every Summer on a hunt in the mountains, and has quite a reputation as a hunter; delights in the rod and gun, and in pursuit of game.  Is probably one of the most useful and reliable newspaper men in the United States.  As a printer he was known as the most rapid type setter in the city.  He has more friends and fewer enemies than any man in "newspaperdom" in California.




D. W. Willard.




There are many conductors on the Central Pacific Railroad, that are well worthy of notice, and we should like to give space in this book, but not been provided with the necessary data, have to confine our remarks to a few, and among them mentioned the above-name gentleman, who has been conductor on the Virginia City lightning train since it first commenced running.  Mr. Willard is a native of New York State; about 44 years of age; a married man, and a gentleman.  The traveling public respect him, and the company in whose employee has been, as the engineer and conductor, since the first starting of the Central Pacific Railroad, had every reason to place the utmost confidence in him.




J.  F. Calderwood.




The subject of these remarks has been in the employ of Central Pacific Railroad Company as conductor for ten years.  His run is between Sacramento and Truckee.  He is known by all those who travel the road as a gentlemanly and obliging officer, and is deservedly popular.  Mr. C. is a native of Maine, and aged 41 years.




Gen. H. B. Davidson.




[Butte & Sacramento Cos.]


Was born in Tennessee; is 46 years of age, and served during the Mexican war in the First Regiment Tennessee Volunteers.  He graduated at West Point in 1853, and served the First Dragoons, United States Army, after graduating, until 1861, when he resigned in went South.  He now resides in Chico, Butte County.  His residence in Sacramento is on the corner of K and Eighth streets; occupation, civil engineer.  He came to California in the United States Army in 1855.  He is Clerk to the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate.  He was Inspector on harbor improvements in at Wilmington, California, in 1875-6.




General George B. Cosby.




[San Francisco County]


The gentlemanly Journal Clerk of the Senate, is a native of Kentucky, and came to California in 1866.  He is a married man; about 47 years of age; a Democrat to the back bone, and resides in San Francisco.  The General's whole life has been a military one.  He graduated at West Point in 1853, entered and served in the United States Army until the Civil War broke out, when he joined his fortunes with the Southern Confederacy; entered its service, and rose to the rank of Brigadier-General.  He is slightly below the middle stature, proportionately stout, slightly gray, and has an intelligent expression, and gentlemanly bearing.




Patrick Joseph Murphy.




[San Francisco County]


Correspondent of the San Francisco Post.  He was born at Brooklyn, New York, September 27th, 1850, and educated in the Public Schools of that city.  He arrived in California in 1866, and has since resided in this State.  When the Post was started in 1871, he accepted the position of Cashier, and several months later resigned to a position on the reportorial staff.  In 1871 he succeeded the versatile Dan O'Connell as City Editor, and remained in that position until 1875, when ill-health forced him to temporarily retire.  He then took charge of the city department of the Ledger during its existence.  The Ledger was started in conjunction with the Post.  After the failure of the Ledger he returned to the Post, and assumed charge of the department known as the City Hall, which includes supervision of the entire city government, local and State politics.  He is recognized as the State political ‘sharp’ of the Post.  As a writer, the journalist, student, or man of savoir faire, he is second to none of his brother journalist.  By all who know him well, Mr. Murphy is regarded as being not only a brilliant but a sound writer, and his articles never fail of having great weight in the reform of the abuses, or the promotion of measures of benefit to the community.




William Horace Wright.




[San Francisco County]


Legislative correspondent of the Alta Californian, was born at Walworth, Surrey, England, on the 8th of July, 1844.  Educated at Ripton, Derbyshire, and London University School.  He arrived in California in October, 1873, after having traveled extensively through Europe.  By profession, he is a lawyer, having been admitted as an attorney in England in 1861.  For the past three years he has been a journalist, acting as an editor for the Monterey Herald, Monterey Californian, and as traveling correspondent for the San Francisco Chronicle, Morning Call, and Weekly Bulletin, during which time he has described the greater portion of the State, more especially the coast counties.  Upon the Call he had considerable experience as a local reporters; he has also acted as Legislative correspondent for the San Francisco Mail.  He is regarded as a fluent and forcible writer, tending somewhat too much at times to the flowery and descriptive.




D. W. Welty, Attorney.




[Sacramento County]


Came across the Plains in 1853; traveled down and along the Humboldt River from Humboldt Wells.  The Indians were then somewhat troublesome--stealing stock, and sometimes killing emigrants when found alone and unprotected.  Crossed the 40-mile desert when it was strewn all the way with dead carcasses of animals and broken wagons.  Traveled up the valley of the Carson River, passing but a short distance from the present city of Carson.  Camped at a Mormon settlement near the town of Geneva; crossed the Summits, over the Old Emigrant route, and, in the ordinary course of ox-team travel, reached the city of Sacramento---a stranger, and without money. After a residence of about a month, was taken down by a severe acclimating fever.  After recovering, opened a law office, and, with the exception of six years' residence in Nevada, has resided ever since in Sacramento.  In the year 1854 became a member of the Order of Odd Fellows. In 1859 was elected to the Assembly of the California Legislature; served the session of 1860; was chairman of the Committee on Public Buildings, and introduced the Bill under which the present State Capital was erected.  Introduced amendments to the Practice Act--some features of which have remained in law ever since, and have been copied into the Practice Act of Nevada.  In May, 1860, was elected by the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F., of California, Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of the United States, and served at the session convened at Nashville, Tennessee.  This was the last session ever attended by the Grand Sire Wildey, the founder of the Order in America.  In 1863 located in Austin, then Nevada Territory.  After the organization of the State Government--the Fall of 1866--was elected to the Senate of Nevada; served at the in session of 1867 and 1869, and was chairman of the Judiciary Committee of each session.  In 1870 he returned to California, where he is now residing.  Since his return he was elected and served as Grand Master of the Order of Odd Fellows of California, but has not been a candidate for any political office.




Hon. J. E. Clark.




[Santa Clara County]


The newly elected representative in the Assembly of Santa Clara County, is a native of England, and resides in Gilroy.  He is a married man; about 42 years of age; an independent Democrat politically, and a carpenter by trade and occupation.  He was elected to his present honorable position by the "Workingmen's Party," of which he is an enthusiastic member, and was President of its local club in Gilroy.  We have had the pleasure of Mr. Clark's acquaintance for some years, and know him to have a reputation for honesty, and industry and uprightness.  He is independent in thought and action, and will not be found the tool of any man, or set of men, contrary to his own judgment.  Mr. Clark is about the medium height, rather slim, has a wiry constitution, and is quick and energetic.  We predict that the "Workingmen" whom he represents, will have no cause to regret their choice.  He was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. C. W. Upton, of Santa Clara.




Hon. Samuel W. Boring [Berry?].




[Santa Clara, Nevada & San Francisco County]


Is the newly elected Senator of Santa Clara County, elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of W. C. Angney, of Gilroy.  He is a native of Tennessee, and in early life moved with his parents to Illinois.  He came to California in 1849, and is a member of the California Pioneers.  He is also a member of the Mexican Veteran Association, of Santa Clara County.  Mr. Boring is a resident of San Jose, and is a real estate and insurance agent by profession; a Jeffersonian Democrat politically; married; and was born on the 22d of February, 1824, and is therefore about 54 years of age.  He was formally a prominent citizen of Nevada County, and filled the various public positions.  He was the first United States Sheriff of that county, serving in that capacity from 1852 to 1855, in which latter year he was elected as Assemblyman to represent that county.  In the following year he was elected Sheriff, and served three years.  In 1864 he became a resident of San Francisco, where, for two years, he was engaged in various business speculations, and then moved to San Jose, where he has since continuously resided.  In 1870 he was chosen under Sheriff of Santa Clara County, and served two years.  Mr. Berry is a popular citizen of his County, a gentleman of intellect and dignified bearing, affable and courteous, and will, no doubt, prov an honor to his constituents, and a very useful member of the Senate.




John C. Morgan.




[San Luis Obispo & Los Angeles Cos.]


The popular Enrolling Clerk of the Assembly, is a native of Louisiana, and resides at Santa Monica, Los Angeles County.  He is 40 years of age, a man of family, a lawyer by profession, and a Democrat politically.  Mr. Morgan came to California in 1857, and became an attache of the U.S. Custom House for about three years.  He thence moved to San Luis Obispo County, where he was engaged in stock raising and trading.  Thence moved to Santa Monica, where he became the lessee  of Senator J.P. Jones' Hotel.  He has served as Justice of the Piece of his County, and is a Notary Public.  Mr. Morgan is a portly and accommodating gentleman and makes a good officer, and would do his county good service as a delegate to the forthcoming Constitutional Convention.




E. J. Haight.




[Yolo County]


Was elected Engrossing Clerk of the Assembly against a strong opposition, and makes an efficient and conscientious officer.  He is a resident of Woodland, Yolo County, a married man of 34 years of age, and a druggist by profession.  Mr. Haight has never been a politician or office seeker, but is ambitious to make a record for honesty, integrity, and economy in his official capacity of which he may not be ashamed, when he returns to his constituents.




Wm. K. McGrew.




[San Francisco County]


Chief correspondent of the "Call," age 49.




Source: Pen Portraits, In Sacramento City, during the Session of the Legislature of 1877-8, Compiled by R.R. Parkinson.  San Francisco, 1878.


Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.